What if? What if Obama is preparing us for Islamic takeover?

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by Pregnar Kraps, Feb 4, 2013.

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    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Now that was funny.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thats pretty much what I am doing to Birthers on the boards here.
  2. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    After reading a thread entitled, "Do you trust the US government?"

    I asked and answered that question silently, "NO!"

    Then it occurred to me that if I'd been asked that question before 2009 I would have said, "yes."

    Of course, the difference is that Obama's actions, tactics, lies and manipulations in office have been exclusively responsible for eroding not only MY trust of the government but roughly half of the nation's trust.

    Then it occurred to me that many posters from the Middle East whom I've seen here and at other forums tend to mistrust their governments and their media. You can tell this mistrust by their tendency to believe most any crazy idea or rumor and a tendency to disbelieve their media. We have seen how these tendencies have destabilized the Middle Eastern country's societies and led to political and social upheaval and a break down of civil order.

    In the subsequent chaos the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah and other fundamental Islamist groups have been able to slither in and take control or gain a foothold in those countries.

    Islamic fundamentalism can't easily make gains in well ordered, peaceful, contented populations.

    They NEED chaos and mistrust of the government and media to more readily gain and spread their control.

    Which brings us to Obama.

    Now, if Islamic fundamentalists were asked to select the kind of conditions they'd want to exist in the USA so they could turbo boost their long-term campaign to take over our society and government what do you think they'd prefer?

    That the American people mistrusted their government.

    That the American media would act as a de facto state run media which the people could not believe or trust.

    That the patriotic citizens of the USA didn't know what or who to believe and were whip sawing from rumor to rumor, not knowing what was fact and what was fiction.

    And Obama has created exactly those conditions.

    If the GWB administation made it difficult for Islamists to make inroads in America, the Obama administration has created a much more favorable set of conditions.

    Just one more piece of a puzzle that may not be a puzzle at all. It's still too soon to say for sure.

    I'm just collecting the pieces.
  3. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    I';m sure the mounds of weapons of Mass destruction that were found in Iraq cemented your trust in the Bust abministration

    Yes. Mitt Romney called you the 47%

    YOu mean like believing every single youtube video without question and disregarding everythingle news outlet that does not have the word FOX in it?

    Wow, someone does not have one single solitary clue about the rest of the world.

    Thats why wahabism pretty much started in Saudi Arabia...

    See The chaos in Saudi Arabia.

    Oh boy oh boy

    Lets see. America having destroyed the most powerful secular power in the region, then bled white by cutting taxes in the moddle of 2 wars, and then a bunch of bigots who cannot trust any Politicial withthe word Democratic on their name. Noit to mention desperate to avoid blaming the whole mess on their party,


    That explains why the Jeremiah Wright clips were only shown 38398439483984 times and the pro GOP bias of the media, including people who left FOX admitting they they literally read press releases of the Bush administration out on air as if they were news.

    Heres a tip, if some idiot makes a youtube clib without any evidence at all, its probably a fair bet its a lie.

    The Obama administration created a bunch of nutballs who believe everything on Youtube, and a TV network that literally acts as the mouthpiece of the GOP to the extent of hiring GOP politicians as their spokesmen. See also Joe Scarborough, GOP governer.

    Well hey, at least there was no Islamist attacks on america on Bushes watch! And hey at least Bush has no connections to the house of Saud, who rules Saudi Arabia and is related to the Bin Ladin family. They only bailed out every company George Jr ran into the ground. Good practice for running america into the ground.

    I love it when they pretend to be thoughtful.

    As long as they can be turned upsidetown and back to front to make Obama look bad, and then gently flitted into place with a hammer.
  4. Colonel K

    Colonel K Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    If he's preparing the Islamic takeover, then the Socialists will be pissed at being put on hold...
  5. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Yes but you see they are both controlled by the Vatican, which is controlled by the Masons who are controlled by aliens. I saw it on a youtube so it must be true.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    My Obama has been busy!

    All by himself he has single handedly polarized us- nobody else was involved at all.

    You know- not the people calling him a closet homosexual, and muslim and communist. Not the people claiming he must have been born in Kenya because.....well because.

    You know- not the Republicans who to this day are labeling half of America as the 'takers'.

    What I really get confused by is exactly who Obama is conspiring with- sometimes its the Jews, sometimes the Muslims, sometimes Communists, and lets not forget the Masons and the New World Order.

    And what about those Kenyans?

  7. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    God forbid you ever aspire to be a medical doctor or a detective. You'd laugh at the patient for presenting you his symptoms. Or you'd try sweeping the evidence of a crime under the rug.

    All of the people/groups you tried smearing in your post were only reacting to strange circumstances or questionable actions by or surrounding Obama. Don't fault them for not being able to narrow down the exact cause of those strange situations.

    When you smell something 'funny' but you can't immediately identify the nature of the smell and you make a guess as to what it might be, only a silly, immature person would fault you for guessing incorrectly.

    What a smart person would do is wait until more evidence came to the fore or jump in and start investigating.

    Are you going to start acting like a smart person in this matter or not?
  8. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    I see Obama's Alinsky tactics aren't lost on you. Blame Bush whenever possible. We get it.

    And when blaming Bush isn't appropriate, smear Romney. Even if you have to 'play' dumb to do it.

    So, you are joining me in arriving at unfounded conclusions I take it? Are you disagreeing with my personal observations? Prove they are not true if you can.

    Wouldn't your Imam be proud of how you've helped educate the readership here, since by your estimation, I'm without a single solitary clue? Ironic, isn't it, that that is precisely what this thread is about? Collecting and analyzing and presenting possible clues.

    I was referring to the effort of infiltrating a non-Muslim society. Saudi Arabia was already Islamic when Wahabbism took hold.

    See my comment immediately above this one.

    Uh, just a tip for ya, Black men don't like being called, "boy." And even though he's half-Black I'm sure Obama would not appreciate your racist comments.

    Well now! That's the kind of cooperation and participation I've been hoping to get from you. Those conditions that you mention, added to those that have been created by Obama's administration would seem to create the perfect spawning ground for little baby Jihadists, alright! Thanks for your help.

    Just when I thought you'd seen the light. Oh well. Everyone knows the media is leftist and NBC/MSNBC is a virtual state run TV network that covers for Obama and does his bidding without even having to be asked. Face it, if the media had explored the unanswered questions about Obama the same way it did all the other candidates we wouldn't be talking about him here.

    What YouTube clip are you talking about???

    Again with the YouTube videos!?! With virtually every other news outlet leaning to the left, some people (like you and Obama and his Ho's) would like to shut down ALL serious dissent I see. You don't even want ONE network to present a fair and balanced alternative to the Progressive propaganda. Well, this is America, pal. And we believe in hearing BOTH sides of an issue. And if you and Obama don't like it, tough nuggies. And Joe Scarborough, former Republican Congressman from Florida and currently host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" talk show, is a RINO.

    You can't blame him for maintaining good relations with those who sit atop the World's greatest supply of oil. That would be suicidal. Perhaps I shouldn't use the word, 'suicide' around you?

    See what happens when you are subjected to state run media and an untrustworthy government long enough? You begin to doubt everything! For the record, I WAS being thoughtful.

    Another Alinsky tactic, I see. Projecting your own flaws, errors or indiscretions onto others.

    Your post was a giant waste of my time and yours. But at least you are absorbing the info in this thread, however reluctantly.
  9. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Whew! I sure am glad you prefaced your sterling remarks with the word, "If." No one here has come to any final conclusions as to whether he's actually trying to serve US up to the Brotherhood...yet.
  10. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Yep, this guy is a true independant.

    Aww isn't he precious? You are the accuser, you have to prove your case. So far you haven't even had the balls to actually say "Obama is doing X" All you are doing is hiding behind asking fake questions. Which means that you don't actually have any evidence for your (*)(*)(*)(*) at all, much like there was no evidence for WMD's in Iraq

    No this thread is you hating the president and trying to pretend he is a Muslin because he is black.

    So, what was all your claims about Egypt and other countries? Every single one of those countries is a Muslim country. Try getting some examples of your sneaky muslims doing their thing.

    Oh and Kenya is a Christian country, fact fans.

    Please no.

    Then why are you demanding Barack Obama show you his papers, and why are you calling him Boy, and sneering at every single thing he tells you?

    "A BLACK MAN graduating magna cum laude from Harvard and having a successful law degree before entering politics and eventually becoming president? NO (*)(*)(*)(*)ING WAY, he must have had help and cheated his way through there. And I bet he's not even a Christian either. Those vucking black (*)(*)(*)(*)ers, you cant trust a thing they tell you. I bet his mama was a slut and slept with every black man in America too" <-- quote from Pregnar Kraps

    Wow, stunning. When did the financial collapse happen again? And who was president in the lead up to the collapse, including the massive subprime mortgage boom and rampant speculation on a newly deregulated wall street? Who cut taxes in the middle of 2 wars, something no other country has done in the history of the planet, and then ran up a huge credit card bill to pay for it all and kept the bill off the books so no-one would notice? Who's VP said in 2002 to shut up the Treasury secretary "Reagan proved that deficits done matter" Hint, his name was not Obama

    I'm sure you enjoy the 3 hour Conservative program in the morning on MSNBC thats run by an ex GOP politician. Thats neatly balanced by 2 hours of liberal programming in the evening when people are watching other shows on other channels.

    The ones some idiot called Pregnar Kraps posted.

    You know that FOX faught and won a lawsuit to be able to lie, right? And you know which company runs the chinese communist media, and whos owner is married to a Chinese woman, right? Yep, FOX. If Any other media outlet had that kind of ties you would be having an aneurysm

    Everything is to the left when you are to the right of adolf hitler.

    Tsk tsk. It was the Saudis maintaining good relations with HIM. It was THEIR money that bailed out the companies that he ran into the ground.

    The only thought in your head was "I HATE BARACK OBAMA" and deliberately heading into insanity for the sake of that hatred.

    The only person I know of who studied and followed Alynsky was Andrew Brietbart.

    No, I'm just pointing out what everyone knows, that you are a stupid, racist, brainwashed idiot that does not have a clue about anything, and who has to stick a question mark after his accusations because he does not actually have any evidence at all
  11. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Oh but I can fault them. Perhaps you aren't old enough to remember or have an email account in 2008, but I am. I was receiving quite enough emails from people with the express purpose of smearing Barack Obama- there were emails about how he was gay, emails about how he was born in Kenya, emails about how he was a communist, and lots of none to subtle emails about how his father was from KENYA.

    Most of the emails were out and out lies, and easily proven so. But for the haters, it didn't matter- they were intended to inspire the xenophobes and racists.

    I naively thought that after he was elected that this type of transparent smearing would fade away. Boy, was I wrong.

    I will grant you that there were people who heard rumors and legitimately were alarmed by the rumors and speculation. But almost all of those went away the day that President Obama held a press conference and showed the world two certified copies of his birth certificates, and which the State of Hawaii confirmed again that yes he was born there.

    From that day on, the remaining Birthers are essentially loons. Some are con men using gullible Birthers for their own purposes(WND, Mario Apuzzo), some are truely delusional- and despicable people like Orly Taitz- and some are just gullible people who desperately want there to be a reason that Obama can't possibly be President.

    If you look at the last remaining Birthers- they are willing to accept any - and usually every- bizarre theory as long as it paints Obama in a bad light. Often Birthers will even accept contradictory theories I guess with the idea that more accusations makes them sound 'truthier'.

    Yes I fault those who continue to slander not only the President but his dead mother and his dead grandparents. They have no proprietary and they have no shame.
  12. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Okay I didn't realize you were still confused.

    Barack Obama is the United States President. And just like Bush and Clinton before him, he is attempting to do what he thinks is best for America.

    Like Bush and Clinton before him he is not in league with:
    The Communist Party
    The Muslim Brotherhood
    The Illuminati
    The Masons
    The KKK
    White Supremacists
    The Black Panther Party
    Aliens from outer space
    The imperialist forces of Kenya
    The New World Order
    The Gay Mafia
    The Italian Mafia
    The Amish Mafia
    The Seseme Street Mafia.

    Glad I could offer up those final conclusions you were looking for.
  13. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Youtube video's are the preferred way for propaganadists to distribute propaganda. Doesn't cost anything, there are no annoying calms about journalistic ethics, and the people who watch them generally don't bother to verify anything in the video.

    Anytime- every time- someone posts a link to Youtube as proof of anything- without any other backup- I assume that they are just posting biased propaganda.
  14. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Whenever I see a birther claim "everyone knows" I get a big chuckle.
  15. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Sure, and sometimes dogs bark at apsolutely nothing.
  16. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Yeah, as if they were barking at a ghost? Yes, Casper. We get it.

    Thanks for your contribution.
  17. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Sadly, you derive a perverse thrill from being ignorant to what is otherwise common knowledge.

    And please identify the birther you speak of.
  18. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    I'm not convinced. Show me a YouTube proving your "conclusions."
  19. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Oh I have been refuting Birthers for 4 years now- its a fairly common phrase that is used as a substitute for facts.

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    Now that is funny- be careful- you might lose your Birther card if you let them know you have a sense of humor.
  20. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Where were YOU born??? It's "propriety." Not proprietary.
  21. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Oh, well would that make Barack Obama's entire administration a birther? It stands as a substitute for facts, right?
  22. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I don't remember the Administration ever saying "Well everyone knows that Barack Obama was born in Kenya- oh and everyone knows that in order to be eligible, you must have had two American citizens are a parents.

    Perhaps you can show me what I missed?
  23. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Stop lying about me and making up obviously fake quotes and attributing them to me.

    Oh, and MY birth certificate indicates I was born a "Negro." So please continue with your race baiting. People get a kick out of your absurd, perverse nature. Well, at least I do.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You missed my ever saying that.
  24. Toro

    Toro New Member

    Mar 29, 2009
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    Is this sarcasm?

    It's hard to tell over the Internet sometimes.
  25. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    The handle has nothing to do with the ghost, just so ya know.

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