Again, statistics are not your enemy, even if it doesn't coincide with your ideological goals. Statistically, blacks and Latinos have lesser advanced education and this low skill jobs. This isn't really debatable considering facts. Denying facts doesn't make one's views more valid.
the real jobs Americans are losing is the Jobs being outsourced to places like India, good paying jobs will either Candidate promise to make it cost more to outsource jobs?
I get it, the looney left narrative is so ridiculously outlandish, it's hard to even comprehend it.
Why? Ebonics is a recognized cultural (rather than geographical) modification to the English language. Are you seriously denying this exists?
Statistically speaking black jobs are low skilled jobs. Those are the same jobs that the majority of illegal immigrants seek. Trumps comment was correct.
Why not make American labor more competitive with less asinine. pointless regulation and less empowerment of trial lawyers.
that is what they need to do, make it cost American companies as much to hire Americans and Outsourcing I suggest taking away the Trump tax cuts from the corps and only offer a tax cut to those that do not outsource
iWill explain why that is a racist post but it would be genuinely better for one if they can figure out themselves why it is racist. Then one will feel a sense of achievement in having discovered something by themselves and this discovery shall have a longer lasting affect due to having gone through their own thought process instead of being told what to think.
No, not every post, just the ones iQuoted on at the top of the previous page. Did you read the posts iQuoted?
So my pointing out clear racism here means iWill get a bullet in my head? Pretty extreme response huh? How about debate?
A bit of a generalized statement bro. iPicked out a handful of clear racist posts that use offensive anti black terms but that doesn't faze you. It's a sorry state of affairs.
You of course chopped of the important part probably because you have no answer for the truth And none of the stuff called racist is. Statistics are not racist you creating micro aggressions that clearly exist only in your own mind is.
taxing corps less that do not outsource jobs overseas, would be like taxing people less that hold on to a stock for a longer period of time and are not day trading
I have not heard that word since the 70s and early 80s. It was wielded to belittle and fulfill the beliefs of bigots who refused to see blacks as individuals worthy of the same dignity as themselves.
To answer the question in the title, it's a job held by a black person. Weird how the Lying Fake News Media focuses on a minute of Trump's interview and ignore the 36 minutes spent on Kamala's terrible record. Here is Little Georgie Stephanopoulos yelling at Black Man that his thoughts are wrong. 'An unhinged George Stephanopoulos threw a tantrum this morning over Kamala Harris's "racial identity" George: "I don't understand why you keep on repeating it. Why the president keeps repeating it" Byron: "George, actually I'm not the one who keeps repeating're the one that's bringing it up" George: "You've done it THREE times... now let me finish" Byron: "George you've asked me the question three times" '^s1_&ref_url=
According to the BLS financial operations occupational categories.
TRaitor tRump said that immigrants were “taking black jobs”. Huge mistake, wreaking of condescension and prejudice. Then when asked what a “black job” is he tried to cover and recover by saying “anyone that has a job”. Disgusting!