I believe that there is no real way we can label our governing system accurately to be honest... I think that our government structure has been and continues to be an ever evolving one. I feel that the reason democracy lasted as long as it has in America is due to the fact that it was beneficial to the most powerful people in America. I think we will cease to be a democracy as soon as this system no longer suits the desire of those individuals.
Article 4 Section. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,
I guess the rich Elite likes to have higher taxes. and have regulations that destroy business and the way they make more money? since the rich own the two parties.
The rich/elite pay less than 13% of their "claimed" income (not even close to their actual income), under a tax code invented and controlled by their political sock puppets, how much do you pay? Once you include all taxes (not just income tax), you pay a much higher percentage than they ever will. Ignorance is bliss I guess?
I know how much I pay in taxes. and between my houses, everything I buy. and my income taxes. so just because I don't pay as high of percentage of taxes as somebody else. I still pay a heck of a lot more then most people. Again. you have the rich. that pay millions into taxes, pay millions into charities that help others. Then you have the people who pay almost 0 taxes. and takes hundreds of thousands out of the system each year. so who is it that really controls the system? You also have cities, states and a nation that are going bankrupt. and you still have states like California with a Governor who claims we can't make ends meet if we don't keep the higher taxes all while giving his prison guard thugs a huge pension boost. Now lets see who really controls the Democrat party. You have millions of people, who pay millions to get these people elected. with tax payer money. that can't be taxed. and then goes around telling hard working citizens that they need to raise taxes. so I guess as you put it "Ignorance is bliss" when it comes to the thugs that run the Public Unions that the Democrats support and are in bed with.
It is a two party government, but not with the two parties you think (not dems and reps) It is one of sellout and pandering for money and popularity. a. Politicians pander the votes of the wealthy. b. The wealthy corporations pay lobbyist to pass a bill. c. The wealthy pay campaign funds to politicians for their benefit. d. The politicians pay the Broadcast and marketing media to make them look good. e. The wealthy corporations pay the broadcast media to market their product and make them look good. And they wealthy profit from the politicians actions and the broadcast media. So it is a two party government. Party 1) the wealthy companies that benefit from the politicians, and Party 2) the broadcast marketing media who benefit off the wealthy and the Politicians.
can't forget the Union thug bosses. who pay for the campaign. so they can get the people elected that will turn around and give them HIGHER pensions, better benefits and screw the rest of tax payers for the ones who get them elected.
That is a bit oversimplified, There is enough blame to go around but painting with such a broad stroke is unfair.
    If the roof leaks and I identify the problem I am jealous of the roof?? No maybe the leak??         If you take 20% from the working middle class, with little to no expendable income, then 20% from the rich/elite is the only honest thing to do as well. And like I said, they do not claim everything they make, are able to hide income, and later in life when they do spend the cash it is tax free then as well if they know how to milk the system. They should know the system was designed by and for them.     It's simply amazing the brainwashing that has gone on in this country in the past few decades. When the rich take more than they deserve they are heroes but when a working man tries to get a realistic share of the profits his work creates he is a thief. This is what is wrong with this country, when work became a 4 letter word the country becomes inferior. Welfare wasn't created by the poor it was imposed by the rich. You do realize that every dime that goes to supplement the insufficient income of underpaid peasants, or paid out as an alternative to you know, working for a living, finds it's way into the pocket of the rich/elite within a few days of it being distributed by the government, right?     Politicians that are on the union payroll are no different than the one's on the mega corporations payroll. It's all big business for big business, by big business. The government of the two party system has been compromised by the highest bidder, and is no longer the people's government.
not my fault. I did not vote for him. so try again. But yes it is the fault of the people who followed the lies of the mass media. and actually thought that somebody who talked so much about change. would actually change anything. you would think that what they claim the most during their campaign is truly what they care the less about. its just what the surveys show that the people care the most about. and so that is what they campaign about. if surveys showed that most Americans cared more about the rights of Donkeys and that most Americans thought that Donkey's should be allowed to be counted in the car pool lane. then Obama would have campaigned on that.
Maybe. The Electoral College chose Obama and the Bildebergs chose Obama and possibly some modified computerized voting machines chose Obama.
Yes, to a degree. The Federalists were quite anti-democracy, the anti-Federalists differed. Hence the US operates under a polyarchy not a democratic system.
Yes, you do, quite self evidently. Perhaps, but the constitution itself and almost as a consequence the states, operate as to protect the interests of the wealthy and empower them in the hope they are the more capable, forgetting their corruptibility. John Jay, the first chief justice of supreme court, summed it up nicely; "The people who own the country ought to govern it."