What The Liberal-Left Does Not Understand About Trump

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by impermanence, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Pieces of Malarkey

    Pieces of Malarkey Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2022
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    And I read somewhere recently that Gorsuch was the guy who suggested to somebody (maybe the Heritage Foundation) several years ago that Chevron Deference was a good case with which to reverse the Chevron (and follow on Massachusetts) frauds.

    Maybe we can make January 17th a national holiday. Sort of a refounding of our country.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
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  2. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Supreme Court Signals Openness To Curbing Abusive Federal Regulatory Power

    A 40-year-old decision by Radical Left Wing Court that built the unaccountable Deep State is teetering before a Court that impartially applies the Law and Constitution.

    'The two challenges before the justices Wednesday arose from a 2020 federal regulation requiring owners of fishing vessels in the Atlantic herring fishery to pay for monitors who collect data and oversee operations while they're at sea.'

    Radicalized Federal Staff Pukes Demanded Fisherman Pay the Salaries of folks placed on their boats to 'monitor' them at sea.

    'The justices focused on the 40-year-old legal doctrine underpinning the fight known as "Chevron deference," which requires courts to defer to an agency's interpretation of laws passed by Congress if it is "reasonable."'

    We defer only to God, the Law and the Constitution.

    The Court noted that "Deference" has resulted in the regulations swinging like a weather vane on acid in a tornado with changes in the party controlling the WH. That is unjust because it does not give the law abiding citizen the opportunity to order their lives in a lawful manner, because what is 'lawful' changes with the next election. A Free People has a right to more consistency and a clear communication of expectations from regulators.

    Justice Neil Gorsuch has seen enough harm from this agency deference. "Even in a case involving herring fishermen and the question of whether they have to pay for government officials to be on board their boats — which may call for some expertise but it doesn't have much to do with fishing or fisheries, it has to do with payments of government costs — lower court judges even here in this rather prosaic case can't figure out what Chevron means,"

    The Chief Justice immediately picked up the baton: 'Chief Justice John Roberts noted that it has been several years since the Supreme Court invoked Chevron and wondered whether it has "overruled it in practice, even if we've had to leave the lower courts to continue to grapple with it?"


    The Agency Staff Pukes were charing $700 a day for 'monitoring' the boat.

    Gorsuch: 'Chevron rarely benefits immigrants, veterans seeking benefits or people applying for disability benefits who lack the power to influence agencies during the rule-making process and turn to the courts to challenge regulations. "In every one of those, Chevron is exploited against the individual and in favor of the government,"' Gorsuch said.
    Pieces of Malarkey likes this.
  3. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Scuttling 'Chevron' Precedent Will Put Ship Of State Back On A Constitutional Course
    '...constitutionalists have come to recognize that Chevron enables the administrative state to arrogate power to itself while flouting due process guarantees that protect all Americans...'

    'Chevron is a court-made legal doctrine from 1984 requiring judges to defer to an agency’s reasonable interpretation of an ambiguity in a statutory provision it administers. It falsely treats ambiguity – and even statutory silence – as implicit delegations of rulemaking power from Congress to agencies.'

    Laws are made by Congress, not agency staff pukes.
    Laws are clear concise statements.
    Ambiguity is unenforceable: silence has no power in a properly operating Constitutional Liberal Democracy.

    'an executive branch agency, like anyone else, cannot be trusted to render judgment in its own case. The agency has a policy agenda and is subject to the president’s political influence. Regulators will invariably interpret (or, as in this case, seek out) “ambiguous” provisions to benefit their power-expanding agendas. That no man can be the judge of his own case is an ancient principle of justice so basic that it should not need restating. But as we have seen, the administrative state imperils first principles.'

    Congress Control Agencies Through Appropriations

    'NOAA has salvaged its preferred regulatory program in the face of lapsing congressional appropriations by discovering latent authority to pass costs on to fishermen in a 40-year-old statute.'

    'Due process requires that disputes be resolved with neutral rules in a neutral forum by impartial judges. But Chevron makes a mockery of neutrality. It requires a judge to pre-commit to resolve legal ambiguity in favor of one party – and the most powerful party at that – the federal government. Put differently, Chevron systematically injects pro-government bias into legal proceedings;'
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