Hey Bob. How come you're not on a real conspiracy, Like Obamas Birth certificate. Nobody's seen it yet.
Let's continue with this line of thinking Bobby. Here is a video compilation of 18 clips of the WTC2 impact. Of all those, the views (which are numbered in the video) that show the plane and the perimeter facade facing that was impacted are: 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17 Out of those 7 views, show me a screenshot where YOU (since you are the one making the claim) think YOU CLEARLY see the flash before the impact (nose meeting the perimeter facade).
I have commented numerous times on your copy/pasta ... I even tried to go point by point with you as well as summarizing but you continue to embellish or take points out of context ... regarding the vid in post 423 ... the flash from whichever angle looks to me like the moment of impact ... pods and missiles ffs ...
Start watching at the 7:45 time mark and the 9:05 time mark. Was the 9/11 Attack the 2001 Version of "Operation Northwoods"? Something comes out of the section where the alleged pod is and then collides with the side of the building. Your video ignores that detail.
This still frame? Can you show me in any of the four video frames shown above how you can tell where the end of the nose of the aircraft is compared to where the flash is, and how you can tell the nose isn't impacting the facade at the that point?
Why are you answering a post directed at Bobby? Anyways, I'll play along. You posted this: The video you referenced has the title "Flashes Before the Planes Hit the World Trade Center." and are using that as the premise that something was fired at WTC2. Is that correct? That if the flash did indeed occur before the impact, then something HAD to be fired ahead of the impact to create that flash? If not, what exactly IS the point your trying to make using that video?
http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/what-truthers-believe.532027/page-24#post-1069825625 I'm not talking about the impact of the nose of the plane against the side of the building. I'm simply saying that something can be seen leaving the alleged pod. It's not just a flash that appears on the side of the building.
I see nothing leaving the "pod". And it's not a "pod" as has been explained. How about you take a screenshot where YOU see something leaving the "pod"?
Any objective person can see it. Start watching at the 7:57 timemark. There is a bright light reflected on the side of the plane just ahead of the alleged pod a frame or two before the flash appears. If you don't see that, it's because you don't want to see it. Was the 9/11 Attack the 2001 Version of "Operation Northwoods"?
An "objective" person can see it? Your point was that YOU saw an object in motion moving AWAY FROM THE "POD" hence your comment of "leaving the "pod". How does an objective person equate a "bright light reflected on the side of the plane" with "something leaving/flying from the pod"?
Start watching at the 7:47 time mark. The nose hasn't hit the building yet and there's a light on the side of the plane. It might be a very hot object or it might be the flash of its having been fired. Do some fast double clicks with the mouse to go to the next frame and you can see something between the alleged pod and the building. Keep doing fast double clicks to see it frame by frame. The object keeps moving forward until there's a big flash on the side of the building. That's obviously something leaving the plane and then hitting the building.
The "flash" in the red oval looks like a "hotspot" from an object being fired? Are you kidding? I suppose the "hotspots" in the blue ovals are "objects being fired " also? Reflections Scott. Sorry, but you're wrong.
A good point is made here at the 2:22 time mark. Flashes Before the Planes Hit the World Trade Center. The flash can't be the fusilage colliding with the building because it's in the wrong place.
I'm a little confused about what you're saying. The flash is to the right of the fuselage. If the flash were caused by fuselage hitting the building, the flash would not be to the right of the fuselage. Please be a little clearer.
Youre missing my point. The fact that the nose has already impacted the wall is obvious. The point I'm making is that the flash is in the wrong place. How could the flash be to the right of the spot where the nose inpacts the wall? Go back and watch the video in post #491 at the 2:22 time mark again.
The video is also low quality. Look at the ghosting of the plane as its movement transitions between frames.
Again, the video is crappy quality and there are going to be artifacts and quality issues with it. Look at the previous pictures I posted with the red lines showing the distance from the white reflection to the end of the nose.
No it isn't. It's a video artifact and can be proven with the other images. Look at post #499. It proves my point. The video is crappy quality. I've shown you the ghosting which is another anomaly due to crappy video quality.