Which of these three options would be best for America? Conservatives take over all 3 branches of government, and pass drastic legislation. Such things as austerity. defunding massive government programs. Social legislation to repair the "family" as they see it. Mass deportations. This may mean something different to everyone, but ultimately. enforcing dramatic conservative economic / social policies. So whatever you might think this would entail. I only listed a few small things. Liberals take over all 3 branches of government and pass drastic legislation. Expanded tax credits. Empowering unions. Removing social barriers to certain social groups ( trans, gay, black, etc ) Allowing people to make their own choices as to what constitute family. Fully funded safety blanket policies. This may mean something different to everyone, but ultimately. enforcing dramatic liberal economic / social policies. So whatever you might think this would entail. I only listed a few small things. A return to centrist government built on compromise. No one gets everything they want. Both sides make concessions and work together to bring government back to the centrist area where MOST Americans are at. You win some you loose some. This may mean something different to everyone, but ultimately. enforcing centrist economic / social policies. So whatever you might think this would entail. I only listed a few small things.
I don't care if the green party pulls off a coup and declares martial law. Whoever takes whichever office needs to get a handle on the debt. Cut every budget by 25%. We cannot tax our way out of debt. We cannot tax our way out of debt.
I agree we cannot tax ourselves out of debt, and it must be handled. Which I think is a mixed approach. Some revenue can be generated. Corporations and Rich do NOT pay their fair share in terms of wage earnings. I make a pretty darn good amount of money. I pay A LOT of taxes. More than most people I would wager. I would be willing to pay a little more to have proper government services that address the roots of problems. AUDIT THE PENTAGON!!!!!!! For crying out loud. target programs that work, and fund them fully. Eliminate programs that dont actually accomplish anything. Simplify government. Just a few small options.
Cut the budget by 25%. All new projects must have a dedicated funding source. Cannot be existing revenue. That money is already spent. All new revenue goes first to the debt.
I can appriciate where your coming from, but Im not sure how this would work well in practice. Governments need the flexibility to respond to things.
If we don't secure the border and get the debt under control "flexible" isn't going to matter. To be sure there will be screaming at every level of government. **** em. Our money, not theirs.
Ideally a strong Republican majority in the House to restrain spending, combined with a Democratic President to appoint socially liberal US Supreme Court justices, and a closely divided Senate that can't block either.
A few years ago I would voted for the centralist government, but the Democrats have gone so far left that fundamental changes are necessary. The open border requires mass deportations, a border wall and fundamental changes to the asylum process. Spending in Washington out of control. We need spending restraint combined with growth in the economy to get out of this mess. Even an issue like men competing in women’s sports requires an action to tell the radicals “NO!” The conservatives need to grow a spine and stand up for what’s right.
I voted for the conservative takeover of all of government. I don't like extremism all that well, but are country needs a quick hard jolt to get us back on track, and bipartisan gradualism won't cut it.
None of the above I want a return to constitutional government in which almost all governance is done at the state and local level and the feds are responsible only for dealing with the outside world and mediating disputes between the states.
Conservativ Conservatives need control of all three branches and drastically cut the size of government. Weed out establishment bureaucrats and replace them with real statesmen. I know that is a tall order but after years of "lawfare" we need accountability for it's perpetrators.
Well, we have two choices. Get spending under control or watch this country go bankrupt. Literally. We cannot tax our way out of debt. We cannot tax our way out of debt. We cannot tax our way out of debt. We cannot tax our way out of debt. Any new taxes will be quickly overspent on pet projects and the debt will continue to grow. Just now spending is $6.9 TRILLION a year. Revenues are $4.9 TRILLION a year. The debt is $34.9 TRILLION. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (usdebtclock.org) You should be able to do the math. We can either get spending under control or go bankrupt. This is not a political ideology problem. It is simply a spending problem.
Yup…we’ve know this for the longest time. When has govt ever cut every budget by 25%? I agree it should be don’t but I’m realistic enough to know it will never happen.
We have never had a debt this high, at least since WWII. It is a crisis that no politician wants to talk about but it is none the less a crisis that needs to be addressed. As citizens we have an obligation to at least put our elected representatives on notice that we expect it to be dealt with. You are quite right that it is not very likely at all that much budget cutting will happen. Nor can we expect congress to suddenly develop the discipline needed to apply revenues to the debt. The reality is, if they do not we are almost certainly lost.
Oh, yeah... if Conservatives took over it would mean "drastic", scary changes, but no such characterization for the America-hating, "woke" idiocy of liberal Democrat rule...right?! You think people don't see it when descriptions are skewed that way?
No worries…as soon as Trump gets back in the WH the economy is going to instantly get better because that’s how it works. Prices for goods and services will suddenly drop. Gas prices will suddenly drop. All current wars will end. As a result the debt will disappear as well. It will be all rainbows and puppy dogs. For the record my response wasn’t directed at you.
that's nonsense. the top one percent pay -when you include the death tax and crap like the Part B surcharge on Medicare (to pay for the slugs who don't pay their fair share) about 50% of the federal tax revenue
As we have seen with the border and with the budget/debt/deficit there is NO negotiation with the liberals nor do they show any concern for either.
I agree with your assessment of liberals not negotiating. I also agree with your assessment the cons aren’t interested in negotiating either. Both sides don’t seem to want to play ball.
Way too simplistic. a split centrist goverment does not mean compromise legislation. It means NO legislation because centrists never get compromise. The bomb-throwers at the fringes obstruct, and terrorize anyone who works across the aisle with threats in the primary. Nobody is 'pure' enough anymore. Everyone is labeled a RINO or DINO simply by proposing a co-signed bill with legislators of both parties as the model.