As a non-White person, I tend to see all politics through the eyes of White people because they are the majority of voters and political activists, while unfortunately non-Whites don't take too much interest in political involvement, which is why Republicans still get elected. Anyway, if you think the following quotes are shocking, read the whole article!
Why are you worried? According to you, we should just go to homeopaths--much cheaper, just as good, and you can pay for it without government help.
There are good homeopathic medicinal procedures, and there are good FDA-approved procedures, and sometimes one is better than the other, while sometimes combining them achieves a better result. For example, My attention deficit disorder is best ameliorated when combining the FDA-approved substance of methyphenidate with the non-FDA approved substances of phosphatidylserine, high dose B-vitamin complex, 400 IUs of ergocaliferol, omega-3 fatty acids, and hypericin (a mild MAOI inhibitor).
I have applied to 200 jobs since I last posted here, and I need a break, and the moderator took my complaint seriously, so I am posting again. Do you also like St. John's Wort? By the way, your site is not little: it has 70,000 members.
FYI "uninsured" does NOT mean can't get health care. The HRSA on-line finder has a low cost/no cost Federally funded Health clinics. The pregnant lady in Chicago who dies from pneumonia had 83 of the centers in Chicago to choose from.
I have no insurance either. Only major medical with a high deductible. I use the County Health Center in my area. All I can find where I live is part time work. I bring a pay stub and they charge me $35 for a visit with the Doctor. They are very mindful of the $4 prescription list at Wal Mart and try their best to choose meds from it. I have gout which is very painful. Since the meds are NOT on the $4 list, I have learned to control it through diet by researching on line.
My offer of help in finding non-profit agencies to assist you still stands. All you have to do is reveal your city and state and I'll be glad to give you some leads. That is, if you're serious about finding help.
I now know what homeopathic means: one molecule of the active ingredient dissolved in one gallon of water. It will not work. I concur.
Steve Jobs had about 20 billion dollars to buy the best medicine White people's FDA had to offer, and it could not save him. Your FDA can't do anything: they can't cure or prevent any cancers, cure or prevent heart disease, liver disease, etc. Rather, it's good nutrition and vitamins/supplements that do all the cures and prevention, which is why the FDA is heavily attacking nutrition/vitamins/supplements. This proves that White people's FDA is a complete financial sham. All the Western medicine that actually worked, such as the discovery of penicillin and the polio vaccine, occurred before the FDA came into existence and started to regulate medicine based on political lobbying from medical/pharmaceutical companies. The war on drugs only serve the purpose of giving a monopoly of medicinal substances to pharmaceutical companies. This is why medical companies lobby Congress to keep drugs such as marijuana illegal: THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, is used in several prescription drugs. White medicine has become completely pseudo-scientific and corrupt. On the other hand, real medicine is now being developed in China and Israel, the two nations that will inherit the Earth of the future. For example, American medical companies lie and say that we are centuries away from being able to find a way to use stem cells to cure disease. This is a lie to keep White people using useless expensive drugs. In China, stem cells are ALREADY being used to cure diseases such as blindness and diebetes. For example, stem cells in China help diebetics regrow insulin producing cells in the pancreas so that they can reduce or eliminate the use of insulin injections: this would be huge loss of profit to White people's pharmaceutical companies. One reason China will rule the world with Israel is because they put the interests of the people ahead of interests of individual billionaires: the good of the nation comes before the good of the individual, while the opposite is true with White people. If any White person agrees with the above message, please repost it in all the other political forums and UseNet/Google groups. Remember: success is not based on how much money you, the individual White person, makes, but rather the success of your nation as a whole. If you want to survive, you need to stop being so individualistic and capitalistic, and start thinking in terms of the nation as a whole.
Sounds like you are a big of a conspiracy theorist. Regardless, the fact that modern medicine cannot cure everything, does not mean it cannot cure anything. Some of the things you listed it can cure, such as heart disease and some cancers. Some of them it cannot. In those it cannot cure, it can still extend life. However, looking around the world, access to modern medicine means an average lifespan of 80+ years, wheareas no access to it means a lifespan of 50- years. That's not a coincidence, nor is it some kind of clever deception to trick you into believing 'white man's' medicine. I wholeheartedy agree that proper nutrition and prevention are vital and greatly overlooked. However, 'white man's' medicine does not argue with this, rather it quite agressively pushes it.
Wow; what convoluted reasoning! So....therefore ALL 'WHITE PEOPLE' ARE REPUBLICANS????? Unless you're trying to make the case that there's a lot of white Democrats voting for white Republicans, then your comments don't make any sense. What is all this "white people" and "white medicine" and "white FDA" anyway?
Granny says, "Dat's right... ... we's gettin' to be one o' dem endangered species... ... somebody oughta do sumpin'... ... `cause when we's gone... ... won't be nobody to run things... ... an' den ever'thin' gonna go to hell inna handbasket."
Die from no health insurance? Maybe. Us needs either single payer care, or a way to remove the dead weight from the system. But no, white people will go instinct because we don't have enough babies.
Perhaps the topic should have been more along the lines of... "white people: will they die from not being able to afford to go to the hospital because the hospital has to raise its prices to treat poor minorities who cannot pay?" More poor people is going to mean worse, and more expensive, medical care for whites. "Socialization" of health care would only accellerate this. see this thread:
Sounds to me like you don't like White people? Sounds to me like your a racist? Can non-White people even be racist? If China medicine is so (*)(*)(*)(*) good, why don't you just move there?
Chinese companies manufacture poison toothpaste just to shave a little extra profit, since glycerin is apparently "more expensive". There have also been quite a few Chinese factories shamelessly selling poison cough medicine to third world countries. Some of these companies are still operating! If you cannot trust toothpaste and cough medicine, who in their right mind would trust the purity of "high tech" pharmaceuticals?
Yeah well, Nestle sold baby formula in Africa for years that was banned in the EU and US because it lacked vital ingredients and would kill many babies and stunted brain growth in others. A decade long boycott had no effect. They only stopped when two of their executives were assassinated by the Baader-Meinhof gang in Geneva and notes were left on their cars that said "You are killing us so we are killing you." I recently read that they were back at it again.
hello friends, The most important health-care document released this week was not Sen. Max Baucus's Healthy Future Act. It was the Kaiser Family Foundation's 2009 Employer Benefits Survey. While the proposal by Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, outlines a direction for policy, the survey, which polls employers about health benefits to assemble a detailed look at the actual cost of health care, fits it squarely in our pocketbooks. thanks