The Marxists are responsible, and lots of the Marxists are Jews, blacks, Hispanics etc. Other cultures I dislike in my country because its at the expense of my own.
Very Well Said. I am as white as they come and funny thing, I am not being oppressed, awww I feel so left out.
THis is a response to people who argue that minorities never oppressed, killed, enslaved whites and believe that only the opposite is right.
I am on the side of mankind, something You would not understand. We know you believe there should be sides, division is always the way of supremists, makes them feel superior. Guess what, you are no more special than anyone else.
So if I don't believe in White Nationalism, I must automatically be a Marxist? That's a pretty big leap in logic on your part.
Races are just a description and i don't know any oppressing descriptions. Discrimination is a leftover from our distant past and those who want to do it will do it using the most silly excuses
I don't think anyone is really being oppressed anymore in the western world. Oppression is a rather strong word. Discrimination certainly still happens, though. And I do think whites are subjected to it just as much if not more so than minorities today in 2014. But this has been a relatively recent development. That shift occurred at some point during my lifetime. I would say probably somewhere over the course of the last 20 years. I remember noticing the roots of the shift in the '90s. You started seeing more and more openly anti-white attitudes in the culture (Ice Cube released a number 1 album with brazenly racist lyrics that went double platinum). And more white people started expressing shame about being white. Today it's just a given that you can't even talk about being white in public anymore unless you are doing so in a negative context lest you be branded a "racist." Conversely, Jamie Foxx can host Saturday Night Live and do an entire monologue about hating and killing white people and the audience will cheer him on. Because the attitude is, "They deserve it." It's difficult to call that equal.
Really, tell us how whites are subjected to discrimination more than minorities. So rap music is what you call discrimination against whites. Wow, I just got back from Mars I didn't know you had to be ashamed to be white. Saturday Night Live, its comedy. You might have a point if it was CNN.
interesting thing is, if you take that statement and cross reference it with some of the staunch right conservatives on this forum, you will see a similar thought pattern. But then they wonder why they are called racists....
Probably. Cultural Marxist. The idea that I am for sides is twisting my words. Being divisive is what the Marxists/multiculturalists do by encouraging diversity and for each culture to remain separate within the country. I only want the system to stay the way it is, as it always was.
This thread is just awsome, the OP is just utter stupid. Based on argumentation like that all races were opressed. Mongols killed japanese women and children White americans dropped two american bombs on japan killing millions, among them women and children Does this mean the japanese race is opressed by ZOG? Also no one killed more whites than other whites. Look up the history of europe.
IE: Segregated, no thanks, I find other culters brinbg their own bonuses to any society, but much depends on how that society welcomes them, with open arms or closed fists.
Hmm..., excluding the Muslim (Saracen) hordes after the fall of the Roman Empire from around 535 AD that invaded most of Europe from Spain to the Caucuses. But history seems to be your victim here along with whites.
I am not debating WW2. I was adressing OP, when he says the soviets raped german women isnt he leaving out the german invasion of soviet union? Following this logic we the ww2 nukes parallel is aceptable. 100 years war, 30 years war, napolean, ww1,ww2,... the list is huge. No one killed more whites than whites
We are separate whatever you pick. Under you system each culture is separate within the country, under my system each culture/country is separate. That is a lie. - - - Updated - - - The Germans did not rape and kill civilians on the same scale as the Russians. Yeah, what is your point?
stupid argumentation is stupid. Whites, having at one point controlled 95% of the worlds area by conquest, isn't really in a great position to claim historical opression..