Who Is Behind The Alleged Attacks On Saudi Arabia?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Primus Epic, Sep 16, 2019.

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  1. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Banned

    May 3, 2009
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    The OP is simply nuts. While Mossad is very good at shooting someone to death near their doorway (like Gerald Bull) I've never seen any evidence that they have a bunch of cruise missiles.
  2. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Yup, this is exactly my point.

    Iran doesn't want to play by the "global financial rules" set up by The West, that is fine, but if so they they don't get to do business with us either.

    Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has done their best (yes I know they have some shitty people, so does the US) to be a part of the world we are all trying to create. Meanwhile, Iran has been stealing tankers, bombing people, attacking nations and now, going after the global oil supply so they can pump up the price of their own oil.

    The problem for the globalists/Progressives/Communists that absolutely hate Trump and therefore by extension Saudi Arabia, is that first and foremost, we don't need any of them. The US keeps pushing further and further as the #1 oil producer, making it so no body can hold us hostage anymore for the vital resource.

    Second problem is that Iran is not doing Progressive/Communists any favors by constantly attacking people. They have now pissed off India and even Germany was saying "perhaps we should sell weapons to Saudi Arabia again".

    The world is seeing that MSM Progressive/Communist media is nothing but lies, including this Iran stuff. The media keeps trying to lie about Iran, but Iran isn't playing along and continues to attack other nations, over and over and over and over again.

    It is time to let Saudi Arabia do their thing
  3. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    So you are sad that Bolton got fired?

    So wierd ...

    Why are Progressives/Communists so Pro War right now?
    Zorro likes this.
  4. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The Saudis aren't the bad guys in Yemen.. The Saudis moved all their villages back from the Yemen border 20 kilometers in 2002..

    And, the Saudis have taken in a million Yemeni refugees.
  5. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    100% agreed

    think IMF, FED, ECB.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
  6. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Why must Trumpette's make shyte up so they can pretend to have a point?
  7. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    All earthbound natural resources have a defined limit. Whether that limit is defined in access or actual supply, there are limits to all things naturally derived. I'm far less concerned with Peak Oil Propaganda then I am in Go To War Propaganda that spills the blood of American Troops in foreign lands for no other reason than greed and godlike complexes.

    Innovation has no peak and no limit other than our own imaginations. Therefore, we should be about the business of developing a new energy technology economic engine that fuels future economic growth and guarantees the longevity of the republic, as opposed to spending (wasting) trillions on wars that line the pockets of the global elite while draining the wealth of The People.

    I believe in Friedman's principles that the economy can flourish when allowed to be free. Attached to that idea is my own, that Innovation should be at the core of economic freedom and is that which guarantees the economy remains truly free. Couple that with absolute Transparency, so that The People can make good choices for themselves and you get the most optimal of conditions whereupon the desperate need to remain "dependent" on any country for natural resources becomes obsolete by natural transition to a far better paradigm.

    The real propaganda is that we "need" oil. We don't. We can do better - much better. We simply lack the Innovative passion and we are steeped in ignorance about what our true needs happen to be. We are not in control of our own minds and that is the biggest success propaganda has to date. They are winning the war of Mindshare and thus, we don't actually know we are in a war to begin with. When you don't even know that you are in a war, you've already lost.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
  8. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Yes, in six (6) days the earth was created by Gawd and on the seventh day.......wait for it......Gawd rested. How convenient. Look. The ONLY people on the planet who classify land as "territory" come from the Royal Crown of London. And, they still classify the United States of America as one of its "territories." Don't believe it? Read of for yourself:


    The use of the word "Territory" is not by accident. This is how the Royal Crown sees you, as chattel, as property as something to be owned, controlled and manipulated despite your Constitution and your Declaration of Independence. Who the hell gave the Royal Crown the righto declare us a "Territory" of theirs?

    Lastly, the Six Day War did nothing of the sort. That was 20 years into the future of the Balfour Declaration where the British Government simply "declared" land to be given to "Jews" for the purpose of establishing a "homeland." The Six Day War settled nothing. Arabs, have always railed against their land being taken from them, even when the British invaded back before 1917. There was no Arab ascent to the United Nations resolution in 1947. None whatsoever. In fact, they all walked out of the general assembly in clear protest. But, why?

    Arabs knew who these people were. They knew they were not originally from Palestine and that had a former Eastern European ethnic point of origin in Europe, but that historically they were in fact of Turkish descent. They knew this in Palestine, but you don't know this today. Why is that?

    Why is the truth about real World History so hard to fathom and/or accept. These people are Old Turks. Pure and simple. They invented the "Jew" just for you, so that you would not know their true identity a former Khazarian Empire War Lords. The wreaked havoc everywhere they went as Khazars, and were eventually kicked out of what became Eastern Europe more than 1,000 years ago, by dear friend.

    Do the homework. These "Jews" are not who you think they are. They are not "Historical Biblical" figures. They actually go back before the Khazarian Empire, all the way to Rome, where some of their ancestry wormed their way into Roman hierarchy and Roman dynasties - namely the Piso/Flavian dynasty who penned the so-called "New Testament" with the help from none other than Flavius Josephus. It was that branch of the Piso family that extended back to Alexander the Great. We are talking way before the Khazarian Empire here.

    These Zionists are the descendants of former Roman Emperors. These "special" people you fall over for when you call them "Jews." They've changed their names numerous times throughout World History to avoid detection. You know some of them as Rothschild today. Yet, they never had a single progenitor bearing that name. Ever. They assumed that name and ran with it, along with (now) most of the Central Banks around the world. The goal? Revival of the former Roman Empire (by another name) with headquarters in Jerusalem and under different guise. The sun may have never set on the British Empire. However, the Roman Empire live on through Zionism.

    The "New Testament" is code. You cannot see or understand that code with your brain swamped in religious fervor. Step outside that religious and emotional entanglement and open your eyes to real World History that is verifiable and known as fact, and suddenly the "New Testament" appears as it is - an encoding of the life of Titus Flavius Vespasiani, for the purpose of causing him to be worshiped as "god" by those who at the time were called Judeans living in Rome. Why? Roman slaves were converted to Judaism like popcorn. It was happening all over the place and Roman aristocracy felt power being drained from their clutches. So, they invented a story that would return favor (worship) back to the Flavians. That story was the "New Testament."

    It was code for the aristocracy and religion for the masses. Same bullshit wearing two faces. Now, we are dealing with some of the descendants of those who would deceive an entire world and have been doing exactly that for centuries. You call them "Jews." I call them Imposters. Former Khazars. Former Roman Wannabe Gawds.

    Time to bone up on some Real World History.

    It is no hate. It is History finally being revealed to the masses.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
    Margot2 likes this.
  9. struth

    struth Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Yes a country can have terroritory. Prior to defeating the Arab aggressors, the land in question Belong to Syria, Eygpt, and Jordan
  10. struth

    struth Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Leftist are traditional war mongers.
  11. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    The OP holds a PhD (for the record).

    You worship a "Jesus" that you don't know from "Titus," when there was never a "J" in original Hebrew, Latin or Greek. Yet, I'm simply nuts. Well, there goes the cuckoo farm for you. I guess some people would rather remain blinded by dazzling slight of hand word tricks written by professional propagandists than that of someone having spent years studying this very subject matter up to and including doing research on the premises in the Motherland - which even the locals embarrassingly call, Africa.

    Real "Jews" don't come from Eastern Europe. They come from the Motherland and they originally looked a lot like this:


    Not like these impostors:

    Original Jews in so-called Africa:

    Fake "Jews" in so-called Israel:

    Stop stealing my Ancestor's natural origins.

    You don't understand the mission of Mossad. They don't need to own cruise missiles. You don't understand the mission of the Zionist throughout history. Zionists are some of the most successful infiltrators in world history (Russia, Germany, Britain, Poland, etc.). You think our CIA is good? Our CIA trains with and learns from Mossad. You think we do national propaganda good? You don't know the half of it. Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS right in your face without you knowing it) is THE best on the planet. They make our CIA and British MI6 look like choir boys. They were behind 911 and told you to your face in a video that you refuse to accept for face value. That's how good they are. Hell, I kind of admire them for that level of brilliant bullshit they are able to perpetrate around the world and get away with at the same time - while the rest of the world weeps for poor old Israel coming under attack from all the bad people. Woohoo. Poor ole Israel. First, run out of Egypt (a complete fabricated lie), then run out of Europe (another fabricated lie) and now being besieged in their "homeland" - a place where they have absolutely zero genetic and/or historical roots.

    I tell you who I weep for. I weep for the circus clown who buy this crap and refuse to take the time to study their own World History. That's who I weep for. I do not weep for Roman Empire Revivalists cloaked in sheepskins and proclaiming Palestine to be their "Ethnic Homeland." Utterly, insane is that nonsense. But, you are free to swallow it hook, line and Fiat Dollar all day long, if you want to.

    Until you show me the physical evidence of Iran being behind this, I will continue to hold the Official Storytellers accountable for proofing their claims. But, if there is a hole anywhere in the presupposition they put forth, you can best believe that I'm going to analyze it and uncover it. I'm good at that - among one or two others.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
  12. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Banned

    May 3, 2009
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    I don't give a dam whether the thread starter has a PhD. or not. The OP is simply nuts and this belongs in the conspiracy forum. The OP provides no actual evidence whatsoever of any MOSSAD involvement in these attacks or if MOSSAD even has the capability to carry out such an attack.

    Further the thread starter later advances the same argument various Israel haters have advanced on this forum that "thousands" of Americans have died to protect and advance the interests of Israel.
  13. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Banned

    May 3, 2009
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    Prove it.
  14. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    And, prior to that the land belonged to my Ancestors, the Kush. Their kingdom stretched around the globe at one point, but you'll never learn that fact in Western Skool Systems. It was the largest Kingdom the world has ever known or ever will know by landmass. Yet, you are told that Rome was large, or that the sun never set on the British Empire. These two powers were like ants compared to the global Kingdom of Kush. But, where are you going to learn that fact if not from someone like me? Syria, Egypt and Jordan - these are brand new kids on the block relative to Mesopotamia and most certainly relative to Kush. All established by my Ancestors. So, that sliver of territory you know call "Israel" is but a mere speck in the grand history of things. A little World History 101.

    Moving on....

    The problem is that this document sits on a United Kingdom official government website. This is NOT a United States government document. So, you've the United Kingdom labeling (among other countries mind you) the United States of America, one of its "territories." That's not by accident and that's no mere coincidence. Who do you think holds ultimate power (when all the chips are down) over the United Kingdom, if not the Royal Crown of London? And, who is that by the way? Who constitutes the Royal Crown of London? Are they not representative of the same @%$@% people we fought a war against to be a free, independent and dare I say it... sovereign nation?

    Oh, that's right. You can't use the word "sovereign" around here because you'll be called a conspiracy theory nutcase, as sovereignty only applies to Nations. Hmmmm. Which makes you what relative to that Nation? Its Slave? Its Concubine? Its Servant? Its Chattel? Or, just plain ole Property of the State? Got an ID Number that "identifies" who you are? Who gave you that (SS) number and who gave the giver of that number the authority to issue you a number that determines your identity within the "State?"

    Careful. You might step into uncharted territory here and learn something about yourself that you never knew - like - you are not truly "free" or "independent." You are Property of the Corporation that owns you. Lock, stock and barrel. Don't believe it? Think I'm spewing "conspiracy nonsense?" Ok, do me a favor. Go out and get your Original Birth Certificate. Can you do that simple task. I did not ask you for a copy of your original birth certificate. I said, go out and get your physical hands on your Original Birth Certificate.

    Here, let me help you. You can't. Do you know why that's true? Is it because somebody lost the original and can't find it anymore? No. It is because your Original Birth Certificate was sold a very long time ago, my dear friend. You don't own yourself. You just think you do. That is, until you learn how to break the contract that you had nothing to do with creating in the first place and take back control of your Natural Life. Until you do that effectively, you are Owned Property. This is true whether you know it or not, understand it or not, accept it or not, like it or not. And, it all comes to those elites in the world who have not told you who you really are, where you really come from, why you are really here and what you are really doing while you are here.

    Its a Cabal thing. You would most likely not be interested because it involves deeply woven conspiracy that you just don't believe in - which is precisely how they continually screw you without you even knowing it. Sad, really. But, hey - We The People have allowed this charade to continue for many centuries now.

    See, you think "Royalty" is just something out of the past like yesterday's news. Not really important to your life today. No. There are still Kings/Queens, Kingdoms and Royal Bloodlines that own you. Know it or not, like it or not. Its a rigged game on global lock down and the ONLY way to explode the entire thing is for people like you to WAKE THE HELL UP and realize that history is CONTINUALLY repeating itself because you have been brainwashed into believing that World History is unimportant and only something that tired old PhDs care about.

    Nothing on the surface is what it appears to be. You live in a world driven by Money Supply and you have no say in that Supply, whatsoever. None.
  15. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    Oh, it hit Shanksville alright. I'm sure of that.
  16. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Shall I defend my dissertation to you here and now? That would be a great way to proof it, don't you agree? So, there you have the challenge. Pick a thread (or create your own) and issue a dissertation challenge. I'll let you act as Chair and I'll initiate the process of recruiting you. You can use this OP as my Summary Thesis (not full Thesis) and challenge me to vet my claims.

    I left the room and the committee after having defended my PhD Thesis feeling quite comfortable. How comfortable do you feel challenging it?
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
  17. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    The president [YOU] may have been referring to "Termination Day" in October 2025, when provisions of a U.N. resolution endorsing the deal expire, or he may have been referring to the fact that some provisions of the JCPOA itself expire 10 years into the deal, also in 2025.

    As a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has pledged not to develop nuclear weapons — ever. In agreeing to the JCPOA, Iran recommitted itself to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The NPT is of indefinite duration and serves as the underpinning for the entire global nonproliferation regime.

    Iran also has agreed to abide by the International Atomic Energy Agency's Additional Protocol. It has committed to ratify this agreement in 2023. The IAEA already has the ability to investigate nuclear facilities and activities disclosed by Iran's government. The Additional Protocol supplements those powers by giving IAEA investigators the "ability to investigate undeclared nuclear facilities and activities by increasing the IAEA's authority to inspect certain nuclear-related facilities and demand information from member states," according to a 2017 report by the Congressional Research Service. Simply put, Iran has agreed to give international inspectors wide-ranging authority to peer into its nuclear activities.


    Wink, wink.

  18. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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    The non-military Commander-in-Chief does not think the matter of the oil refinery attack is very serious. Incredibly, Trump kicked off a three-day swing out West today, rallying supporters in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, a suburb of Albuquerque, Monday evening. He will spend the night in the Albuquerque area, then travel to California for a slate of fundraising events Tuesday in Palo Alto and Beverly Hills. Trump will attend additional fundraisers in Los Angeles and San Diego on Wednesday before returning to Washington.


    As Trump goes on the campaign trail, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have seized a vessel in the Gulf for allegedly smuggling 250,000 litres of diesel fuel to the United Arab Emirates, Iran’s semi-official news agency ISNA has reported.

    Trump leaves behind the Office of the Director of National Intelligence without a permanent director. Trump fired Dan Coats months ago. His secretary of defense has been on the job for all of two months. Trump has no National Security Advisor. He fired John Bolton a few days ago. His chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney is acting in an acting capacity.

    What a President.

    We deserve him. We let it happen.
  19. Heartburn

    Heartburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Wink, wink indeed.
  20. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I was in Iran in 1953 and I remember what the grown-ups were talking about. They were all oil men and they knew that the Brits were basically stealing Iranian oil.
  21. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Ok, I'm good with that. That's been the official storytellers statement all along.

    Now, what I'm asking you to do is to show me the Aircraft on the ground in Shanksville. Can you accomplish that? The aircraft checked in at over 232,000lbs. Surely, you can find something larger than the size of a "telephone book" from collision with terrain of a commercial grade airframe coming in at over 200,000lbs. Surely. So, where is it? You hiding it for safe keeping? Or, would showing what remains of the actual airframe be a a threat to national security? Which lie are you going to hold for the Official Storytellers?

    I'll be waiting. I've been waiting for FOIA responses that have never come for 18 years now. The reason they don't reply to me is because they know who I am, they know that I'm no stranger to the Boeing 757-200 and they know damn well that nothing of that size or scale ever touched Shanksville, or Arlington.

    Now, that's what the Official Storytellers know about me. What do you know about Boeing 757-200s or the Science of Crash Site Geometry, Crash Site Physics and Crash Site Chemistry? Those are all disciples that the NTSB have to use (among many others) to piece together Probably Cause. Oh, wait... that's right. We know for a fact that 17, no 18, no 21, no 20... 19 Arab Terrorists brought down four (4) commercial grade heavies on September 11th, 2001. Ergo, we don't need no stinking Investigation into Causation, do we? Are you sure you want to travel this road, or are you just blowing smoke?

    There was never any Boeing 757-200 recovered at Arlington, nor at Shanksville. That's a matter of fact. It is not something I made up. There was NO physical recovery of either one of those airframes. Furthermore, it has ALWAYS been the custom and tradition of the Airline involved to stand with the NTSB and the FAA at routine public press conferences to discuss parts identification as a method of reassuring the general public that they are indeed closing in on Causation. None of that happened around 911. Not once did either United or American stand with the NTSB or the FAA to tell you to your face, here's what we found at Shanksville. Here's what we found at Arlington. We believe this to be consistent with the Causation we stipulate. The NEVER did that. Ever. It was the first time in all of American Commercial Aviation where an aircraft went down on American soil that they failed to do exactly that. Why?

    Only a thinking human being would ask themselves: WHY? You don't break with that kind of tradition without there being a damn good reason for doing so. And the damn good reason for doing so, was the fact that there were no Boeing 757-200s anywhere near the soil of Shanksville, or the steel reinforced concrete rings of the Pentagon in Arlington. That's WHY. Where is the reconstruction hanger from Shanksville and Arlington, containing all the parts they found from both crash sites? Do those hanger exist? Have they ever existed?

    It is an 18 year old nightmare that America has yet to awaken from and my signature line on this forum has not changed since, nor will it change until Americans develop the courage to finally demand a proper investigation that does not track the equally nightmarish 911 Omission Report. So, I'm waiting. Show me the airframe components that are most likely to survive impact with terrain in some form or another at 500+ kts.

    Forget about showing me the rusted engine and the bent United fuselage parts because neither of them come from a Boeing 757-200. The engine's intake was rusted. Titanium does not rust in a matter of minutes and the alleged fuselage part was the wrong color and the wrong curvature for a Boeing 757-200 of any variant I've ever known or worked with.

    That is an RB-211-535 turbofan jet engine's air intake:

    This is not:

    Neither the diameter nor the physical condition makes any sense relative to the aircraft said to have been involved and the time after impact before this part was allegedly recovered.

    In stark contrast, this is what we should have found at Shanksville:

    Air intake section of a UPS A300 that went down in 2013.

    A fake photo doctored up and put on the internet from the alleged Flight 93:

    The engine casts a shadow from left to right, but the man holding the camera has no shadow passing left to right parallel to the photo's orientation.

    This is what a real collision with terrain should leave behind if it were a low angle of attack collision:




    All taken from the recent Malasia Air 17 collision with terrain. I selected these high velocity impacts because they leave the smallest crash site geometry relative to actual parts. However, they can result in some of the widest crash site geometry conditions relative to coverage area. They can literally spread across miles depending on angle of attack and airspeed at impact. Shanksville, does not have the crash site geometry consistent with a commercial heavy having gone down with a low angle of attack and high velocity. Shanksville, is far more reminiscent of a high velocity projectile of some kind, or a much smaller airframe carrying far less energy than would be expected from a Boeing 757-200 at over 500 kts.

    Show me otherwise and I will gladly examine the evidence on balance.
    Chester_Murphy likes this.
  22. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    I see your point. All those folks who went there, including some I personally know well saw lots of stuff there. None of them have your knowledge. I had no clue it was that unbelievable. What do we tell the families of those who supposedly died courageously and told their families goodbye? Are you of the opinion it was shot down? Sure could have been. It could also be possible it was just after they called their families. I doubt a missile would destroy the engines completely. I wonder if they just refused to display the actual damage? Did they cart off the engines quickly? I don't know. It's kind of out in a rural area.
  23. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Banned

    May 3, 2009
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    I was thinking more along the lines of you posting a copy of your doctoral degree (with personal identifiers omitted of course).
  24. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Maybe you should think instead of not wandering into such dumb conversations.
  25. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Have they not ?

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