If what she's saying is true, most of the medical establishment should be up in arms. Why is this criticism coming from clear out of left field? I watched that clip once, and I will have to watch it a few more times.
Dr. Strangelove would make things interesting. I would suggest Dr. Mengele but he's already being courted by Planned Parenthood.
Without going into a long-winded exposition about it, I would not want ANY physician, whether an MD or a DO, modifying human DNA. Nevertheless, there should be a greatly improved and expanded emphasis on human GENETICS, although it has been a very politically-INcorrect topic, because it necessarily highlights differences in the genetic makeup of the different main racial components in the human race -- Caucasian, Oriental, and Negroid.... . "Stop studying that! It's RACIST!"
~ This is the fear of a new Wuhan virus vaccine. It may very well contain a DNA modifier. Some evidence there was work at the Wuhan laboratory to do this with a bat virus to infect humans. Apparently it was successful and here we are .. .
I agree completely! And thank you for yet another reason not to be 'the first kid on your block' to get jabbed with a vaccine that gets cooked-up at "warp speed".... I've said from the beginning that one of the chief reasons we seem to know so little about this virus -- on a reliable, verifiable, sustained basis -- is that it's not a 'normal' virus! It was engineered in a Chinese BIO-WEAPONS laboratory.... People want to criticize and jeer at Dr. Fauci and others for 'getting-it-wrong' so often, or, having to change their minds about this, that, and the other thing. But they forget that a conventional, 'medicine-school' doctor is unlikely to know all the behaviors of a highly-sophisticated bio-weapon. Oh, and by mid-May they had already identified 33 different strains of this virus. So, how many more are there now?
Yes........ and what is really, really, really, really strange is that their intentions could be so convoluted that they could be convinced that they are doing the correct and ethical thing under these extreme circumstances that we find ourselves in. I watched two documentaries about the Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski cancer treatments. In part two it was stated that a high ranking official of the Obama Administration visited Dr. Burzynski's clinic....... admitted that he or she really liked the treatments but....... stated that he or she could not support Dr. Burzynski due to their opinion at that time that the USA economy could not handle another shock like 2008! I assume they meant that replacing billions of dollars of equipment in hospitals all across the USA and Canada could cause some BigPharma stocks to tumble?!
~ The "Bat Lady " - a scientist working at the Wuhan laboratory - has seemed to disappear . Apparently some believe she was doing strange things with bat virus to infect humans. We may never know for certain.
Poor, old 'bat lady' might do well to go stay in a deep, dark cave for a while. If the Chinese hit-squads find her, she'll never be seen again.
I think that you are correct! Have you seen this pretty astonishing video yet? https://www.ise.media/video/plandemic-ii-indoctornation-23.html
~ There are some who say the Wuhan virus is simply a mutation of the SARS virus that infected humans. I am leaning more towards a purposely altered bat virus designed as a carrier for bio weapon purpose. This was a test run .
The seven hundred and ten TRILLION dollars in the worldwide Derivatives markets..... and the two hundred and ten TRILLION dollars in the USA Derivatives markets gives China MOTIVE.... to resort to rather drastic actions to affect the world economy in their rivalry with the USA. The statistics that CIA economist Jim Rickards gave in 2014 in this video is backed up by Forbes magazine: FORGET IRAN, IRAQ, UKRAINE THIS IS WHERE WWIII STARTS... Moi621 may be concerned that I am hoping that a possible response may emerge out of the Canadian province of Alberta???? http://www.politicalforum.com/index...theory-of-m-w-p.548225/page-5#post-1072004034
I did a post about that a couple days ago. Less drama, tho.. I didn't watch the whole thing, it's annoying when they don't let you skip over the theatrics and crap for beginners. Anyway... this has a lot more to do with us than them. We have this great, cushy, economic position. And while we have been abusing it since the 1960s, Trump is throwing dynamite at it. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/china-is-making-its-move.577481/
´~ It's hard to believe someone would post this after the Wuhan virus catastrophe : http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/china-is-making-its-move.577481/ The only hope is to elect Joe " Beijing" Biden - China's best friend.
My impression is that Biden and his team would tend to want to sell as much of America off to China that they could do in the least amount of time that they can do it in.
It seems to me that she is risking her life to come out with information like this. Hong Kong scientist claiming China 'covered up' coronavirus data speaks out
Sarah Fortune who is chair of the Dept of Immunology & Infectious Diseases at Harvard. She is a realist who acknowledges that we are probably not going to be able to stop the transmission of COVID.
You will want to see this video as well that is very directly on the topic of COVID 19. Pastor Rob McCoy & Reinette Senum - Hearing Update & FSC142 I think that Ms. Reinette Senum should replace Dr. Anthony Fauci and he should be investigated for corruption and collusion with BigPharma!!!!