Have you thought about why the airline industry suppresses UFO sightings from their pilots and air crews? It's because UFOs are unpredictable flight hazards. All of these UFOs and probes exist up there, some of which are invisible. It's a minefield up there. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out that since these airlines are taking us up into this region that they are responsible for anything that goes wrong. And airlines could be sued for taking us into a dangerous situation, emotional distress, and liability for the crash depending on the situation. So it's all hush, hush and hope for the best.
I could see the airlines shutting up their employees, but not the passengers looking out the windows.
Well sure people can take their own pictures and video and then they'll be laughed at and ridiculed. And their stories, the ones that are newsworthy, will be left forgotten in the news. A lone article here or there which is easy to overlook.
Well, these are my thoughts, but if you wonder what they are based on well then there is the I need to deviate UFO plane crash. 2002, Cessna Collided with "unknown object," says NTSB http://www.ufocasebook.com/cessnacrash.html
Bull.. a Cessna Caravan is a single engine plane.. Where did you read that airlines are suppressing UFO reports?
Pilots are afraid to file their UFO reports for fear of ridicule and retaliation. I just took it a step further and explained why airlines might do that. What does an airline risk if their employees report a UFO? Well, after all they, the air lines, have so much to loose. Thousands of Airline Pilots Witness UFOs http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/40196-draft-thousands-of-airline-pilots-witness-ufos/ AIRLINE PILOTS ARE STILL AFRAID TO REPORT ALIEN CRAFT IN THE SKY http://worldufophotosandnews.org/?p=9629
It's been a while since I last posted this, but I just found an article that shows exactly what airlines are dealing with with UFOs, and this is why they are afraid to tell us just how much of an obstacle course our air space really is. Plane carrying NBA stars hit by ‘UFO’ during Chicago descent (PHOTOS) https://www.rt.com/usa/408095-plane-nose-damage-ufo-strike/
Real? We recently watched the gun camera on an american fighter jet, film one of these things which is not real. Not real at 40 feet long, in the shape of a tic tac. The pilot said the object was real and under intelligent control, far ahead of what we have in craft. Course all of these fighter pilots it takes a million bucks to train each one, might be unfit for flying our fighter aircraft, given they must be crazy to see these things, and to record them on gun camera. The latest pilot said he wanted to fly this thing.
Back around 1972 or 1973 I began to listen to televangelist Garner Ted Armstrong. He had his pilot's lisence to fly smaller personal jets... and he reported having seen at least one UFO.
Airlines suppressing UFO reports does seem to be particularly acute in the US, although not exclusively; consider the O’Hare airport sighting. But it does seem to be the exception to the general aviation rule, i.e. to report near-misses and hazards to traffic. Compare also Ray Bowyer of Aurigny Air with his sighting and report of huge UFOs near Guernsey, who has been very open about his sighting and had no trouble with his employer and Capt Taurauchi of Japan Airlines, who was grounded for talking to the press about his sighting of a fast-moving, large UFO over Alaska, a sighting corroborated by radar tracks incidentally.
So, these beings are capable of trans stellar travel, but someone is worried they can’t dodge a 737? Seriously?
Yes, they're nearly as stupid as Bigfoot. You know, that 9' tall monkey man who is super secretive and impossible to locate or actually catch .. but somehow keeps getting caught on video by 'researchers'. Always in a manner which hides the telltale signs of the monkey suit (purchased on ebay), of course.
Yeah .. nope. If you can't work with likelihoods and Occam's Razor, you have no business speculating.
UFO's have been around since before recorded history. They show up in virtually all religious doctrine. The problem always was, that the governments had to deny their existence to avoid mass hysteria. Now as we have cameras all over the place, they are slowly coming out to a people more willing to accept them.
hahaha ... sure, sure Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy have been around a long time too. Do you think govts are covering up their existence, to avoid mass hysteria?
actually "Santa Claus" is the term used by astronauts when on a mission. and BTW, UFO,s were around long before Santa Claus.\
You may have assumed (anyone actually reading this thread!) that I'm a hard arsed skeptic. You'd be right, of course, because I am. But, I'm also agnostic when it comes to certain myths and folklore. What I mean by that is that there are some myths which could well prove to be based in reality. Bigfoot is the best example of this. Since we KNOW that hairy hominids did actually exist up until relatively recently (40,000 years is the last known existence, but that is more of a guess. there is some evidence they may have been around until much later than 40,000 years ago), and they are not alleged to have super powers, or alien origins, or any of the usual supernatural bumph .. there is a very tiny possibility that a relict hominid lives on in isolated locations. It would be fairly silly to assert that it isn't possible. After all, both gorillas and pandas were myth until quite recently. Furthermore, govts would actually have very good reason to cover up knowledge of a BF type hominid. The implications of a new species which is neither animal nor human, are spectacularly problematic. Literally, earth shattering.
The UFO's are more earth shattering because virtually all religions have them included in their dogma, And suddenly we would have to look at earth differently. This time is coming soon.
No, it doesn't clinch any of it, but the sheer magnitude of it, all over the world, in art, in religious dogma, and physical evidence we cannot explain, asserts a preponderance of evidence.