Most, If not all. You have to realize also that these religions are written in the vocabulary of the day, some are more graphic than others. Hindu, written in cuneiform Sanscrit is probably the best evidence.
There is NO physical evidence. And purveyors of myth (religions) are not who we should be taking our reality cues from! Why are you depending upon myth makers, instead of science? Try asking yourself that question. If you were genuine in your interest (in UFOs), you would absolutely be going with science. That you choose religion means you know that the science won't bear out your belief. I hope you can grasp that. It's kinda psych 101, but not necessarily obvious to the person engaged.
So all the magic, and all the gods ... are real? That's your methodology, remember. Because old religions say it, it must be so.
Don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say that. Religion is just one of the points, though most, if not all religions have UFO's in them.
And most if not all religions have magic in them. Is that magic (from all those religions) real? According to your methodology, it is. YOU are the one who keeps using religion as 'evidence', I am not putting words in your mouth.
True, but let's not forget Arthur C. Clarke's three laws: When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Well of course ... it COULD be the least likely thing imaginable, in spite of the fact that there is a very accessible and scientifically verifiable explanation. But it isn't
Sure. And if it wasn't for his penchant for Sri Lankan boys, I'd embrace every passing thought ever thunk by ACC. Having said that, I'm not saying anything is impossible really .. but there is so little likelihood in some (articles of faith), that there is little point in investing any further energy. Santa and the Tooth Fairy, for example. I would have to add aliens to that list, for the same reason. See my post above, re: Sasquatch. I remain open to the possibility of such critters .. because they are just flesh and blood critters, and do have an actual history of existence.
This is physical evidence of something we cannot explain, from times past. You can see it You can touch it, it is real. where did it come from. This stuff is all over the planet, and in many locations where the people had a written or pictorial language, It is the basis for their religion.
There have always been anomalies that our science can't explain. Now as technology advances it's more and more likely that whatever strange thing appears in the sky is made by humans, but there's still going to be a percentage that don't come from Earth. Dude, the world existed long before you or I were born. Human beings have been around for about 200,000 years.
IMHO, and I could be wrong, but I think drugs are at the basis of 99.9% of all conspiracy theories. The other 0.1% are just ****ing nuts.
Then we have to look at another theory that humans were advanced, and destroyed themselves, again emerging from the stone age to start over. Now we have documentation of world destruction, however this also points to Extraterrestrials.
Truth is truth regardless of the source. Thomas Jefferson wrote some really great documents even if he was banging his slave and kept his own kids slaves until his death.
That is physical evidence of people carving stone. Something humans have done for thousands of years. And yes, they were very good at it .. since they did it a lot more than we do today. I urge you to study human history, via archaeology if possible. If you're genuinely interested in finding out more about such stone monuments etc, that is. If you're merely looking for something to bolster a chosen conclusion, then it's probably better that you don't educated yourself.
That, IMO, is a much greater possibility than thinking there are Lizard People spying on us and living among us which all the governments of the world have successfully kept secret for 100 years. Are you claiming the fall of human civilizations such as the Romans, Greeks, etc are due to aliens?
In my experience, those given to conspiracy theories of a 'supernatural' flavour, are almost always from the lower socio-economic orders, have limited education, and are usually bored. And yes, they do often come with a side order of alcohol or drug abuse. When you find actual scientists who buy into the supernatural stuff, it will almost always mean there's a book in the works. Or some other lucrative cash cow which will offset their certain shunning from the science community. A necessary shunning, it must be added. If scientists are susceptible to belief in things not which are not falsifiable, then they cannot be trusted to practice actual science.