Hey, now...I am not one who discounts Bigfoot. As much of the world that is still unexplored, it would be easy for some mammal to escape our detection. Hell, we don't know crap about the oceans...have only explored about 10% of Earth's oceans. Too many people seem to think they know everything - and 99.9% of them are wrong.
I have a possum, deer and steer skulls. Nonetheless, with as much interest in this subject coupled years of infrared, motion activated cameras, there'd certainly be some evidence of a large creation in large enough numbers to sustain a population. Same goes for the UFO bullshit.
Actually, only a small percentage of the planet remains unexplored. But there ARE still vast tracts of forested wilderness .. in which all sorts of critters are bound to exist undetected by us. New species are still being found regularly. But whether any of those unseen critters are as big as a horse and therefore requiring a huge range for its sustenance, is another matter. It's not out of the question .. it's just unlikely. Would be foolish to rule it out entirely, obviously, but I can't see any point in active belief. It's not as though that belief will somehow produce the critter for 'show and tell'! I don't think people think they know everything. On the contrary, I think most disbelief is a result of not wanting to pretend. Since we can't know it all, what's the point in pretending we DO know. Much more logical (and sane) to assume the default position of non-belief until further notice.
There are a few (mind you, only literally two or three out of the many many thousands) pieces of footage that remain a challenge to skeptics and scientists. They are not CGI, there is good reason to think they are not suits, they are in the right kinds of locations, and there is little likelihood that there is a misidentification involved. No one has benefited from the footage, and in fact the single example which is the most likely (of any) to be real has an anonymous source, and is literally about 1.5 seconds long. Why anyone would bother with the enormous expense of what would be an astonishingly realistic suit, for 1.5 seconds of footage which earned them zero 'fame/fortune', is a very important question. It's in such questions that we can identify truth (speaking clinically).
I'm on the doorstep of 1200 square miles of wilderness, and some of it remains completely unexplored - even by our earliest indigenous peoples. And I'm nowhere near the places you mention - not even on the same side of the planet. There are also still vast tracts of wilderness in Russia.
Are you talking about Washington state or Oregon? I disagree. If it's in the USA, it's been explored either on foot or by air. The oil and mining companies have gone to great expense and effort to explore those regions as well as the US government.
What year was this? BTW, we're talking about Sasquatch in Washington state, not the heart of Africa, the Amazon or Antarctica. Meanwhile, back on UFOs and the airlines, bullshit. You can't keep stuff like that secret. Sure, maybe. MAYBE one airline might be oppressive enough to shut up their employees, but all of them? What about retirees? What's to stop them from coming clean? Also passengers? Flight Attendants? The FAA? Military pilots? NASA pilots? Commercial pilots flying businessmen? Flight instructing? Medical service pilots? Fun flyers? There are over active 600,000 pilots in the US.... and no hard evidence? WTF? https://www.faa.gov/data_research/aviation_data_statistics/civil_airmen_statistics/
I wasn't. I was talking about relict hominids (aka, Sasquatch) said to still exist in various locations around the world.
Others were talking about Sasquatch and/or hominids close to civilization, not in the deepest regions of unexplored territories. Of course, they could be aliens who have vast underground cities with cloaking technology and are studying mankind..possibly as a meal.
Which is funny. And convenient for the lazy believer If they do exist, I guarantee they don't get within a 100 miles of humans and their settlements.
I heard that the majority of sightings of big foot don't happen in the wilderness, they happen when people see it looking into their windows at night. Sleep well ya'll.
Oh yeah, the Suburban Squatch. Those 9' tall boogers are becoming real pests. Turning over trash cans, stealing laundry, chasing dogs, etc. Actually, if you get as much of a kick out of Bigfootery as I do (and for any observer of the human condition, it's delightfully entertaining!), you should check out some of these encounter reports. Have a look at the 'forests' these dear nutjobs claim Squatch is living in - right behind their double wide. It's often just a few acres - utterly hilarious. One long term researcher swears they're in the 20 or so acres behind his trailer park. A patch of forest criss-crossed by trail bike and foot tracks, and surrounded by roads and housing estates. He drinks a ton of beer, then wanders out of his trailer at midnight in flip-flops and waves his phone around 'capturing eye shine' (aka, car headlights from nearby roads).