who oppose the legalization of Mirajuana? I have seen many people (republicans) opposing pot legalization who turn around and comdemn people like Michelle Obama for telling them they need to eat healthier foods. I guess the right to put anything you want into your own body only applies to them and not people who fill lie smoking a joint. And another thing that bothers me if when people who drink alcohol and smoke tobacco condemn pot smokers. There has never been a single death directly contributed to the use of mirajuana. and there are more death of the indirect use of tabacco and alcohol than pot. So how is pot worse than either of those two?
Hey, I think if 2 adults want to play at William Tell and one takes an arrow through the face then too bad. Screw the nanny state. Screw hypocrites who think that freedom only means, "The freedom for people to do what I think is right." Freedom should be about being allowed to (*)(*)(*)(*) your own (*)(*)(*)(*) up.
Personally I think if two morons want to shoot arrows at each other let them, it cleans out the gene pool. But my point is that beer and ciagarettes are legal and more dangerous than pot is......
I will join in this weekly free the plants thread! Mr. Obama scoffed at the question and is still allowing the druglords (DEA) to steal their marijuana from legitimate companies in California. "There is too much money in it" -paraphrasing Hillary
I don't think it's hypocritical, but I don't necessarily agree with it either. I'm actually a pro-pot legalization conservative.