In honor of the existing topic "Why do people support Ben Carson?", I'm starting a parallel topic on Hillary. The Carson thread had turned into an ideological 'pile on' for accusations against the honesty of many of his life experience claims. Accusations thats so far are little more than mud slinging, because they can't be substantiated. It seems Hillary has stepped into the same cesspool, telling a questionable story that should raise many of the same questions leveled against Carson. Believe it or not, Hillary claims that she tried to join the Marines when she was in her 20s: Especially for those who are unmercifully attacking Carson, I'd like to see the same scrutiny on Hillary's claim. If there is any intellectual honesty here, we should see the same penetrating questions that have been leveled against Carson. Since Hillary has already been caught lying (by her own admission) about the gunfire event in Bosnia, it's fair to say that her current claims deserve extra scrutiny. Have at it.
Hillary has already shown that she lies about important topics. This whole email thing is HUGE and I just dont get why people would trust her with this country's secrets. I am not a democrat or a socialist but if I have to choose Hillary or Sanders I would choose Sanders. At least he is honest for a politician.
Because the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) says it's her turn. She has waited patiently while the Messiah served two terms and dammit, it's now her turn. It was actually her turn last time, but the Annointed one was brought in and she had to reluctantly step aside. But now she has her cankles all beefed up and ready so it's her turn. It's her (*)(*)(*)(*)ing turn!!!
people support Hillary for the same reasons people have always supported crooks and scoundrels. They like the idea of others being taken, some are bought, and more are simply stupid....
Try looking at the alternatives. The leading Republican is clearly a nutcase, so what does that say about the rest of them?
The leading republicans are a billionaire and a brain surgeon. The leading democrat is a filthy sleazy slimey liar that covered up the deaths of four Americans...lied to the faces of the deceased mothers..then lied to us about it while simultaneously storing government secrets in her bathroom where our enemies could easily find it and use it to put our national security at risk.
I support Hillary because she beats any GOP candidate that is running for President. Also, 2016 may be the year that America finally gets a woman President.
It's only a conservative who will admonish a democrat in the death of four Americans overseas while supporting the deaths of a minimum of four Americans an hour at home.
Your brain surgeon thinks that the pyramids were built to hold grain, and your billionaire thinks that vaccines cause autism. Given a choice between all the filthy liars in the running, I'll take the one that has to pander to progressives to get elected over the ones who pander to warmongers and religious nuts.
Hillary Faith Based Support ! Dynasty Based Support ! It certainly is not based on her achievements such as redesigning Arkansas State education, HillaryCare giving us health care network driving solo practice doctors out of business. Her accomplishments as Senator or Secretary of State? What a resume. What a lack of achievements. Reminds me of Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Barack Obama, where is the excellence. The Thurgood Marshall types. The Democratic Party loyal are the MOST FAITH based, illogical American voters. Tell Me It Ain't So! Clinton & Obama leave working folks poorer! Moi r > g View attachment 39180 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us. They have weaponized weather bringing the drought upon us.
Dems really do not have much choice. Sanders doesn't seem to be able to win in a general election and everyone knows Hillary will swing back to the center if she gets the nomination.
Americans die every day. Thats part of life. Hillary and Obama however attempted to cover up the deaths of four people in benghazi because they are filthy rotten scum.
I think this response says it all. It's sad the rabid desire to win means that you'll support a candidate who by all objective measures is unaccomplished, and has a proven rap sheet of lies and dishonesty that would make a petty thief proud. Personally, I wouldn't support any candidate I couldn't trust and respect. There is something in the DNA of the majority of Democrats I'll never understand.
I prefer that 2016 be the year that we finally get a COMPETENT president, although the likelihood of that happening appears to be slim, at the moment.
I support Sanders and do not support Hillary. I also do not support anybody in the GOP field. I will not vote for any of them other than Sanders. While it is theoretically possible one of the republicans could fall down a flight of stairs and get some sense knocked into them between now and the election, there is absolutely no way I would, could ever vote for Hillary. That said, some people are just blind loyalist to the party and see her as inevitable so they are getting in early; some are enamored with her being a woman; some support her because they liked her husband. Truth be told, of all those I know who do support her, not a single one has said it is because of anything to do with any proposal she has made. I do not hear, "I like her ideas on ______________" from anybody. They just assume they like her ideas whatever they are I guess.
Her voters think because she is a woman (?), she's all about women's rights, needs, wants, etc. She is the worst possible role model for a real woman. Had she thrown Bubba's clothes onto the white house lawn, I might have a smidgen of respect for her. She is the classic abused woman and isn't smart enough to stop it. Had she divorced his nasty ass, she might have (or might not have) shown she is qualified. As it stands, her only qualification is being married to Bubba, and she's done a (*)(*)(*)(*) poor job of that.
As a proud card carrying member of the radical left I don't support Hillary. My politics are more closely aligned with Sanders. That said the whole purpose behind this thread is dishonest. It is not really an attempt to find out why people support Hillary but a sad deflection against the dishonesty of Ben Carson.
How did they lie about the cause of their deaths exactly? How is that considered a cover and for what purpose?
No deflection at all. The "radical left" has been drooling all over themselves trying to blow holes in Carson's life story. I'm OK with that. Asking questions and doing investigative reporting is the American way. The problem is that when no irrefutable proof of lies are found, you still won't let go. You want so desperately to believe he made lots of stuff up, you still pretend he did without any documented proof. He might be guilty of exaggerations and forgetting specific dates of events, but that hardly justifies the politically lynching you perform on a daily basis. You still haven't addressed why Hillary, who is actually guilty of making up stories (gunfire in Bosnia), doesn't get your same scrutiny. Even with all the recent attacks against Carson, just the other day she told a very questionable story about trying to join the Marines. She can't prove she actually tried, or produce the recruiter she allegedly spoke to, so where is the outrage?? It's a simple questionÂ….
The only legitimate reason I can see for anyone to support Hillary is her lack of a penis. Otherwise, I got nothing.