The most interesting thing is that there is no believer in evolution who does not think that you have provided a link/quote from a real MD. It is difficult to imagine that there people who can live in such mental darkness but look and the truth is that their name is multitude… America wake up!. “I am a professor of neurosurgery, I work and teach at a medical school, I do brain research, and in 20 years I've performed over 4000 brain operations. I never use evolutionary biology in my work... I do use many kinds of science related to changes in organisms over time. Genetics is very important, as are population biology and microbiology. But evolutionary biology itself, as distinct from these scientific fields, contributes nothing to modern medicine.... In fact, I think it's safe to say that the only contribution evolution has made to modern medicine is to take it down the horrific road of eugenics, which brought forced sterilization and bodily harm to many thousands of Americans in the early 1900s. That's a contribution which has brought shame--not advance--to the medical field.”
Religion doesn't usually encourage critical thinking. If it did and people used their critical thinking skills there would be far less religious people. I have already supported my claim with information and links. If you still disagree, the burden shifts to you to explain why you believe the information to be incorrect. This is how debate works. Ad hominem. Besides, most wiki articles, including the one I've provided to you, include sources. You're just reaching for any lame excuse you can find to dismiss the information everyone is providing you.
Yeah, if you deniers are ever in the hospital and are unfortunate enough to contract MRSA, just ask for penicillin, see how well that works out.
I've been a human for, well, too many decades, and never once have I had to use prayer in my life. Must mean it's bunk.
Can't have, because a guy who was a brain surgeon for 20 years never once used evolutionary biology and that apparently means evolution is bunk.
Why do people doubt evolution? Well when you are taught to believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God in his image, it really doesn't leave much room to accept the mountain of scientific evidence we have disproving such fairy tales. I remember seeing a program here on Vision TV with a preacher mocking Evolution "I didn't come from no Monkey!" and everybody laughed and you could tell they all felt good about themselves and their perceived jab at evolutionary theory. That's really all I need to see to understand where many of these people come from and why they shut their ears to any semblance of truth or reality. There is a reason our genome is related so closely to the Great apes and Chimpanzees. People who choose to ignore such evidence will continue to do so.
GOOD GRAVY!!! Wow- the neck stretched (fish dont have necks) and the gills disappeared, some of them turning into useful things such as the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and the various other bits and pieces that combine to form the larynx. Thanks for providing me the fairytale of how that madman thinks things happened. Love story time and cartoon pictures. That still doesnt explain that retardation you put in your post that states WINGS evolved from GILLS now does it? Please do not lie again and say you never posted that please
They are not new and this sentence is proof Since you dont know what it is they are saying (the Japanese that found the bacteria) you just follow along your religion like a sheep. Here is the paragraph the italics shows the finding, and the beginning of the sentence leads you to believe that its new and the rest in italics states it isnt. It has been shown that one of the new enzymes (the linear oligomer hydrolase) has about 2% of the efficiency demonstrated by three other enzymes that perform similar reactions with biologically derived substrates (Kino(*)(*)(*)(*)a, et al). Three other enzymes have a 2% efficiency that perform similar reactions with biologically derived substrates. That leads me to believe that the gene sequence was already then and under pressures of Natural Selection, the bacteria adapted this sequence for nylon . Pretty simple
Wow... complete reading comprehension fail on your part. It is the new nylon-digesting enzyme that operates at 2% efficiency. Not the other three enzymes. Typical.
Two hypotheses It stated hypotheses... Do you know what a hypothesis is? It's a pipe dream. That's what it is... Nice try - but I don't look at aliens in pampers who shoot fire out of their armpits that travel into our dimension of time and space only to untie my shoes while I walk....
Yes... have you suddenly just noticed how science works? I can find no reference that claims "hypothesis" and "pipe dream" to be synonymous. I'll alert the media.
For you to post lies and try to steer in the wrong direction. I will break this down so you will be able to understand better. "N" enzymes (the linear oligomer hydrolase) has about 2% of the efficiency demonstrated by three other enzymes that perform similar reactions with biologically derived substrates. It states that "n" enzyme has 2% efficiency demonstrated (manifested, exibited, made evident, validated) by three other enzymes. Period. Enzyme “A” has an efficiency demonstrated, made evident by three other enzymes. Those three have performed similar reactions… Here it is again, please stop telling lies about what it is you are posting… It has been shown that one of the new enzymes (the linear oligomer hydrolase) has about 2% of the efficiency demonstrated by three other enzymes that perform similar reactions with biologically derived substrates (Kino(*)(*)(*)(*)a, et al).
Wow... complete and total reading comprehension fail. "N" enzymes (the linear oligomer hydrolase) has about 2% of the efficiency demonstrated by three other enzymes that perform similar reactions with biologically derived substrates. If those other enzymes are 100%, the new enzyme is 2%. If they are 500, the new enzyme is 2% of that, or 10. My god man... but you really are bad at this.
Original statement: Evolution predicts if it doesnt then what? What will they say? Now let me destroy this. Where we found the first fossil of our ancestors says nothing about common descent with modification. There is no such thing as a mutation rate. If so, what is it? Predator-prey are not predictable, as I stated before, if you think you can look at a heard and predict what animal they will eat you are high. We dont have rates of evolution we dont know how long it takes since its never been witness, thus how can something nonexistent be accompanied with speciation? There is more than one phylogenetic tree. Insect wings did not come from gills unless you see aliens that shoot fire from their armpits and your tip a lot
EXACTLY!!! Thank you for providing what I was saying in your own words... Thus, my initial statement stands!
I don't think so... Those who believe has all tested their Faith. Have you heard of Doubting Thomas? He was an Apostle...