my question , why this idiot Zuroff, thinks that those 2 tragedies are not the equivalent?
In 2015, the Ukrainian parliament passed a bill outlawing criticism of the UPA, a group implicated in war crimes against Poles and Jews during World War II. The Ukrainian Insurgent Army was a Ukrainian nationalist paramilitary army that engaged in massacring and expelling the Polish population in 1943. The Ukrainian cabinet also approved constructing a monument to World War I era Ukrainian leader Simon Petliura, whose forces were responsible for a series of pogroms across the country. The Holocaust bill undermined the Jewish Holocaust by equating it with the Ukrainian famine of the 1932-33.
I might be banned for the following comment: The Holocaust is the industry of prosperity for groups such as the Wiesenthal Center. There, I posted it.
Well, last time I checked, you're still here. I posted similar information about the Wiesenthal Center's racist act on a thread about fighting anti Semitism. To suggest that the mass murder of one group is any more profound because of their ethnicity is as repulsive as it is bigoted. You're not breaking any new ground by suggesting that the holocaust has been, itself, cheapened and exploited to the point of becoming a corrupt and fraudulent Industry. Please see Norman Finkelstein's book "The Holocaust Industry"
Of course. If you're talking about eliminating holocaust denial laws, that would certainly help to erase the double standard that engenders anti Semitism.