I had the experience of being in a room with 20 Italians half of whom were coughing in early March. Then Italy shut it’s borders and sent everyone home. I had a hacking cough for 5 weeks. A pain to be sure but not debilitating. I’ve now been exposed and done with the worry and hope this for everyone!!
I got exposed as well, both at work and my mom's surgeon who did her mastectomy turned out to be Covid-19 positive and I cared for my mom after surgery, my mom being exposed scared the crap out of me as she has very aggressive cancer, plus heart failure, diabetes, etc so she is VERY vulnerable. Within a week, I woke up short of breath, dizzy and horrific chest pain, so much that I went to ER. Tested negative for Covid-19, turned out to be another issue, and my mom never displayed any symptoms of Covid-19 at all (thank God). I think everyone by now has been exposed as the virus is everywhere, but it doesn't mean you will get it. I was reading an article that said some people who may have gotten a form of SARS may have some antibodies built up already, but not sure how accurate that it is, on some level it does make sense.
We in the west have an expectation of safety that is simply pathological. If science can’t fix it then intense legislation can. This is a virus and couldn’t care less about either. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but right now nature always wins!
that figure would be inaccurate. Only those who were tested positive, and did not die are counted. Please keep in mind in the uSA that the CDC estimates that 10x the reported "infected" have actually been infected with no or mild symptoms, were never tested and thus, never counted.
Okay, obviously the number isn't a PERFECT figure when you put that into account. However if they have mild or no symptoms odds are they will recover, so then the recovery number would be higher. I was going off Worldmeter for the number stated originally.
Immunity only lasts for a few weeks to a few months. So if you aren't careful you will go through that all over again. If you infect an older person, she may need hospitalization and could die. Please wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Sounds like what I caught early in the year, probably from my local gym. I don't know whether it was Covid-19, but it was a hell of a thing and lasted at least that long. Good thing I work at home! I would not have wanted to have had that and been faced with working while ill with it or trying to collect unemployment benefits or some such. I don't get this desire among some to minimize the dangers and impacts of Covid-19, though. It is ultimately harmful to a great many people when a few are determined to catch it and spread it because they believe for no good reason that it won't bring lasting harm and possibly death to themselves or others. I made sure not to be around other people when I had that illness and found out about Covid in the news, and I would expect anyone to do the same. Heck, that's common sense even when we aren't in the midst of a dangerous pandemic like this one.
I had some flu-like "something" for 5 days in early-January with a non-alarming lingering dry cough for a few weeks afterward. It was very mild: headache, chills, body aches and generally tiredness. That is only remarkable since I haven't had the flu in 40 years and never get the flu shot. I think herd immunity is higher than currently estimated. Plus, there is some research that a lot of the unexposed have protective CD4+ cells without ever having the virus. https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeli...-the-human-immune-response-to-the-coronavirus "100% of the exposed patients had CD4+ cells. -- And here’s something to think about: in the unexposed patients, 40 to 60% had CD4+ cells that already respond to the new coronavirus. This doesn’t mean that people have already been exposed to it per se, of course – immune crossreactivity is very much a thing, and it would appear that many people have already raised a response to other antigens that could be partially protective against this new virus."
I am certainly glad to hear that neither you nor your mother have contracted COVID-19. That's good news.
I would examine the source before accepting the claim on any level or passing it along. When it comes to something like this, I feel it's important to stick to the facts (the science) as much as possible.
I think you are doing the right thing by going with worldOmeter but be careful with that number: there are no uniform standards for determining whether a person has really recovered or not and worse yet, many countries do not even require those who have contracted the virus to report back as to whether or not they are still sick, or not. Plus, many people are in limbo: not really sick enough to die, not well enough to function in society. So, the number is really hard to use as hard and fast evidence of anything. This is even a problem in Germany, which in virtually every other way has done exemplary work in crushing the curve, treating patients, doing tracing, getting people to wear masks, etc... but even in Germany, from province to province, the rules for deciding who is still ill and who is now healthy are different. In NRW, you don't have to telephone with the health services about your condition. If you don't say anything after 4 weeks, they automatically move your name into the recovered-column, whether or not that is actually the case. Just as it would be unfair to use critical care numbers to prove a point, it's just as unfair to use a very cloudy "recovered" statistic to prove anything - that would mean you are building your house on sand. The only really hard, fast numbers that we should be able to rely on sould be the number of confirmed infections and most definitely the number of deaths, because dead is dead is dead is dead (no disrepect intended in any way). Of course, that requires us to trust all governments on this planet to actually tell the truth about their COVID-19 numbers, and not all of them are doing this, with China leading the pack in obfuscation.
Actually with lockdown many less people died from car accidents...and yet the number of deaths increased well beyond reported Covid deaths...
No but you can get 5ths disease, hand foot and mouth which are variants of the virus. But there is scientific proof that Covid virus can affect the same individual after recovery.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.9n...orado/73-772b5764-a15b-46b7-8946-c88f30397955 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fo...tive-covid-19-test-incites-cyberbullying/amp/