You will know them by their fruit... Peace vs Hostility Insanity vs Reasoning

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by nlytend, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. nlytend

    nlytend Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Please note writers who debase the right/left are clearly not neutral and don't offer individual research to support facts. Instead these types use propaganda. "Propaganda is to democracy what violence is to dictatorship"- Avram Noam Chompsky

    For those of you who are seeking the truth run don't walk run from both those who belittle conservatives and those who belittle liberals. Note, you will know them by their fruit. In either case the end result is division. That which divides is diseased in and of its own self. So diseased that the source itself has becomes consumed by this insane venture. Sort of like a disfunctional child born of a disfucntional family. Again run from the mere smell of these divisive tactics.It is rare but every now and then you will encounter a refreshing voice whose words ring true you will not feel eager to argue. Instead you will feel delighted to share your feelings and to learn more. You will know them by their fruit it will unit people in the discussion. Most who respond will feel comfortable doing so and only broaden the scope of discussion without intimidation.

    These sort of writers are here. Please when you find their rare refreshing work push them to share more a and ackowledge there effort to bridge the divide they are priceless. :sun:

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