thanks to the Obama juntas War on Coal. quote: The market-clearing price for new 2015 capacity almost all natural gas was $136 per megawatt. Thats eight times higher than the price for 2012, which was just $16 per megawatt. Taxcutter says: Minor nit-pick: the unit of electricity is megawatt-hour. Just who do you think is gonna pay eight times as much for electricity? You are. Quote: The Senate will have a critical opportunity to do just that when it votes on stopping Obamas most expensive anti-coal regulation sometime in the next couple of weeks. The vote is on the Inhofe Resolution, S.J. Res 37, to overturn the so-called Utility MACT rule, which the EPA itself acknowledges is its most expensive rule ever. Taxcutter says: Obama is merely keeping his campaign promise.
Barky promised us it would get more expensive. It's the result of his under the radar regulations that impose more burdens and costs on business. The man is in a war against fossil fuels. This is an example of how he's harming the country and expanding govt. When are people gonna get it that he doesn't care about us, just his ideology and himself.
Well, if Obama has it's way will coal, your really going to see prices rise with electricity. The electric company here already wants us to pay more to help finance those who want to buy solar.
We've been here before. US companies have been made aware of upcoming regulations, they failed to update their power stations and are now throwing the toys out of the pram. I used to work on a BOS Plant (steel making), the process makes huge amounts of polution in dust form. The BOS plant was actually designed to have a natural uplift of air, sucking all the polutants out into the local air. New regulations forced them to seal the building and use a dust extraction system. It was amazing to see the physical volume of (*)(*)(*)(*) we were pumping out. Bottom line: Industry needs to quit whinging and clean up it's act.
When necessity expenditures devour discretionary / disposable income earned by the poor and middle class... two things happen... 1) that rerouted discretionary / disposable income is no longer available for small businesses...which harms capitalism and increases unemployment... and... 2) the poor, middle class, and newly unemployed will be forced to look to government to subsidize their existence... massively expanding permanent government dependency... and overwhelming the private sector / capitalism's ability to fund it all....ultimately ushering in an economic death spiral only "solvable" through state ownership of means of production. This, in a nutshell, is why progressive leftists/Marxists/communists/socialists....collectivists.... gravitate towards environmental "causes". "Bloodless Revolution 101"
^^^^the dirty little secret collectivist elites obfuscate from their dull-eyed, mouth breathing, easily manipulated constituency....cloaking their insidious frog boiling in "Earth Days" and "Saving Mother Gaia"
Prohibitive cost of retrofitting existing coal plants for carbon capture According to the U.S. Department of Energy, it is not economical to retrofit existing coal plants with carbon capture technology: Existing CO2 capture technologies are not cost-effective when considered in the context of large power plants. Economic studies indicate that carbon capture will add over 30 percent to the cost of electricity for new integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) units and over 80 percent to the cost of electricity if retrofitted to existing pulverized coal (PC) units. A recent study from the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) confirms that additional alternatives need to be pursued to bring the cost of carbon capture down. In addition, the net electricity produced from existing plants would be significantly reduced - often referred to as parasitic loss - since 20 to 30 percent of the power generated by the plant would have to be used to capture and compress the CO2.[29]
When your electric bill goes from $70/mo to $350/mo you can thank Obama and the EPA. Also natural gas prices are up 35%. Thank Obama and the EPA. Gasoline, diesel and jet fuel cost roughly double what they cost in January 2009. Thank Obama and the EPA.
Riiiiiiight. So no other country is doing this? Get real. These companies have had fair warning, plenty of time to update old stations, they simply ignored the new regulations.
For one that is speculation, two, if prices were to jump that high, I assure you, the demand would drop like gasoline. Now for your issue with EPA regulations...
It get's worse people. Barack Obama's minions, like NRC Chair Jaczko has made sure our Nuclear Power industry is under producing. Expect blackouts in the West if we have a hot summer and prices to soar in the East and Midwest as well.
I expect the Romney campaign is thanking them for this election year "gift". Many of the states looking at these outrageous price hikes are the swing states that are going to determine who will be the next POTUS...
The biggest lie ever told ~ "Democrats are for the poor and middle class" their concerted, interminable efforts to eat away their incomes with increased necessity expenses bear this out.
The trouble with Obama and Liberals, is if they want something they demand it, or put it through without thinking of the consequences of what they do. They don't look far enough ahead. For every action there is a reaction. They need to look at the reaction before doing things. To bad government didn't do that with NAFTA, Free Trade, pushing homes on people who couldn't afford it and changing the law that protected us from banks getting into risky investments since the Great Depression. Maybe this country wouldn't be in the shape it's in today if they did.
In the immortal words of Will Rogers: Last year we said, 'Things can't go on like this', and they didn't, they got worse. I hope the American people have learned a valuable lesson from the mistake they made in 2008. Never put a prog in the White House...
There's no reason for us to get into a debate based on B/S lies & misdirection. Why you would is beyond me.
Hey dude, good to see you here. The thing is, Barack Obama has promised his plan will make energy costs skyrocket: “Under my cap and trade plan,” Obama said, “electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket.” Read more: