Zero Evidence that 9/11 Was an Inside Job

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Dr. Righteous, Feb 26, 2012.

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  1. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I'll put it this way. I can sympathize more with the notion of "they let it happen" than "they orchestrated it."
  2. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    I don't believe you. simply because numerous of eyewintesses have come forward from survivors to Firefighters, to you name it, that's a professional in such matters, proving that it was a Controlled demo. youtube is littered with testimony. but you still don't believe.

    So if you know these things actually happend, why can't you come to grips with new evils that are being done against Americans now? could it be that you can't believe it because now the evils are aimed at whites as well as native americans, african americans, etc...when before, such evils were never aimed at whites? Is it so hard to believe that your white counterparts in Washington are not the same whites you grew up with??

    Those people are mere researchers of facts. 99.9% of the time they back up what they say with actual documents written by those that seek to cull the populations, vaccinate us with cancer viruses, take us to FEMA camps, etc..etc...they just pass on the info and allow the average joe to make up their mind. They are not the leaders of a charge, they are just the whistleblowers. If you can't understand that, then you deserve to be hauled off to a FEMA camp.

    or Maybe you're just in denial and would like for your "American Dream" to keep going. But It's not know, but that's life pal. You were fortunate or unfortunate enough to be living in the Last Days, enjoy it while it lasts.
  3. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    Alex reads from official government documents daily. you make no sense.

    What are you reading from? the WSJ, the HUffPo? Drudge?
  4. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    The notion of they 'let it happen' could be due to gross incompetence or it could bleed over into collusion. In any case, it's all the more reason to open up this investigation again.

    It's easy to see how shallow the original investigation was by just making a list of all the aspects of all the events, including those prior to, on the day of and following the hijackings. Lee Hamilton had it right when he said the 9/11 Commission was set up to fail. Just my own thought, but I imagine he was being 'diplomatic' in saying that and he likely had stronger feelings on the matter.
  5. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Wrong yet again. You have a bunch of truthers PRETENDING that these eyewitnesses are saying something different than what they are. Why haven't all but a few proven nutjobs stepped forward? Firefighters lost 300 of their own that day. If they had ANY idea that 9/11 was anything other than Al Qaeda, they would be DEMANDING answers. Yet not one of them has stepped forward and backed you truthers up.

    But we're just suppose to believe you? Believe you despite the fact there is zero hard evidence to back up your claim AND plenty of evidence that directly refutes your claim? If it was a controlled demolition, why don't we see evidence in the seismic records? A prepped building with columns pre-cut so they don't have to use as much explosives is still very much visible at seismic centers, yet nothing on any of the three buildings was in any way characteristic of a controlled demolition.

    And why is it during the collapse of WTC 7 nobody heard ANYTHING other than the collapse itself? It was filmed with audio from several locations and NOTHING other than the collapse itself is heard. No explosions before or during the collapse.

    Because I am free from paranoid delusions that would make me see plots that aren't there. I go by the evidence, not the looney toons characters like Jones, Woods, and Gage.

    :lol: That is seriously retarded, especially since MKUltra was done on whites. Can't you get ANYTHING right?

    What a racist and ignorant remark. Come back when you figure out what a racist is and why they are universally despised.

    Bull(*)(*)(*)(*). They make up more than they "pass on" and what they pass on is so laced with paranoid delusions that it doesn't even resemble the truth anymore.

    Whistleblowers of looneytoons theories that get people with serious mental disorders to stand up and dance to their tunes.

    As for the likelihood of me being hauled off to some imaginary camp.... :lol: Keep dreaming.

    Keep on dreaming yourself. We all know you can't debate the facts so you have to try and pretend what others are thinking. Pretty pathetic tactic, but it is all you have.
  6. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    So where is the evidence that this happened? It has already been investigated. You want us to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a new investigation, yet you want us to do it based on the paranoid delusions of a few nuts instead of on evidence that this happened. You do realize we have laws against that, right?

    And there go the truthers pretending the 9/11 commission was the actual investigation and that anything said DURING the investigation was also what they feel even after the investigation is done and they've signed their names to it. :lol:
  7. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    And then he ties in his own paranoid delusions into them and pretends he has uncovered some whopper of a story so idiots that believe him can get all worked up over nothing.

    As for making no sense, try reading some of your own posts. :lol: Remember when you were running around claiming there were stars the size of volkswagens between the Earth and Moon that would fry any astronaut going to the moon? :lol:

    I read everything INCLUDING the nut sites like infowars. I let the evidence speak for itself. Try it sometime.
  8. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    Don't believe me, I wasn't there, believe the eyewitnesses who were there. you're really retarded if you believe that people who were actually in the building and escaped with their lives were "pretending" to tell the truth. Stories of hearing "booms" going off as they hauled ass down the stairwell. I put more stock in their claims than I do yours, a nobody online chirping about nothing and denoucning all the evidence presented.

    Silverstain said "pull it"...what do you think that meant?

    No, you're as trapped as trapped can get. you're in denial and it's frustrating to you so you lash out with your lame one-liners and nonsense to get people agitated. but that lame tactic can't agitated me.

    What was racist about what I said? You denying history again? typical.

    It's not "made up" when you can google the same links and papers they read from. You're just in denial and need a scapegoat for your lack of understanding the truth about your Government. and Governments worldwide for that matter.

    What are you blowing the whistle on? exatcly...NOTHING. You're just hating on them becuase they are on the front lines and you are in the background throwing stones.

    You'll be one of the first to comply.
    ..."Report to the FEMA camps?, Sure which way? Are they open on Weekends? "

    I debate with those that have clear understanding of things. You on the other hand, are just a low-key troll that just hasn't been banned yet. You say just enough stupid things to rile people up but you bring no substance to the debates. just one-liners and trollisms.

    good day
  9. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    It's called conecting the dots. he speaks on the info, then rationalizes their next move, It's called being SMART. try it sometimes. don't just wait for things to happen, have some vision.

    If you did that then you wouldn't be in here shooting down the facts.
  10. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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  11. Nunya D.

    Nunya D. Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    The people were in a building that was on fire. The "booms" could have been anything. Exploding cleaning supplies, windows imploding from the heat and pressure, steel twisting from the heat and popping, etc.

    Just because people "think" they heard explosions does not substantiate the stance that the building was wired for explosives. of the main conspiracy theories hinges on what Silverman meant by "pull it"?

    It could have been many things. IF the building was wired with explosives, and IF he meant to blow the building by saying "pull it", and since he said those words to the Fire Department Commander.....then the Fire Department Commander would have to be in on the conspiracy, along with every fire fighter that entered WTC7, as they would have seen the explosives and wires.

    If that is true, why would the Fire Department Commander be part of the conspiracy. He would just be another lose end and would not have a "need to know".
  12. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Never have. Probably never will.

    We know. You sure act like you were.

    I do. I read what they said and don't add to it like you truthers do. Some people heard explosions. Not all explosions are explosives. Not one person actually saw a bomb. The fact all you truthers have to hang your hat on are lies about what people meant should embarass you all.

    First off, cut the personal insults. Those are against the rules as you are well aware.

    Second, where did I say anything of the kind? I believe the witnesses. I believe they heard explosions. I don't believe the retarded truther claim that all explosions are caused by explosives. Obviously neither do they as they haven't pursued the truther way.

    You think there should be silence during a major fire and with major structural damage being done? Wow! Me? I think things exposed to high heat tend to go boom.

    Where have I denounced any evidence? YOU sure as hell haven't presented any.

    But back to witnesses. How about the thirteen people who survived the collapse in stairwell A right where truthers pretend all the explosives were going off during the collapse, yet all they heard was the approaching collapse? Why is it you believe witnesses when you can put words in their mouths, yet ignore those who don't say what you want them to say?

    And why is it you ignore the fact only a bare handful of the hundreds to thousands of witnesses on 9/11 believe you truthers? They were there. If they actually believe the retarded claims of truthers, why aren't they out there demanding answers?

    Considering he was talking to the fire department and the fire department uses the term pull it to mean evacuate, I am going to go with evacuate.

    Otherwise one has to believe the FDNY was in on the conspiracy and actually brought down WTC 7 which is even MORE retarded than most truther theories.

    Wrong yet again. I have answers for every one of your claims and I have evidence you run from. I am not the one trapped.

    Wrong yet again. :lol: I am not in denial. I know what happened. You, on the other hand, can't come up with a coherent theory, and if you did, your truther buddies would turn on you like they have other truthers because your theories don't agree with their theories. It's like sharks at feeding time when you add chum to the water. They don't care who gets eaten, even if it is one of their own. The agenda means more than any truther.

    Well, considering you can't even get it right, that doesn't surprise me. Does the FACT you have no evidence bother you? How about the FACT all your claims are based on OPINION? That would bother me a LOT.

    Like I said, come back when you have it figured out. Racists disgust me.

    It is once you have to swallow all the horse(*)(*)(*)(*) they add and pretend is true. :lol: Then again, devoted disciples can't tell where the story ends and the horse(*)(*)(*)(*) begins.

    Wrong yet again. When are you going to stop attacking me and address what is said?

    Nice to see the paranoid delusions going global!

    Despite the fact your English is attrocious and hard to understand, you're wrong once again.

    Blowing a whistle for the sake of blowing a whistle is childish and stupid. Now, if you actually had EVIDENCE of something that needed whistleblowing, that would be a different matter. But as you prove with every post, you have nothing.

    Wrong yet again. Keep dreaming. :lol:

    I have a very clear understanding of things. I think you meant you like to debate with those who have no clue, as then you might actually look like you got something right. The fact you attack me instead of addressing what I write speaks volumes about your debate skills.

    If I have no substance, why can't you address it? Thank you for proving your own lie is a lie. :lol:

    Yes it is, isn't it. It is suppose to hit 70 degrees out today.
  13. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    yeah you would have better luck trying to reason with a grade school gradute with facts like this instead of the official conspiracy theory apologists that have posted on this thread.:mrgreen::-D
  14. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Because it wasnt something,Bush,cheney or the media said,his logic is its not true.:mrgreen::-D oh and he does the same thing the 9/11 covrup commission did,looks the other way and doesnt look at anything that doesnt fit his version of events.
  15. Dr. Righteous

    Dr. Righteous Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    More empty rhetoric and zero substance.
  16. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    oh yeah I have said this a million times in the past that congress in the 70's did an investigation into the activities of the CIA and through the freedom of informationa act,they discovered documents that the CIA has agets infiltrated in all forms of mainstream media,police forces,government offices,peace activivits groups,;ll find though when you try and argue with all the OCTAs that have come on this thread though,they will ignore these little facts and say something like thats not true or some kind of crap like that.
  17. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    the octas can only weep and cry knowing you took them to school and won the game of chess and you can now say CHECKMATE to them.they never do when their chess games.:mrgreen::-D must be frustrating to them to lose all the time everyday.:mrgreen:
  18. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    gives standing ovation.
    yeah thats what I have said a million times,they way they debate around here,they wouldnt last one minute against a first grader in a debating contest.the first grader would not ignore the mountains of evidence posted on here by us.
  19. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    yeah I guess he/she must be unaware of the whistleblowers that DID come forward and how their superiours told them to ignore the information they had.:mrgreen::-D
  20. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    thats why the OCTA'S ignore the mountains of evidence that explosives were planted because if they do,they would have to admit that al-queda could not have got past the security to plant them,that it would have to be an inside job if they acknolwedge that,but the problem is,they prove they dont know anything abotu science and the laws of physics that every junior high kid learns at that age though so they can only post mindless pathetic ramblings in their posts defending the official version.:mrgreen::-D
  21. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Havent you learned,they always dodge,they can never address ENTIRE posts,their pattern is they always select to address only PARTS,never the entire posts.:mrgreen::-D
  22. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Congratulations! You've just described paranoid delusions to a "T". Here's a hint. When a nutjob like Jones makes a buttload of predictions and none of them come true, you're dealing with someone who is yanking you around by the short hairs and you're willingly following along.

    What "facts"? You mean evidence? You haven't presented any. As for your "facts", you're usually either outright lying or have them so messed up one cannot tell they were at any point real facts
  23. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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  24. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    You don't need to satisfy me. You have to satisfy SOMEONE that your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) theories are true and that another investigation is needed. You do that though EVIDENCE. See how that works? Until you can prove a new investigation would actually FIND something, a new investigation would be worthless. An investigation based on the current evidence would come to the exact same conclusions because there are no other conclusions that one can come to.

    As for the debunking of the truther theories, those debunkings don't get debunked. As you can see in this thread, the truther either runs away or changes the subject. I don't care where you are from, that is not debunking, that is getting one's ass kicked.

    Those "professional groups" are a bunch of (*)(*)(*)(*)ed up (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)bags that wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit them on the ass. Seriously. Their sites are so full of lies that it is a wonder even truthers still blindly believe them just because they pretend they have credentials.

    If these "professional groups" have evidence, why haven't they gone before Eric Holder with their findings? Oh, they whine about their lack of evidence and that someone should do something, but they know as well as you and I that they have nothing of substance and are just acting like children.
  25. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Yet you can't seem to poke holes in the official story. What does that say about you? :lol:

    Seriously. Present evidence that your theories are true. Come on. Just one piece. You truthers pretend you have tons and tons of evidence, yet you won't share even one piece.

    Why not?
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