Feb 22, 2016
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"If you can't say it simply and clearly, keep quiet, and keep working on it till you can." -Karl Popper May 19, 2017

    1. Joe knows
      Joe knows
      I have brought biased argument after biased argument against you in the past. I honestly apologize because I see you are not that way. It’s sad when one realizes that I myself have been the fool. I promise to never argue in a biased manner against you again. You have my total respect in that manner. I look forward to further conversation with you. Thanks for being apart of this forum.
      1. Hey Now and Golem like this.
      2. Golem
        I wrote this yesterday and probably forgot to send. But I truly appreciate your words, and look forward to very interesting conversations. Thanks again
        Jul 19, 2023
        Joe knows and Hey Now like this.
    2. Brett Nortje
      Brett Nortje
      Nice to meet you!
      1. Golem
        May 22, 2017
    3. Golem
      "If you can't say it simply and clearly, keep quiet, and keep working on it till you can." -Karl Popper
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    NB: It took me a long time to research the validity of my arguments, and I suggest you do the same. This doesn't mean I'm always right. It only means I did my due diligence. Which, In most cases, simply means I did a google search to make sure what I write is not B.S. And remember: I do my research. I don't do yours. If you have a point to make, that's your burden. Don't ask me to do your research for you.