why is Obama so hated ?

Discussion in 'United States' started by CharlieChalk, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. CharlieChalk

    CharlieChalk Banned

    Sep 22, 2012
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    he is just your usual democratic president, but on the right the rhetoric has been unbelievably vitriolic since day one and sometimes even sinister, the tactics to undermine him more and more desperate peddling lie after lie after lie, so lets be honest - he's not a socialist, he's not a communist, he's not a muslim, he was born in the usa, thats the crazy stuff out of the road, so why is he so hated ? the only policy he has enacted that is in any way 'controversial' is Obamacare (and that would only be controversial in one country on the planet btw, making sure your citizens don't die generally goes down pretty well elsewhere), thats it, just that one policy is the only thing slightly more 'out there' than any regular democratic president, but the hatred is on a scale never seen before.

    so why is my question, and the only answer I can think of, when all other alternatives have been eliminated, it has to be simple racism. the right cant stand a black man running their country, even if they dont admit it to themselves thats what motivates it all deep down imo. racism. his colour is the only thing that seperates him from any other democratic president, so that has to be it.
  2. Max Frost

    Max Frost New Member

    Sep 24, 2012
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    Yep that pretty well sums it up.
  3. sparky2

    sparky2 Banned

    Mar 14, 2012
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    I'm an independent freethinker, and not a friend of either the Democrat party or the Republican party.

    Do I hate Obama?
    I wish that he were impeached and long-gone.

    Is it racial?
    My hatred of the man has nothing to do with the color of his skin. It never has.

    Is it political?
    There is no political component or party influence in my hatred of this useless, arrogant, destructive, socialist-leaning politician.

    Is it COMMON SENSE??
    He has shown that he is the stereotypical example of the useless, two-faced, condescending politician that I have ALWAYS hated, all my life.
    But worse yet, one who seems hell-bent on destroying this nation's economy and core principles.

    You want examples?

    1. Broken promises.
    He has broken his promise to be a uniter. He made a pledge to unify the nation and put aside petty, partisan differences.
    In the end, he has been a decidedly egregious divider and a deeply partisan stooge.
    He has broken his promise to bring transparency and accountability to the white house and the federal government.
    The open and blatant bribes that occurred during the lead-up to the Obamacare vote in Congress were offensive, horrific, and shameful.

    2. Crooked to the core.
    Spent the first few months in office paying back his money men, cronies, and benefactors.
    Blatantly and openly.
    Stimulus 1 and 2. Godawful cash grabs to his special interests and financiers. On the working taxpayer's dime.
    The repeal of NSPS (a payback to the AFGE), and an affirmation of the return to governmental largesse, corruption, and uselessness (and the rewarding of governmental mediocrity).

    3. Arrogant.
    Jetting around the world, spending taxpayer dollars like they were his birthright.
    Jetting around the nation on the taxpayer dime, campaigning for his own personal gain and benefit.

    4. Utterly inept.
    Failed policies.
    Failed economic schemes.
    The economy in shambles.
    UNBELIEVABLE, record-setting deficit spending and debt.
    Alienating our allies.
    Rewarding our enemies.

    I do hate the man, and I wish with all my heart that the Democrat party would grow some balls, and issue a statement of no-confidence.
    Then they could submit a viable and honorable candidate to run against milquetoast Romney.

    As it is?
    No matter how little use I have for Romney, I will have to support him, if only to get the very worst President in the history of the country out of office.

    Is that enough honesty for you?

    I have more, if you are ready for it.
  4. CharlieChalk

    CharlieChalk Banned

    Sep 22, 2012
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    interesting, got the best answer yet last week, woman from nj said no but a friend of hers at school his dad ran the local supermarket was found face down shot in the back of the head
  5. CharlieChalk

    CharlieChalk Banned

    Sep 22, 2012
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    well thanks for a detailed answer anyway

    1 - I think the republicans have much more of the blame to take for the country not being unified, they have opposed and filibustered all his legislation

    2 - the stimulus bills were necessary and enjoyed bi-partisan support

    3 - thats his job he's the president

    4 - what was 4 again

    I mean do you really think a republican president wouldnt be flying around the world on air force one ? that literally is his job thats what he's supposed to do, and the cost of that is nothing in the overall scale, you are scraping the barrel if thats all youve got, underlying racism as I said if you dont have valid criticisms it has to be that

    you dont think he's a viable candidate ? really ? compared to his predecessor who was by all standards technically retarded and an ex alcoholic failed businessman ? this guy is a successful lawyer and legislator and published author on political theory, you dont think he's a pretty viable candidate for president ? what sort of person do you think would be if he isn't ? he has degrees in politics and law what did george bush have ? theyre ideal subjects if you want to go into erm...politics...and making laws
  6. Rapunzel

    Rapunzel New Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2010
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    Oh just the fact that he has divided the nation through economics, gender and race. Plus he's a lazy incompetent boob who would rather play golf and basketball and watch reruns of Homeland while he's suppose to be working and couldn't run a cash register at a 7-11 and he's an ego driven narcissistic sociopath. That is just the tip of the iceberg.
  7. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Racism has to be the laziest answer to all things Obama, but it's still used, not matter what.


    Frankly, as I remember things, the vitriol against Clinton was far worse than with Obama, and the Democrats hatred of Bush far out topped anything the Republicans felt towards Obama and Clinton put together.

    No, he's not a Muslim, or a communist. As far as him being a Socialist, well he was a member of a socialist party in Chicago, so if the shoe fits. But none of that has to do with racism. Frankly, he's been a crappy President. when he was sworn into office, the country was in the middle of the biggest financial crisis in decades. His solution was his stimulus, which, did not work. That was his signature economic policy and it was a failure. After getting that passed he completely forgot about the economy and spent the next 13 months getting a terrible health care bill passed. You may simplify it as "making sure your citizens don't die" but it was a crap piece of legislation in which the costs were fraudulently hidden.

    If you think this is such a racist country, are you sure you want to move here? I think, cold winters aside, you should probably stay home.
  8. CharlieChalk

    CharlieChalk Banned

    Sep 22, 2012
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    you're lying, you dont think the vitriol has ever been this bad, look around you read the papers watch the news listen to what goes on in your own congress, lets not tell lies we're all adults, the vitriol towards obama is unprecedented

    you mean the healthcare bill that he spent his whole campaign talking about ? the one the american people elected him to enact ? what a bad guy he is, doing what he said he would do and all where did he get that idea from. that was his mandate you idiot. and more than one person runs the economy you know, its quite a big job, just cause he's passing healthcare legislation doesnt mean he 'forgot' about the economy, you see how facile and stupid your argument is ? it has to be racism you've got nothing else you've not made one valid criticism there. oh and I'll move to a liberal bit thanks, portland in the summer somewhere liberal and warm in the winter. there must be a place like that.
  9. Max Frost

    Max Frost New Member

    Sep 24, 2012
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    You know whats even better for dems is that if they really hate Obamacare so much they really picked the wrong guy in Romney to be the front man attacking it. As he passed something very similar while he was the Gov of Ma.
    And again you are right Obama has been attacked in ways none of his white predecessor ever were. We all knew he would be as many blacks who have aspired have been. At least we haven't had any James Earl Ray types able to cut him down like they did to MLK.
  10. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    The vitriol is intentional and is carefully cultivated by both parties. The reason? It is to get you to care so you will go vote. After all, what legitimacy does a "democracy' have if no one votes or if voter turn out is low? It simply would not look good and would be akin to elections held in the former USSR.

    Of course, setting aside our emotions that such vitriol generates, if we look at "W" and Obama, what exactly is different? Sure they have a few differences, but in general both spend like drunken sailors, wage wars across the globe to further bankrupt us, bail out any corporation they can, and embrace illegal immigration etc. I think that is why Obama is viewed as an empty chair of sorts. He is merely a tool of the establishment as was Bush.

    Of course, one needs talent to be elected the empty chair. As near as I can tell, Obama is a political animal in it's purest form. He comes across as a "nice guy" and is charismatic, with Chicago type thuggery behind the curtain. In fact, when he left Chicago politics his buddies tried to sell his seat. LOL. Of course, is it any surprise that the Obama administration was trying to buy seats in the state of Pennsylvania and Colorado? Members of his own party running for Congressional positions accused the Obama administration of trying to pay them off not to run against Democrats already in such Congressional seats that were favored by Obama. Disgusting.

    I guess what irks me the most is the fiscal insanity of the Obama administration. He has done far more damage to the national debt than Bush and has stated that it is not sustainable. The solution? The solution is to continue on that course and not flinch. In the interim the first two years the Democrat Congress could not even pass a budget, because I think they were too ashamed to do so. Then when Obama suggested a budget not one member of his own party would vote for such fiscal insanity. Disgusting.

    The reason this irks me the most is that such fiscal damage is far reaching, and possibly will destroy the nation. There reaches a point where they is no return, no more options, and/or no more hope and change. Disgusting.
  11. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Such anger! Obviously, the only possible reason you could be this angry with me is racism. Tsk, Tsk, get that racist hate out of your heart! We're all God's children!

    First, he didn't govern with the healthcare plan he campaigned on, he governed with the healthcare plan Hillary Clinton campaigned on. During the campaign, Obama opposed the individual mandate and made some good arguments against it. If you were a Democratic voter who was basing your decision on which candidate to support in the primaries based on the candidate's health care plan and you picked Obama for his plan, you got screwed. So no, it was not "his mandate."

    Second: It's not a matter of one person running the economy; really no one does. But I knew the stimulus plan wouldn't work back in February 2009 when it was being debated. It was identical to what Japan did when they had a similar recession, and we had similar results. The President doesn't control the economy, but he could have proposed and signed some legislation that would have addressed our economic issues rather than a multi billion dollar earmarks for buddies and supporters.

    As for where to move, Portland is where young people go to retire. That probably is a good place to summer. I would check out the TV show Portlandia.

    I'm not sure about where to go in the winter though.

    But based on your uncalled for insults, I can see that UK leftists have a lot in common with US ones, so I'm sure you will fit in just fine!
  12. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Well.....you know we are racists if we even suggest that those folks hate Obama because of his color- right?

    Look- I don't think all- or even most of the haters are racists. But I saw this level of hatred towards Obama virtually from the moment he was inaugerated. People blame his record now, but his record is just a rationalization for a hatred that started on inaugeration day for so many of these folks.

    I think that rational people can make solid criticism's about Obama's record as President. But beyond that we have the whacky Muslim stuff, conspiracy stuff, wierd attacks on his family- those are all just signs of how deeply the haters hate.
  13. Pgraphicx

    Pgraphicx New Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    No this works for me well said. we elected a man with no experience to the most important job in the world and he has lived up to our expectations, he failed.
  14. CharlieChalk

    CharlieChalk Banned

    Sep 22, 2012
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    so romney has lots of experience of being president then does he ?
  15. CharlieChalk

    CharlieChalk Banned

    Sep 22, 2012
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    thats it, those that hate him really hate him and its nothing to do with politics thats why you get that stuff
  16. CharlieChalk

    CharlieChalk Banned

    Sep 22, 2012
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    you dont just elect a president you elect a party tbf, no matter what form it was you got a healthcare package that you didnt have before and were promised, he had a mandate to deliver that he delivered it, despite republicans trying their best to thwart it and water the bill down

    the stimulus has arguably worked and was necessary, hang on a wee while will find you an article watching the golf just now

    well here just read some of these http://www.alternet.org/search/site/spending growth
  17. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Learning opportunity here. In a parliamentary system, such as the one you have, the political party is part of the whole package. But that's not true in the US system. The results of the 2008 election put Democrats in control of both Houses of Congress and the Presidency, but the Republicans took back the House of Representatives and cut into the Democratic majority in the Senate. You could easily have a situation in which Congress is controlled by one party, and the Presidency by another.

    This was by design by the way.

    With all do respect to Alternet, I'll put my track record up against theirs anytime. But as far as the stimulus working, this chart pretty much says it all. It shows where the economy was supposed to be if we passed the stimulus and where it is now.


    It's an extremely large margin of error.
  18. philipkdick

    philipkdick New Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    I'm a boomer and the America I grew up in was majority white, in the suburban neighborhood I grew up in there were only a few Catholic families one or two Jewish and ONE Chinese family. You didn't see non whites on television except for the occasional black entertainer. Now our nation is far more diverse and in my eyes THIS IS A GOOD THING. The energy and ambition of new Americans is something to behold. I live in an area where many immigrants from southern Asia have settled and they arrive here with an education and profession. Like all of us they want a better life for their children. They are also able able to send a few dollars every month to their families overseas which can make a tremendous difference in a poor country. It's a win for us and a win for them. To me this is the essence of America and a big source of the strength of our nation. To put it simply racism is stupid.
  19. TheTaoOfBill

    TheTaoOfBill Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2010
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    As they say. Garbage in garbage out. Those predictions were based on early estimates of what http://content.usatoday.com/communi...yment-would-have-topped-11-without-stimulus/1 unemployment would peak at. It was about 50% worse than anyone though. And in hindsight we now can look back and say unemployment would have passed 11% without the stimulus.


    But I'm sure that won't matter to you. You'll continue to post that inaccurate chart because it is a pretty (*)(*)(*)(*)ing one to the uneducated and lazy.
  20. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I hope you don't think that you are the first one to use an article about that CBO Report rather than the actual CBO Report itself. I've already dealt with that issue elsewhere on this forum in the past.

    The gist is that the actual CBO Report concedes that it's not based on the actual economic data for the period covered (in this case Oct to Dec 2009) but an estimate. So this is generated with similar models to the ones that came up with the predictions from the White House Council of Economic Advisers. So they got similar results.

    Garbage in, garbage out indeed!

    And speaking of lazy, that's one of the unfortunate side effects of having a compliant, biased media on your side. You just get lazy and don't check the source material and just rely on the simple minded journalists who believe just like you do who write those articles!
  21. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Do a Google for the Koch brothers and their heavily financed campaign of hate for Obama. These traitors, like Hitlerian traitor Rush Limbaugh, stated from day one that they want Obama to fail. His failure, of course, automatically means a failure for the USA. But that's what these traitors, like their Tea Bagging supporters, want.

  22. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Are we better off than 4 years ago?
    HELL - (*)(*)(*)(*)ING - YES!

    Not only am I better off than 4 years ago, THE ENTIRE WORLD IS AS WELL!
  23. endfedthe

    endfedthe Banned

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Well because he is a commy. He is not your usual dmeocrat president. You are simply wrong. Racism? he got elected and into harvard soley because he was black.... so.... yeah every point you fear is holow is solid as a 44 magnum...oh ps det went from 7-8T to 17T in 3 years, and he unionized fedex...all other presidents combined 40 or so =7-8T remember your commy CNN tried and blames bush for obama bank payoffs. right exactlyy!! now you get it? yes geithner is from goldman sachs.....yes there was holocuast of voter fraud to get obama barly elected over stooge mccain,.....yes obama was only senator because other guys wife sued him for cheating on her 50days b4 election ....yes is is empy suit who when telestraot not on says 57 states and other genius remarks, ,,,,...yes he jsut a moron who used race to get where he should never been and lets fed run wild and dems pay friend for stuff liek solyarndra 500million and then they take all cash get rich and close solarda, yes there have been dozens of solyanrda!!!! yes thsi si how mron democrats get rich then ignore those who produced yess.....
  24. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I don't think it's so much racism as his being saddled with a crummy economy from day one, plus things deteriorating rather than recovering ever since he got into office. I'm pretty sure the vitriol has increased over time, and what really got it started, as I recall, was his and Pelosi's "ramming" of Obama Care through despite conservative objections. The war was basically kindled then, and has been growing ever since.
  25. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    The better question is, Why is Obama LOVED by the patriotic majority in the USA and by the rest of the world?

    Easy - they are not fooled by the Koch brothers sponsored hate campaign against him.

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