You should also know that Bush only got into Yale due to "affirmative action". His grades were not good enough but since he was a legacy (daddy went there) he got special treatment. There has always been affirmative action for people like him but you don't hear any complaining from the right about it.
yeah and since his dad was what head of the cia at the time and probably gave them about a hundred grand too, he is notoriously stupid he genuinely is literally retarded I'm not joking about that
You really think the damage caused by Bush could just be magically fixed in 4 years? Give me a break, I didn't think you were that naive.
Because his followers are uber-ignorant? just a guess. Do you really have to ask?
No, he is not. I don't know any other president who admitted to wanting to re-distribute money. While I wouldn't say he is a socialist, I would say he is definitely leaning that direction. LOL. It has been nothing more than what G.W. got. Did you not see the election results of 2010? The people were voted in in record numbers to STOP the Obama machine. And no, I do not think he is a Muslim, or a socialist, or a communist and I think birthers are ridiculous. It's not just a Presidents policies Charlie, it's everything. It's his actions - his cover-up of the Fast and Furious scandal, his comments in certain nationwide incidents such as Trayvon Martin and professor Gates, his appeasement of terrorists and his apology tour around the world. You are wrong, while I do think there are people who dislike him because of his skin color, I also believe there are many more who like him only because of his skin color. I hope this is a joke... You have a lot of nerve calling someone else a liar when it is very clear you have no idea WTF you are talking about. That's not true. And I am glad they did what they did, have you seen the latest projected costs of Obamacare from the CBO? It's about four times more expensive than we were originally told. Obama had two years to pass a budget and still didn't. Then, when he finally did offer a budget - it got zero votes. Do you think it was right for Obama to call Bush "unpatriotic" for his spending, and then turn around and outspend him in three years to eight? And how did Obama get into school? He admitted to being a pot head, drinking and skipping class... And how did Obama get into school? He admitted to being a pot head, drinking and skipping class... First of all, it was a democratically controlled congress when our financial woes started, second, Bush spent way to much, and lastly, while I think it will take time to come out of the recession - Obama has NOT HELPED.
1) what specifically did he do to McCain? 2) supposed Congress had not obstructed the Obama agenda - how much more successful would it have been? 3) speculate on this one: suppose Democrats had openly stated they wanted Bush to fail in both of his wars and his agenda, what would the right wing reaction have been?
obama isnt hated at all outside the US, on the contrary he's very popular he's like a rock star when he comes over here, bush is considered a war criminal by most
thats true, but they hated america before that anyway, he's actually protecting your national security by doing that
It is semantics. It's also a sign that Rush Limbaugh must be the most powerful man in the US since he said that he wanted Obama to fail years ago and he's constantly quoted and re-quoted on this issue.
People who live in countries that have been droned by any administration do NOT have the right to speak out TRULY about how they feel about any and/or all foreign policies. They are, for the most part, ruled by thugs who will kill them and their families if they say anything on or off the record about their true feelings regarding the west.
-Apology Tour -Ignored Iranian protesters to curry favor with the Mullahs during the Green Revolution. -His reaction to the fallout of the Arab Spring -Not realizing there would be fallout to the Arab Spring -Fumbling the Afghanistan strategy then giving a date certain for withdraw; Taliban reacted accordingly. -Purposely spiked the chance to leave a residual force in Iraq -Letting Iran slouch toward nukes -SYRIA! -Betrayed allies that we had already signed agreements with by unilaterally diminishing our Eastern European missile defense program -Libya: Tricked into war by wiley Europeans when there's no US national security interest. Then became first President to ignore War Powers Act. This is just a top of my head list, but I want to be clear that I separate foreign policy and national security policy. I think in National Security he's about 80% there. and a B- is a pretty good grade for a Democrat. The biggest foreign policy failure? That's a tall order. Why don't you tell me why you think he's the biggest foreign policy failure in American history
You don't think that constant efforts to defund OEF & OIF while we had troops on the ground wasn't an attempt to make those operations fail?
Making comments like this ensures your ignorance will be noted. Worry not you only said it on the WWW
i think obama great president and most people i know love him so do i and i will vote for him again again
war based on lies and fabrication costing 5000 american lives and 150 000 iraqi ones for a start, making america more hated than theyve ever been despite worldwide sympathy post 9-11, taking a decade to catch bin laden, isolating all of europe over iraq, fatally undermining the UN over iraq, like it or not the worlds only body of global governance therefore an extremely important organisation, complete failure in afghanistan that obama is having to clean up, aligned far too closely with pakistan when it turns out they werent on your side after all, obama has identified that too, set the middle east peace process back 20 years, need I go on ?
You bring me leftie talking points with you. So as you might imagine, it's kind of hard to take you seriously. Frankly I was expecting something different although in retrospect, why would I? OK, lets start with the first one: war based on lies and fabrication costing 5000 american lives and 150 000 iraqi ones for a start What was the lie?
The only thing you're right about is Afganistan. There is absolutely nothing he was allowed to do about Syria or the IRan protests, so that's just stupid.
lefty talking points lol, are they ones that expose you for being a bit wrong ? the lie was weapons of mass destruction, have they found any yet do you know ? given your government told us they know exactly where they are they just need to go in and get them. everything powell said at the UN has been proven a lie too. not even the soviet union went to war on lies.