9/11 No Longer Matters

Discussion in '9/11' started by ar10, Apr 30, 2012.

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  1. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Foreign policy is NOT evidence the government was behind 9/11. THAT is why your claim a clean break is evidence is retarded. It doesn't get any simpler than that. YOU are drawing conclusions based on your hatred of the government, not on the evidence.
  2. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    " Foreign policy is NOT evidence the government was behind 9/11."
    Says who?

    " THAT is why your claim a clean break is evidence is retarded."
    Says who?

    " It doesn't get any simpler than that."
    I asked you to prove that it wasn't evidence, not just hand-wave it away with your opinion. Here, let me quote it for you, either your eyes, age, or any multitude of problems must have prevented you from comprehending my previous message:

    " Refute me with evidence from the early 90s and especially 1996 onwards to today then. Refute the foreign policy. Don't just say that it's not evidence. Prove that it's not evidence. I've linked to credible sources. How about you create a new thread and debunk this. Put my theory to rest, since Plague won't touch it because "it's too political.""

    " YOU are drawing conclusions based on your hatred of the government, not on the evidence."
    Now you come in for the character assassination, closing out your entirely subjective drivel post that was supposed to refute what I have thus posted and this is what I get? You've done lost your mind, man. And Mitt Romney lost the election. :)
  3. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Says anyone who knows what evidence is. What you have is a possible motive. Motive isn't evidence. Here is a real world example you might be able to comprehend. Say you had a mortal enemy and he turns up dead. All they need to indict you is evidence you are tied to the crime. They find an email by you stating how much you hate your enemy and how it would really help if he were to just die. Is that enough for an indictment? Not even close. It might be enough for them to investigate you, but that's it. And before you start blathering on about a lack of investigation, save it. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent investigating 9/11. Maybe you should educate yourself on what constitutes evidence so you don't make such a fool of yourself.

    Again, anyone who understands what evidence is. You're trying to pretend a logical connection by you somehow proves they are guilty, yet it is only your paranoia that makes that leap. "OMGZ! They said they need an event! My GOD! WE HAVE AN EVENT! They're GUILTY!!!" You need more than your hate and paranoid delusions to convince anyone of their guil like actual evidence.

    Your petty insults are meaningless because the only fool here is you. You pretending your retarded theories being exposed as bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is anything other than what it is only shows your inability to understand reality.

    There is nothing to refute. The foreign policy is what it is. That is not evidence they were involved on 9/11.

    It is not evidence. You whining like a little (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) because you don't like the fact it isn't evidence does not make it evidence.

    Paranoid delusions are not evidence. Never have been. Never will be. That is not hard to understand, is it? No matter how much you wish the people who scare the (*)(*)(*)(*) out of you are guilty of 9/11, they're not. It was 19 muslim hijackers.

    So show where those credible sources make the same conclusions you have.

    Don't need to make a whole new thread to kick your ass over this silly issue.

    That is not character assassination. It is the truth. Maybe that is why you can't recognize it. We all know truthers detest the truth which is why they ignore it as much as possible and try to focus everyone's attention on their various conflicting theories they can't even agree on. It doesn't take a whole lot of brain power to see just what losers truthers are. All one has to do is read their posts and listen to what their claims are to realize just how full of (*)(*)(*)(*) they all are. You're not an exception, Jango. You can't defend your theories other than through whining, which has never been that good of a defense.
  4. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Prince Lulz Alot is only one of many whose mission is to lie and cover up for murderers to advance Zionism and the Jewish establishment in the US.

    He doesn't realize that the more he twists the truth and tries to intimidate people the more unpopular he is going to make his own cause. Male Khazar Ashkenazims in the US generally despise white Anglo-Saxon males, Christians and Southerners especially. That's why you see them depicted in demeaning roles in TV and movies and why we are constantly exposed to scenes and advertisements showing white women (especially blonds) juxtaposed next to black men. It's why you see them promoting homosexuality almost exclusively among white males and why they encourage drug abuse among our young.

    What this reveals is the prevailing Jewish attitude toward all things non Khazar Ashkenazim. They not only want white Christian males to kill Israel's enemies for them, they encourage ill will between blacks and whites every way they can.

    Why do they do this?

    Because they are conceited, arrogant, selfish, Supremacists who are filled with HATE. Just look at the way he calls us names and tries to run us down. How much more evidence do you need?

    It's also why as many Jews were given advance warning to evacuate from the WTC buildings and why the HORRIBLE deaths of close to 3000 GOYIM were permitted.

    Did you know that the Israeli owned shipping company that was located in the WTC building moved out a week in advance of the attack and forfeited $50,000 dollars in the process?

    Of course the will fabricate some tale to explain this away like a thousand other things.



    The fact of the matter is that the people behind all these wars and the bankruptcy of the US care nothing about the people they exploit and it is their intention to break the back of the US economy so that THEY can rule it!

    The fact is that these pseudo Jews hate guys like me every bit as much as they do the Palestinians!

    THAT is their RELIGION!

    These people are some of the world's biggest control freaks.

    They want control of not only the US and the mideast, but the entire globe if they can get it.

    There never has been any "anti-semitism" in the US or they would never have risen to the positions of power they hold now.

    They insult and degrade us every chance they get, they monkey around with the Constitution, they try to destroy our heritage, they try to subjugate us to foreign interests, they denigrate our very faith, they want to rob us of everything of any value and make us serve them, and then they scream "anti-semitism" when we object!

    So you can thank Prince Lulz Alot and his buds for helping to drive the point home.

    Just keep kicking his ass and making him look like a fool. The more lies he tells, the easier it will be for people to spot him and others like him, even for simpletons. Besides, he likes it.
  5. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Didn't you state that they already rule it? Make up your mind.
  6. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Obviously you don't rule over my mind. Nor do they have complete consolidated control over everything. They are doing their best, but they're not there yet.

    They don't have complete control of the internet yet either because there aren't enough monitors available to keep tabs on as many people as there are to expose them.

    One of the hardest concepts there is to get white gentiles to believe is the actual contempt that the Ashkenazim Khazars have for them, even the women they flatter and use.

    I'm not saying that the greater fraction of goyim aren't equal candidates for hell, I'm simply giving the Devil his dues. They no where near excel at it like the Jews.

    You are going to continue to lose ground until you realize the fact that no one likes to be used and manipulated. We were not created for your pleasure or entertainment.

    Civility is a two way street just as much as compromise. If you can't force yourself to attend to either then neither must I.
  7. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Ironic, because that's exactly what you are.
  8. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Glad you like it. Enjoy.




  9. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  10. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    First off, I don't have to defend what I find interesting. I don't give a (*)(*)(*)(*) about politics, and the irony that I post on a political forum means nothing to me. Call me ironic. Secondly, my posts to Holston don't take though because it's all garbage. He can defend, and rationalize his theories all he wants to, but all it boils down to is anti-semite garbage with no substance and no evidence. Truther sites, for the millionth time, aren't evidence. The same way Jango can request me to stop using the NIST report, then truthers have to stop using truther sites, and anti Jew websites. It's all garbage, Jones got fired because he had no idea what he was talking about. The professors at his college stated as much openly, but he still talked about (*)(*)(*)(*) he had no idea about.

    Also, as dense as you guys are, my whole point is that 9/11 wasn't a conspiracy (outside of UBL, 19 terrorists and their network), so me arguing to it doesn't mean I am interested in conspiracies. Do you guys think that maybe this inability to comprehend the information that passes in front of your face is because you have no ability to comprehend? I know a lot about the topic of 9/11, I don't know (*)(*)(*)(*) about the JFK assassination, (*)(*)(*)(*)ing alien landings, or any of that other bull(*)(*)(*)(*) you guys claim is laying waste to our country. Why? Cause I just don't give a (*)(*)(*)(*), and you tin foil hatters will make any comparison you can to make your wild delusions seem true.

    So Holston, keep posting your anti Jew propoganda, and I will keep calling you an anti semite. Jango, Keep arguing about how you saw the light and 9/11 is a big sham along with insert_political_project_name_here. I will keep posting factual knowledge from real experts in the real world. Not garbage from theology majors, retarded Jew haters, and all the other drivel you guys spew here.

    That's the joke guys, it's that you guys are the joke. That's why it is fun to post here because I get to see what a truly paranoid brain acts like.
  11. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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  12. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    There we have it friends, straight from the experts who know more than the other experts.

    Anyone who opposes Zionist colonialism is an "anti-semite", even Jews and even Semites! See above video.

    We also have it from the most trustworthy and reliable expert of them all (next to Prince Lulz Alot) that the attacks of 9/11 were not politically motivated and had nothing to do with why we are occupying practically every mid-east country and sewing subversion in the ones we aren't.

    Everyone knows that the Arabs attacked us because they hated our freedom. W. Bush said so and who would doubt the word of one so beloved by the Neo-Con Jewish community?

    I suppose that none of this has anything to do with race ,religion, or ethnic differences either. To say otherwise would be to admit that the Jewish led multicultural revolution in the US is not such a good idea after all. Why would anyone want to put cats and dogs in a poke deliberately?

    Perhaps it won't be considered "racist" of me if I just say that Jews (of any stripe) are always strictly altruistic in every motive they have and are always thinking of what's best for others.

    Their super human humanitarianism, compassion, and generosity is what sets them apart from the rest of the people in the world which is why they should rightfully be considered a priestly cast. Take Lenny Bruce or Sarah Silverman for examples. They represent shining examples of what Judaism is all about. Jerry Springer really loves gentiles too. Why else would he never invite anyone but gentiles to appear on it? And who can think of Judge Judy without recalling the well spring of good will and understanding that she displays toward white gentile male litigants?

    No friends. There's no such thing as a bigoted Jew. It's in their genes you know.
  13. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    What experts? Who are we in comparison of? You can phrase it anyway you think best, and you can "address the crowd" all you want. I don't care what other people buy from your hatred spewing. If they're that dumb to buy it, then you can have them. They won't help "the other side" anyway.

    You're saying they were politically motivated? The only connection would be that they disliked our support of Israel, and they wanted us out of the middle east. That is why Al Qaeda openly stated they attacked the U.S. They didn't fly the planes into the buildings because they hated Republicans. I will apologize for that actually, since political motivation can be applied to almost anything. I will say that it wasn't related to the politics you are referring too, which is only the ones that Jews have a seat in. Oh, sorry, you keep saying the Jews run all of America. From our Media to our Business outlook. Also, why aren't you contesting Koko? He said Big Government was the biggest fear, now you're saying it's Jews. Pick a fact Truthers.

    I despise Bush, I don't really care for him at all. However, there is a big difference between saying I dislike Bush, and saying he planned and executed 9/11. You've already tried to point out a couple of different parties responsible for 9/11, will you pick a culprit and stick with it please. I can't keep up anymore.

    Uhm, see that's where we differ. I don't think we have a Jewish led multicultural revolution in the US. Even if I did, I (*)(*)(*)(*)ing love the US. I wake up every morning, I go to work, I have a nice car, 3 great kids, beautiful wife, nice home, money in my pocket, and a puppy that barks like a maniac when I walk in the door. I know you say that I have a bunch to fear, but your ilk have been saying that for centuries. I'm perfectly fine with my life.

    This is where I get confused, do you think that because I don't lean toward being an anti-semite that I support the Jewish religion? Remember my rant about politics, there you have it for religion. I couldn't give a (*)(*)(*)(*) what religion you are apart of, or what invisible man you prefer to worship. That is completely up to the person, and it is not my part to tell people how to live their lives. I speak to 9/11 because there are facts and there is evidence.

    You say you are a christian, which is fine, but I look at your opinions. I look at the people you attack, without evidence, and I look at your attitude. I don't judge people based on their religion, or skin color, or who they decide to sleep with. You attack other people without hesitation, you accuse them of horrible crimes without a bit of evidence other than incredulity and invisible links. So you can try to paint me as whatever you'd like, your opinions couldn't mean less to me.
  14. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    even if you support the Palestinians!

    zionism is a statist operation nothing to do with the jew per se, however does have a lot of jews that support it since isreali state is zionist after all.







    its a very small world indeed!
  15. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    ...and the "Republican" (Neo-CON). Things have gotten progressively worse since this article was written.
    That was way back in 1978.
    Only within the past week or so a referendum was passed in Germany to increase the amount of money being awarded to "holocaust victims".

    My, my. For people who were ran through concentration camps they sure are healthy to live so long. Not only that, their numbers seem to be multiplying!
    And not only that, these increases are exceeding the rate in which WWii veterans are dieing off!! Amazing, isn't it.
    Notice people, that the quotes above are all from JEWS! Not "anti-semites"!

    I couldn't agree more.
  16. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Yeah, we get it, Jews are bad.
  17. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    I'll tell you what is BS. It's all of this "anti-semite" this and "anti-semite" that every time someone criticizes Judaism, Israel, US foreign policy, the Federal Reserve System, Hollywood, or Wall Street.

    Don't you ever wonder why these subjects are considered off limits in American politics, ie that anyone who delves too deeply into them is going to be breaking an unspoken taboo and will be condemned as "politically incorrect"?

    It's obvious to me that's because one cannot get to the root of these issues without running smack dab into Jewish involvement. And that area is considered sacrosanct.

    The fact that Hasbarats pour out of the wood work to attack every "Truther" that posts on 9/11 is an indication in itself that Zionists were involved and that they know it!

    Those who want further evidence can refer back a page or two to the radio interview of Dr Jones by a Zionist Jew who immediately tries to press Jones into speculating on who was involved, an area in which Jones did not want to venture.

    The only reason the Jew host could want to coerce Jones in this way would be because there is no way that Jones could possibly comment on who might have been involved without implicating Zionist Jews. Why? Because there are no viable suspects that could not include them as participants.

    The Jew talk show host knew full well that as soon as he forced Jones in this direction that it would be easy to accuse him of "anti-semitism". Since no one is allowed to be "anti-semitic" or even to dislike Jews or anything they do, there is no way that anyone can speculate about anyone other than the alleged Arab terrorists. To do so is to implicate Silverstein at a minimum.

    If Jones had tried to deflect the reply by accusing the US government he might have been able to get away with that
    because it is OK to Bush bash all you want. You can even accuse Bush of cold blooded murder and hardly anyone will scarcely bat an eye except those who are still under the illusion that a two party system still exists in this country.

    And what does all of this tell you?

    It tells you that certain topics are off limits without running the risk of being "politically incorrect". The result of this infraction is to be black balled, discredited, and belittled by "the in crowd". Few people have the balls to transgress this way because they do not consider that exercising that much freedom of speech is worth the price in social terms.

    Why? Because opening anyone of these cans of worms will inevitably uncover the work of Zionist. And as I have said, the Zionism, Judaism, and Jews in general are considered sacrosanct in US pop culture.

    Conclusion: Accusations of "anti-semitism" are what is the BS around here.

    Following the money and the motive is a tried and true method of digging up the truth.

    Your family, your job, and your personal life have no more to do with this subject than I do or the people I am related to.

    So you can call me an "anti-semite" from here on out and that will not alter the truth of the matter one bit whether I am or not. I can just as easily accuse the Jews of being concerned about no one but themselves and I am just as correct and justified in doing so.
  18. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Hahaha Hasbarats, when the normal "shill" accusation just won't suffice. Keep going anti-semite. Show them true colors.

    Right, because we all know that radio show hosts definitely play their guests. That's the whole point buddy, and for the record. No one should be so stupid that they go around speculating, without evidence of who's involved. Believe it or not, you whining like a child because a radio show host didn't play fair with Jones goes to show how truly pathetic the anti-semite\truth movement has become.

    Maybe if you called people by their name instead of "the jew talk show host" then people wouldn't call you an anti-semite, you anti-semite. Other than that is more of your basic anti-jew propaganda.

    Yeah, you're a real warrior. Making huge changes posting on the "political forum" and linking to youtube videos. Thank God for people like you, or we might fall prey to dA J00s

    Which you haven't even kind of done, you've basically just whined the whole time you've been here, appealed to your incredulity, and linked to youtube vids. Nice detective work, Ace.

    Goes to show that I have nothing to worry about, your little anti-semite crap aside, my life is good. I don't have any Jews to be afraid of and I am happy every day. I don't live in your paranoid little world, and I couldn't be happier. I like living my life, since we only get one trip, know that I am a free man. People like you are slaves to your own paranoia.

    Will do, anti-semite. You haven't said an ounce of truth since you got here, no reason why you'd start at this point. You've shot all your big guns, what, with your youtube vids, and anti-semite websites. Look at your little word you used. Hasbarats....if there actually are people here that are just reading, google that word. Tell me what comes up, tell me what it says about that person. The only sites that come up are paranoid, anti-semite trash sites. It's all garbage. There is no truth from you, you spew hate.
  19. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Attention debunkers:
    Do the men mentioned above exist, in fact?
    What evidence would you accept as "proof" that they do in fact exist?

    Did the above interview take place, or was this story fabricated by a bunch of "Truthers" who made it up merely to further implicate Jewish bias in the media?

    Do you believe that Dr Jones plotted to implicate Jews by pretending to find thermite in the WTC dust and then forged evidence to support his conclusions?

    Did Dr Jones make all of this stuff up because he is a closet "anti-semite" or do you believe that Dr Jones, Neils Harrit et al have raised all these speculations through falsified reporting because they are all really Neo-Nazis?

    Do you think that the entire company of "twoofers" or "truthtards" as you would call them are really part of a conspiracy being conducted by Neo-Nazis in order to frame Semites?

    If so, wouldn't it be enough just to let the Iraqis, the Iranians, the Syrians, and the Afghans take the rap and continue to suffer since they are unquestionably Semitic?

  20. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Gee, all this from a post titled "Are Zionists Behind Banning of Truthful 9/11 Scientist?" He's not banned though, cause he talks all the time. I debunked that one before it even started. On to the fun though.

    K, ready.

    I know Steven Jones exists, he's the laughing stock of the scientific community. As to the other guy, no idea. No evidence he doesn't exist, but I haven't looked into it.

    Do any of us really exist, holston? Am I real? Are you real? Are we just computer programs?

    I guess I could believe either. It could have very well taken place, but with the way truthers fabricate, lie, and alter evidence to try and fit their story, I could easily see that scenario as well.

    No, I think Dr. Jones is a confused individual who doesn't really know what went on with 9/11. On top of that, I also think he's a moron.

    That all looks like word soup to me, what are you talking about? If you're asking if Jones and Harrit found thermite, the answer is no. I believe they had no idea what they were doing, and they think they found some thermite. In the end, it turns out to be paint. The rest of what you say is you trying to bait people into an argument about how big of an anti-semite you are.

    No, I don't think truthers are intelligent enough to frame anyone. They aren't even intelligent enough to find a conspiracy and stick with it. I think you are an anti-semite, and the way you act is a reflection of your upbringing and being prone to believing in conspiracies.

    Huh? Make some sense already. Are you saying that the terrorists (KSM, etc.) are innocent? If the Jews actually did it than those people are standing on trial for nothing. Are you saying that, as a christian, you are going to sit here and post on a message board instead of saving those terrorists that are sure to get a needle in their arm? Are you saying that you have overwhelming youtube, and anti-semite evidence that can save those humans lives and you are doing nothing with it other than posting on some boards? Is that what your religion stands for? I guess you can't be bothered to save other lives when you're so busy spreading the truth.

    You posted it, not me.
  21. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Can you give a straight answer or are you taking the fifth?

    If you really believe that everyone in the A&E for 9/11 Truth Movement is participating because they are "anti-semitic" then you are either a conspiracy nut or just a plain nut.

    I'm sorry but I won't accept that. I will not be silent simply to avoid being called an "anti-semite" by a Zionist conspiracy theorist who thinks that every American who has doubts about 9/11, doesn't believe that Tel-Aviv is the capitol of the US, or doesn't want to take orders from Jewish Supremacists. Thinking any one of those things is all it takes to be labeled an "anti-Semite" by you and yours.


    If Israelis knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance and gave no warning, then they were guilty of complicity to commit murder. If US Zionists planted incendiaries and/or explosives in any of the WTC buildings to ensure their complete destruction, then they are guilty of murder.

    You can not white wash that by making false accusations or attempting to divert the guilt from the guilty and project it towards people you don't happen to like, ie anyone who dares to admit the possibility of controlled demolitions or Zionist involvement in 9/11.
  22. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Depends on what the question is I guess. I don't have anything to hide, so no reason why I should plead anything.

    I don't remember even saying anything relatively close to that. I don't believe Jones is an anti-semite, I believe Jones is a moron. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

    Don't keep quiet, you have the right to speak. I will defend to the death your right to spew your garbage. I don't know what a "zionist conspiracy theorist" is, but I've been called worse by truthers, so have at it. Although, I have no Zionist connection, but then again, you're aces at drawing invisible lines to make your fantasies come true. I'm sorry for you. I noticed you didn't tackle any of my other thoughts. In fact, I say a ton of stuff you could comment on, and you always bring it right back to the Zionists, and Jews. Obsessed much? Like I said, thank God we have you to stand up for us by posting on these boards.

    Hey, buddy, we've already gone over this. There was no det cord, no explosives residue, no evidence of explosives. This goes right back to reading comprehension, and your lack of it. Notice how we keep going in circles, it's fun for me because I notice it. I don't think you do, which makes it kind of sad.

    I don't divert it, I attack it openly and straight to the point. You divert by consistently going back to the Zionist front. Also, I don't dislike you, I like you perfectly fine. I think your wrong, and have comprehension issues, but I certainly don't dislike you. I think it's horrible that you accuse people with evidence, and no connection to what the real facts are, but that is your right.

    You are making false accusations. Every time you point your finger and aim at the Jews or Zionists, or whatever else, you are making false accusations. You have no evidence, outside of your own burning desire to be right.

    So let's try this one more time.

    What are you, Hulston, doing to get KSM and the rest of his ilk out of their current situation? There is a very good chance that all of them will be killed with a needle in their arm. You are a self proclaimed christian, you are someone who says that he lives by those standards. What are you doing to save your fellow man? You are openly saying that he is not to blame, but you will not address this question. Why do you run from it so much? Why aren't you doing anything to help the terrorists stay alive? Is this it? Is posting here your only method?

    With how many times you say we're pathetic here, and that we're Zionist controlled, why do you keep coming back? I've said, once again, openly that I do it for the entertainment and curiosity about how paranoia affects the brain. What's your reason?
  23. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    I'll tell everyone here a thing or two they can do to stymie the Jew takeover.

    First of all, I don't buy movie tickets. I don't pay for cable TV. I don't use credit cards.

    I don't patronize self aggrandizing Jews anytime I can avoid doing so.

    I don't suck up to them. I will not cow tow to them and I will not accept perks or bribes from them.

    If any of them have anything against you, you can expect them to take some form of action against you. More often this action will be indirect in order to conceal their involvement and intentions.

    I urge anyone and everyone who cares the least bit about the US or their children's futures to study up on the subject of 9/11, the Federal Reserve, and the History of the Jews since the time of Christ, especially their involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution which created the old USSR.


    There are other books which I will list later which contain valuable information. One example is Henry Fords The International Jew. Although it has been much maligned, read the following excerpt from it and tell me honestly whether you believe that the sound of it does not ring true:

    None of these things are hard to do because of the abundance of material on the net. This may not always be the case if they succeed in censoring it or applying their desired "hate laws" to every form of speech and dissent. They will if they can. You can take that to the bank!

    Perhaps the most difficult thing of all is to learn to identify who these people are. Because of all the interbreeding with these people and because of the propensity of gold diggers to convert for all the perks it brings, many of them are difficult or impossible to recognize by appearance alone.

    It is not that appearance by itself is the issue. Neither is this a racial problem per say. It is only a racial problem to the extent they make it one. You will notice that it is only the white gentile which is accused of "racism" just as it is only the Christian who is accused of hypocrisy!

    Race and ethnicity are only incidental to the problems which have been created by the quasi religious socio political system that sprang up out of Talmudic Judaism and took hold of this ethnic group, who still act according to it's principles via their own traditions and heritage that they have inherited. When we object to the practices and habits of this ethnic and religious group, they say that we do so because of race, when in many instances the racial differences themselves may be so negligible that over half the fool gentile population can't recognize them in the first place!

    So how in hell can this be strictly a race issue as they infer with accusation of anti-semitism? They clearly are not racial Jews themselves!!!

    Any observable racial differences only serve as a means of identification. Otherwise none of those things are pertinent to the condition of a mans heart or spirit. Just as Christ called attention to the difference between cleaning the inside of a cup vs the outside, it is the inside which we should be concerned with, not only with others, but especially with ourselves first! This mandate to be introspective and to remove the beam from our own eye first does not require us to turn a blind eye to the abuses of one group or class of people over another, and certainly not to mass murder!

    What we have here is a conflict of religious, political, and sociological ideologies, and a "failure to communicate".

    As I have previously illustrated, one does not ordinarily confine cats and dogs to the same poke without the expectation of some conflict. This is exactly the situation that these Talmudic social engineers have created for white Anglo Saxon Christians in the US. And they have done this deliberately in order to destroy the fabric of our society and create a splintered one in which they may assume control.

    9/11 was allowed to take place. It is likely the event was encouraged and arranged by those who saw the opportunity to capitalize on the natural resentment of their Arabic enemies.

    They knew it was going to take place because they opened the doors for it to happen and then made certain that the plan would go to completion. This explains where we are today.

    Their representatives have no choice except to repress this knowledge as best they can.

    What else would you expect but denials and scathing assaults on all those who keep the issue alive?

    They tell us "Never Forget". THEY do not want us to forget. Only they insist that we remember the event in only one light, the light which they project on it. You are expected to remember 9/11 the same way you are required to remember the holocaust, but ONLY THE VERSION WHICH THEY APPROVE.
  24. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    That is how you know you are dealing with an outright truther straight up. They can never answer the real questions, they just divert back to the original crap they were peddling in the first place.

    A wise man once said, "The goal of a truther is not to progress the conversation. It is to bog it down and make it go in circles."

    Holston obviously can't answer the real questions of 9/11, he can only accuse people based on religion and race. Maybe that's why the 9/11 and anti-semite movement has gone absolutely no where in the last 11 years. There is no facts, no evidence. Just conjecture and accusations. When forced to answer the real questions of 9/11 they run away as quickly as possible.

    Answer 4 questions truthfully:
    1. How did they rig the building with explosives without people noticing? The next highest demolition is 90, NINETY stories smaller than WTC 1 and 2. It took them 4 months with a full crew working 40 hours a week to prep the building. They had to remove sheetrock to get to the beams in order to properly demo the building. People would take notice of something like that.
    2. How many people, total, are in on it? You are saying the media, Jews, Zionists, posters here (being shills), the FDNY, NYPD, and all first responders, Larry Silverstein, most of the government, other countries financial advisers, all engineers that don't sign tricky dicky's petition, the NIST, and countless others. Bill Clinton couldn't keep his load on a dress secret, but not ONE of these people have come forward? Are you serious?
    3. With all the work that truthers say the government had to go through in order to stage this black flag operation, why not just pay the terrorists to fly the planes into the WTC? Why even risk explosives?
    4. After 11 years how come not 1 single truther has gone through the trouble of helping KSM, and the others accused, with their trials? Why are truthers so lazy as to not help with something that simplistic? You guys have the evidence, or so you claim. You tout it at every chance you get. Is just because you're lazy?

    There you go, answer those 4 questions.
  25. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    That is how you know you are dealing with an outright debunker straight up. They can never answer the real questions, they just divert back to the original crap they were peddling in the first place.

    A wiser man once said, "The goal of a debunker is not to progress the conversation. It is to bog it down and make it go in circles."



    NEW YORK — A new witness confirms the WTC power down on the weekend before 9-11.


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