The Silent War Against The White Race.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jack Napier, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    If they were then they could take legal action or move back to their homeland - like all other races are allowed except whites. Thats all people are saying, most would accept leaving Europe for whites, but NOoo they cant have that. They'd be dangerous, they'd take their businesses with them. See legal action punishes those who discriminate instead of punishing all Japanese with the demise of their race and over taking their homeland.

    Thats not racist at all. Our cultures are our cultures, as an Aussie i think ours is pretty laid back and suits me fine. I think its better than most others but that doesnt mean i think im better than others. Look at some of the cultures around the world, how F'K couldnt you say its better and if its not why not go live with these superior cultures?

    Neoconservative ideology is a Jewish ideology, have a look at its roots. Every race is majority in their homelands, are you really saying if they dont like being replaced they're 'cry me a river victims' or racist?
  2. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    Uh, no they can't. African Americans can't move back to their homeland. America is their homeland.

    Well, firstly, being an Aussie is a nationality, not a race. But imagine that I associated your culture with something bad--like rape--and then said that the culture of whites in Australia was bad, and causes Australian whites to become rapists and murderers. That would certainly be offensive. And that's what blacks in America face, every day.

    Yes. White people will never be "replaced." Whites will always remain the dominant culture and race in America. The whites in this forum are upset because they don't have as much power to abuse other races, as they did in the past. So yes--cry me a river.
  3. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Average prices during my childhood(I was born in '92):

    Gas prices today: Roughly 4 bucks(among other inflationary prices).

    And how'd this come about? Free Trade(which opened up holes in the American Economy). Simply put, we traded with 2nd/3rd world countries who were unable to pay the buck, jobs got outsourced and millions of Americans laid off.

    As an intellectual, and as a man with common sense, I'm able to make the correlation between our successes and failures. And simply put: Leftist ideology is a miserable failure, you can only blame "rightie" for so long. Everything Lefist ideology ever touched, went to ruin. From FDR to Johnson's "Great Society"..
  4. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Must admit i was surprised when i first learned how many German-Europeans America had given its English roots.

    American immigration was very much pro-Western European at its foundation, these people that say it way multicultural in a world sense is of course a very dishonest position to hold, for example they banned Chinese for a long time. They even considered sending its blacks back to Africa at one stage. Im not saying that should happen today, im saying early America certainly understood it was a white European country, it understood its culture and its roots. Its the Marxists that spin the revisionist crap and the gullible bleeding hearts swallow it up.
  5. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Yes they can, they can easily move back to Africa. But i do accept they are a bit of an exception since they didnt move by choice.

    I didnt say Aussies were a race. I couldnt care less if you associate our culture with something bad, if it were true and had real stats behind it like the theme of this thread then its clearly a fair criticism. If its not then why would i even care? Some say they amount of beer we drink (still behind those Germans, love German beer btw!) is too much - ouch im crippled, what a terrible sin.

    Btw we were shipped out here much like slaves if you know Australian history. In fact Aussie convicts wouldve loved to be treated as black slaves. Black slaves had value since they were purchased. Whites could just be nabbed for being poor, wearing poor looking clothes and having to steal bread to survive ......... without ANY WELFARE!. Makes you wonder about so called 'living wages' hey?

    Unless there are discriminatory immigration laws then yes whites will be replaced in their countries that is just a demographic fact. If such immigration laws existed you'd be one of the first to scream 'Nazi racist' im sure. So again i look at other races in their countries such as Japan, Korea, China, India, Africa - I dont wish to displace or change the culture of any those. See that is TRUE multiculturalism, we can be different, we can racial intermingle, cross breed ect, all that is fine. But we should imo respect each race and their right to self determination in their own lands.
  6. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    We actually attempted to do so, Liberia, an English-African nation that's been torn with warfare, etc.

    No "Whitey" to blame there for that failure of a State. Literally.

    And if we go back further in history: The English language is a psuedo-rip off of the Roman Empire

    It's a European Nation, through and through. It's origins, history, and racial structure in the 19th century was a European nation and a thriving one at that.
    Jackster and (deleted member) like this.
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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  8. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Reading those forums makes me marvel at how both the American and British Empires face the same challenges, and same lack of representation. I don't have much knowledge on British Politics, so is it really okay if I interject with the American situation on the ground?
  9. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Apparently the English language owes (much to the disgust Im sure of atheists, im an agnostic btw) much to the bible. To make it readable to a wide variety they basically merged languages, and yes Roman was of course front and center, to lead us to what today is the English language.

    My family was shipped out here as convicts on the first fleet, so theres no more European-Aussie than me, i still see England as the motherland, Germany as the fatherland. I am Aussie, I am European and i am proud. Which i see no sin in having, we ' the West' have a very rich and diverse European history.
  10. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    Actually, persecution continues. If you don't believe so, then you should read up on the true history of the "War on Drugs" and its heavy bias against minorities.
  11. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    In other news, a black 8 year old was shot in the face by some 40 year old white guy. You won't hear a peep from white nationalists about that.
  12. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    We've discussed crime and such in the early parts of this forum, I know it's a 58 page post so you can't read everything, but if you think a blind "attack" of this caliber has any effect in a conversation of this level then you're sadly mistaken.

    In Modern day "America", the African-American community gets a thrill out of assassinating babies.
  13. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Sure - interject as you wish.

    Personally I don't think my country has had what I would call a true leader or genuine Gov of the people - ever. Not in my lifetime certainly. Even the iconic Churchill, as per public impression of him is false - he was a total bastard, a warmonger, people should go read about the real Churchill - there is nothing to be proud of with him.

    I have never approved of living with a Monarchy either. I just don't like it. I don't like what it represents, and I am not persuaded that it has done my country any real favours.

    I am Scottish though, so I probably feel less of a traditional type attachment to the concept as many English might.

    I sense there will be change in Europe. Someone described it before as simply putting emotions into a bottle and sealing it, that is essentially where we are at just now. People have lost all faith in all mainstream parties. They are seen as agents for the rich and special interest groups. They have lost all faith in concepts like the EU, which they now realise was really just a method of centralising power, and removing power from sovereign nations. They are sick fed up with the multi culture agenda, and the immigration.

    Never has a time existed which has been better for someone to step into that void and represent all those stifled interests and people. It is happening already, this is why you are seeing some new parties go from v little to huge growth, in a relatively short time.

    This will only gather momentum the more people lose faith in established parties to speak and act for them. It is an organic reaction.

    I think it is most likely to begin in S European countries and go from there.
  14. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    I dont know if i should cry or laugh.

    You mean this white guy


    Ive seem Americans try to pass off mixed race people as white (pro tip: your white or your not(like Obama)) but really this dude passes as a white in the US? No wonder whites worry about crime against them and where they might go to escape it and their demonization.
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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  16. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    No doubt its happening and all the Marxists can say is "you're racist" These multi cult leftists could easily defuse it all by agreeing with sensible immigration that allows races (all races) to remain majorities in their own countries without been cast as racists who should be attacked, raped and killed. For example look at the professors and NBPPs who have recently been shown up with their anti-white rhetoric thats goes unchecked by the leftists, then we wonder why crime against whites is on the incline.
  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    If you look through this entire thread one day, you will notice something v revealing - all the aggression, hostility, implications of violence, etc etc, have come from them.

    While those who are not on their side have been restrained, generally civil, very patient and tolerated their personal attacks and online aggression.

    That should tell you a lot about what both groups of people are really like.

    One pertains to be peace loving while actually being the most hostile and violent.

    And the other has rejected violence and hostility yet is portrayed by the aforementioned as being 'hateful'.

    Notice how they also as good as stereotype blacks themselves, when they snidely start their 'I'd love to see you go into a black neighbourhood and say that', what they are admitting right there is that blacks would react violently because of words.

    And they still think their arguments is the rightful position and that it makes sense!

  18. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    No it is the reality card. I think it is hysterical that people are whining about a war on white race and when someone points out clear example of how blacks face discrimination they cry victim card. Or compare the president 's kids to poor children which is an idiotic comparison. Tell you what organize your white race to run for office. Maybe one day they will dominate the parliaments of Europe and the American congress and may some day even be prime minister or president.
  19. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    I laugh at these people that call me a racist, id almost back it in most havent fought against racists as i have. From coaching cricket and having my kids being called spoons to simply smashing in the racists heads

    The thing these anti-whites just cant comprehend is we arent racists but we prefer living amongst our own, if we didnt we'd move out of the West. Ill post the Ali video again because really he states it so well, i respect him, his race, his homeland and his opinion

  20. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Oh look more anti Jewish garbage. Show proof of your vile vomitted assertions or we can all assume you are lying
  21. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    There are laws in place if you feel you're discriminated against, the West has the best law systems on the planet. But when you're executed or killed because of your race you cant really make a case when your dead. So its left to others to highlight the discrimination against them.

    I find it odd your type cant use statistics to prove whites are racist and your emotions say AA is required rather than the rule of law, then at the same time excuse whites dieing disproportionately as some sort of pay back.

    Would Israel let you in to live if you wanted? Would they let me in? You're Jew arent you? Could we all pretend to be Jews and get in?
  22. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    What is?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Improve your manners when addressing me and I may engage with you.

    If not I won't.

    Up to you.
  23. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Like I said before, ironic that Jews have been so keen to pour third world immigrants into the US, while at the same time, they want to preserve a Jew state.

    Listen to Biden. This is when Americans know they have been sold down the river.


    Joe Biden, the Vice President of the United State praised American Jews for playing leading roles in the fight for homosexual marriage, open borders, feminism, “social justice,” and more. Biden said that Jews were one of the biggest factors, if not the single biggest, driving social change in the United States.

    Speaking at the Jewish Heritage Month reception of the Democratic National Committee, Joe Biden credited Jewish people in Hollywood for changing the culture of America. He said Jews are responsible for 85% of America’s changing attitude on homosexual marriage. “Think — behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry.”

    “Jewish heritage has shaped who we are – all of us, us, me – as much or more than any other factor in the last 223 years. And that’s a fact,” said Biden.

    Joe Biden also credited Jews with playing a major role in the feminist movement and changing America’s immigration policies to allow for massive third world immigration. Biden also praised Jews for playing a leading role in getting the Civil Rights Acts passed that mandated affirmative action policies and special privileges for minorities.

    Speaking on Jewish political power, Biden stated ”the Jewish people have contributed greatly to America. No group has had such an outsized influence per capita as all of you standing before you, and all of those who went before me and all of those who went before you.”

    Biden also praised all three Jewish Supreme Court justices by name. Biden ended his twenty minute speech to Jewish leaders by saying “we owe you, we owe generations who came before you.”
  24. donquixote99

    donquixote99 New Member

    Jun 5, 2013
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    One of your mistakes is thinking there is 'a black community,' that is, just one.
  25. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    As i expected............crickets
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