The truth about are political discussion

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Sane Centrist, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    There are most certainly pundits & political junkies on the left that are enamored with the president and allow their feelings about him to judge and sway their opinions.

    Yes, even sometimes to the point where they are subconsciously giving him a pass. There are others however that are straight up neutral and report the facts as they see them without interjecting any personal bias into the equation.

    Let’s stop bringing up what the left did when President Bush was in office because almost all of us on the left have admitted & conceded the fact that during his presidency we had some extreme Looney’s on our side that needed couch time.

    Doing the juvenile “Tit for Tat” thing is pointless, and all we’re doing at that point is talking over each other instead of “to” each other so let’s not.

    Most of (not all) the people on right-wing television & radio outlets are absolutely disgusted, not impressed, angered, and incensed over the fact that Barack Obama is the 44th president of the united states. You can argue that point back until Jesus returns but it’s true and most of you know it.

    We’re not going to call them racist or hate filled bigots because that only shuts us down and our ears & brains turn off.

    I have no problem with people having ideological differences with this president or a difference of opinion as far as world views.

    But when all of the craziness gets interjected into the conversation like:

    1. He was born in Kenya and is secretly a member of Al Qaida sent here to destroy America,

    2. He‘s going to re-ignite the Black Panthers to roam the streets and lock up all white people.

    3. He wants to turn America into France or Canada by the time his term is up.

    4. He’s a socialist, Marxist, Communist, Muslim, Tyrannical, Dictator, Despot struggling to destroy America with un-American values.

    5. He secretly stole both elections by supporting voter fraud.

    And on & on & on & on & on & on……….. the entire dialog has just been shot to shyt with no chance of recovery.

    All of those bells have been rung, the horses have all left the stables, and there’s no chance to get back to sanity.

    The Republican Party has done this entire country a horrific disservice with their full-throated lies, deceptions and constant character assassinations of a guy that’s got more conservative blood running through his veins than liberal.

    For Christ’s sake the guy ticks his party off almost every day with all of the olive branches and concessions that’s he’s constantly giving to the other side in the hopes of brokering deals.

    Here it is for the last time in short: when any party or person demagogues another party or person as much as the right has demonized, marginalized, and maliciously attacked this president…………….the message gets lost in all of the vitriol. You lose your credibility because after a while people realize & see what your truly doing and how disingenuous you are.

    They realize that the actions they’re seeing (from the alleged demon) doesn’t match the evilness that's being fed to them.

    They realize that the mind-bending accusations aren’t matching what they’re seeing, and guess what………like a con-man that’s just been found out to be a con man, people start walking away from you.

    Republican governors all over this country took stimulus money, enjoyed it, prospered from it, and then ran on television demonizing it, and lying about how they refused it and how bad it would be for the economy. (funny how you guys never want to talk about that)

    Not all republicans are evil obstructionist’s that want to destroy the president or his presidency, not all Democrats are extreme liberals that want government in every aspect of your lives.

    Not all of you are bad people, but your listening to people that have agenda’s, and those agendas do not align with any of our better interests.

    Here is my challenge:

    Honestly tell me if you think that every whacky thing you’ve ever heard from: Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, Sarah Palin, Andrew Breitbart, and Laura Ingraham just to name a few……is the God’s honest truth?

    Are they honestly telling you what’s truly going on in Washington or what’s truly factual about a person most of them can’t stand?

    Just how exactly are people (that have such a sour disdain for someone) expected to be truthful, forthright, and unbiased in their reporting?

    Please come back with real answers and not one line dismissive, juvenile retorts, I seriously want your answers.
  2. hseiken

    hseiken New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    You can't reason with the crowd that says these things. Fundamentally, they check their logic at the door every Sunday, if you get my drift, and most of them never really return to the coat room to pick their logic back up for the rest of the week. Most of the things you've cited are broken logic examples of trying to tie one event with another unrelated event. Also, a lot of it comes from the neo-con base and they work primarily to create a 'common enemy' to unit their group. So the more (*)(*)(*)(*) you can sling at one person, the more (*)(*)(*)(*) will stick to them despite it's reality and that generates hate and that generates unity even if the unity is solid unity as in "I stand with my neo-con brothers", they at least stand on the same side which is 'they all hate this one person/idea we, the neo-cons, want them to hate'.

    In other words, it's social engineering.
  3. Cdnpoli

    Cdnpoli Banned

    Sep 8, 2013
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    That would be a step up.
  4. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Don't you have a hockey game to watch?

    Obama isn't a socialist, we discussed this in another thread. He is firmly fascist with socialist sympathies.
  5. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I call it the “validation syndrome”

    And don’t get me wrong, I think all of us can fall into the trap if we’re not careful, but I just wish conservatives would own up to it and admit the truth.

    Millions of people didn’t vote for Barack Obama, fine……

    Millions of people didn’t want him to be president, fine….

    But listening to lunatics that are obviously biased with no interest what-so-ever in being fair & balanced about what they're reporting or saying is not the way to go.

    The only reason why those people I mentioned get any airtime at all or enjoy the listeners they have is because of the fact that those millions of people that didn’t want the president to win need someone to validate their rage, their discontent, their unhappiness, their anger, etc. etc. etc.

    They hear the things they want to hear and choose to buy into & believe things that under otherwise normal circumstances they would never buy into & believe.

    But hey, as long as they get that warm & fuzzy at the end of the day and feel vindicated for feeling the way they do…………then that’s all that matters, even if almost everything their hearing is garbage.
  6. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    If you don't mind, I'll respond to one chunk at a time.

    Change the words as follows and call it Exhibit A.

    Here it is for the last time in short: when any party or person demagogues another party or person as much as the DEMOCRATS have demonized, marginalized, and maliciously attacked Republicans, Fox News, etc.…………….the message gets lost in all of the vitriol. You lose your credibility because after a while people realize & see what your truly doing and how disingenuous you are.

    See, you start off with a reasonable point, but the more you talk, the more it turns into the kind of partisan rant you claim to oppose.

    You should stop at 3 paragraphs. It would make you appear much more reasonable. ;)
  7. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    If you are a person who truly believes the government meddles in too much already and takes too much off the backs of the people how would you act to BO?
  8. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    It's not all about Obama, SC. Republicans don't have a rosy view of Pelosi, Reid, Jarrett, Carney, Biden, etc., but you never seem to mention them. To hear you tell it, Obama is only a failure because 'we' don't like him. I'm afraid you'll need a better excuse for him than that one.
  9. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    After going back & forth with you on a few subjects, and seeing some of your reply’s to other posts I have come to the sad conclusion that you’re not opened minded to anything but constantly, obsessively trashing this president without ever having a meaningful discussion on anything.

    You keep relating everything back to why blacks support democrats or how all of us democrats are so blind that we can’t see the president as a failure.

    The doozy however was the statement in one of your replies of pride over voting for that complete imbecile who has just recently made the biggest fool out of himself in the history of all politicians which was Ted Cruz in that disaster on the house floor. (that really tells me all I need to know)

    I absolutely know where you stand, and I now fully realize that the space between your ears is completely shut down to all things President Obama and the only interest you have is in taking everything personal with no wish to see anybody else’s points other than your own, so I surrender, I give, I wave the white flag, because there’s no point in trying, and there’s no making any sense to you.

    Have a great night, and an even better life……………………
  10. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I don’t like the seat belt law or the stupid bicycle helmet law but those are about the only things I see as meddlesome.

    I don’t share the conservative view that this president, his administration, or any Democrat is that intrusive in everyday American life.

    How about you answer the last few questions I had in my post about the right-wing media personalities that to this point……………nobody on the right seems to want to touch.

    Instead they just keep going back to, the presidents a loser, the presidents a loser, the president a loser……:yawn:
  11. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    And I totally get it that you're all about defending Barack Obama.

    It's good to know where each other stand. That way we won't waste time trying to have a worthwhile discussion.
  12. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Smartmouthwoman, I’m wondering, is it possible for you to see anything OTHER than Barack Obama when you read a post?

    Seriously, please show me where I singled him out in any of these posts.

    I’m not just talking about him; I’m talking about everyone on the left and the left in general that gets trashed by the mouth breathers in the extreme right-wing blogosphere that you just REFUSE to acknowledge.

    You refuse to acknowledge that there are many on your side that are not honest brokers of truth and that refusal is EXACTLY what I’m talking about.

    Your so absorbed and soaked in right-wing Kool-Aid trash talk that no amount of reasoning will ever get you back to clarity.

    Instead all you want to do is revert everything back to: “we’re the victims because those big bad, mean ole democrats keep picking on us” and "this presidents a complete failure"

    Are you serious, seriously are you even remotely serious???…………..Jesus Christ…..:icon_jawdrop:
  13. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I am so desperate to get you to answer just one of my questions without you repeatedly saying that I’m defending the president (which is how you answer every post) that I’ll send you on a paid vacation to Hawaii if you’ll just one of my questions at the end of my post…………………one…………………just one…………………..
  14. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Can I get in?


    Big Island please, hotel near the water.
  15. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Oh OK, we are on different pages then. I think taking 13.5% of a person's pay for a ponzi retirement scheme is too much, I think that it is too much that every person who wants to start their own business needs to ask permission first. I think it is too much that a person who doesn't want health insurance must pay a fine. I think it is asking much of high school dropouts to keep subsidizing more and more of university students, I think it is a bit much when 1 in 7 Americans have food stamps and when banks are so overly regulated only the ones that are too big to fail can keep up with compliance at that scale. I think it is a bit much to ask the people who work producing things people want to buy to subsidize dying industries that were poorly run and bail out the unions who extracted too much and killed the company. I dont like it when BO blocks Boeing from moving to the Carolinas, or buils a massive new data warehousing complex. etc...etc..etc...

    Then there is the matter of taxes. Here are some that are just a wee bit intrusive:

    What don't you like about the right wing media people? They aren't leftists? Hannity has moments of brilliance believe it or not. He was a busboy when he decided to apply for a news job, he has no education in politics or anything, so he kind of has a lot of dumb ideas about the way the world works. I will give you that. But he got a man out of jail, and has some pretty unique insights at times. Not often, but sometimes. Watch his Cheech and Chong interview, he isn't always a dick either.

    OReilly is awesome. He is an opinion guy, but I tend to like most Irish NYers from that area. They remind me of my own family so I am probably double bias with him.

    I forgot the rest on your list, they are probably opinion programming too though right? And they openly say it, unlike MSNBC.

    What do you like best about Sharpton? Race Baiting? Maddow? Her ability to take things out of context or her knack of staying out of the room from the intelligent conservatives? etc...

    But for straight news, Brett Baier (sp?) is better then Brian Williams.

    Name one single human activity that the Democrats do not regulate or want to regulate. Just one human activity.
  16. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    I seriously disagree with just about everything those pundits say. Then again, I'm a Libertarian so it might be a bit different - but I doubt most conservatives care what Beck, Limbaugh, etc are saying in the same way that I doubt most liberals care what Maddow, Sirota, etc are saying. At the core of it the media is impartially partisan sensationalist noise :p
  17. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Agreed. Reid and pelosi are embarrassing. Maxine waters too and hank johnson for sure. Wait until you get to see their newest house member Lois frankel. She is pure evil and slime. Volunteered around her in WPB. Should be in jail. Alcee Hastings too. Even John Kerry or the cyborg that replaced him is a joke. And Hillary? Talk about a person who has accomplished nothing. Then of course there is Wendy Davis who thinks because she wants late term pregnancies aborted she is ready for the governors mansion.

    Corey booker may have a big ego, (they all do), but he is the best the left has as an elected official.
  18. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Now you're just being silly. Much like Barack Obama, you cant wrap your head around the fact that not everybody likes our narcissistic and arrogant president. He let me know during his first campaign what he thinks of bitter white people clinging to our guns & bibles. I could have gotten over that campaign rhetoric if he hadn't gone on to make his entire presidency about those evil Republicans. Again, me.

    How ridiculous to think I don't like him because of what some right wing commentator sez... when I don't watch anything on Fox except Fox & Friends in the morning. I'm tuned into news on the internet all day and am perfectly capable of forming my own opinions.

    You're very rude to say things like 'there's nothing between my ears', etc. Just because you disagree with me doesn't mean you have to be nasty about it.

    I've been to Hawaii 5 times, but its very generous (and condescending) of you to offer to pay my way for answering your questions. If I say I love Barack & Michelle will it get me a condo on Maui?
  19. OleBoozer

    OleBoozer New Member

    May 31, 2013
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    Yeah, call when he learns the earth acutally rotates on its axis and how the global tides work, unitl then I already have my own 5th grade child to correct and educate.
  20. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    You got it, and I love your reply by the way, so far your the only person that replied to my direct questions instead of turning into telling me how all I do is defend Obama (smartmouthwoman):thumbsup:
  21. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    AWESOME! You just did EVERYTHING that you accused the Right of doing. Sweet! Now go think about those aspects of what you just wrote and then get back to us once you figure out what you did wrong.
  22. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Love your reply but I need time to get through it to rebut, going out for a motorcycle ride right now, get back to you later.....
  23. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Please don't take offense and I wasn't saying that there isn't anything between your ears, it's obvious you’re intelligent, and I've told you before that I know beyond a doubt that you’re a very good person.

    What I meant by that comment was that the only thing (I feel) you’re interested in doing is slamming the president and you seem so concentrated on your disapproval & disdain for him, that you can’t even allow yourself to answer some pretty basic, honest questions.

    It's just that you see everything through this us vs. them prism and I can't help but feel like you’re taking most of my comments the wrong way. (this is where speaking in person is so much better that talking over the internet)
  24. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Obama supporters need to stop making excuses for Obama and they need to cease listening to his excuses. He DEMANDED -- twice -- that he be put inside the Oval Office and now twice he has demonstrated that he's far too small for the job. That's Obama's fault and the Left needs to finally accept that truth.
  25. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I'm sorry and you are?????????????????

    Oh, nobody, I got it, thanks.................:yawn:

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