I am thinking of running for President in 2016

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by sparquelito, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I would run as an Independent, and I would not take a dime (for my campaign financing) from any person who I didn't know and trust very well. I would also refuse to take any money from any company or corporation whose products and services that I did not personally use and/or endorse.

    Economic Platform
    * I support the free market, and I would not use Government funds to bail out any corporation, company, or entity that cannot make it on their own merit.

    * I would dismantle the Internal Revenue within four years. I would give the US Congress a reasonable amount of time to implement a system of Federal taxation that takes the best elements of the Fair Tax and the Flat Tax concepts, and then I would sign it into law. The end state would be one where the US taxpayers pay approximately 1/4 of what they are paying currently to the Federal Government, and the States are free to devise a tax system that best supports their unique economic and social concerns. No cookie-cutter approach will work, and in the end, the States will be empowered, and the level of Federal intrusion and oversight will be greatly reduced.

    * I would reduce the size of the Federal Government at all levels by 1/3rd, over a period of two years.
    Wasteful programs would be eliminated, and useless bureaucrats who do not contribute to the good of the nation and the operation of the Government would be identified and retired. Once retired, they would be free to either succeed or fail (in the civilian workforce) on their own merit.

    * I would endorse the legalization of marijuana, but would not endeavor to make it a federal issue. If the voters in each State support it, States would be free to allow it to be grown, packaged, marketed, sold, and taxed, identical to the manner by which tobacco is currently marketed and taxed. Private citizens would be allowed to grow reasonable amounts of marijuana for their own personal enjoyment, as long as they don't make it a business venture. The federal government will stay out of it.

    * Prostitution would become legal. If a gal, 21 years of age or older, wants to sell her poon tang, she should be free to do so. A gentleman who wishes to pay for the services of a prostitute, he should be free to do so.
    Profits from said ventures would be taxed at the State level, just like any other lawful business. Pimps, procurers, and middlemen would be outlawed, and anyone caught marketing underaged girls would be imprisoned and castrated.

    Foreign Policy
    * I would give the United Nations exactly one year to clean up their act, demonstrate their worth to the world, and to present an accounting of their tangible and measurable value to the good of the people of the United States. If after one year no such evidence is presented, then the UN Headquarters in New York City would be shut down. I would generously give them another year beyond that to move their operation to some other country.

    * A 50 foot fence would be erected along the entire US/Mexican border. Immigration laws currently on the books would be strictly enforced. Application forms (for legal and lawful entry into the United States) would be freely available at all border stations, and there will be federal agents available to help interested immigrants with the application process. Commercial trucks operated by licensed US and Mexican firms with strong reputations for integrity (and zero tolerance for allowing infractions of illegal immigration policies and illegal narcotics transport) would get to use the fast lane. All other vehicles will be searched, coming and going.

    * Foreign aid would only be offered to those nations with strong reputations for fair trade practices, and those nations with demonstrated respect for the human rights of their citizens.

    Social Programs
    * I would eliminate the largest and most wasteful of social welfare programs in the history of the United States; that being the current culture & practices of the tenured Federal Government Servant. The NSPS would be reinstated, and all Government workers would be required to produce tangible work for their considerable pay. Superior workers will be rewarded, and inferior workers will be dismissed. Gone forever will be the days of 'I don't have to work, and you can't make me'. Government Servants who don't demonstrate a dedication to the good of the nation above their own personal concerns (and personal gain/profit) will be dismissed.

    * Members of Congress will have to serve for 20 years or more before they receive the retirement compensation package that all members of Congress currently enjoy. Senators and Representatives who only serve for a term or two will receive no retirement or benefits whatsoever, and they will be free to return to the civilian workforce, where they will either succeed or fail on their own merit.

    * The death penalty will become the standard for convicted child molesters, rapists, murderers, and people who chose to manufacture and deal crystal methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and date-rape drugs.
    There will be no over-crowding in prisons.

    * Abortion would remain legal, and the States would be free to manage those programs. Federal dollars would not be used to subsidize abortions.

    * The issue of gay marriage is not one for the federal government to get involved in. Individual States shall decide whether they wish to allow same-sex marriage, multiple partner marriage (polygamy), or the lawful marriage between humans and beasts.

    In General
    * I would eliminate the US Departments of Education and Homeland Defense. The States should be free to run their own education and civil defense programs without Governmental interference and middle-man bureaucracies.

    * The Department of Defense would be redirected to concentrate on the defense of the US borders, and to maintain a modern, lean, effective fighting force for deployment when only absolutely necessary for the security of this nation. Redundancies and bureaucracies between the branches of the Armed Forces (Army, Navy, USMC, Air Force) would be eliminated. The overall size of the US Armed Forces would be reduced by 1/5th. The fighting force that remains will be the very best-equipped and trained in the world.

    * The Department of Transportation budget for the US Coast Guard would be plussed-up. The Coast Guard would be equipped with only the most modern and state-of-the-art vessels, airplanes, and helicopters.

    * An immediate repeal of the bloated, useless, bureaucratic monstrosity known as Obamacare. Health care would be a free market enterprise, and the only Government run health care programs would be Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE. States shall license and monitor their physicians, nurses, and technicians, and only the most fit and skilled health care professionals will be allowed to practice. Tort reform will be enacted, and the frivolous malpractice lawsuits that drive up insurance costs would become a thing of the past.

    Well, that’s all I can think of for now.
    If you agree with my platform, and want to send me some money for my campaign, please just email me and let me know something about yourself. I would wish to check you out to make sure that you are a reputable and honorable US citizen, one with no nefarious political agendas.
    Then and only then would I accept your donation.

    By the way, if you’re short on cash, I am willing to work for beer.
  2. Wizard From Oz

    Wizard From Oz Banned at Members Request

    Sep 8, 2008
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    So you plan to do away with the $1054.00 non refundable application fee for immigrants?
  3. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    It currently costs $680 USD to file an application for citizenship: ($595 application fee and $85 fingerprinting fee.)

    $680 seems about right.
    I'm not sure where you got the $1054 figure.

    I DO know that the application process if far too bureaucratic and convoluted.
    But once I'm President, assure you I will square it away, and get it lean and efficient.
  4. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    America has a legal immigration problem. The whole process is far too bureaucratic. Fix that.

    Obviously you're not going to win, but I wish you luck anyway. Your platform is a good start, excepting your policies on illegal immigration. But what the heck, beggars can't be choosers :p

    Oh, and the death penalty (or any penalty) for drug dealers is grossly totalitarian. In any case, shouldn't the justice system be mostly left to the states anyway? That seems to be the gist of your policies.
  5. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    This took away my vote, you're basically mandating government cronyism as this'll virtually eliminate term limits. Maybe, hopefully it forces them to become more populist but consider me skeptical.

    I think this'll make government more of an in-crowd as candidates protect each other to secure retirement benefits. You couldn't have limited it by a certain age? You just HAD to mandate 'X amount of service years?" Why?
  6. Wizard From Oz

    Wizard From Oz Banned at Members Request

    Sep 8, 2008
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    You can not apply straight for citizenship from another country (except Cuba). You have to apply for permanent residency first, be here for a minimum of three years, then apply for citizenship
  7. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    You misunderstood, sir.

    I said that a member of Congress would have to serve 20 years or more before they are allowed to receive retirement benefits.

    I certainly did not mean that being elected to Congress would guarantee a 20 year tenure.
    In fact, I am all for term limits.

    A military service member has to serve for a minimum of 20 years before they draw a retirement check.
    It's only fair that a Congressperson would have to (if they survive in office that long) serve at least that long to get their benefits.

    As it is NOW, and I totally disagree with the current policy, you can be elected for just one term, and you draw a fat paycheck for LIFE.
    That is grotesque and inappropriate, in my opinion.
  8. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I only meant the death penalty for dealers of crystal meth, cocaine, date-rape drugs and heroin.
    There is no up-side to those drugs for a society.
    There is no therapeutic goodness in those substances.
    As you observed, I am all for de-federalizing most arenas, but when it comes to those particular substances, (most of which come from other countries illegally) then it become a federal concern.

    I don't advocate the death penalty for marijuana dealers and dealers of other minor, inconsequential drugs.
    And the laws on the books for the nation's top drug problem (abuse of prescription drugs) are probably adequate.

    Listen, about that beer;
    I really like Amber Bock, but I won't turn down a six pack of Negra Modelo or Dos Equis Amber.
  9. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Yeah, I meant drug dealers of any description. Heroin, cocaine or otherwise.

    Of course there isn't, but there is for the individual.

    Well, there is for heroin as an analgesic, but I get your point and agree. Still, I find it irrelevant. Health is the responsibility of each individual, if you choose to screw your health up on bath salts then all the power to you - just don't expect any of my property to go towards your care.

    Well in that case there's obviously a distinction between smuggling drugs (which might be a Federal responsibility), and the legality of those drugs within the states. I think the legality of the substances themselves is quite clearly a question for the states, or, preferably, the individual.

    The majority of heroin (and especially cocaine) users aren't addicts. Powder cocaine is a rich man's drug. Successful people use it, people who aren't snorting it in an alleyway after they got fired from McDonalds. So I guess I don't see cocaine or heroin as disastrously as you do. To each their own, I don't expect the state to approve of my behavior anyway.

    Nor do I think dealing drugs is any worse than using. This idea that strong, exploitative producers are taking advantage of weak, vulnerable users is really quite incorrect. The vast majority of users I know are quite in control of their faculties. Those who aren't made that decision a long time ago and will get little sympathy from me. It takes two to tango.

    I think prescriptions should be abolished and all drugs should be completely legal and unregulated, but really? Are they adequate? Illegal drug abuse pales in comparison to legal or prescription drug abuse. In many ways the system promotes abuse. Just look at all the pain clinics popping up everywhere.

    Try one of Perth's locals - Little Creatures.

    I'm also a fan of Hoegaarden, Stella Artois, Sol, Corona (on a sunny day with a slice of lime), and many others. I prefer pilsners/lagers to ales. Have a soft spot for American wheat beer and Asahi black (not super dry, which sucks)
  10. ringotuna

    ringotuna Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 18, 2013
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    I ran a halfassed parody campaign in 08.

    "A vote for Ringo is a vote for Tuna".
  11. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    Like you, I may run as a write-in for President; I've run before, only garnering a handful of votes but felt good because while I don't know the first thing about running this country, I'm honest and that's more then most politicians.
  12. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Thank you for your posting and for your honesty.

    Honesty is the most important thing of all.
    Hand in hand with integrity.

    That's why I would be incredibly selective about the source of any money I would be willing to accept.
    If somebody is looking to buy access or influence inside the Washington DC beltway, then I won't take their money.
    In fact, one of my goals would be to destroy the culture of crooked cronyism in Washington.
    I would expose the illegal schemes, the influence-peddling, the back room lobbying, and the million-dollar kickbacks.
    Eliminate all of it.

    To one of your points, I believe I could do a good job running the country.
    I have a lifetime of leadership experience, and I don't suffer fools gladly.
    And I can't put up with laziness, greed, or politicians looking for personal gain and glory.

    About the last thing anybody in their right mind would call me is 'politician'.
    I'm not politically-correct, and I will never lie to somebody just to curry their favor or their vote.

    The important thing to remember is that a President fails or succeeds based upon the quality and integrity of the people he surrounds himself with.
    His key staff, and his advisors.
    I would enlist the aid of the best and brightest minds, men and women of high integrity and noble purpose for the good of the country.

    Men and women who understand the value of a good, cold beer.
    Say, is it noon yet?
  13. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I find it interesting that nobody commented on the 'legalizing prostitution' thing.

    I really only threw that in there to see if anybody would actually read the thing from beginning to end.

    (I don't having any strong feelings about prostitution, and in fact have never in my life visited a prostitute.)

    I do however, as a father of daughters, believe that pimps and middle-men are abusing far too many young women.
    And, from what I hear, the human trafficking/sex slave trade business has simply exploded in the US lately.

    Somebody told me recently that there are more slaves in the US right now than there were in the mid-1800's.
    (Sex slaves, that is.)
    And that Las Vegas is sort of the mecca for that horrible, illegal activity.

    Is this true?
    Has anybody else heard this?
  14. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Don Quixote was honest.
  15. Tahuyaman

    Tahuyaman Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    Department of " homeland defense"? I don't think such department exists. How could anyone trust you as president if you don't know what departments even exist or not?
  16. Tahuyaman

    Tahuyaman Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    Why not remove the threat altogether by supporting term limits? Don't allow them to make political office a career in the first place.
  17. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    My bad.
    I meant Homeland Security.
    (But I suspect that you knew that already.)

    The problem with the US Department of Homeland Security is that it is just another government bureaucracy that costs taxpayers a lot and delivers very little.

    I worked on a study a few years ago of emergency first-reponders in my State, and their communication networks.

    With no prompting all all from the survey participants, we learned from them ALL that each State's Civil Defense and emergency first-responders have suffered budget cuts and funding problems. The suffer them because the Department of Homeland Security eats up most of the federal dollars that used to go to our vital local agencies.

    And the payoff for all that sponging of our tax dollars is exactly diddly-dick.
  18. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    You're not likely to win being an independant. Americans are too locked in to the two party crap and both parties look down on independents.

    Secondly, you need to have a wife. A single president will never get married. I don't understand why myself.

    Thirdly, you need a minimum of 250 million dollars to run, and probably more for being an independent.

    Just some hurdles to consider.
  19. Cdnpoli

    Cdnpoli Banned

    Sep 8, 2013
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    * The death penalty will become the standard for convicted child molesters, rapists, murderers, and people who chose to manufacture and deal crystal methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and date-rape drugs.
    There will be no over-crowding in prisons.

    Jesus Christ you want to execute more people than North Korea.
  20. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Get rid of government defined benefits plans and give them a 401k with a 10% match if we run a deficit and a 25% match if we run a surplus, 15% in time of war or recession.
  21. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Let us know how you do.
  22. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Can you send me some cold beers?
    I'm down to less than a dozen or so here at the house, and that is a sad state of affairs for a man of my stature and historical potential.

  23. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    No, but if you're in my neck of the woods I'll buy ya one, as long as you don't talk politics!
  24. sparquelito

    sparquelito Banned at Members Request

    Feb 8, 2014
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    It's a deal.
  25. Daily Bread

    Daily Bread New Member

    Apr 30, 2014
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    Wow you sure did make my decision tough ! I've been out of work for 16 months ,no thanks to our wonderful DOT,but you sealed it with the brew payoff . I'm in and will send you a six of Nugget Nectar a five of LaQuinitas ( couldn't help it -they were cold) with the promise of a cushy appointment. Maybe something in the order of CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF SCHOOL LUNCHS. Than I could force feed Michelle daughters to eat the crap their mother forces on the rest of the country.
    You have my vote and are instructing my followers to follow suit.
    Your Daily Bread

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