Ukraine’s Prime Minister Yatsenyuk: Now officially Nazi

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by KGB agent, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Laughable revisionist nonsense, that is not what happened at all. It was Russia that started all of this first with economic warfare in order to prevent the Ukraine's right to self determination which prompted peaceful protests supported by the majority of Ukrainians which resulted in a Russian puppet at the direct behest of Putin, sending in his jack booted thugs to attack and murder the protesters which resulted in his impeachment followed by his treasonous self imposed exile to Russian occupied territory, then what happened next is Russia invaded, occupied, installed an occupation government with Spec Ops holding AKs and rocket launchers in the Crimean parliamentary building during the swearing in of a new Crimean "prime minister" and this was followed by the outright illegal annexation of sovereign Ukrainian territory by the Russian Federation through a fraudulent and illegal referendum in which only two options were offered cessation or annexation rather than maintaining the status quo and which did not allow for the majority of Ukrainians to participate.
  2. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    The place where you asserted that the Nazi's were

    There is no evidence to support that assertion and even if it were true you are not trying to use it to smear Hitler you are trying to smear the Jewish people as if National Socialism was a Jewish phenomenon, you are accusing Jews of murdering 6 million of their own people as part of an evil Jewish conspiracy which is why you are an overt anti-Semite.

    Anti-semitic horse(*)(*)(*)(*).

    I don't need to say anything else, we all now know who are the true fascists in this war, it is the invading Russian war criminals.

    Your fascism is now clearly apparent to everyone on this forum.
  3. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    name them.
  4. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    It is an apt analogy, Putin is an authoritarian despot and his invasion and annexation of Ukrainian territory is no different than Hitlers invasion and annexation of Czechoslovakia.
  5. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    What I posted were indisputable facts which is why you have no valid rebuttal.
  6. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    Why it is okay to point out, for example, that some Nazis were/are Germans but when you say that some of them were Jewish it suddenly becomes "OMG!!!1111 anti-semitism!!!1111"?

    Ridiculous claim, there is plenty of evidence for that historical fact.
    Hitler was both inbred and partly Jewish. "Schicklgruber" supports it quite fine. While, of course, it is problematic to trace back any man's etnicity, especially considering Hitler would do his best to clear all traces.

    And now you are putting your words into my mouth, I have never accused all Jews in this crime. But it is quite obvious that part of them was okay with exterminating their own.

    Again, false butthurt accusations. Havn't you read the fairy tale about a shepherd? You know, where a boy was screaming "wolves" too often and when they came, there was nobody left to save him from horrible death?

    You need to read up on Hess, Messerschmidt and Eichmann, for example. Not my fault they were partly Jewish.

    Only if by "all" you mean a silly bunch of Russophobic Jews. And a single toilet-cleaning Balt.

    Again, empty accusations. Do you know the definiton of the word? Your education is horrible.

    Nope, that was just a bunch of twisted lies.
  7. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    so, where all the names of these high-ranking Jewish Nazis?

    there is no evidence that Hess and Eichmann had Jewish ancestry.
  8. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    Oh, well, it is nice you are not denying Messershmidt was Jewish. Already a big progress.
  9. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Yes saying that Jews are responsible for the holocaust and Nazism is overtly anti-Semitic.

    There is no evidence that Hitler was partly Jewish, and furthermore, the reason why your assertion is anti-Semitic is not because you are accusing Hitler of being Jewish but because you are trying accuse Jews of being responsible for Nazism.



    Again, false butthurt accusations. Havn't you read the fairy tale about a shepherd? You know, where a boy was screaming "wolves" too often and when they came, there was nobody left to save him from horrible death?

    You need to provide evidence for you anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

    The overtly anti-Semitic conspiracy theories accusing Jews of being responsible for the holocaust and Nazism along with Bolshevism which you are posting are demonstrating just who and what you are more than I ever could.

    And yet you have no valid rebuttal.
  10. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Wilhelm Emil "Willy" Messerschmitt (/'vĭli 'messer shmĭt/) (June 26, 1898 – September 15, 1978) was a German aircraft designer and manufacturer. He was born in Frankfurt am Main, the son of Baptist Ferdinand Messerschmitt (1858–1916) and his second wife, Anna Maria née Schaller (1867–1942).

    Provide evidence for you accusations.
  11. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    Double standards detected. Although, it is nice you've just admitted that you consider Jews being some sort of superior race, which can't be accused in anything. Ever.

    Keep playing denial game.....

    Denial again.

    What is "oops" in this case?

    Taking into account our previous record of discussions (where I was providing arguments and you were screaming "lies!!!111") I tend to think that it is going to be a waste of efforts. You are a waste of anyones time. Can't believe somebody is still talking to you over here!
    You can Google it, if you wish. It is all over the internet.

    1)fail to see any antisemitism in pointing out the fact a lot of Nazis and Bolsheviks were Jewish
    2)you make it sound like I am solely puting the blame on Jews, which I do not and never intended to do
    3)I admit, that Jews en masse in a way indeed helped Nazis in exterminating themselves (with lack of resistance). I can't imagine any other etnicity, which will alow to exterminate half of their kind and produce no resistance to it whatsoever (except tiny uprising in Warsaw getto).
    You'd better ladmire Slavic nations for their fight against the Nazism.

    Not wasting time=/=no valid rebuttal.

    Silly attempt to draw me into a flaimbait.

    ******it, at least open a Wikipedia article!
    You are talking about wrong Messerschmitt !
    Milch was born in Wilhelmshaven, the son of Anton Milch, a Jewish pharmacist,[1][2] in the Kaiserliche Marine, the Imperial German Navy, and Clara Milch, née Rosenau. Since his mother was not Jewish, he was not a Jew according to Jewish law. But he was a Mischling ("mixed-race" person) under the Nuremberg Laws introduced by the Nazi regime in 1935. He was one of the few officers in the German high command of Jewish ancestry.

    My point stands.

    This converstion is over.
  12. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    you have no evidence that Eichmann or Hess had Jewish ancestry.
  13. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    You were provided an undisputable fact of Jewish presense in German high command and yet you are trying to deny it?
  14. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    you have no evidence other than Luftwaffe General Milche.

    got anyone else?
  15. krunkskimo

    krunkskimo New Member

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Nazi Putin. its fitting.
  16. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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  17. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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  18. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    I thank Face for taking the time to debunk all the anti-Semitic canards.

    It is unfortunate to see a thread supposedly started to call the Ukrainian President a Nazi then turn into a platform to not just insult the Ukrainian President and all Ukrainians who support independence from Russia but all Jews with ridiculous attempts to suggest they are all Nazis and Communists and Hitler was a Jew.

    It shows vividly the absurdity of the original premises and how such threads are used to engage in hateful attacks based on negative stereotypes.

    Its unfortunate this thread has gone on so long with actually no point other than to insult Ukrainians and Jews.
  19. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    I am going to quote from the following article, "Russia Plays the Anti-Semitism Card" written by Abraham H. Foxman
    National Director of the Anti-Defamation League in The Huffington Post on March 14, 2014 to respond to this thread and what I consider a pretext to engage in anti-Semitism to inflame people in regards to the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine.

    Attacking and blaming Jews for conflicts in Europe and making smeers that Jews are Nazis and Communists are an exercise that simply recycles anti-Semitism. At its pith and substance is the exercise of blaming any conflict on Jews.

    During WW2, local Ukrainian militias did murder thousands of Jews.

    It is true two Ukrainian political parties, Svoboda and Right Sector, do have members who have made known their anti-Semitic views.

    However what we have seen in this thread and which Mr. Foxman addressed in his article, is an attempt to rationalize the Russian invasion and then invoke the accusation that Ukrainians are Nazis and anti-Semitic.

    As well as you can also see by this thread, the very pro Russians who start off accusing Ukrainians of being anti-Semitic and Nazi then engage in an absurd attempt to then say Jews are both Nazis and Communists.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin chose to play the anti-Semitism card in a speech justifying his invasion of Crimea.

    He also then portrayed Russians in Ukraine as the new Jews being discriminated against by the Ukrainian government as it once did to its Jews.

    Specifically in a press conference on March 4, 2014 he described the revolutionaries in Ukraine as rampaging, reactionary, nationalistic "anti-Semitic forces,".

    His message was clear. Ukrainians seeking independence are anti-Semitic and he was protecting Jews and Russian nationals from them.

    As Foxman stated this is a false claim and Russia's claims about anti-Semitism in Ukraine's revolution are simply not true. As Foxman stated they are an effort to delegitimize the actions of the Ukrainian people and to win sympathy for Russia's defiance of international law.

    He also went on to state an argument that directly applies to this thread as well and that is the attempt to create an analogy between current events in the Ukraine and their desire for independence as meaning they are anti-Semitic or Nazi is nonsensical.

    This exercise as he stated trivializes the Holocaust by comparing everything under the sun to Nazi behavior.

    In this thread it became even more absurd. In fact certain posters known for their anti-Semitic beliefs then twisted it like a pretzel to say the Jews in the Ukraine are Nazis as well but they are also anti Ukraine because they are pro Stalin. So we have Jews as Nazis and Communists at the same time in the accusations despite the sheer absurdity of the use of it to say Jews are Nazis if they support the Ukraines but also are Stalinists so hate the Ukraines.

    This is typical of anti-Semitic rants. Any and every accusation is thrown at the Jews to assign them political motives.

    This establishes the point I now make-the Jews of Europe are blamed no matter who is fighting-we are accused of being everything and anything and then used as a scapegoat to blame for the conflict.

    The fact is Ukrainians are not Nazis for wanting independence. The fact is anti-Semitism exists all over Europe and in the Ukraine and Russia and is not particular to one but not the other.

    The fact is there are Jews in Russia who have been subject to anti-Semitism by their government and fellow citizens and the same in the Ukraine.

    This should not be used as an excuse to smeer Ukrainians as all being Nazis.

    When the Ukraine became independent it initiated reconciliation with Israel. It did so out of a genuine heart-felt effort to mend fences and it brought Ukrainians and Jews together to honour each other's sufferings in WW2. The forced famine of Ukrainians is to the collective Ukrainian psyche as the holocaust is to the collective Jewish psyche. No amount of anti-Semitism expressed on this forum will change that and our mutual respect for each other's suffering.

    We also know millions of Russians died and starved in WW2.

    This attempt to incite hatred out of the Ukrainian conflict against Ukrainians and Jews is not working.

    More to the point the comments and cartoons trying to drag in Poland, Germany and Israel speak loudly of the absurdity of such an exercise.

    Lach Walesa went to Israel when Poland became independent and acknowledged the horrors that happened to Jews in Poland and did what the original Ukrainian government did and Germany has, tried its best to acknowledge the past and move on to a better future.

    No this Jew is not going to hate Poles, Ukrainians or Germans. No this Jew is not afraid of a handful of anti-semites who try inflame hatred against Jews because they have nothing to offer to resolve the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine.

    People like me or Face or others will speak out clearly against anti-Semitism and repeat it until doomsday, Ukrainians have the right to govern themselves just as Jews have, the Polish have and Russia has.

    Using Jews to justify hating anyone including Jews does nothing but lawyer the writer of such hatred to a level past absurd.

    Now let's put this thread to rest.

    Hating Ukrainians and calling them Nazis, hating Jews and calling them Nazis and Communists is no longer a discussion of political issues in a respectful manner.
  20. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Setting aside all the 'Jew' talk, the OP was correct in what Yatsenyuk said, even though the Ukrainian embassy has since edited the quote. Yats did say 'subhuman' and that, along with talk of 'cleansing the land of this evil' makes the Hitler comparison easy and obvious.

    Here's the State Department spin on the Foreign Minister calling Putin a (*)(*)(*)(*)er and on Yatsenyuk's 'subhuman' comment.

    Notice that Psaki doesn't deny that these things were said.

    LINK: v=wY2gh...e_gdata_player

  21. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Woogs what is your point-that Russians and Ukrainians have been using unflattering words to describe one another during this conflict? Because if that is your point no one denies that.

    Both sides have their share of politicians that have used inflammatory language...and so?

    What was the point of this thread other than to use this kind of name calling to serve as a justification and pretext call someone else a Nazi and then add to that an attack against all Jews?

    What has this thread done other than to serve notice that people on it want to continue the name calling and attack Jews while they are at it>

    Should we be discussing how to resolve the conflict or do we continue to call people Nazis and Communists and sub-humans, anti-semites, on and on?

    The politician you talk of is said to have called Russians fermenting civil war in the Ukraine sub-human and you are what shocked?

    Both sides don't act in a vacuum.

    They act and respond in reaction to each other and so isolating one side's comments and removing them from their context does what?

    Well It offers you a basis to make a spin of course.

    It offers an opportunity to justify adding to the name calling...because your position is...since this politician used the word sub-human to describe Russians, sit justifies calling him a Nazi.

    As for the Russians have been calling anyone who resists Russian interference in the domestic affairs of the Ukraine a Nazi and an anti-Semite, they too have been called Nazus.

    So now what? The term Nazi has been thrown back and forth trivializing its actual definition and turning it into a catch all insult.

    Now what?

    Can we move on or do you need some more justification for name calling?

    Surely you can understand both sides are in conflict and neither is right to call each other Nazi but does because anger and emotion have taken over.

    In conflict people become angry and call each other names and engage in violence and war.

    And so?

    Do we create threads to cheer lead for one side over the other or discuss possible peace solutions?

    Adding to the name calling or trying to justify it is pointless.
  22. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    one guy?

    thats all you got?
  23. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I agree too - people of the Crimea already made it - packed their bags and went to Russia . Good choice:cool:
  24. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Yetzerhara, I posted what I did because some have been acting like Yatsenyuk never said 'subhuman' since the embassy changed the quote. IOW, offering a bit of proof.

    The problem is that what Yatsenyuk said is beyond the pale for a PM and clearly harkens back to Hitler. One is left to wonder if these words will not be followed by deeds. One also has to look at the protesters in Kiev spray-painting swastikas at the Russian embassy over the weekend when drawing conclusions about the character of the Kiev junta.

    I have not engaged in any 'Jew' talk and it's not a factor for me. I just take what is happening and form my position/opinion from there.

    Really, what else is a discussion forum for? We are not going to solve anything here. All we do is add our voices to the chatter already going on. If we influence anything, it's only indirectly through the weight of all the chatter everywhere.

    Say what you want and I'll do the same. It's called free speech.
  25. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    I think some day Yatsenyuk and his comrades in Kiev will be killed, exiled or jailed. They have done enough crimes already.

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