How Talk Radio and Fox News Brainwashed My Dad

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Tom Joad, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Fox News is worth watching for comedic purposes only.

    It features some of the best unintentional comedy you'll ever find.
  2. RedRepublic

    RedRepublic Banned at Members Request

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Fox news does not brainwash anyone, that is pure idealism. They don't strap anyone to a chair, pump mind altering drugs into their system and force them to watch Fox news. That would be brainwashing.

    The truth is that if this guy accepted Rush's insane ideology it is only because something about it appealed to him. We all have personal struggles in explaining the existential void that is the society we live under. Most people will come to accept a nebulous mishmash of inoffensive views, just as an easy way to continue their lives with some semblance of happiness. Some of us will continue to be deeply bothered. Some of us will get the nature of our capitalist society quickly and others will go through many insane ideologies before they hit the nail of the head, if at all. I see this as a good explanation for both fascism, conspiracy theories and the crap that Fox peddles. Powerful people exploit this need to explain the world, and the result here is this guy getting himself involved in Fox's insanity. Their views may not be logical or self-consistent but they are a way to (incorrectly) explain the world - this is why Rush appealed to this person's dad. Fox gives clear cut, albeit completely wrong explanations unlike the vague liberal appeals to things being unfear and equally vague moderate Republican appeals to authority.

    Also I see the people with the longest posts, with huge fonts and with enough clashing colours to make our eyes bleed and ginormous pictures peddle the most inconsistent explanations. I think their attempt to gain the most attention to their posts reveals the emptiness of their words.
  3. Bow To The Robots

    Bow To The Robots Banned at Members Request

    Jun 17, 2009
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    Nice size discrimination.
  4. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Really do they tell the truth about war? Hell no!

    Former army nurse complete with the full resume of heroics, and service to her country interviews witnesses from Libya who claim that 60,000 airstrikes killed 500,000 Libyans in Americas last invasion using napalm and posion gas, that America started the war not Quadaffi. Listen to the podcast.

    Or scroll down to Thursday, Jan. 9th show
  5. RedRepublic

    RedRepublic Banned at Members Request

    Jun 1, 2012
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    I feel like you didn't read any of my post. Look over it again.
  6. RedRepublic

    RedRepublic Banned at Members Request

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Making fun of people for being fat isn't cool, but I'm willing to bet weight is another area of hypocrisy for Rush. With all the reactionary crap he spews I think I already know what he thinks of 'fat chicks'.
  7. GlobalCitizen

    GlobalCitizen Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    You expect me to believe this woman acquired those casualty counts by just running round Libya to all the different towns, and tallying them herself? And then the US military handed her the military sorties schedule to match up with them? I don't believe her. Ambassador Stevens got killed just trying to set up shop in Libya. How did this woman move about without being killed?
  8. Str8Edge

    Str8Edge New Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Weak minded= brainwashed, regardless of which ideology gets ahold of you first.

    If we taught our kids HOW to think, instead of HOW to put a condom on a cucumber, we'd be in a different boat.

    A free and civil society is predicated on intelligent, well informed citizenry.
  9. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    That's the problem, though. If we teach kids how to think, then they won't be politically correct. And we can't have that. Because then utopia will crumble. They must be overly sensitive, screwed up, and afraid to question things that are blatantly illogical. Anything else is bigotry. At least that's what the left wing noise machine constantly tells me.
  10. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    It took Obamas request for authorization to bomb Syria - and after arming the terrorists there for 2 and a half years - for ANY of the so called "Progressive" talk hosts to cover the Obama instigated war and regime change policy there.

    And when the "Progressives" did discuss Syria the majority of them were up to their collective eyeballs in lies trying to protect the White House and Obama from criticism for arming Al Queda in Syria and Libya via the CIA.

    Tom Hartman, Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy and Ray McGovern went on the air to blame Syria on the Saudis, Quatar, or Turkey when those countries were U.S. allies following orders from Washington, and were launching points for the Obama/CIA armed terrorists.

    The talk radio hosts on places like Pacifica ad NPR were lying that it was an internal civil war when it was external U.S. policy regime change, and a great many Liberals showed their servile cowardice, acting in a "plausible deniability" fashion as would U.S. Government politicians!

    (even though I am liberal too)


    The only difference between Obama and Bush, (other than that he is worse than W.) is that Obama has the majority of the Progressive news media to lie and cover up for him, in addition to the usual corporatist media news outlets, in their capacity as subsidiaries of the Military Industrial Complex, and are paid to lie to Americans into accepting more war.


    "Progressive" (i.e. - largely a Democrat Party PR marketing gimmick containing mass censorship) blogs, radio, TV, and news sites - like Information Clearing House and Huffington Post have relied on NGOs, govmnt front groups, and globalist financiers (Pierre Omidyar, George Soros) and Foundation funded media (Pacifica, NPR, the Real News Network) to ascribe false war propaganda lies via the liars for Empire: The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Noam Chomsky, Al Jazeera, Chris Hedges, the Nation magazine, and other former CIA Robert Fisk, Ray McGovern, and other promoted establishment hacks like Patrick Cockburn, Juan Cole and who actively conceal Obamas role in designing and implementing the "Arab Spring" not spontaneous, internal civil wars but Pentagon instigated regime changes.


    "Progressive" talk show hosts and serial liars like Bill Maher, Mike Malloy and Norman Goldman conceal the U.S. military role in arming, funding, and training of religious extremism. Instead the talk hosts blame religion itself. School of the Americas and similar CIA fronts train extremists to terrorize people.

    Progressive Shills For War and Cover Ups by the Establishment Funded Liars and Lackeys

    The murderous history of USAID

    The murderous history of USAID, the US Government agency behind Cuba?s fake Twitter clone | PandoDaily

    by Eric Draitser

    "Contrary to Western media reports, Qaddafi did not initiate Libya’s violence by targeting peaceful protesters. The United Nations and Amnesty International have documented that in all four Libyan cities initially consumed by civil conflict in mid-February 2011—Benghazi, Al Bayda, Tripoli, and Misurata—violence was actually initiated by the protesters. The government responded to the rebels militarily but never intentionally targeted civilians or resorted to “indiscriminate” force, as Western media claimed. Early press accounts exaggerated the death toll by a factor of ten, citing “more than 2,000 deaths” in Benghazi during the initial days of the uprising, whereas Human Rights Watch (HRW) later documented only 233 deaths across all of Libya in that period."

    HRW: Human Rights Watch or Hypocritical Representatives of Washington?

    HRW: Human Rights Watch or Hypocritical Representatives of Washington? (Part 2) | New Eastern Outlook


    by Caleb Maupin

    "One of the first anti-China terrorist campaigns sponsored by the United States was in Tibet. The US provided Buddhist monks from the deposed feudalist regime with arms and weapons to engage in terrorist violence. In Colorado, the US trained an insurgent army led by the Dalia Lama’s brother Gyalo Thodup. The group was dropped into the Himalayan mountains by the by the US Air Force. The US supplied the group with guns and weapons, as they went from village to village slaughtering people, torturing people, and hoping to restore the old order of serfdom and dictatorship from the monasteries.

    "In addition, the CIA facilitated a media campaign to create sympathy for the violent Anti-China insurgents in Tibet. The Dalia Lama was directly paid by the CIA, as he built up a following presenting himself as a mystical guru, and worked to demonize the Chinese government.

    "This direct sponsoring of over a decade of anti-China terrorism is not the belief of conspiracy theorists, but the confessed truth of the Central Intelligence Agency. In the 2002 book “The CIA’s Secret War in Tibet”, printed by the University of Kansas Press, former CIA operative James Morrison and Kenneth Conboy of the Heritage Foundation describe this brutal operation with pride. The number of innocent people who died in the US sponsored blood bath in Himalayas is unknown.

    Terrorism in China: Is the US involved, this time?

    Terrorism in China: Is the US involved, this time? | New Eastern Outlook

    By Mahdi Nazemroaya

    "Here is the account given to the Fides News Agency by two priests about what was done to one fifteen year-old Syrian Christian girl in Homs Governate after the anti-government fighters took control of it:

    The commander of the battalion «Jabhat al-Nusra» in Qusair took Mariam, married and raped her. Then he repudiated her. The next day the young woman was forced to marry another Islamic militant. He also raped her and then repudiated her. The same trend was repeated for 15 days, and Mariam was raped by 15 different men. This psychologically destabilized her and made her insane. Mariam, became mentally unstable and was eventually killed. These atrocities are not told by any «International Commission» say to Fides two Greek-Catholic priests, Fr. Issam and Fr. Elias who have just returned to town."

    Wiping Out the Christians of Syria and Iraq to Remap the Middle East: Prerequisite to a Clash of Civilizations?

    Wiping Out the Christians of Syria and Iraq to Remap the Middle East: Prerequisite to a Clash of Civilizations? | Global Research


    Progressives cover up White House prior knowledge of Benghazi attack, and shipping arms to Syria from Libya

    "In May 2014, fighting in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi has left scores dead, many more injured, and residents fleeing for their lives as what the Western media called a “renegade general,” waged war on “Islamist militants” within the city. Reuters in its article, “Families evacuate Benghazi as renegade general vows more attacks,” claimed:

    The self-declared Libyan National Army led by a renegade general told civilians on Saturday to leave parts of Benghazi before it launched a fresh attack on Islamist militants, a day after dozens were killed in the worst clashes in the city for months."

    Libya?s Destruction a Warning to Egypt, Syria, & Ukraine | New Eastern Outlook

    Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government, documents show

    Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government, documents show
  11. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    We've simply got to teach children not to think and just accept our liberal views are the correct ones to take.

    And of course, teach them that all conservatives are bad bad awful children who sacrifice children to satan and eat their entrails in leavenly bread.
  12. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I'll admit that it is enlightening how some of the same progressives who opposed the Nicaraguan contras, and the war in Iraq, now defend Obamas right to invade Syria and Libya under R2P, or under some other "humanitarian" rationale.

    What absurd hypocrisy there is among so called "intellectuals", eh? :chargrined:


    Washington Escalates Intervention In Region-Wide Middle East War

    America's Permanent War Agenda

    Media Whores & Liars: "Mainstream" Journalism

    Everything Is A Lie: The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All Time High
  13. Tahuyaman

    Tahuyaman Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    Most people know that because they have common sense, not because Limbaugh told them.
  14. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The first casualty of war is the truth. History is written by the victors. "ISIS" is a rebranding of the Al Queda menace controlled by US imperialism - "the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" designed to seize oil and balkanize the Middle East. There are scores of sources in this thread. It is necessary to be objective as possible without being a partisan hack spinning for either party. Both parties are controlled by the multinationals and defense contractors. Its obvious that the Obama blitzkrieg is the same as George Bushs using 9/11 as an excuse for invasion in Libya, as Hillary and W. did for Iraq. Many progressives are covering up the Democrat Party role in Syria. I have not seen so much censorship of any war as there has been on the carnage in Syria and Libya - and that is because the progressive shows are gatekeepers and establishment controlled assets. In the 1980's when Reagan armed the Nicaraguan contras, there was no censorship in the TV or print press because it was a GOP illegal war crime, but now gatekeepers in the "alternative/left" anti-war websites and blogs censor constantly and hide Obamas hand in wars - specifically progressive liars are found hiding Syria/Libya war crimes by the Democrats on outlets like Progressive Voices radio app lineup, Norm Goldman, Mike Malloy, Thom Hartman, Huffington Post,, and Pacifica Radio, - while mainstream sources rely on the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights run by a single man in a tailor shop, a bit of an obvious cover, aye - (and who is known for his connections to the Syria terrorists) the Obama propaganda octopus is a well oiled, multi-tentacled beast with public radio shows like Vermonts InContext War Report (Army officer run Debka file using cointel assets) and Between the Lines (peddling lies and disinfo and psyops.) Even yours truly was thrown off the servers at Information Clearing House for criticizing Chomsky, (controlled NWO asset) Greenwald, (a one trick Snowden pony?),Scahill (for a boycott of the London Syria peace meeting while showing his film) and aggregated propaganda horseradish in the blogging margins. The progressive websites are a miasma of censorship, half truth and cronyism for the NGO establishment clique and the Ford Foundation mindset.

    Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: A one-man propaganda cell for FSA-Nusra terrorists


    By William Blum

    "On February 15, 2003, a month before the actual invasion, there was a coordinated protest around the world in which people in some 60 countries marched in a last desperate attempt to stop the war from happening. It has been described as “the largest protest event in human history.” Estimations of the total number of participants involved reach 30 million. The protest in Rome involved around three million people, and is listed in the 2004 Guinness Book of World Records as the largest anti-war rally in history. Madrid hosted the second largest rally with more than 1½ million protesters. About half a million marched in the United States. How many demonstrations in support of the war can be cited? It can be said that the day was one of humanity’s finest moments.

    So what did all these people know that Hillary Clinton didn’t know? What information did they have access to that she as a member of Congress did not have?

    The answer to both questions is of course “Nothing”. She voted the way she did because she was, as she remains today, a wholly committed supporter of the Empire and its unending wars."

    The Anti-Empire Report #130 | War Is A Crime .org

    Obama's Ukrainian Ploy Collapses

    By Eric Zuesse

    "In other words: The government that Obama installed in February is now seeking direct U.S. support in order to continue its ethnic cleansing campaign, which is aimed at getting rid of the people who had elected the man, President Viktor Yanukovych, whom Obama's February coup in Kiev had overthrown ."

    Obama's Ukrainian Ploy Collapses; Ukraine Now Seeks Direct U.S. Bailout By Eric Zuesse


    a progressive history of subverting the anti-war Left

    Lying on Air America to Support the War


    "And disappointingly, Air America has turned out to be little more than a mouthpiece for the DNC and one more way to divert the anti-war movement to DNC-approved "issues" * like DeLay, Bolton and the other trivia that are like so many straws in the wind compared to the carnage in Iraq."

    Mainstream Presstitutes & Syrian Genocide

    "Now mainstream lying and censorship is enabling a build-up to a US Alliance destruction of Syria to parallel that in Iraq. One notes that "holocaust" means death of a large number of people and "genocide" means “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group” as set out by Article 2 of the 1948 UN Genocide Convention."

    Mainstream Presstitutes & Syrian Genocide

    The Emperor’s Rage: Let Chaos Envelop the World!

    Chaos by Design

    "At the center of chaos, the wild-eyed President Obama strikes blindly, oblivious of the consequences, willing to risk a financial debacle or a nuclear war. He enforces sanctions against Iran; imposes sanctions on Russia; sets up missile bases five launch minutes from Moscow; sends killer drones against Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan; arms mercenaries in Syria; trains and equips Kurds in Iraq and pays for Israel’s savagery against Gaza."

    The Emperor’s Rage: Let Chaos Envelop the World!

    Middle East Master Plan Toward War and Fascism.

    Dr. Christof Lehmann

    "The primary function of “The Arab Spring” is a re-colonization. It is a modo-colonial project that bears the principle hallmarks that are the common denominators of every single modo-colonial coup d´etat in former European colonies since the end of Europe´s previous colonial era after World War Two."

    Middle East Master Plan toward War and Fascism | nsnbc international


    Inside a jihadist massacre as ISIS death squads roam Iraq (with video)

    Inside a jihadist massacre as ISIS death squads roam Iraq (with video)

    1,083 assassinations, 4,465 car bombs: ISIS publishes detailed figures on terror campaign

    1,083 assassinations, 4,465 car bombs: ISIS publishes detailed figures on terror campaign

    ISIS Beheads Syrian Soldiers, Puts Heads on Poles in Town Square

    (VIDEO/PHOTOS) ISIS Beheads Syrian Soldiers, Puts Heads on Poles in Town Square | LeakSource
  15. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Howzabout this?

    John Kerry had foreknowledge of Syria WMD false flag event - transcript excerpts ...

    EXPOSED: Kerry Implicated in Turkey False Flag Using
    Al Qaeda To Start War With Syria


    All Obama does is expand the wars for oil and gas ! He is exacty the same as Bush!

    Jihadism and the Petroleum Industry

    "It was learned that the oil stolen by the Frente al-Nosra in Syria is sold by Exxon-Mobil (the Rockefeller firm that rules Qatar), while that of ISIL is operated by Aramco (USA / Saudi Arabia ). Note in passing that during the Libyan conflict, NATO authorized Qatar (that is to say, Exxon-Mobil) to sell oil from the " territories liberated by al-Qaeda”.

    Jihadism and the Petroleum Industry, by Thierry Meyssan


    U.S. Intelligence Terrorizes Venezuela

    "For several months, U.S. intelligence services have ramped up their efforts to destabilize Venezuela. Protests circumscribed to a few neighborhoods have been widely relayed by the media to give the impression that they engulf the entire country. However, there are growing signs that Washington’s hand behind these strange events."

    U.S. Intelligence Terrorizes Venezuela, by Nil Nikandrov

    George Soros: Prophet of an "Open Society"

    Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG): George Soros: Prophet of an "Open Society"

    The Only Thing More Shameful than the Shelling of Eastern Ukraine is the Silence From the Left

    The Only Thing More Shameful than the Shelling of Eastern Ukraine is the Silence From the Left | SCG News

  16. domer76

    domer76 New Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I've been making it a point to listen to Rush quite a bit lately. A lying son-of-a-(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) with almost every breath he takes. Sad the lemmings like you buy into his filth.
  17. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    "Progressive" radio - Democracy Now, Tom Hartman, Mike Malloy etc. CENSOR evidence of Syria faked WMD false flag under Obama - similar to Bush Iraq WMD faked evidence for oil wars


    watch RT video and two other sources

    Media Staged Chemical Attack

    US ‘backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt’: Report

    Leaked emails from defense contractor refers to chemical weapons saying ‘the idea is approved by Washington’


    See also:

    More on false flag terror PRESENTING evidence of a TERRORISM RACKET

    Psychological Warfare and the “False Flag” Meme

  18. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Well I heard the truth about Syria terrorists on the Mike Malloy Show from a CALLER.

    He said something about the terrorists getting arms from Libya. Its only a 2 and a half year old story. What timely reporting!


    Wait?You mean Lefty Democrats and US Govmnt shills covering up for the President, say it isn't so!

  19. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Progressive talk radio is so humanitarian too, they'd rather discuss global warming and the Koch bros. than how the Democrat President is slaughtering and mutilating Syrians.

    What cowards and hypocrites.


    U.S. Ambassador Power warns Russia that delivering humanitarian aid would be viewed as an invasion of Ukraine

    Victoria Nuland’s ‘Ukraine-gate’ Deceptions

    Blackwater Mercenaries Reported in Donetsk, Ukraine
    "a Russian diplomat told Interfax that 300 employees of Blackwater, now known as Academi, had arrived in the pro-Russian city."

    Specter of Western Mercenaries Hang Over Ukraine Crisis

    US Refuses To Take Back 13 Dead CIA Spies Killed In Ukraine

    American Mercenaries are fighting in Ukraine
  20. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    My point has been to document the case that most - lets say 90% - of the "Progressive" and corporatist news sources, (radio, TV and websites) e.g. - Robert Fisk, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Norm Goldman, Tom Hartman, Democracy Now, Mike Malloy, Noam Chomsky, Pacifica Radio, NPR, as well as CNN, NYT, FOX,
    who deny that President Obama started the Libya and Syria wars

    I am a liberal, but am unbiased enough to document the times so MANY "Progressives" are willing to lie and cover up for the Obama White House, in the same way NYT, CNN and FOX covered up war lies for Bush in Iraq. If you have a problem with the truth - I cannot help it. Maybe if you won't believe it from me, maybe you will believe it from a Republican ....

    Rand Paul: We armed ISIS in Syria

    LEAKS ?

    clearly the Obama White House was trying to orchestrate their "Benghazi moment" to get their WMD chemical weapons false flag event off the ground for intervention in Syria

    "Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011 And The Complete Grand Plan - The March 2012 Leak

    "I kept pressing on the question of what these SOF teams would be working toward, and whether this would lead to an eventual air campaign to give a Syrian rebel group cover. They pretty quickly distanced themselves from that idea, saying that the idea 'hypothetically' is to commit guerrilla attacks, assassination campaigns, try to break the back of the Alawite forces, elicit collapse from within. There wouldn't be a need for air cover, and they wouldn't expect these Syrian rebels to be marching in columns anyway.


    "There still seems to be a lot of confusion over what a military intervention involving an air campaign would be designed to achieve. It isn't clear cut for them geographically like in Libya, and you can't just create an NFZ over Homs, Hama region. This would entail a countrywide SEAD campaign lasting the duration of the war. They dont believe air intervention would happen unless there was enough media attention on a massacre, like the Ghadafi move against Benghazi. They think the US would have a high tolerance for killings as long as it doesn't reach that very public stage."

    "Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011 And The Complete Grand Plan - The March 2012 Leak


    OR would you believe this desciption of how the Obama White House started the war in Syria from Global Research ???

    NATO’s and Turkey’s Genocidal War on Syria

    Flashback to 2011

    By Cem Etür | Global Research, April 08, 2014

    In late March 2011, only two weeks after the launch of the NATO-led covert war on Syria, CIA director Leon Panetta secretly visited Turkey’s border with Syria.48 A month later, Turkish newspaper Sabah announced Panetta’s visit and CIA’s cooperation with Turkey over Syria:

    “CIA Director Leon Panetta made a surprise visit to Turkey at the end of March [2011]. Panetta’s 5 day visit to Ankara was hidden from the public opinion as a top secret. [...] Panetta met with Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) Hakan Fidan, as well as officials from the government and the General Staff of Turkish Armed Forces. [...] During the consultations, it was pointed out that Syria is at a “critical threshold” [...] that the country would be dragged into chaos if Assad doesn’t take urgent steps. Details of what was described as Turkey’s “classified” [plan] concerning Syria were also discussed. It has been pointed out that the “classified” [plan] entails regime change in Syria”49

    The following day, Sabah revealed Turkey’s plan for toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad:

    “In the face of the escalation of events in Syria, Turkey [has decided] to launch its classified “Plan B” instead of its Plan A which envisaged Assad to remain in power. “Plan B” covers the possibilities of chaos, civil war and migration. [...] [The border provinces of] Hatay, Sanliurfa, Kilis and Mardin have been designated for [setting up] reception camps and field hospitals.”50

    What is particularly striking is that this plan of setting up five refugee camps (including two in Hatay) along some 600 kilometres-long segment of the Syrian border was conceived before any violent incident occurred in north Syria.

    On May 31st, 2011 Turkey hosted a three-day ‘regime change’ conference in a five-star hotel in Antalya with the participation of some 300 members of the Syrian opposition.51,52

    The first major false flag attack of the NATO-led covert war on Syria was orchestrated through the military and intelligence cooperation of the U.S. and Turkey. On June 6, 2011, 120 Syrian soldiers were brutally massacred by the Muslim Brotherhood mercenaries in the town of Jisr al-Shughour, located 10 kilometres from the border with Turkey.53 At the time, this report by SANA was largely ignored by the mainstream and alternative media alike:

    “The Syrian TV broadcast photos of the brutal massacres perpetrated by organized armed terrorist groups against the civilians and the army, police and security forces groups in Jisr al-Shughour in the province of Idleb.

    “Members of the terrorist groups used government cars and military uniform to commit their crimes of killing, terrifying people and sabotaging. They filmed themselves committing vandalism acts to manipulate the photos and videos and distort the reputation of the [Syrian] army.

    “The terrorists attacked police and security centers as well as other governmental and private institutions, violated the streets, neighborhoods and houses and used rooftops to sniper and shoot at citizens and security forces. [...]

    NATO?s and Turkey?s Genocidal War on Syria | Fig Trees and Vineyards


    Would you believe these sources on President Obama complicity with Al Queda and subsequent "progressive" censorship?

    U.S. and Al-Qaeda: The Best of Frenemies
    by Mike Pirsch
    "The insanity of endless war has found the White House, the Pentagon, and the Congress in an alliance with Al-Qaeda in Libya, Syria, Mali, and possibly other countries. The goal, it seems, is to destroy secular governments in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Also targeted are the Shia dominated governments in Iran and Iraq. The White House, Pentagon, and the Congress are leading a coalition ..."

    U.S. and Al-Qaeda: The Best of Frenemies - World Mathaba


    Syria Real News - February 6-7 round-up
    Syria Real News - February 6-7 round-up - World Mathaba

    EU Sanctions Target Humanitarian Aid and Hinder Restoration of Global Heritage in Syria
    EU Sanctions Target Humanitarian Aid and Hinder Restoration of Global Heritage in Syria | Fig Trees and Vineyards

    Syrian Terrorists Describe being Trained by U.S. to "Finish off" Survivors
    Syrian Terrorists Describe being Trained by U.S. to "Finish off" Survivors | SCG News

    Left Forum Conference Ignores US-NATO Genocide
    By Jay Janson | Dissident Voice | June 3, 2014
    "But Cornel West, now of New York Theological Seminary, the keynote speaker at Left Forum 2014’s Opening Plenary, and Harry Belafonte and Angela Davis, who spoke at its Feature Event, were silent on the sixty-seven years of US-NATO genocide overseas, the ongoing US-NATO slaughter of Muslims in a dozen nations in the Middle East and Africa and the covert violence around the world for “unjust predatory investments” that Rev. King condemned. Amazingly, their cries and exhortations were to fight for justice for Americans at home. Left Forum 2014 was a truly an ‘America First’ proposition."

    "Perhaps the most galling pill to swallow was the presence on stage of progressive media Democracy Now director Amy Goodman, long committed to false reporting to destroy the government and the population that supports it in Syria, having had a dedication to the destruction of beautiful, democratic and prosperous Libya and third world hero Muammar Gaddafi, and to dutiful backing of the Orange, Green and now Ukrainian “revolutions” sponsored by CNN and arranged by CIA and its many foreign branches."

    Left Forum Conference Ignores US-NATO Genocide « Aletho News
  21. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The Pod People, the Corpse of Donald Sutherland, and What They Did With It:
    The Case is Solve -ed

    Mass communications channels are Establishment propaganda brainwashing for the CFR NWO Elites to have their wars bull horned across the globe sans criticism. Scholars and political scientists used these on public radio, TV channels and their supposed accreditation give them the veneer of legitimacy but they are concealed US govmnt lackeys putting on a stage play of genuine independence. Their concocted lies, and parlor trick gimmickry on these PBS,NPR, and community public radio channels are already bought and paid for by the CFR, or indirectly some NGOs, to: censor the wars, muddy the waters, revise history, bolster the US Govmnt credibility, to silence dissenting views. Often, the NWO Establishment needs more noticable subordinates to coordinate their their mass brainwashing. Garrison Keillor , Dr. Michio Kaku,or Edward Snowden to push predetermined psychological warfare or mass mind control on the unsuspecting. This keeps the public distracted with complicated nonsense while things like "free fire zones" go on in Syria, and so the US Govmnt NWO Elites can have crimes committed like Al Queda torturing, raping and slaughtering innocent people, and the news is "too busy" to report it.

    Much in the same way, cointelpro stooges in radio and TV can fill the airwaves with scripted jive about wedge issues to divide the public: thinly veiled racism, abortion, religion dogma, so that the war criminal NWO Elites can continue uninterrupted with their oil wars while the working class squabbles among itself as per instructed by the psy-operation. People who are too distracted by Comedy Central or video games to be sufficiently controlled, the NWO Pentagon Elites make war video games with terror war themes complete with 3-D guts exploding, or have their mind washing disguised as South Parks Eric Cartman to explain and justify war slaughter. People concerned with sex and disgusting perversion can be led by the nose to reproduction by Amy Schumer or racism used by Dan Tosh, so the CFR warmongers can get access to their cannon fodder: You. And , if that fails - the CIA psyop known as Cartoon Network Adult Swim, can keep the masses sufficiently dumbed down and their brains turned off, - or at least conditioned by racism used for war in the guise of humor - like the networks sit-coms, and Archie Bunker Republicanism and false nationalism - with garbage like Family Guy, and the loveable Stan Smith - the achetypal US Govmnt intelligence buffoon who always has an excuse for failure, like our real Foreign Policy secret keepers have to explain away unending wars. That the war is perpetual is the whole point, we can't interrupt the Big Oil/Defense/Big Pharma gravy train so keep all the shell shocked, disturbed, and violently maniacal under mass mind control with SSRI pills until such time as it can keep (quietly) examined on back channel radio programs after the latest mass shooting, then ignored by the Elitist money pilferers.

    The NWO Elites are acting with ever increasing speed to keep a controlled media herd zombified and hyponotized for mass consumerism. they have to hire new hipsters to "rap" to the young people. A Russel Brand to say, "I am not against colonialism," or a new app to spy on the Iphones, or new high def special effects to make the masses sleep and simultaneously supplanted the unconscious brain with messages. Maybe the black militant kid from "the Boondocks" has some new violent racist rhetoric, act of destruction, or wanton act of sickness he wants the young public audience to imitate, so more people can be locked up, branded as "thugs" or scapegoated as worthless criminals like the with "war on drugs" or our "war on terror." And here we find the corpse of Donald Sutherland - raped, tortured, and murdered by NWO Elites as per instructed.

    This is the sad reality of Totalitarian America: Activists, journalists, and contributors ARE DEEP COVER AGENTS. 1984 is here. And its been here since at least the 1960's if not the 1930's. We must look the Thought Police directly in the eye. Confront them directly. Snowden is a deep cover agent. It is a sad reality that the anti-war movement is always penetrated by US Govmnt agents, but it is a fact. just as it is a fact that Totalitarian Govmnts are always persecuting the weak, defenseless nations and single out and target Asians, or Arabs, for hatred in media, like how TV comedy attacks the crippled, gay, senior citizens, homeless, mentally retarded and mentally ill as objects of derision and ridicule. These are aspects of full blown Dictatorship.

    Are you dehumanized and desensitized yet from constant images of endless violence in your movies/video games yet? Many turn a blind eye to the horrors of war, torture, rape, and maimed civillians by American Weapons of Mass Destruction as the Arabs have none, but people are brainwashed to believe Hollywood, Disney tales.

    Our democracy has not always been as illusionary as it is now, nor did the Founding Fathers set it up to be illusory. Spying on dissenters, to make anti-war Americans afraid to speak up by reminding them "Big Brother is Watching You," to control what dissent, counter-culture, grass roots people spend their time reading, thinking, blogging about. This also serves the Pentagon by keeping civillian war casualties off the front pages of our news sites, and blogs. Democracy Now gives Snowden/Greenwald an endless platform of air time to pontificate PERPETUAL FEAR, while a Democrat President slaughters tens of thousands in Syria arming Al Queda and going unreported by "Progressives".

    Totalitarian, PERPETUAL WAR societies have controlled agents of political repression, and oppression. They had to kill Dr. King to silence his momentum, he was so strong. They have TV shows, cartoons to paint all Arabs/Muslims as terrorists, or Arab Govmnts as "brutal" or "despotic" and racism messages to support the War Machine, because the Pentagon is in FEAR OF LOSING from Vietnam, so lackeys such as Howard Stern, South Park, Family Guy, Bill Maher, talk radio, Fox/CNN have said such things like as Howard Stern said Muslims were terrorists so basically kill them all. How quickly do people forget Snowden was a pro-war gung ho lets "kill em all" after 9/11 type.

    Like all the terror propaganda and lies pushed by the Pod People (aka COINTELPRO controlled news assets) to keep the herd in perpetual fear for more and ever expanding perpetual wars.

    The Pod People, when disguised as anti-war activists, the act of changing with the direction of the wind is no accident, in most cases. Mike Malloy, who said lying "Obama is not a neocon" and "Obama hasn't invaded anyone" can rant and call Putin a KGB killer, thug, or fascist without penalty , all callers objections are cut off, hung up on. Tape delay was used on me personally to excise the phrase &#8220;stop the war&#8221; from my phone call three times, which I intentionally repeated in order to get the message thru on another show. Americans have no free speech, not even on the internet where Gary Null has turned The Progressive Radio Network - into his own personal fiefdom for pop-psychology mumbo jumbo, bogus medicine, and pseudo-&#8220;Progressive&#8221; cowardice. Danny Schecter has been promoting Al Jazeera on his &#8220;News Dissector&#8221; (false expose) program for the last 2 weeks. Al Jazeera, of course is one of the most diabolical, evil promoters of US Totalitarian War Machine killing of innocents in history, along with Fox/CNN/ABC/NBC. Gary Null is a snake oil salesman, once stopping an anti-war 9/11 truther in midsentence saying, &#8220;I don&#8217;t want this issue to become a third rail&#8221; (i.e. - too hot to touch). The spinelessness of the Progressive Radio Network is astounding. They have become another purveyor of the archetypal spineless Liberal. has been using contributors like Stephen Zunes, or Stephen Cohen regardless of their connections to imperialist fronts and COINTELPRO operations like PBS. Serial liar and history revisionist Mike Malloy also promotes Al Jazeera America, has promoted and advocated listening to MSNBC, having the murderous warmonger (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) Maddow on his TV screen during the video broadcast, Malloy pushing another collection of warmongers and liars for US Empire - war apologists Juan Cole and Chris Hedges. The cause of justice for the dead citizens of Syria, and Libya is ignored by the pseudo Progressive Pod People broadcasters, replacing anti-war broadcasts with tabloid bickering, demagoguery and foolishness. I am REALLY sick of all these fear based headlines and topics. It seems as if some NEOCON tools are coming up with all these scare tactic headlines. Its some race based, xenophobia designed to bolster the war on terror.

    But these aggregated headlines is all the same fear tactics the Office of Special Plans / the Rendon Group used to use. I mean thats all these war pimps do is scare the audience with fears of foreigners, racist remarks disguised as "comedy" and reinforce the US war of terror.

    And, when it comes over the news wires that Anwar Alawki was an FBI informant. no one makes the US Govmnt connection to his being the "inspiration," or "mastermind" behind the Fort Hood shooting, the Times Square bomber who locked his keys in the car, AND the Detroit Xmas pants firecracker bomber. No one makes the connection that Snowden is CIA and is scripted propaganda vetted 100 times by the White House. (thanks Sibel).No one makes the connection that "NYT is the new Pravda" (much worse thanks Pepe). No one makes the connection that US Govmnt stages these attacks and like Sept. 11th is the ringleader of terrorism, a Totalitarian nightmare fostered on the American people. Those US military controlled wargames over NYC on 9/11 designed for maximum psychological warfare on the American mind.

    1. Julian Assange interview with Ron Paul - Julian claimed in Sept. that he did not think the chemical weapon attack was faked, but the rebels could have done it. Thats it? After Bush WMD, all the false flag lies of Libya, all the CIA "bad intel"? Stratfor leak on Syria is apparently not enough proof of conspiracy of Obama starting Syria war for Assange. Go figure. Julian thinks "war on terror" 9/11 is blowback not false flag. Go figure.

    2. Ed Snowden is Iraq war, GOP guy disgusted with govmnt leakers, sneers at anti-war types and Liberals in his online personas according to Guardian. A dyed in the wool military/CIA apologist and loyal infiltrator, hacker. Not one bit of anti-war humanitarian sentiment. This is your hero, whom you give all your attention to?

    3. "Progressives" of all stripes turn blind eye to Syria, Libya death squads atrocities Obama is train/arming, still have to use Bush for every article, the blame for the wars, imagine their is a difference with Obama for five years. Few writers examine Syria with unbiased eye and without their Democrat goggles."Progressives" are suddenly unable to read, digest research that takes a few hours proving Obama caused Syria and faked the WMD just like Bush/Iraq. Said "Progressives" expose their own controlled asset personas.

    4."Progressives" hide behind elaborate, irrelevant historical dogma to describe Assad, Assads father, Russia, Ukraine, going backs scores of years if not 50 years to hide or partially conceal Obamas blatant aggressions and violations of international law. "Anti-war" rally speaker Mike Malloy calls Putin: thug, fascist, KGB, killer, oligarch. leads with planted Pentagon headlines/articles for 12 years, Raimondo, like Juan Cole, whores for Iraq supports the surge, swallows war on terror rhetoric but is featured on "Progressive" blogs. Serial Right Wing Cold war hawk and cointel stenographer Stehpen F. Cohen , like Juan Cole, is a fixture on "Progressive" radio.

    5. Blogosphere writers, radio shows feign ignorance, forget Orwell, imitate Ministry of Truth Fox News type censorship for Bush except this go round for Obama. Michael Moore disappears as does his anti-war speeches, Cindy Sheehan is marginalized ignored and given 10 minutes on Mike Malloy and thrown off, Libya critics thrown off, they talk over all types of dissenters calling in to radio. Tarpley does damage control for Obama, like Randi Rhodes, blames Saudis for Syria (like both hosts did RE: 9/11?)

    6. &#8220;Progressives&#8221; hide behind harmless, ineffectual environmental, Global Warming lectures. Fake didactic, distraction devices forget, censor humanitarian anti-war reporting, causes, submit to oil wars, erase history, allow Govmnt astroturf activist fronts (HRW, Reporters without Borders, Amnesty) a free reign to revise history, protect war criminal Democrat Obama, forget impeachment arguments, rallies, international laws.

    7. Totalitarianism is alive and well in America, Snowden ignores wars says "Big Brother Watching" daily in the press, scaring activists. Hacktivists and video games junkies are recruited by CIA for drone attacks and cyber warfare ut is reported. TV, film, Hollywood continues massive racist war dogma and death displays for the NWO. Soros /Ford Foundations buys off "Progressive" groups/ public radio, makes them spineless controlled avenues of brainwashing and servile. Project Censored now censors, "The Walking Dead" (We are the Dead?) is tops, guns constant, violence killing dumbed down bigotry is the new norm, a new level of ruthlessness is the mindset, PERPETUAL FEAR rules the airwaves. Forgotten are suffering victims of PERPETUAL WAR, egoist media engage in pointless academic sophistry, their silence equals treason.

    If you want to keep the NWO going the CFR has to create new enemies for the PERPETUAL WAR the US is always engaged in. Then their CFR false academia on PBS/CNN/NBC can intellectualize about it, and create the PERPETUAL FEAR climate and brainwashing in the Newspeak media.

    Yes - the U.S. media so eager to play its role including Hollywood. This myth that Hollywood is "Liberal" has evaporated. Angelina Jolie doing appearances, speeches to support the war on Syria and Libya, the superhero films turned into militarism war on terror propaganda like X-Men United, the first Iron Man and Nolans Batman, endless war movies and lip service, airplane hijack movies to support the official 9/11 myth - all reinforced constantly the last 12 years by Right Wing play actors on cable news, film and TV bribed to stick to their PERPETUAL FEAR scripts, ethnic bigotry, faux patriotic fervor, shallow stereotyping like their comedy idol Howard Stern or the war boosterism of Jon Stewart cheerleading mass extermination. It is to laugh.

    Consider here fellow Liberals - this Snowden article by the CIA front Prison Planet. Here, Snowden calls Putin a liar attacking him,(with no proof) in the same way the Wikileaks Syria files attacked Assad (and many other Arab govmnts during Arab Spring) for US Pentagon psy warfare during ground conflicts. Notice how the Prison Planet piece designed to bolster Snowden, (with Chomsky-esque double think mental gymnastics) and cover for the obvious Snowden CIA agent trying to embarrass/attack Putin as a world leader.

    It is unbelievable the extent to which some so called "Progressives" go in order to avoid covering the news RE Obama wars during radio/TV broadcasts. Present company excluded - there is a total lack of information and reporting from Obama created war zones and massacres. The mass censorship is appalling. Mike Malloy for example is doing his level best to ignore Obama wars while covering tabloid gunk like the racist cattle rancher, and the LA Clippers owner, and Tom Hartman is wasting endless hours on Keystone, Right V. Left demagoguery and religion BS.

    The complete and total cowardice of these Democrat Party stooges knows no boundaries when it comes to mass censorship for the State War Machine apparatus.
  22. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The Pod People, Their Claw Marks on the Corpses, and on the Defunct Media,
    Part Duh

    The progressive movement in the U.S., and to the degree it was begun by the Ford Foundation direct financing of Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio, COunterpunch, FAIR, Counterspin, Global Exchange/Medea Benjamin, it is clear, not just from its censorship of 9/11, that this clique was created specifically for the purpose of centralized control. Each specific example of Middle East injustices, war crimes are now attributed to ephemeral factors "spontaneous, civil wars" and the networks have a cadre of pre-fab guest to reinforce this falsehood. It is similar with other issues, the limited hangout of drones as the only socially acceptable attack on Obama from these fake "activists". This Ford Foundation, Pacifica faux "progressive" banner is not just an exenstion of the CIA, official Washington, and the Democrat Party, but of the FBI cointelpro program who no matter what issue, seeks to control the dialogue, infiltrate and subvert the activism to refrain from direct naming of corrupted officials in the Democrat presidency, or cabinet, or appointees, including the supreme court, performing damage control by omitting the numbers of protesters arrested at any given event, or of accurate casualty figures in US wars, to conceal specific abuses of Totalitarian, Fascist aspects of govmnt policy by not using or omitting the use of such terms themselves, and only examining political issues of all stripes thru very narrowed confines. In short, the Democracy Now , "war and peace report," is in fact, the war and propaganda report. It is designed specifically to reinforce the corrupt 2 party system by perception management and superficial examination of politics and highlight ONLY those pre-determined resolutions to corrupt govmnt policy that the Elites will allow in order to APPEAR as if the PROGRESSIVE ASTROTURF CIA funded movement is actually genuine and not the controlled activist acting studio that it really is. It is covertly designed to create the perception that establishment liberal and democrats are responsive, and acting out the will of the people, and create faux consensus, when mass censorship is exercised on a grand scale everyday by these "alternative" (actually mainstream, and commercialized) "progressive" "grass roots " (actually establishment controlled from contributors, guests to financing) news sources. he packaging has become so transparent, activists appear so docile, unagitated, using the vernacular of trained ideologues, think tank jargon or the bureaucratic lexicon of groupthink, strategically placed buzzwords and soundbytes that in no way represent the common man, woman activist on the street, or indy blogger. The verbage is so thoroughly emasculated, devoid of passion, stoical, as it displays the obviously coached, rehearsed, scripted lines of a professional marketing huckster. That together with the obvious curtailing of recent Democrat war crimes video and news coverage of bloody massacres in Syria removed from the public consciousness of the Democracy Now stage play solidify the evidence of CIA coercion and control.

    Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute - KeyWiki

    There is no shortage of media and White House war propagandists and disinfo agents infiltrating the false "progressive" astroturf websites. In places like KPFA Berkley, we have a show called "Arab Voices" which uses Al Jazeera, Amy Goodman, and a group of bought and paid for beltway Arab propgandists to push the "Assad is committing genocide" lies and war justification onto the mainstream liberal public. This coincides with a PBS documentary from "Frontline" designed to justify military intervention in Syria, which censors the Washington and CIA role in arming,training terrorists in against Assad and their huge role in illegal war crimes and massacres. Also we have KBOO Portland which boasts of a new journalism arrangement with the "International Center for Journalists" a group of SPOOKS funded by the US State Dept., which like KBOO censors all involvement of the CIA in fomenting conflict in Syria and Ukraine, while giving long lectures on ancient history, and thoroughly unrelated factors in the current Obomber escalation. Even "Stop NATO" spokesmen Rick Rozoff appearing for 2 hours on GCNs Joyce Riley and other radio shows in past weeks,made no mention of CIA involvement in Middle East/Ukraine wars as articles about Syria are suspiciously absent from the "Stop NATO" website. Coincidence or controlled asset, RIck? That Geoorge Soros, the State Dept. and Ford should fund Pacifica Radio establishment hacks is no surprise, and also of PBS documentaries endorsing war dogma, as the Tea Party villians Koch Bros. are now sponsors cited in the funding credits before PBS programs. By contrast these fake liberal spokesmen are trained to deliver long speeches about past wars, Vietnam,Korea, as a intentional diversion away from current Obomber war crimes in Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Afghan, and in no way describe the hardships of starvation, disease, famine, crippling injury and death US weapons makers and politicians visit on the populations of these countries and NEVER cite specific examples of casualties in the war torn regions. This indeed is perception management, and deliberately examines war from the geo-political standpoint and resembles a limited hangout by staying in this pollitical idealism safe zone of reporting. Other hacks for govmnt on "alternative radio" include Tom Secker of "Smells Like Human Spirit" who while pretending to examine govmnt complicity in 9/11, the London 7/7 attack, and Hollywood war propaganda, actually works to dispell the evidence proving govmnt actions and efforts to make these happen, essentially backing uproven LIHOP distractions, diverting to stupid Sandy Hook speculation and other false conspiracy speculation (e.g. flouride in the water) like James Corbett has, or focusing on the wrong areas "predictive programming" rather than intentional direct brainwashing and blatant war propaganda.Like his cohorts at the Jack Blood Show, Porkins Policy Review, Corbett Report, Traces of Reality radio with Mr. Jimenez, Ryan Dawson of The ANC Report, We Act Radio, No Lies Radio, Tom Hartman, Ring of Fire with Mike Papantonio, Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow, the truth about Rick Rozoff and people like Tom Secker is that you seldom hear the letters C-I-A in the broadcast and this is suspiciously absent and like the following links funded by the State Dept, Soros, and Ford Foundation, their limited hangout distractions should be ignored.

    ICFJ Programs in No name | ICFJ - International Center for Journalists... Arab Voices Radio Talk Show KBOO | Community Radio for Portland and beyond

    It is something like what Tom Secker or Amy Goodman does - pretends all events happen on an island of their own, i.e. - cover Syria but ignore Obomber and the CIA starting/fomenting the policy, or Tom Secker, promoting or analyzing Hollywood films and Western government sponsored terrorism BY IGNORING the DIRECT hand Great Britain and the US had in war games of planes into buildings or security company drills causing 9/11 and 7/7 but instead effectively training the audiences eye to LOOK ELSEWHERE - carefully planted/reinforced images of arab boogeymen,identities or their guilt never proven but used as a very devilish, slight of hand, parlor trick to get the public looking at the usual middle east scapegoats rather than the TRUE origin of the TERROR, the U.S. and Britain.

    How can a fake liberal host tell their audience to watch Democracy Now, (like Tom Hartman, Ed Schultz or Maddow) or how can the bearded Tom Secker promote Tom Hanks "Charlie Wlisons War" when the history is knowingly erased of CIAs Bill Casey, Reagan/Bush guilt, or as with Amy Goodman, the outright promtion of lies and mass slaughter by the Democrat president by parroting the Big Brother State dogma, or liberals promoting the Ford Foundations, Nation s magazine, and contributors when it is a CIA imperialist rag supporting the Democrat doctrine of invasion and Empire be taken as serious, considering their absolute servile corruption and mouthing Obama instigated massacres of innocents ???

    NO - OUR ANGER AT THE GOVMNT BOUGHT AND PAID FOR, DEMOCRAT PARTY LYING SCUM IS COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED, if they aren't hiding Democrat war crimes, then they are using constant fear of religion, the environment, and brainwashing to paralyze us!

    STOP telling us who our heroes are, in the form of hacktivists whose murky aims cyber attacking China, Syria, hosts of sovereign foreign govmnt "enemies" of the State, or other dubious efforts are less than clear, not mention how our "hero" Snowden is CIA. Who are you hacktivists? Why are we expending our energies, aside from Manning, defending Anonymous whose goals were not clear, hacking defense contractors, clearly illegal and contrary to passive resistance? Do we really need to be spoon fed our heros and issues?

    Stick to the issues and stop trying to rape our souls with propaganda!

    Aforementioned radio hosts negligence toward reporting CIA involvement in Ukraine, Syria stands out alot these days, and many hosts will only care to refer to the CIA contribution as anecdotal, i.e. - to Hollywood on rare occasions, or as simply being a cog in a larger wheel, but this is all part of a big smokescreen and is a rather obvious lie that supports THE BIG LIE. Not just the big lie of the war on terror, but the big lie that America has elected officials making decisions, directing foreign policy, rather than the reality of some insane group of high placed CIA bureaucrats illegally usurping power bent on war, killing, and endless invasions and free fire zones as a way of life, are the ones calling the shots. CIA always deny their policy making and powerful control, it is in their interest to conceal it.

    But largely CIA influence and control of academia or television is rarely mentioned although there is volumes of documentation on news hosts being govmnt agents. CIA has assumed so many positions in so many areas of industry, communications, banking, technology, think tanks, and at executive levels. CIA has brainwashed America for decades to fear China yet another false reason for military buildup and expenditure. They plan these war and deceits way ahead of time.

    It is no mystery that CIA is a powerful policy making entity, neither is it one that Presidents use CIA as scapegoats to take the blame for high crimes and impeachable offenses. CIA is also responsible for planting false stories in the press, starting wars, raising sanctions, destroying economies, infiltrating activism like 9/11 Truth.

    And when such journalists, and anti-war groups avoid mention of CIA activities like torture, war games, training terrorists, and military drills - it can be accidental or intentional. But due to the evidence of govmnt control in all areas of the press, this observer thinks it is the latter.

    Tom Hartman lied and said,"Obama doesn't torture" in response to a caller it happened last summer before the election

    Like the attacks on Sibel from who said she was lying about Syria is false, and a smear. is an Establishment front many commentators have noted their parroting Pentagon dogma. But people who attack Sibel are dividers. Her opinion on 9/11 is not enough reason for Tarpley to attack, and divide the anti-war movement. Webster Tarpley also dismissed OWS and Wikileaks readers as "useful idiots". Just because one or two tables at a OWS event had Democrat buttons on them, doesn't mean the whole OWS movement is controlled assets. Tarpley has been attacking a lot of people. He said on a radio show, as usual with no evidence that Kevin Zeese radio host was a inside the beltway, MoveOn (implying he was an establishment shill) but if you want to attack someone, at least have examples or quotes! Tarpley was also going around bad mouthing 9/11 Truth, saying they had "been destroyed by infighting over demolition" even while appearing in several 9/11 videos! Tarpley is a MIHOP 9/11 Truther as the old interview with Mike Malloy said in 2006, but his reputation is gone.

    Tarpley also said "people who spent the summer fighting Obama over Syria were idiots because it was the Saudis who funded the rebels," on his own radio show after the bombing vote failed in August. THIS IS A LIE AND A TOTAL RED FLAG. That the CIA had Obama sign a directive to secretly arm the Syria terrorists was reported by the NYT and dozens of other British,Canadian, and Arab newspapers PROVED that Obama/CIA are responisble for Syria including authors like Pepe Escobar.

    Mike Malloy who tried to scapegoat the jews and Israel for Syria on his Tuesday show. He even read an article Robert Parry, selectively censoring out parts about CIA blaming the GOP only and TOTALLY took the entire Robert Parry article out of context to protect the Democrats over Syria. Mike Malloy likes to use this scapegoat, "hey lets blame religion !," so as to protect Obama from the high crimes tag. He is a louse, but Tarpley is like the slime you find on the bottom of a dumpster behind a restaurant.Tarpley is COINTELPRO, in my viewpoint. So is Mike Malloy who made death threats to Sen. Ted Cruz, only CIA/FBI informants pull stunts like that, (Breibart or Hal Turner did.) But if you still like Tarpley I dont begrudge you, listen to who think is right. I still listen to Malloy even though he is COINTELPRO. But I like to study Nazi radio broadcast techniques. Edward R Murrow used to do that at his job at the US info agency, yes he was a spook also!

    Read this article about radio host Hal Turner (who was FBI) and compare him to the stunts Mike Malloy does, and you can find documented by using a search engine. The religious bigotry/ race baiting hatred radio techniques are the same.

    Terrorism Suspects Arrested for Death Threats Against McKinney, Obama and Holder - Salem-News.Com

    Arabesque: 9/11 Truth: Webster Tarpley: Arabesque, Cosmos, Jenny Sparks, Jon Gold, Michael Wolsey, and Truthaction are ?disinfo?

    In our Totalitarian society, there is a reason the shows either divert the discussion of Libya, Syria to reminiscing the Veitnam, Korea subjects with a lecture about history, rather than given listeners concrete facts about the Democrat war. They intentionally focus on FEAR, because it is the opposite of empowering the people. Neither do the Party shills in the broadcast media SAY ANYTHING fact wise about the wars - banned weapons, the surface to air shoulder fire missles the terrorist got in Syria, used by Obomber/Hillary, civillians buildings targeted, the sanctions effect on food, medicine in Syria, Libya. For five years under Obomber, all we hear from the Left CONSTANT FEAR. Global Warmng, Keystone, Fracking, the debt ceiling, the govmnt shutdown (EEK!) and like during Occupy all you heard on radio/TV was police brutality fears. seldom the social messages of the protest or the rights of the people. Now we've constantly got to read fear based headlines on the NSA spying on American activists, which we already knew about but again we hear it from Snowden, as if these messages are dilerately megaphoned and designed to demoralize present day dissenters, although it is 10 year old news. Medea isnt mobilizing any protests in America about Syria, but simply travelled to Syria to make a publicity stunt about womens inclusion in the Syria Geneva talks. She is dispicable. She says nothing about Obama armed terrorists war crimes, or Kerry/Hillary faking the WMD evidence against Assad or the constant efforts of Kerry, Huffington falisifying and attempting to derail the talks with the phony Assad "Nazi" gulag tale as described by WSWS. Code Pink is a controlled stooge outfit of NWO peddler George Soros!

    As Geneva talks open, US advances trumped-up torture charges against Syria
    As Geneva talks open, US advances trumped-up torture charges against Syria - World Socialist Web Site...

    Who is George $oros?
    Who is George $oros?

    More faked warmonger propaganda articles on Syria from Huffingtonpost execution_n_4635434.html

    for years "Progressive" Huffington promotes Syria intervention as if Obomber is not the one causing the massacres by arming terrorists ...
    Syria: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

    SCREW YOU PHONY assed Progressives for not calling her out on this warmongering media fakery! I despise you Arriana, Bill Maher, Michael Moore for your silence and two faced hypocrisy!

    anti-war people are just opposed to stupid wars and mindless slaughter like Iraq, Syria, Libya that don't change ANYTHING and just kill people for short term profit. The US Govmnt is just these doing rape and pillage wars to keep the Pentagon defense industry scam going and because America is bankrupt having to stimulate industry somehow. The wars are also a self-fulfilling prophecy to create more destabilization for future wars. America is always like the snake eating its own tail.


    I think it is high time to abandon the "Progressive" genre as a label,or organizing principle.

    The term PROGRESSIVE is now the trademark, (tm) and a wholly owned subsidiary of the CIA, FBI and COINTELPRO. Too many times the Pacifica, KBOO Portland,Ford Foundation/NPR and PBS has attempted to derail change, act as disinfo agents to discredit dissenting Left or liberal voices, and made gigantic efforts to destroy anti-war,9/11 groups.

    Time to find a new dissent group name and name it radio / internet sites accordingly.

    What is with the mind blindness regarding Obamas evil deeds by Liberals/ and "Progressives"?

    Tariq Ali who has a new article posted, now has signed onto a petition of support for regime change in Syria along with some other Ford Foundation lackeys. How quaint.

    Almost endless commentators want to paint Obama as the unwitting victim of NeoCons in Senate and intel/military, Israel, "brutal dictators" who "torture" as the reason for Democrats being pulled in these wars and so on. Poor Obama the inexperienced, naive, and eloquent speaker being pushed by these evil tea Party Republicans trying to stymie his programs of genuine change. My arse! Besides Obamacare, what changes from Bush exactly?

    Now you know why we scoffed when Pacifica Radio was being turned into the Democrat party newspeak channel. How political expedient it is for our journalists and radio hosts to conveniently take this censorship route of the facts. Did they dress up the "Benghazi moment" of casualty figures in Syria to springboard the war by the NGO propagandists, the London Syrian Observatory that is never challenged by our so called "indy" media? Amy Goodman, the CIA Ford Foundation wouldn't appreciate you exposing the Syria media lies,eh? Or is it just a coincidence also that Noam Chomsky believes that the 2000 and 2004 elections were not fixed and that computer voting had not effect on the outcome, or is that what his CIa benefactors wanted him to say, like his acceptance of the magic bullet nonsense?

    These are the same radio hosts who talk over the latter half of a phone callers comments in order to block out their TRUTH TELLING and make it to commercial by simply cutting their mic and speaking over them.This was a common occurrence on at least 6 shows I noticed. Mike Malloy, Norm Goldman, Randi Rhodes, Tom Hartman, Ed Schultz, Steph Miller etc. Plus, news reports of using fake paid for callers by Clear Channel and other shows by a professional callers company for talk radio.

    So this isn't Totalitarianism we have in America these columnists and broadcasters tell us, eh?


    :- (

    (there is enough oil and gas for everyone)

    A consequence of endless and continual corporate wars of the State - films,TV, and radio clearly adhere to the dictates of Elitist war dogma and programming of who must be the targets of derision and hatred, (e.g.) Asians during Korea and Vietnam, and who will be scapegoated, expendable, and featured as the enemies of society. In our American totalitarian society, mass communications channels persecute and subjugate the different working classes with broadcast racism, religious bigotry, homophobia, sexism, the militarism and offensive nationalism, but also bigotry towards the old, the weak, the mentally and physically disabled portrayed as undesirable,obsolete, inferior, or are even depicted as repulsive. Clearly a characteristic of Dictatorships, these traits can be detected daily on Right and Left Wing talk radio such as Rush Limbaugh or Mike Malloy, or can be found on Comedy Centrals South Park, Foxs Family Guy, or even to a degree on cable news, CNN, NBC ,etc. That these characteristics of Totalitarian persecution are veiled in cartoon illustration, humor, stand up comic monologues, (giving them the illusion of satire) or even in news reports is an intentional subliminal force feeding frenzy of useful stereotyping and endless oppression tool for the Totalitarian State. As it carries out the corporate wars for oil./defense cartel baron chicanery, (i.e.) Carlyle and Haliburton, such Democrats Hillary Clinton and Pres. Obama sometimes have Foundation funded subordinates heavily cloak the truth of corporate greed by having their scribes pump out massive amounts of philosophical, historical, or thoroughly irrelevant false empirical data to confuse the working masses and pit them against one another with various methods already outlined, but their Totalitarian Dictatorship techniques of war time propaganda are transparent enough.

    Meanwhile - while 90% of the "progressive" radio is bull(*)(*)(*)(*)ting its way to the 2014 off-year elections, so they can ostensibly argue for listeners to support the Democrats by offering fake arguments - Right/Left dialectics (i.e.) "those evil filthy Republicans" [Mike Malloy] or decades-old, worn out, philosophic litanies found on countless commercial radio and TV distractions designed to keep real HARD NEWS FACTS out of the American mind - (e.g.)"Capitalism vs. Communism" or "Libertarianism vs. Socialism" [Glenn Beck, Alex Jones] and most recently the carefully choreographed "Privacy vs. Security" limited hangout circus [Snowden, alternative media] as if govmnt spying will ever change and as if Anonymous were actually ANYTHING BUT a govmnt front astroturf politics /hacking/spying operation set up by the FBI THAT IT ACTUALLY IS much in the same way the ENTIRE Tea Party fiasco was set up by GOP Elites and govmnt operatives as a limited hangout of pre-programmed buzzwords, slogans and talking points to derail sublimate and control public outrage so that it may br ULTIMATELY CO-OPTED.

    Buzzwords "NATO", (and not blaming Obama), "Al Nusra" (not saying Al Queda), seemingly endless sectarian religious descriptions in every war scenario where it does not apply for the purposes of heightening ethnic/religious tensions. Such ethnic divisions do not apply because American death squads are universal, they do not adhere to race/religion. El Salvador, Guatemala, Iraq, Syria, Af-Pak, only the CFR killers and players change in the Executive Branch and in the media like Amy Goodman had CFR member Scott Horton doing the Washington newspeak on Syria the other night. Your alternative media, "progressive" blogosphere freedom is an ILLUSION. It is a mess of subverted controlled dissent !!!

    An author once described the methodology by which Foundations/think tanks/CIA fronts like MIT are financed. They bankrolled them, then hired the brightest professors in order to keep them controlled. Politics can be co-opted by financing and constructing grants to limit their breadth and scope of academics leadership and prowess. With Chomsky saying things like the 2000 and 2004 were not fixed, or JFK was killed by a magic bullet and not the CIA they can megaphone that nonsense. While I think Noam is an actual asset, other professors can be effectively marginalized, kept at bay with other research/teaching projects, sent off to languish in dead publications no one sees, and such brilliant minds will never establish themselves as the challengers to power that they should be. Instead, Gene Sharps crap to use as the model for color revolutions for stealth wars while Chomsky and Hedges trap your attention elsewhere. Meanwhile Amy Goodman can create her faux activist Disneyland - where Irans prisoners are the topic - and not Obombers Syria slaughter as what should be the daily lead story. Chomskys language devices and semantics gimmicks and distraction devices are so transparently phony - how can people fall for his parlor tricks? I dont believe he as popular as people say. It must be like Scaife who would buy books in bulk of conservative authors and establishment hacks and put them in a warehouse somewhere to make appear popular - somebody is buying Chomskys crap and donating it to university, city, and county libraries! This garbage is so passe, stodgy, and worn out. It is the epitome of literary establishment decadence!
  23. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    It would seem to me that the anti-war groups and "progressives" should have gotten organized on their websites and radio shows from the get-go, 3 years ago, to petition, to protest the Obama arming of terrorists and by covering the Syria war consistently in broadcasts should have put a stop to this policy permanently by insisting that it stop. If the drone issue was enough for certain radio hosts and political commentators to chain themselves to WH fences or speak at rallies, then it should've been obvious what was necessary when Obomber started a war on whole new country. But like the Jack Blood Show, who is content to spend years empty speculation (i.e.) Sandy Hook, or a missing Asian plane, or Tom Hartmans /Mike Malloys endless jingoism (e.g.) Global Warming or Hydraulic Fracking while Syrians die from real bullets and American terror NOT HYPOTHETICALS!

    Had audiences not been subjected to the websites radio hosts particular sideshows and tabloid garbage plus their useless ADD symptoms of faux outrage - the anti-war movement might have gotten organized for a change! The fact is, the FEAR based headlines of Snowden are ultimately counterproductive in terms of the anti-war movement. And I think that was the entire point all along. Not only has the HRW/Amnesty been controlled by the war machine to bolster the NWO wars for oil, to megaphone the messages of the warmongers, but they have manipulated events, casualty figures and facts for their own devious terror war programming designs. Because of this, and daily fear broadcasts in radio / websites of the blogosphere works to undermine the morale, charisma, and serves as a diversion away from the injustice of Obombers Libya and Syria slaughter, to the point that most "progressive" and "anti-war" hosts and commentators do not cover those events at all, or report Al Quedas butchery on the ground in such places. The extent of Tom Hartmans coverage of Libya is "R2P, I do not agree with it." That is how neutered and demoralizing our "anti-war" discourse has become - effectively surrendering to the oppressive nature of our illegal unending war machine, our American Totalitarian Newspeak Media and its obvious lies.

    That fact unearthed about COINTELPRO has been controlling our media is decades old, planting false stories in our everyday lives, victimizing our American public with CIA informers, contracted journalists, US govmnt agent spokesmen turning the tides of our daily discussion away from the most pressing points to divert to choreographed excuses for the Elites, ("the intelligence failure,"the weapons of "mass destruction" "brutal dictators" "hijacked" planes, "mystery" bombers the State did not know of)to the subversion of truth with tales of Bigfoot, end of the world apocalyptic fairy tales, hoards of boogeymen unseen, any fears at all to exploit the peoples of the world from realizing their potential for freedom and self-determination.

    Apparently we are not to question these oracles and icons of the media, just like Scahill, Taibbi, Greenwald feel unnerved when their 9/11 blowback mantra is questioned, the insecurity of their positions gives way to the brainwashing fears of the programmers, who have thru repetition,verbal abuse and censorship have dogmatically and unsuccessfully tried to silence the anti-war movements documentation of continual NWO false flag events the last 12 years used by the One Party State.

    Of course, fear is the only tool the One Party State has left, and they must CONSTANTLY supplant the anti-war public and activists mind with intimidation continually, forcefully, to intentionally smash our resolve.Snowden, Sy Hersh can unwittingly or intentionally slow or divert our attention from the public realization and recognition regarding the absolute evil of Obamas war plans -placing the Syria WMD false flag blame entirely on Turkey - and the controlled NGO, Foundation, Orwellian think tanks hold on the supposed "free speech" of our "democracy". At the same time, they can try to fool the public all day long that Obama/ the NeoCons are NOT in bed together and try to perpetuate the illusion there are two parties -but there is really is ONLY ONE - the War Party.

    The evidence of this can be seen everywhere from "anti-war" candidate Howard Deans support to bomb Syria, along with Boxer and Pelosi, proves they are all just dancing on the string of big oil/defense multinationals with no regard whatsoever for soveregin states, international laws, and allowing their Democrat White House breaking every conceivable law to obtain NWO control of the world, by remaining subservient and silent like their TV / talk radio subordinates content to generate circuses for manufactured fear and outrage, which just so happens to be about ANYTHING BUT the tens of thousands of dead people caused by our American Dictators War Machine on the World.But here we are 5 years into a Democrat White House and "progressive" broadcasters are as unfocused as ever, dammit!

    When the 2008 economic crash happened no one I remember had speculated that it may have been caused by the military industrial complex, the trillions fighting ephemeral enemies, and the war on terror spending. There was a news story about a Chinese envoy walking onto the floor of the US Congress and said,"You are spending too much money!"

    We start to see why our TV media and film are so tightly controlled with propaganda - because once the people realize their free speech is an illusion, the democracy that is a sham, the American dream that is a lie, a country that is essentially like a god without worshippers. But the one truth about gods without followers is - they have only symbols- but no real power.

    One thing we can be grateful for is the CFR is now exposed, due to citizen journalism. So is the Ford Foundation and the CIA funded "Progressives,&#8221; so now that their publications and media icons hold no sway over the American public minds. And so many "Progressives" told us to hold our nose and vote for warmongers, the same Democrat leaders who voted in the Legislative Branch for Iraq, gave us Libya, Syria, Af-Pak. and the endless death and slaughter of innocents. The powers behind Ford, MIT, Rand and the scores of other US Government fronts and think tanks, believe we are still supposed to listen to some mental gymnastics by Chomsky about how the elections in 2000 and 2004 were not fixed with black box computers, or expect us to swallow it when he lies about other proven conspiracy cover ups as when Noam says the "Arab Spring" was spontaneous and not a planned by the Pentagon. Or Michael Parentis establishment funded lectures lulling the audience into a perpetual stupor, more neutered linguistic and semantic disarming of the anti-war movement with the words of demoralizing defeatist rhetoric intentionally scripted and choreographed to be disempowering to activist types.

    Like much of the Pacifica Radio Establishment Newspeak, and Soros / Ford websites, specific psychological techniques are used with to disrupt the confidence, beliefs, and consensus among the Liberals in America so that news analysis and commentary lacks the emotional power, charisma, and certainty which naturally arises from continual truth in reporting. This is different than censorship and omitting data. This is also different than the radio shock jocks Mike Malloy and Marc Levin hatred and fear abuse heaped on on audiences to keep the herd meek and intimidated, and malleable for indoctrination, which is another psychological warfare technique.

    The reason there is no emotional power derived from broadcast media is intentional. The powers that be realize the public mind would be moved to become a powerful activist force mobilized to awareness. That&#8217;s where Chomsky comes in. He is a willing, useful tool. In the Ford Foundation public radio propaganda mass brainwashing model, the emotional impact is demoralized consistently in broadcast media - radio and TV- thru carefully placed descriptions of powerlessness, or hyped obstacle, and imaginary insurmountable oppression from the current corruption. (e.g.) If the audience is reminded the govmnt "have tanks" they are directed towards fatalism. Much in the same way, the "scholar" talks about the megalith corporations of Murdoch, the Right vs. Left paradigm, or the actions of voters are always cited as excuses for the failure of reform, and so again blamed are "We the People," or the so- called "ignorance" of the American public, then the Tyranny and the abuse of Elites can always be transformed into "your dumb, you get what you deserve," "You don't vote" or "You vote Republican " (etc.)

    The oppressive nature of broadcast news and politics analysis is not accidental. The same goes for the fake Foundation funded lectures and diatribes by so called "scholars" turning every current war into a didactic history lesson that meanders backward, deliberately to change the subject away from facts on the ground in the American war machines theatre of operations and back into pointless anecdotes about long removed historical reference points. Syria is not Vietnam. So report some facts about: Al Queda torturing and mutilating people there and how Obama did it, and why it is a pointless wanton war machine, or if our Presidents are careless, or expose the lies of the State or the false mindset of these NWO control freaks, and what the solution is.

    Empower the people to speak out, not be disarmed by censorship and squeamish half truths, the Ford Foundations /Establishment Democrat hacks moral ambiguity, their decadent pop psychology tricks to change the very meaning and point of protest and truth in reporting, into an exercise in debasement of politics thru academic gimcrackery. The Foundation funded contributors lack of consensus is as intentional as their feigned ignorance of WH /CIA criminal conspiracy, and as agents of such US Government Agencies, they destroy their audiences accordingly.

    Snowden meets Putin. Snowden meets Assange. Ray McGovern does photo award with Snowden. Nobel Prize nominates Snowden.

    Can you see its a little obvious sheep(*)(*)(*)(*)? I mean sheep dipped.

    Now that Occupy is dead, Wikileaks is ignored and over with -

    "CIA runs Al Jazeera" (according to Wikileaks) is that news? Didn't we know this already from their obvious Libya, Syria, Arab Spring war lies and propaganda?

    Isn't Assange, like Snowden telling us things we already knew and giving us the "Xmas Greeting" or other astroturf front activism, fear and mind control disguised as "dissent"?

    And Greenwald/Scahill intercept courteous of CIA connected Omidyar is cointelpro agitprop, yes?

    That commercial airplane, Flight 93 (also a propaganda film) managed to crash in Pennsylvania and magically disappear, like the bodies of the victims in the "airliner" that hit the Pentagon magically disintegrated into dust, where are the photos, where are the declassified proof of the death, like the case of the missing Bin Laden corpse thrown overboard, just details mind you, like the rest of the war on terror dogma, dont look at the details, the NWO just wants you to see the fear brainwashing headlines, the sensationalism, the scare tactics, the warmongering. Because, of course, if the U.S. audience managed to break the trance of PERPETUAL FEAR and hypnotic spell by the NWO Elites controlling the six media companies and public radio, they'd realize the wanton killing of the US war machine and death dealing is their own American Totalitarian Governments designs from the start

    The NWO Elites, the CFR to be specific - are just common criminals and killers. Just because they hide behind the facade of English/Euro accented NATO or PBS pseudo intellectual farces like NPR Charlie Rose, the linguistic think tank Newspeak, the multifaceted NGOs, scholars, corporate multinational fronts, they are bribed to reach their definitive conclusions: PERPETUAL WAR.

    That the Big Oil/Defense/Pharma always put profits before sound policy or morality is no secret. Hence, the reason for the latest WHO vaccination scam, the constant flow of arms everywhere in the world overtly and covertly so the CFR can create new foreign enemies abroad for the US Pentagon to engage with at a later historical interval. Who sold all that steel to the Nazis or gave Russia assembly line industrialization for the Gorky truck plant, or even sold North Korea nuclear technology - you got it - the NWO, CFR Elite, the same Council on Foreign Relations members in the US Senate voting in more wars, another 1 trillion in military spending each year.

    If you want to keep the NWO going the CFR has to create new enemies for the PERPETUAL WAR the US is always engaged in. Then their CFR false academia on PBS/CNN/NBC can intellectualize about it, and create the PERPETUAL FEAR climate and brainwashing in the Newspeak media.

    Consider here fellow Liberals - this Snowden article by the CIA front Prison Planet. Here, Snowden calls Putin a liar attacking him,(with no proof) in the same way the Wikileaks Syria files attacked Assad (and many other Arab govmnts during Arab Spring) for US Pentagon psy warfare during ground conflicts. Notice how the Prison Planet piece designed to bolster Snowden, (with Chomsky-esque double think mental gymnastics) and cover for the obvious Snowden CIA agent trying to embarrass/attack Putin as a world leader.

    Its time the "Progressives" woke up, snapped out of the PERPETUAL FEAR hypnosis. Snowden is no hero. Snowden is a Psy-Operation.

    DO NOT pay attention to the gut reaction, the reluctance to speak out against mass slaughter because deep cover agent Snowden puts out the two minutes hate, the visceral feeling of fear to scare ever younger and sophisticated youth who are becoming more politically aware.

    Also - people, including myself, were taken in by Wikileaks until they became an instrument for Middle East regime changes in the not civil, nor spontaneous but CIA directed "Arab Spring" by US State Dept./Pentagon to install puppets like Morsi into office.

    Ed Snowden doesn't do any of this. If he or Julian Assange were a real threat they'd be dead. Like the CIA couldn't have stopped Snowden from the Hollywoodized "dramatic" escape from Hong Kong. All Assange did was repeat torture files that had been printed on scores on anti-war sites a half dozen years before and even were voluminously documented BEFORE Abu Ghraib videos came to light on CNN. The Wikileaks documents about US military killing innocents, journalists, killing medics, was all spread ALL OVER the internet JUST LIKE SNOWDENS spy docs.

    This is why the American military lost Vietnam, and Korea. Not just because they had containment policies, but like Iraq, which we also lost like Afghanistan/Pakistan because the people are overwhelmingly against them. That is the reason the US Government/FBI/CIA stages the war on terror scares, plots and Bin Laden killing, Detroit underwear bomber, the Boston bombing, 9/11, WTC 1993, etc.

    The "war on terror" is not meant to be won. It is meant to be PERPETUAL. We see evidence of this in peace ministers/ envoys in Af-Pak, Iraq, Libya, and Syria being mysteriously murdered by terrorists in shootings and bombings and drone strikes, men of intellect who would have brought tribal regions together. This cannot be a coincidence.

    Americans have been brainwashed for decades to fear China as the next big enemy. It is so obvious how we are supposed to be afraid always of some ephemeral threat always so as to justify the War Machine spending and Big Defense industry. But that is one of the characteristics of Totalitarianism, to fear a perpetual enemy whether they have a comparable military or not. And China does not. Nevertheless, despite the ties to US big business manufacturing, and America being Chinas largest consumer market we are brainwashed by talk radio, news channels and websites to believe some &#8220;confrontation with China&#8221; is going to happen. This is all part of PERPETUAL FEAR brainwashing, the social conditioning of extreme, offensive nationalism, overspending, oppression and corruption. It is unquestionable that this fear campaign is all posturing to rob the US Treasury, while secretly making deals behind the scenes to help China acquire technology, and to help China gain access to energy reserves. It is probable that China will be cut in on the spoils of American Totalitarianisms PERPETUAL WARS. Russia, China, India and other Shanghai Co-Op members really do not pose a threat to America for their &#8220;alliance&#8221; but the Totalitarian US War Machine must create a fictional threat to keep the Big Defense/Oil cash rolling in. If it were not for the US orchestrated wars, the tech industry, weapons, oil prices ($20 a barrel when Dubya took office) would be flat, profits lower in an American country where growth is nil. Death appears to be Totalitarian Americas greatest commodity. And the Pod People running the mass media and their continual use of TV-Radio racism, hatred, and broadcast violence, is a conditioning tool.

    China, like Saudi Arabia is only symbolically criticized by US officials, if at all. That is because the US Governments opposition to oppression by the Saudis and China is ephemeral. Like most corrupted systems only cares about money and business, not ethics, morality or human rights. America made deals with Saudi Arabia to ensure U.S. support of the monarchy - no matter how brutal - in exchange for oil access. Even though Saudi Arabia was falsely demonized after Sept. 11th - nine of the supposed fifteen hijackers were found still alive &#8211; the U.S. Government still protected anyone from serious investigation aside from the usual scapegoats it needed to &#8220;perp walk&#8221; thru the TV media. If anyone examines the fine print or evidence, there is no proof Saudis or Al Queda did the WTC attacks, as over 300 torture sessions would make anyone confess to any fact the US Totalitarian Oil/Gas Crusade wanted them to. The U.S. Government knew there was no &#8220;blowback&#8221; from Saudi Arabia, that Bin Laden/Al Queda were US mercenary assets being marketed by the CIA Mockingbird media as the boogeyman excuse for the Pentagons pre-planned oil/gas wars in Iraq, and Af-Pak. That anti-war activists Julian Assange, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Jeremy Scahill still adhere to the official 9/11 blowback mantra is nothing short of censorship, an admission of their own capacity as false astroturf activism and censors, judging by the ferocity of their attacks on 9/11 Truth researchers.

    Pod People on the Right/Left Alternative Media

    Apparently Pod People in the Alternative Media also believe that you have bullhorn PERPETAUL FEAR headlines on your websites in order to generate donations, get attention. Reporting facts on the ground in a war zone does not mean you have to use the terror headlines/ scare tactics of the New World Order. That America has become a Totalitarian PERPEUAL WAR machine is no secret. Doug Owens of Blacklisted News Radio has suspiciously begun blaming Quatar, and the Saudis for arming Syria after years of publishing articles of Americas hand in setting up the slaughter with Obama arming Al Queda. Revisionism for the herds short attention span? So they think they can purge facts down the MEMORY HOLE like the 2010 Wash.Post article by Craig Whitlock noting Americas secret plans for Syria? Like Webster Tarpley who appeared in the Obama Deception painting the Prez. As a Manchurian Candidate, and for years blamed Obama for PERPETUAL WAR, both Doug Owens and Webster Tarpley both icons on the anti-war talk circuit via Russia Today, Alex Jones, and internet radio have shifted their stance NOW conspicuously blame forces outside America (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Quatar) for the much publicized slaughter and failed WMD fiasco in Syria. On the Left, we have Sy Hersh scapegoating US puppet Erdogan for the failed Syria WMD pre-text scam. In a April 2nd Sibel Edmonds appearance on Corbett Report Sibel stated how she thought the Turkey WMD false flag in Syria tapes were released only to influence an internal election process, to which Corbett replied, &#8220;I agree.&#8221; She is apparently not convinced of the fact that Turkish citizens find the war on Syria a crime, and an outrage, and wanted to expose corruption to the world as well, in order to stop pointless massacres as Obama has fostered on the citizens of Syria. Strangely, Edmonds turned on a dime in another appearance on Corbett later this month, where she uncharacteristically castigated Sy Hersh for sloppy revisionism, and &#8220;11th hour&#8221; reporting with his Turkish version of events protecting the WH. Good for her.

    I am REALLY sick of all these fear based headlines. It seems as if some NEOCON tools are coming up with all these scare tactic headlines. Its some race based, xenophobia designed to bolster the war on terror.

    But these aggregated headlines is all the same fear tactics the Office of Special Plans / the Rendon Group used to use. I mean thats all these war pimps do is scare the audience with fears of foreigners, racist remarks disguised as "comedy" and reinforce the US war of terror.

    The animated shows or Hollywood action jive all reinforce the same gun play, violence, war and stereotypes as the COINTLEPRO scumbags at CNN, FOX, NBC, CBS and the NYT.,essentially making excuses for the US govmnt establishment FUTILE trillion dollar policy to blow up and control the world.

    Occasionally they pretend to criticize "the man" but it is illusory. All the bogus fear headlines, terrorism and war propaganda is constantly reinforced with the constant racism to put the permanent scare into people.

    And, when it comes over the news wires that Anwar Alawki was an FBI informant. no one makes the US Govmnt connection to his being the "inspiration," or "mastermind" behind the Fort Hood shooting, the Times Square bomber who locked his keys in the car, AND the Detroit Xmas pants firecracker bomber. No one makes the connection that Snowden is CIA and is scripted propaganda vetted 100 times by the White House. (thanks Sibel).No one makes the connection that "NYT is the new Pravda" (much worse thanks Pepe). No one makes the connection that US Govmnt stages these attacks and like Sept. 11th is the ringleader of terrorism, a Totalitarian nightmare fostered on the American people. Those US military controlled wargames over NYC on 9/11 designed for maximum psychological warfare on the American mind.

    Like all the terror propaganda and lies pushed by the Pod People (aka COINTELPRO controlled news assets) to keep the herd in perpetual fear for more and ever expanding perpetual wars.
  24. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Did you see the clip with Rand Paul?

    He makes the most common sense point about Obama arming terrorists, and leading to another region wide endless war and a bad policy - yet most Liberal broadcast hosts won't make this simple argument because they dare not criticize a Democrat President.


    Its total hypocrisy. Most Liberal hosts are content to engage in merely the Right versus Left
    food fight.

    Well - F bombs on those "progressive" broadcasters and their freaking Democrat Party
    fashion parade !!!


  25. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

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    Not to mention he is Cointelpro - like Glenn Beck and Hannity.

    Thats Fascism for ya!

    Or Totalitarianism at its worst.

    Mainstream Presstitutes & Syrian Genocide

    "Even the CIA has acknowledged that it has thousands of journalists on its payroll inclusive of foreign reporters too. "

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