Ronald Reagan's Mark on History

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by PatriotNews, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    On this, the 11th anniversary of the passing of our 40th President of the United States, the great Ronald Wilson Reagan, we should remind our fellow Americans of his great accomplishments and achievements. His entry into the political realm began with this, one of the greatest speeches in our history not just for our country but for many others. We should all remind ourselves by watching and reviewing some of the speeches he made throughout his career. Here is that speech, "A Time for Choosing". More to follow:


    Talon and (deleted member) like this.
  2. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Reagan called for an end to communism in 1964. 23 years later in 1987, standing in front of the Berlin wall, he called once again to free the peoples trapped behind the Iron Curtain. Thanks to him that dream was realized just a short time after he left office.


  3. BrunoTibet

    BrunoTibet Banned

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Yeah, as far as hypocritical, socialist, big gov't loving POTUSs go, he was right up there with the best of them.

    And on a conviction basis, he still holds the record for the most corrupt admin in the modern era.

    What a guy. He....

    - tripled the national debt

    - converted America from world's largest creditor to world's largest debtor

    - raised taxes eleven times, including the largest tax increase in modern American history and an increase in the sacred capital gains rate

    - proposed agreeing to all of Iran's demands for release of hostages

    -secretly sold missiles to Iran only months after we formally declared them a state sponsor of terrorism, then illegally sent proceeds to Nicaraguan rebels, even as we were also establishing diplomatic relations with Iran's wartime enemy, Iraq

    - cut and ran from Lebanon after the Marine barracks bombing in which 241 Americans died due to lax security, after pledging he'd keep our forces there, then invaded some tiny Caribbean island to distract attention from all of it

    - granted blanket amnesty to all illegals who entered the country prior to 1982 (3 million of 'em) as well as a path to citizenship

    - signed and praised a tax bill that exempted millions from federal income taxes so they could become the "freeloaders" that modern-day conservatives despise so much now

    - supported gun control

    - grew the power, size, scope and reach of the federal gov't to record levels.
  4. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    I tend to think that any and all accomplishments by Reagan are diminished by his failures.

    As much as a "fiscal conservative" folks like to pretend he is, or remember him as, he was a tax and spend, big government sort of guy. I think his perpetual meddling int he affairs of other nations, up to and including arms sales and funds transfers to enemies, trying to bankrupt the Soviets on the backs of our working class.

    I don't know. I just don't see the appeal. He seemed to be great at getting the masses riled as a sort of cult of personality., Beyond that, anything he may have done that was positive is clearly offset by the negatives he did.
  5. BrunoTibet

    BrunoTibet Banned

    Jun 3, 2015
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    The pathology of Reagan Worship is primarily due to the love of cosmeticism and paying lip-service to ideals (but not living them) so often found in self-described 'conservatives'.

    All talk, zero walk when confronted with the facts.

    It's sad, really.
  6. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Anyone who is interested should watch these videos so as to know the truth and the real history of our country under Reagan, the greatest president of the 20th Century.


  7. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    This thread is intended to be a tribute to the late President of the United States Ronald Reagan.

    It is sad that people would show disrespect for the dead in such a way as to troll in such a manner as to impugn the reputation and character of this great man on the anniversary of his death.

    I think that this kind of thing is disrespectful, and although you have every right to free speech, I'll ask politely that you refrain from doing that here please.
  8. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    Well, I don't think he is above reproach, and I certainly think that there are a myriad of perspectives on the man, and not all of them positive.
  9. BrunoTibet

    BrunoTibet Banned

    Jun 3, 2015
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    I call out irrational hero-worship when I see it. Pointing out his flaws and utter, rank hypocrisy simply isn't 'trolling', no matter how much you wish it were.

    Sorry that makes you so uncomfy.
  10. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    True, and not all of them are negative either...


    More than anything, I think he'll be remembered as the president who hastened the demise of the Soviet Union and turned around the malaise of the Carter years. I think some people will also think of him as the president who established some stability after the country went through 3 presidents in six years. We were starting to resemble Italy during the mid to late 1970s. :)
  11. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    Fair enough.
  12. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    For all of his shortcomings, I agree that he was a great president. In fact, he was the first Republican I voted for.

    It seems like it's been longer than 11 years, but I can vividly recall his funeral in California...

  13. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    In his first State of the Union Speech, Reagan describes his vision to restore the nation's economy and secure the blessings of liberty promised to us by our founders while trying to reassure the public that we will maintain our commitment to those in need.

    He warns us of the dangers of excessive debt and spending, intrusive government regulations and unnecessary spending to include subsidies to regional and local governments as well as businesses. He lays out plans increase productivity, jobs and reduce inflation.


  14. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    The attempted assassination of United States President Ronald Reagan occurred on March 30, 1981, 69 days into his presidency. While leaving a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., President Reagan and three others were shot and wounded by John Hinckley, Jr.





  15. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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  16. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    hate to burst your bubble here but Reagan had nothing to do with ending the cold would have happened no matter who was the president at the time. Gorbachev even mentioned when he was asked that question if reagan played a role in ending it replying-are you serious?:roflol:



    THE BIGGEST REAGAN lie is that he won the Cold War by terrifying the Soviets with Star Wars, upping defense expenditures, and generally being such a tough guy. The myth, though basically just GOP campaign spin, has been widely promulgated in current news coverage. The facts of the matter are quite different.

    FOR EXAMPLE, two years before the breakup, the Progressive Review ran an article by Thomas S. Martin - Devolution, Soviet Style, that reported that "Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of perestroika, or restructuring, has opened a Pandora's box of separatist and devolutionary movements in the Soviety Union. The article went through the union, state by state, and spoke of the "the last desperate cry of Soviet statism." Thanks to the American right's distortion of the issue, Americans to this day have little idea of what really was happening in the Soviet Union. Besides, it's part of the delusional American creed that good things in the world only happen because we will them.

    ARCHIE BROWN, BBC, 2001 - The Soviet Union on the eve of Gorbachev's perestroika (reconstruction) had serious political and economic problems. Technologically, it was falling behind not only Western countries but also the newly industrialized countries of Asia. Its foreign policy evinced a declining capacity to win friends and influence people. Yet there was no political instability within the country, no unrest, and no crisis. This was not a case of economic and political crisis producing liberalization and democratization. Rather, it was liberalization and democratization that brought the regime to crisis point. . .

    SOUTH ASIA ANALYST GROUP - The Congressional Quarterly Researcher wrote on December 11,1992: "After the Soviet break-up, economists were amazed at the extent to which the CIA had overestimated the performance of the Soviet economy, leading many to speculate that the numbers were hyped to fuel the arms race." Mr. Allan Goodman, Dean of Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, described the CIA's economic intelligence performance as "between abysmal and mediocre." Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, former Vice-Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said after the Soviet break-up: " For a quarter century, they (the CIA) told the President everything there was to know about the Soviet Union, excepting the fact that it was collapsing (due to a bad economy). They missed that detail."

    FAREED ZAKARIA, NEWSWEEK - During the early 1970s, hard-line conservatives pilloried the CIA for being soft on the Soviets. As a result, CIA Director George Bush agreed to allow a team of outside experts to look at the intelligence and come to their own conclusions. Team B--which included Paul Wolfowitz--produced a scathing report, claiming that the Soviet threat had been badly underestimated. In retrospect, Team B's conclusions were wildly off the mark. Describing the Soviet Union, in 1976, as having "a large and expanding Gross National Product," it predicted that it would modernize and expand its military at an awesome pace. For example, it predicted that the Backfire bomber "probably will be produced in substantial numbers, with perhaps 500 aircraft off the line by early 1984." In fact, the Soviets had 235 in 1984.

    BILL BLUM, KILLING HOPE - It has become conventional wisdom that it was the relentlessly tough anti-communist policies of the Reagan Administration, with its heated-up arms race, that led to the collapse and reformation of the Soviet Union and its satellites. American history books may have already begun to chisel this thesis into marble. The Tories in Great Britain say that Margaret Thatcher and her unflinching policies contributed to the miracle as well. The East Germans were believers too. When Ronald Reagan visited East Berlin, the people there cheered him and thanked him "for his role in liberating the East". Even many leftist analysts, particularly those of a conspiracy bent, are believers. But this view is not universally held; nor should it be. Long the leading Soviet expert on the United States, Georgi Arbatov, head of the Moscow-based Institute for the Study of the U.S.A. and Canada, wrote his memoirs in 1992. A Los Angeles Times book review by Robert Scheer summed up a portion of it:

    “Arbatov understood all too well the failings of Soviet totalitarianism in comparison to the economy and politics of the West. . . Arbatov not only provides considerable evidence for the controversial notion that this change would have come about without foreign pressure, he insists that the U.S. military buildup during the Reagan years actually impeded this development.”

    George F. Kennan agrees. The former US ambassador to the Soviet Union, and father of the theory of "containment" of the same country, asserts that "the suggestion that any United States administration had the power to influence decisively the course of a tremendous domestic political upheaval in another great country on another side of the globe is simply childish." He contends that the extreme militarization of American policy strengthened hard-liners in the Soviet Union. "Thus the general effect of Cold War extremism was to delay rather than hasten the great change that overtook the Soviet Union."

    Though the arms-race spending undoubtedly damaged the fabric of the Soviet civilian economy and society even more than it did in the United States, this had been going on for 40 years by the time Mikhail Gorbachev came to power without the slightest hint of impending doom. Gorbachev's close adviser, Aleksandr Yakovlev, when asked whether the Reagan administration's higher military spending, combined with its "Evil Empire" rhetoric, forced the Soviet Union into a more conciliatory position, responded:

    “It played no role. None. I can tell you that with the fullest responsibility. Gorbachev and I were ready for changes in our policy regardless of whether the American president was Reagan, or Kennedy, or someone even more liberal. It was clear that our military spending was enormous and we had to reduce it.”. . .


    ARCHIE BROWN, BBC, 2001 – The Soviet Union on the eve of Gorbachev's perestroika (reconstruction) had serious political and economic problems. Technologically, it was falling behind not only Western countries but also the newly industrialized countries of Asia. Its foreign policy evinced a declining capacity to win friends and influence people. Yet there was no political instability within the country, no unrest, and no crisis. This was not a case of economic and political crisis producing liberalization and democratization. Rather, it was liberalization and democratization that brought the regime to crisis point. . .

    The Soviet economy was in limbo in the last two years of the Soviet Union's existence - no longer a command economy but not yet a market system. Significant reforms, such as permitting individual enterprise (1986), devolving more powers to factories (1987), and legalising co-operatives (1988), which were to become thinly disguised private enterprises, had undermined the old institutional structures and produced unintended consequences, but no viable alternative economic system had been put in their place. . .

    SOUTH ASIA ANALYST GROUP - The Congressional Quarterly Researcher wrote on December 11,1992: "After the Soviet break-up, economists were amazed at the extent to which the CIA had overestimated the performance of the Soviet economy, leading many to speculate that the numbers were hyped to fuel the arms race." Mr. Allan Goodman, Dean of Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, described the CIA's economic intelligence performance as "between abysmal and mediocre." Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, former Vice-Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said after the Soviet break-up: " For a quarter century, they (the CIA) told the President everything there was to know about the Soviet Union, excepting the fact that it was collapsing (due to a bad economy). They missed that detail."

    KEVIN BRENNAN - Sovietology failed because it operated in an environment that encouraged failure. Sovietologists of all political stripes were given strong incentives to ignore certain facts and focus their interest in other areas. I don't mean to suggest that there was a giant conspiracy at work; there wasn't. It was just that there were no careers to be had in questioning the conventional wisdom.

    A good example of this was the nationalism that helped to bring about the downfall of the USSR -- something that was overlooked by Westerners. You see, the USSR used to claim that socialist amity had made nationalism irrelevant. Nobody quite bought that, but Sovietologists did think that the Soviets had managed to mostly eliminate nationalism, because after all they never saw any evidence of it. How could they? Anyone who wanted to pursue a career in Soviet Studies had to be able to get into the Soviet Union to do their research, after all. Without doing research, you didn't get tenure, and the Soviets made sure you didn't get to do research on that topic by simply denying you access to the country. Even if you thought it might be a bigger problem then the Soviets let on, you'd never be able to prove it. So you found other things to work on, and eventually you got onto other topics that kept you busy.

    There were other kinds of institutional biases as well, such as those that led to the now-infamous "Team B" Report:

    “During the early 1970s, hard-line conservatives pilloried the CIA for being soft on the Soviets. As a result, CIA Director George Bush agreed to allow a team of outside experts to look at the intelligence and come to their own conclusions. Team B--which included Paul Wolfowitz--produced a scathing report, claiming that the Soviet threat had been badly underestimated.

    “In retrospect, Team B's conclusions were wildly off the mark. Describing the Soviet Union, in 1976, as having “a large and expanding Gross National Product,” it predicted that it would modernize and expand its military at an awesome pace. For example, it predicted that the Backfire bomber "probably will be produced in substantial numbers, with perhaps 500 aircraft off the line by early 1984." In fact, the Soviets had 235 in 1984.

    “The reality was that even the CIA’s own estimates--savaged as too low by Team B--were, in retrospect, gross exaggerations. In 1989, the CIA published an internal review of its threat assessments from 1974 to 1986 and came to the conclusion that every year it had "substantially overestimated" the Soviet threat along all dimensions. For example, in 1975 the CIA forecast that within 10 years the Soviet Union would replace 90 percent of its long-range bombers and missiles. In fact, by 1985, the Soviet Union had been able to replace less than 60 percent of them.” - Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek

    In short, Team B . . . brought a substantial set of preconceived notions about the nature and functioning of Soviet Russia to the task of evaluating the CIA assessments and any data that contradicted those conceptions was summarily discarded. No doubt it was easy enough to justify--after all, the data was flawed, just not flawed in the way that Team B assumed. So they went looking for things that would let them discount the data, and found them in the rhetoric of their opponents. It's an error in judgment that Wolfowitz seemed destined to repeat.


    HOWARD KURTZ, WASHINGTON, POST - Most reporters liked the Gipper personally -- it was hard not to -- but often depicted him as detached, out of touch, a stubborn ideologue. Sam Donaldson, Helen Thomas and company would do battle in those prime-time East Room news conferences that Reagan relished, and he would deflect their toughest questions with an aw-shucks grin and a shake of the head. Major newspapers would run stories on all the facts he had mangled, a practice that faded as it became clear that most Americans weren't terribly concerned.

    The media dubbed him the Teflon president, and it was not meant as a compliment. Reagan was, quite simply, a far more controversial figure in his time than the largely gushing obits on television would suggest.

    He took a pounding in the press after his first tax cut when a deep recession pushed unemployment to 10 percent and drowned the budget in red ink.

    He was widely portrayed as uninformed and uninterested in details, the man who said trees cause pollution and once failed to recognize his own housing secretary.

    He was often described as lazy, "just an actor," a man who'd rather be clearing brush at his California ranch and loved a good midday nap.

    JAMES RIDGEWAY, VILLAGE VOICE - The elaborate Reagan state funeral may well prove a satisfying goodbye for Nancy, relatives, and close friends. For the Bush re-election campaign managers, it comes as an unexpected gift. This shouldn't surprise us in an era in which D-Day is compared to the war on terror, Bush Junior (by inference) to Eisenhower, and the occupation of Baghdad to the liberation of Paris. . .

    The Democrats who voted for Reagan abandoned the sour, nitpicking Jimmy Carter for the cheerful Hollywood figure, but they also did what the political pros and historians still don't get. Led by the determined cadres of the "New Right," they supported a candidate and a plan for a new America with an ideological agenda. That agenda called for doing the unthinkable: grabbing control of Congress and smashing the New Deal, while leaving a token "safety net" in its place. It was in the early days of Reagan that the homeless began to appear in growing numbers on the streets of American cities, an early sign of the slow process of turning over the functions of the federal government to companies through such ideas as privatization. Reagan practically initiated the concept of turning social welfare over to charitable foundations. All of this was accomplished with the glue of anti-Communism, a shared bond that tied otherwise quarreling factions together—the libertarian-minded Republicans, the anti-feminist crusaders, the Christian fundamentalists. Under Reagan, the government borrowed the concept of guerrilla warfare from the winning side in Vietnam and used it to win a victory over the Sandinistas. Reagan escaped the Iran-Contra scandal without a scratch. For some, Reagan spelled the turning point in the death of the first American republic.

    Reagan aided Guatemalan genocide
  17. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    you nailed it.:clapping::worship:
  18. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Indeed.Yeah Reagan was never seriously investigated for his crimes against the american people and humanity because the criminal politicans in washington fell for his charm and charisma.thats why he is worshipped in the media today with their propaganda.
  19. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I don't know what planet you were on but in 1980 communism was on the rise across the globe. Reagan set a goal to end communism way back in 1964 and it was accomplished under his watch. He said it could be done when all his detractors called him a warmonger-er. I'd like to see those who predicted the fall of the Soviet Union other than Reagan. Reagan reduced the number of nuclear weapons threatening the world, and pressured the Soviet Union into a gradual collapse without firing a shot. He freed millions of people trapped under the oppressive slavery of communism. You should be thankful to him rather than attempting to rob him of his accomplishments.
  20. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    someone trolling? oh the irony.look in the mirror.:roflol:
  21. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    try the president who betrayed americans and created the worst economic disaster ever at the time.:roflol:

    - - - Updated - - -

    great president? you been listening wayyyyyy too much to what the LAMESTREAM media and our corrupt school system has been brainwashing americans with.:roflol:

    - - - Updated - - -

    love your game of dodgeball you played refusing to read anything i posted or my links,you been falling for the propaganda of our corrupt history with it.:roflol: you should change your user name to PROPAGANDA NEWS.:roflol:
  22. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    ever notice how when we post pesky little facts like this one you did that tear down the myth of reagan and expose him for the corrupt bastard he really was,someone here plays dodgeball and doesnt bother reading your posts or links?:roflol:
  23. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Oh my, I sure got told. This from someone who's handle is "9/11 was an inside job". What is the source of your education? Alex Jones? When does Hale-Bopp comet come back around? Not soon enough.
  24. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    as always,you play dodgeball.refusing to read something that does not go along with your warped views.hate to break your heart but those links i posted that you refuse to read were not from alex jones.had you bothered to read them, you would have noticed that.:laughing: but since you only see what you WANT to see as we both know,you did not read them.

    I could post a video of actual footage from the 80's back then where businesses were being shut down shortly after reagans policys were implemented where business owners were talking about how their business were doing just fine before reagan betrayed the middle class with his policys but you have blatantly ignored EVERYTHING anybody has posted here that shoots down your ramblings so i wont bother.again you really need to chage your user name to PROPAGANDA news.thank god for the ignore is about to grow larger,the fact you call people trolls when you are frustrated with facts you cannot refute when cornered.keep on worshipping reagan as your hero,keep that head buried in the sand.:thumbsup: bye.

    No surprise that you defend the corruption of reagan seeing as you are a republican and have been brainwashed by our government thinking you elect these presidents and put them in office and actually thinking that there is a difference in the two parties:roflol: you are too far gone obviously to deal with pesky facts that BOTH parties are corrupt,that its a one party system designed to look like two so the sheep think they have choice in who gets elected.your way too closed minded to understand this obviously.
  25. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I remember the 80's. I don't need to see your propaganda to know a rewrite of history.

    Ronald Reagan: The Greatest President Ever

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