Trump fans, you got taken

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Sandy Shanks, Feb 27, 2017.

  1. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Trump hasn't done much yet. There is no reason to brag about his accomplishments. His impact on the overall job market is non-existent. All he has done is talk a good game and you've been had for buying into that. He has failed to provide guidance to Congress on key pieces of legislation needed to fulfill his campaign promises, repeal and replace Obamacare, tax reform, and infrastructure repair. He is bogged down with scandals of his own making. See post 150.

    I made no mention and I could care less about Muslims cheering on 9/11 or he grabbing his crotch. Get your mind out of the gutter and concentrate on the important issues. See post 150.
  2. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Read my post again. Concentrate on the bold, underlined para. Trump is suggesting a tariff on imported goods to finance corporate tax cuts and income tax cuts that will benefit the rich far more that the blue collar worker who presented Trump with his victory. I can't make it any clearer to you.

    You got taken. Live with it.
  3. katzgar

    katzgar Banned

    Jan 12, 2013
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    your post is just a lie
  4. vanityofvanitys

    vanityofvanitys Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Scandals my foot! Like the recount scandal? Like if it wasn’t for Russian subterfuge, all those blue collar workers in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin would have voted for Hillary? : 0 Yeah, keep the crap like that making headlines for months!

    The fact is you sons of b - - chs won’t leave him alone and are bogging down this nation with Russia B.S. that is meaningless even if it were true!! Compare that to the secretary of state destroying hard drives, blackberries and 34,000 emails when subpoenaed by congress! You people are hypocrites who could not care less. Just keep on rioting, let the media go into hysteria over salacious tidbits, the despicable democrats can keep on delaying all his appointments, keep looking for some hint of racism or sex someone said 20 years ago so you can point to all those devils Trump has gathered. You people are the malevolent ones.
  5. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    First of all, you didn't link anything, secondly, as I've already explained, you are still wrong. It's pretty clear you are clueless on anything related to Trump and wouldn't know how to interpret what a Trump voter would consider "taken." There have been so many posts on this same topic since 2015 and they all ended up being embarrassing to the original poster for being wrong. Just as this one is. Now, if you would like to throw down the gauntlet and make some predictions we could track that would be great, but otherwise, this thread has turned just as ridiculous as all of the similar ones before it.
  6. bobnelsonfr

    bobnelsonfr Member

    Dec 4, 2012
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    So... Pence did pretty much the same email thing as Hillary, but you're ok because...

    ... and Jeff Sessions lied during testimony kinda like Bill, but you're ok because...

    ... and you don't consider either of these to be "anything bad".

    That's hilarious!
  7. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    I may be wrong, but this election is the first one I ever remember seeing protests and demonstrations against the winner. The first one where there was no honeymoon. The first one where the opposing party didn't at least give a president a chance to govern before piling on. Remember back after the 2008 election when Mitch McConnell said he would try to make Obama a one term president. The Democrats thought that was so awful. Beyond the pale. But the Republicans in congress made little to no fuss over Obama nominees or tried to destroy him right off the bat. That wouldn't come until at least nine months later when Obama and company forced the ACA through congress.

    Only then after nine months did the Republicans lock and load. The Democrats this year didn't wait nine seconds.
  8. Reality Land

    Reality Land New Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    It is the dems that have created and want to maintain the poor. That is why the poor get poorer everytime a democrat is President. Debt goes up, middle class shrinks, GDP is virtually zero, and yet the idiots on the left double down and go for charisma rather than policy and substance. Hope and Change! That's it, that is all Obama said, that and fundamentally change America...yeah, hows that working out?

    Yes and it all happened under 8 yrs of Obama! He ruined the economy, he ruined race relations, he ruined health care, eveything he touched fell apart. He created ISIS by pulling out of Iraq prematurely. The man lied, obstructed, and was a lousy president.

    More BS talking points. The regulations are hurting middle class business. Over regulation stifles existing business but also hurts start ups. We don't have commpn sense regs, we have regs based on idiology. That is why the ACA is collapsing. It was not built with sound economics in mind, it was built to redistribute wealth and end competition no matter who it hurt, and it hurt many. Who benifited, insurance companies!
  9. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    It's the partisan rancor that upsets me. Where both parties take this "My way or the highway," approach. There is no mood or willingness to work together, to compromise and move forward. I come down on both major parties. The Democrats painted the Republicans as the party of no over the last 8 years. Today it is the Democrats that are the party of no. It all boils down to polarization. Where any the Republicans propose the Democrats are against and vice versa. It used no to be that way. It used to be things were taken on its merits. Not today. Today it is all about party.
  10. Reality Land

    Reality Land New Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    And the fake news keeps on coming.
    1st, Pense did not have his own private email server as Hillary did.
    2nd, he was permitted to do what he did, Hillary was not.

    Again more fake news! Show the lie! He answered a question about talking to Russian reps about the campaign. Now all you have to do is prove he was.... Good luck with that. Context is everything. He never lied.

    Not at all. Senators meet with foreign ambassadors all the time. It is their job at times. But keep slinging mud, maybe someday it will stick. Lol
  11. Reality Land

    Reality Land New Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    Cant move forward because the far left has taken over the democrat party and that threatens the very principles upon which this nation was founded.
    Robert likes this.
  12. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    As a former Democrat, now republican, I honestly view my former party as corrupt.

    I do not pretend all republicans are not corrupt. When Democrats attacked Tom DeLay, they called him corrupt. But he beat them in court.

    Shumer and Pelosi are corrupt. Shumer realized he is blocking government. And he proves his personal snit is more to his liking than letting government work. Republicans did not prevent Obama from having his own cabinet. Shumer is following in the footsteps of Harry Reid. I see both sides of this issue.

    Seth says he is an independent. I have yet to find a true independent in congress. Sanders is just a Democrat pretending so he tries to escape the stigma of being a Democrat. But he eats with wolves, hunts with wolves then tries to tell me he is a sheep.

    Government ought to function. I don't object when they slow down rushing to laws. I see in person the outcome of the Dodd Frank law and it is draconian. I get mail from the Feds over that law and I mean personal mail. Not some bulletin.

    Democrats rushed that law into the public domain so it hurts a lot of people.

    Anyway, yours and Seth's views are respectable and respected by me.
  13. LogicalParty

    LogicalParty Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Well I mean...3 million MORE people voted for Hillary than mean theres that. Not to mention Trump has been one of the most antagonistic and arrogant candidates I have ever seen in my entire life ive been paying attention to politics.

    On one of the recent documentaries one of the channels did on obamas terms, Obama said he heard or the republicans announced something about rejecting a proposal before Obama even met with them which is what he was about to do when he heard it.

    Republicans are the biggest hypocrites I have ever seen. The ACA was modeled after a republican plan and was very similar. Yes there are some differences but its not like it was some radical plan that was completely different. Then they basically try to undercut it at every turn and then point out how bad it was. Instead of actually working together to maybe try to fix some of the things that were obviously not working they just stab and stab it and undercut it to basically make it fail.

    What choice did Obama even have? Republicans with literally everything even if they agreed with it or wanted it if Obama wanted it they rejected. There were some simple bills during Obamas term that were no brainers that Republicans STILL rejected due to their own hypocrisy and pettiness. What did you guys want to do just keep a bunch of people uninsured still, Im sure that helps so many working class citizens.
  14. petef56

    petef56 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Are you willing to stake your reputation/credibility on this?
    See you in 1 year.

  15. LogicalParty

    LogicalParty Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Because the republicans WERE the party of no. What do you mean the dems painted them that..they LITERALLY were. That was their entire strategy for his 8 years....

    From 2011 onward Bills passed by Congress were the lowest they had been in like 50 years so.....ya its actually a fact they were the party of no since they ALSO filibustered like 500 or so bills to go along with that during Obamas time
  16. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Bird's Eye View...there are two visions for America. The faux liberal democrats have one, and the Trump supporters have another. This is the divide, for neither side will relent, in fact neither side will compromise. One hard divide involves our economic model. The faux liberals want open borders free trade globalization, while trump supporters want our traditional idea of borders and sovereignty and fair trade and not job gutting free trade. The faux liberals do not want to put americans first, the trump side wants to put americans first, as we did for our entire history until a few decades ago.

    So this divide leaves little room for compromise. The views are 180 from one another.
  17. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Some of what you are seeing is an outcome of the essence of a democracy which is disputations politics. However I believe that America is going down a more dangerous divide in the generalisations of the people themselves. Each side characterising the other in almost demonic terms
  18. bobnelsonfr

    bobnelsonfr Member

    Dec 4, 2012
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    And the earth is flat...
  19. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Good morning one and all. Far as I am concerned, Trump or any other president in my lifetime from Eisenhower on enters the office of the presidency with a blank or balanced scale. Trust, that reminds me of Reagan's, trust but verify. I don't trust Trump and am leery of him, more than any other president in my lifetime. But that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a chance. Let how he govern's determine how he does.
  20. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Granted, Sanders is more of a Democrat than any other Democrat in the senate. Only one Democratic senator voted the Democratic party line more than Sanders did. So one could classify him as the second most loyal democrat in the senate. When I grew up and became interested in politics, each party had their conservative and liberal wings. Each party was more towards the middle ideological wise. That has changed. Today one party takes the extreme far left and the other the right. The gap between them is huge.
  21. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Yes, each party views the other as evil. In the past both parties basically had the same goal. Keeping America safe and prosperous, how one got there, the path was different, but both parties had the same goal. America was always put first, not political party as is done today. At least from my perspective.

    I think how this polarization came about was the result of two elections in the House. In 2006 when the Democrats regained control of the House, they defeated mostly moderate Republicans and replaced them with very liberal, far left Democrats leaving the more conservative Republicans in place. In 2010, the reverse happened. Republicans defeated the blue dog more moderate portions of the Democrats in congress, replacing them with very conservative Republicans. Leaving the entrenched very liberal democrats in place.

    There are very little moderate, center, left of center, right of center republicans and democrats left in the House. The senate is more diverse, but party loyalty have over ridden ideology in most cases. What has been lost is Representatives who are suppose to represent their district, now represent only their party. Senators who are suppose to represent their state, the people within their state, represent only their party.
  22. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    The reason why I post from time to time, the growth in federal regulations since 1950 is to visually prove what Democrats have done to this country since 1950. Democrats laud such regulations. Republicans, such as Trump hits back. Trump is removing 2 regulations per 1 enacted. That goal is modest in my estimation. Most who work for wages lack the understanding what this does against the country to bind us with tons of regulations. Republicans by fighting regulations is hardly a bad thing. Democrat regulations festival was not a good thing.

  23. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    When you said 3 million more voted for Hillary, you undermined your argument. Then you further bragged the Obama Plan was done by Republicans.

    Trump and his people get it, but states elect presidents, not the public. If a state gets X voters and it gave them the slate of electors, even 10 million more votes in that state merely gives them the same slate. Enough is enough in other words. Add up states won by Trump. Do you not notice Trump won around 20 more states? The voting system was designed so states elected them. Most are clueless, since schools don't teach them this, but it was first George Washington and then all presidents until 1828 left out the public totally. The system did not need the public vote. Experts were to vote. The job of president was not nearly as political as right now. I blame the vote done in states for it being political. This undermines the system.

    I would happily not vote and go with the electors and ensure they are actual experts.

    Most states do not allow citizens to vote on their own laws. CA only has the chance we can get something put onto our ballot but the majority of things done by our politicians leaves us out. We have nothing to say about the state highway budget.

    As to the ACA being modeled ... pshaw.... who cares. I built model airplanes in my youth but they could not carry human passengers. I have model cars and they can't carry passengers. Models are mere guides.

    What really got the republicans mad at Obama in the first place is shortly after he took office in 2009, in a so called reach out program, he attended and spoke to the republican congress critters at their spring meeting. There he laid down the law and told them it was going to be his way or else. This really made them upset. No wonder Mitch said what he said. Obama threw down the gauntlet. I saw it happen on CSPAN and knew right then he had no plans to work with republicans.
  24. bobnelsonfr

    bobnelsonfr Member

    Dec 4, 2012
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    Interesting post...

    You say that Tom Delay was not corrupt because he was never condemned... and then you affirm that "Shumer and Pelosi are corrupt", despite the fact that neither of them has ever even been indicted.

    No, but they refused to consider any Supreme Court nominations for more than a year -- a totally unprecedented act of obstruction. None of Mr Trump's cabinet nominees have been blocked. The only one who came close to being refused was Betsy DeVos, whose ignorance about education shocked everyone, even to the point that some Republicans abandoned her.

    There is absolutely no reason for an ordinary citizen to get mail from the government concerning Dodd-Frank. If I were you, I would suspect an attempted scam...
  25. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Let's try maybe a dumb analogy of what goes on.

    Say you enter a car wash. You see the price and give the go ahead. You want the entire car washed. The tiny print says to you, half the car gets washed. What is your compromise going to be? Double to get all washed? Is that really a compromise?

    I watched in horror when the ACA was being worked out since CSPAN broadcasted many of the hearings and saw with trepidation how Democrats shoved it up the butts of republicans. Back then, republicans offered amendments. Those all got shot down. It was amazing. Same thing took place in the Senate. Wne Dodd Frank passed, it is a very flawed law. It was not needed at all. But even a terrible law could have a bit of good. So republicans tried to keep just the good. That all got shot down. All the law is lousy. The part that I am affected by makes me think the USA became a police state. It is ultra controlling. My own state had draconian laws. But the Dodd Frank laws go even more draconian.

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