What if it were you

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by kazenatsu, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Viability is not the issue. There are many people who are not viable (alzheimers, severe injury, severe disease), yet they cannot be terminated. Stephen Hawking is completely unviable, he cannot eat, change his clothes, go to the bathroom, even breath, without help. Yet killing him would be considered murder.

    When does an unborn baby become a person? That's the issue. Its sometime between conception and the end of the 2nd trimester. If you cannot conclusively identify that point, then the legal and social principles force it to be conception.
    kazenatsu likes this.
  2. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    Uh, duh, Hawking has been BORN...didn't you know that !!!!!!!

    Sometimes repetition is the only way some can learn:

    There is NO "issue".

    It becomes a legal person WITH RIGHTS at BIRTH.

    The End.

    As a fetus, after 23 weeks it has PROTECTIONS NOT RIGHTS.

    IF a fetus was deemed a person with rights it would also have the same RESTRICTIONS all other PERSONS have....it could NOT use another's body to sustain it's life so women still would have the right to abort it..

    AND LOL! Ignoring it won't make it go away , it's HERE TO STAY......YOU may not want to see the truth but it's right there and you can't change it :nana:
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017
  3. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    When you are Comparing a born person to a ZEF that is disingenuous. A ZEF is preborn, and a cadaver is post born. Neither is alive.
    Since most abortions are done in the first trimester, when there is no neural function, no brain function and weighs less than an ounce...you can’t compare it to Hawkins who has a brilliant functioning mind . When a fetus can live outside the mothers body, your point would be valid. ....they don’t have life support for a 1/2 ounce “baby”.
  4. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Wrong. An unborn baby is alive, and it will continuously improve its ability and condition until it reaches a stage of human development which even you will admit is a person. A cadaver is dead, no matter what is done it will never improve its condition.

    You keep saying that most abortions are in the first trimester. Why? That has nothing to do with the issue of when an unborn baby becomes a person.


    Hawking is totally helpless, he cannot even communicate ideas from his brilliant mind without outside help. He is as helpless as a baby in its first trimester. And while the unborn baby will improve, Hawking will not improve, he will get continue to degenerate no matter what treatment is performed on him.
  5. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    Yes, but Hawking is a born person with rights and a fetus isn't...why is it so hard to know the difference between born and unborn....see, they are two different words...

    See one means before birth and the other means after birth...

    If there was no difference there wouldn't even be a word "born"....now do you understand why that word was invented?

    If there was no difference we would just call it by one word but there's two words for a reason....:)

    You can ignore the facts but they don't disappear because you don't like them :)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017
  6. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Yes, there is a point when a fetus is viable and unless there is a medical reason they can’t be aborted. But if you are going to tell me that an embryo that weighs 1/10 of an ounce is alive then we just can’t agree. As I have said if you believe it is a life then remove it from a woman’s body and see what happens. It is as much alive as an acorn is a tree. Zygote is a potential child
    The reason I mention that most abortions are done in the first trimester is because there is no neural connections or brain functioning and it weighs less than 1 ounce and you can call it a child all you want but it isn’t
  7. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    An embryo is alive, its living cells, that's not even debatable. Is it a person? That is the question.

    An acorn is a good example. An acorn is a stage of life for a oak tree, it has everything required to develop into an oak tree. Just as a human embryo is a stage of a human. Humans are embryos, babies, children, teens, adults, elderly, all stages with different appearance and physical and mental characteristics.

    You argue viability, that argument has been abandoned for decades - it was even problematic for Blackmun in the Roe opinion. There are too many people who are not viable for viability to be the deciding factor.
  8. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    Ya, viability is a factor, any fetus over 23 weeks is considered viable. ...Viability hasn't been "abandoned for decades"....(what an asinine thing to claim)

    Why, oh, why can't the Anti-Choicers keep up and quit lying...

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