Tucker Carlson starts to divulge the Capitol video tapes

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by popscott, Mar 6, 2023.

  1. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Um - It's why the US and the rest of the world are in such a poor state. Capitalism gives teeth to megalomaniacs. Look what it's done for insane idiots like Trump (and his family), Kim Jong Un, Putin, Xi, MBS, and many others. Look what it's done for Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Musk, Soros, Koch, Fauci, Bourla, and many other billionaires.

    If people really want a better world and to put a final end to the thousands of years of perennial imperial rule in the world, the monetary/capitalist system needs to be eliminated. Anything else is simply a bandaide & a distraction. Otherwise it'll be the same boring 'politics as usual', the same struggles, the same economic ups & downs—forever.

    It's ultimately up to the people though, because looking to those who we allow to rule over us for the solution is idiocy. If the people don't do it en masse through non-participation in 'the game', then I assume they're not ready to do it, and thus have no reason to complain when things go bad for them.

    All that matters is a good life, good health, and clean, sustainable living so that ALL life-forms may flourish. This can be done with or without advanced technology, and can be done best without a monetary system.

    There was no real censorship regarding J6. Multiple media outlets petitioned for the CCV surveillance footage because getting the 'big scoop' is how they make their money.

    Tell that to McCarthy & Tucker/Fox.
  2. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    What about-ism is the Right's primary defense because they have no defense & because they have no policy other than getting richer & getting re-elected.

    Don't denounce Trump, et al. Instead, attack Comey, Mueller, Hunter, Merrick Garland, the FBI & DOJ, disloyal Republicans, 'wokism', progressives, teachers, immigrants, minorities, the poor, gays, pro-choicers, election workers, voting rights, mail workers, the IRS, border patrol, medicare/social security/education & other essential programs, environmentalists, green energy/technology—and above all, reason. Oh yes, and also throw in a lot of cherry-picking, key sound bites, deception, distraction, distortions, straw men, red herrings, lies and crazy conspiracy ideas—and ignore the facts. And don't forget to idolize the insane—ie, Trump & family, George Santos, MTG, Cruz, Jim Jordan, DeSantis, Lindsey Graham, McConnell, McCarthy, Karen Lake, Bannon, Flynn, Giuliani, Powell, Tucker, Hannity, Ingram, O' Reilly, Pillow Guy, Q-anon Shaman, Putin, Netanyahoo, Bolsonaro, and the hundreds of Christian/white supremacy hate groups. And keep drumming all this into the minds of naive, gullible Americans through thousands of right-wing media outlets. These, mostly Christian, Americans are an easy target for right-wing hate & manipulation.
  3. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Cenk is brilliant, and mops up Tucker with his own mop. They were, however, cordial with one another.
  4. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    That's right. Why use non-relevant footage? Leave that to Tucker.

    The Shaman wasn't guided or escorted. He was being followed & monitored and repeatedly asked to leave the building. I already posted this earlier to jcarlilesiu, but I'll repost it for you.

    Tucker's distortion of Chansley's activities vs what Capitol police say.

    Carlson claimed that new Capitol security footage taken on January 6 shows Jacob Chansley, known as the “QAnon Shaman,” walking through the Capitol without pushback from police.

    In one clip, Chansley is shown with two officers who attempt to open a door near the Senate chamber. In a second clip, Chansley, still flanked by the two original officers, walks between a group of about half a dozen officers and none appear to try to step in.

    There is no audio in the videos, and it is not clear whether the officers and Chansley are talking to each other.

    In court documents, however, prosecutors say that Capitol Police officers repeatedly tried to engage with Chansley and others in the crowd, asking them to leave. Prosecutors say that Chansley disobeyed that request and walked to the Senate floor. Video from that day shows officers following Chansley around the building, and an officer walks into the chamber with Chansley and continues to ask rioters to leave.

    Additionally, Capitol Police officers have testified at several January 6 trials that after the initial wave of rioters entered the building, they felt outnumbered and were afraid of escalating violence by engaging with the mob. Members of the crowd were therefore able to walk into the building without much, or any, physical resistance, according to the officers.

    Chansley pleaded guilty to a felony charge of obstructing the Electoral College proceedings on January 6 and was sentenced to 41 months in prison.


    How could the public NOT know? The following post on the United States Capitol Police site is dated April 2021.

    Medical Examiner Finds USCP Officer Brian Sicknick Died of Natural Causes

    So much for Tucker's 'bombshell revelations'.

    Also, Tucker didn't mention the testimony by a fellow police officer in the Capitol:

    On January 6, Sicknick was attacked with pepper spray and physically fought with members of the mob. An officer testified that she saw Sicknick in significant distress after he was sprayed. He died one day later after suffering a series of strokes. The DC medical examiner ruled that he died of natural causes but said, “all that transpired (on January 6) played a role in his condition.”


    According to Carlson, the new tape of Sicknick was recorded after he was attacked on the frontlines of the Capitol steps, earlier in the day. CNN does not have access to the footage and cannot verify Carlson’s claims, and it’s unclear how Fox News determined that it’s Sicknick in the video.

    The new Sicknick footage does not disprove the medical examiner’s conclusion that January 6 influenced Sicknick’s death, and it doesn’t erase the fact that Trump supporters assaulted Sicknick that day.

    Two rioters pleaded guilty to crimes related to the pepper spray attack against Sicknick, though neither were accused of killing him.


    Those were the arguments by govt officials & Capitol Police in court to not release the CCV footage. Ultimately, right or wrong, the judge has the final say. It didn't matter anyway because the public already had early access to a ton of footage by various news media (including live footage), social media posts, police body cam footage, and other sources.

    Meaning, they call themselves 'Republicans', but are nothing like the traditional Republicans. They're now just a party of crackpots. So, unless you want to make the Crackpot Party an official party, they're basically a non-partisan group of kooks. It's a matter of semantics.

    Old news. Nothing but distraction, deflection, what about-ism, and a clown show.

    Besides, Biden's innocent. He had nothing to do with managing the logistics or how the generals would coordinate the pull out. It was a failure of proper planning by those responsible for coordinating it. At least Biden got America out of the country. No other president was willing to do so.
    WalterSobchak and chris155au like this.
  5. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    More on Tucker's true feelings about Trump, and what a hypocrite he (and FOX news) is.

    WalterSobchak likes this.
  6. ToughTalk

    ToughTalk Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    I don't denounce Trump because I feel he was a net good, the right choice and had better policies.

    The war in Ukraine? Ya that and all the side effects of the war globally do not happen if Trump is in office. Let that truth sink in.

    Not only has Biden been bad with foreign policy, he's been horrendous with domestic policy. Race hatred and violence has steadily increased as we push his equity, race realist policies. CRT teachings in schools which he supports and the further coddling of black people.

    America has never been more divided. Biden has been a global disaster.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
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  7. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    How does one get 'ambushed' if one can see the cop pointing the gun at you as you and your very threatening mob illegally & violently try to breach the locked doors?
    WalterSobchak and dairyair like this.
  8. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    When video doesn't match up with testimony we can tell he's a liar.

    I think he was an informant that's not a conspiracy theory no matter how much you want it to be
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
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  9. popscott

    popscott Well-Known Member Donor

    Jul 3, 2021
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    John Sullivan AKA Jayden X......He is antifa, blm, insurrectionist, and chameleon all rolled into one..... his own brother worked with the FBI to expose John and 226 members of antifa

    John has always been an ANTIFA and BLM organizer and activist. He has never before reported in a journalistic capacity...



  10. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    I'm not going to respond to your "capitalism is Der devil" nonsense.

    If they selectively picked only violent clips to showcase the protestors, it was manipulated. And it was.
  11. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    What policies? What 'net good'?

    All he and his crime family did was enrich themselves at taxpayer expense (including getting rich off of 'evil China') - cut taxes for the rich - drive up unemployment - added $7.8 trillion to the national debt totaling $28 trillion - created the 3rd biggest increase in the annual deficit - cost both US importers & exporters more money from the tariff on Chinese goods - left his presidency with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover - awarded even more money to the already skewed subsidies given to the largest and wealthiest farms, further shortchanging smaller, struggling family farms - rolled back more than 100 important environmental rules governing clean air, water, wildlife and toxic chemicals - gutted several rail regulations, most notably rescinding a 2015 rule to require faster brakes on trains carrying hazardous materials (ring any recent bells?) - okayed the roll out of & promoted toxic covid vaccines - promoted the baseless China Wuhan 'leak' theory - created a legacy of MAGA/right-wing insanity & hate - and much more - plus the laundry list of violations of his oath of office, and being impeached TWICE!

    What 'side effects'? There ain't gonna be no nuclear war. I assure you. It's all fear hype.

    But regarding the issue with helping Ukraine, America is actually obligated to provide aid & protection. It has to do with a document signed in 1994 called the Budapest Memorandum.

    Of course this was signed in 1994, before Putin came to power. So it's ironic that one of the three nations obligated to help & protect Ukraine is the very same nation that invaded it.
    WalterSobchak likes this.
  12. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Thanks to Trump's legacy. The Obama 8-year period was relatively peaceful. What does that tell you?

    A non-issue & distraction from real, important issues like environmental issues, green energy/technologies, affordable housing, toxic waste dumping, free/affordable healthcare, free/affordable education, income inequality/gap, etc.

    I will admit Biden has been disastrous on one important issue - He, like Trump, bought into the fake covid lie & both promoted the vaccines. I can understand they would do so because they're not scientists, doctors, or even inclined to read the research & truth about the fraud of virology and the pseudoscience underlying 'vaccinations'. So I can understand they (like most Americans themselves) would tend to believe what doctors & scientists would advise them, which is the official narrative. But it's the duty of any leader to ensure they're apprised of all the facts before making sweeping decisions that could hurt people.

    Thanks to the Trump legacy. Trump brought out all the crazies and they won't return to their holes. Just look at the new line of insane GOP lawmakers, plus the incumbents that suddenly went all out crazy.

    Trump was an international laughing stock. Foreign leaders actually joked & laughed at him. He's an embarrassment.
    WalterSobchak likes this.
  13. ToughTalk

    ToughTalk Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Oh your one of those "let's quote everything to turn every response into a *******n novel of bullshit" posters?

    I like Trump's more tougher and vocal stance on the border. I like his vocal and tougher stance on the CRT bullshit. I like the fact that the judges he appointed can define the word "woman". I like how he pulled out of the Iran nuclear treaty since it was useless bullshit to begin with. I like his tax cuts and deregulation. (minus the train fiasco) He reversed the massive budget cuts to the military. I like how he restricted government funding for abortions. I like how he was vocally supportive of Israel. I like how he went heavy handed with NATO to get them to increase their defense spending...That's to name a few things.

    The impeachments were bullshit as nothing came of them and all it did was give plebs the ability to say "hurr durrr impeached twice!!!". Grats. You failed twice.

    As for side effects from the war? Inflation? Instability? A breakdown in communication between the main global powers? A breakdown in relations with Saudi Arabia? You were all bitching that Trump would start a world war, but here we are at the brink with Biden at the helm. Ain't that a kick in the teeth?

    Bud. Don't try to lecture me on the Memorandum. While I think this entire situation would have been avoided had Trump been re elected, I'm ok with how Biden's handled it so far. And I can fire off several reasons as to why we should now help Ukraine. But make no mistake, we wouldn't be in this position with Trump because he can foreign policy with places like Russia and Biden can't.

    As for your other **** post...Europe laughing at Trump? I remember that! That was when he warned Germany specifically about being in bed with Russia and becoming energy dependant. They thought it was hysterical.


    I wonder if they are laughing now?
  14. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Who decides what footage is relevant?

    Outnumbered in the corridor walk footage? The shaman is the only person.

    Oh, this was widely reported in the media? As much as the false narrative that he was killed in the event with a fire extinguisher?

    Yes, I too was wondering how the hell they could have known it was Sicknick when the man in the footage had his face obscured by the helmet.

    Well Carlson didn't say that the event did not influence his death, or that Trump supports did not assault him.

    As in, they did not even want the Jan 6 Committee to release any footage? If so, then that is news to me!

    Oh. What makes them "crackpots?"

    You just don't like the spotlight being on your man. That's all. And how the hell is it "whataboutism?"

    So you don't believe that the buck stops with the President.

    So why shouldn't that failure be investigated?
  15. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    It's quite likely that you're saying that because you are a Uyger fan. I'm sure that Carlson fans would say that he mopped up Uyger.
  16. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Trump was shown in the media's Jan 6 coverage?
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
  17. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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  18. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Has anyone made the claim that it DOES exonerate them?

    No, you did not quote him saying that "ALL the participants who entered the Capitol Building had permission and were escprted by said police."
  19. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    I bet that video has been used in many trials or arrests.

    Capitol Police Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman further directed that any member whose behavior is not in keeping with the department's Rules of Conduct "will face appropriate discipline."

    Last month, Pittman announced that the department is conducting an investigation after images and videos shared on social media raised questions about the actions of some USCP officers.

    The department "has been actively reviewing video and other open source materials of some USCP officers and officials that appear to be in violation of Department regulations and policies," she said on Jan. 11.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
    WalterSobchak and JCS like this.
  20. DEFinning

    DEFinning Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 25, 2020
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    For one:
    To call something "mostly peaceful," if you did not understand this, does not imply that it is extremely dangerous.
    Which averaged one fire-extinguisher pummelling, for every 2000 protestors? And how many injuries-- concussions, broken bones-- and how many other assaults: taserings, bear sprayings, etc?

    I just want to give your analogy, some context-- you can appreciate that, right?

    That is about as clear an example of a semantically disingenuous argument, as one could make.

    If Tucker only shows the "sightseers," and calls the riot, "mostly peaceful," that is purposefully misleading, basically the same as lying, not setting the record "straight." You cannot make that same charge of the MSM, or J6 Committee, because they both did show these, who were only milling through the lobby. Obviously, though, charged with investigating the attack, the Committee was not going to give that minority of peaceful trespassers, equal time.

    Why should the factual evidence, presented by that Committee, "be politicized" by Tucker, & others of his ilk?

    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
  21. DEFinning

    DEFinning Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 25, 2020
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    Really? You don't remember my pointing you, back to my answer to Ddyad, when you were asking me the same question I'd answered for him, 6 pages earlier? There is no reason, that you should not be able to retrace our conversation, yourself-- it has only just begun!
    But here you go, helpless:

    Page 21, you quoted me:

    DEFinning said: ↑
    So, the allegation, here, is that Sicknick was not killed?

    So, is Tucker going to tell us whose ashes, these were?

    My reply, Page 25:

    DEFinning said: ↑
    I never heard, from anyone in the media, that Sicknick had been "killed that day;" and certainly not from anyone on the J6 Committee, either. So what you all are trying to make, is the Ray Bolger of straw man arguments!

    Your non sequitur response, on pg. 26, was:

    chris155au said: ↑
    Get it now?

    Which I answered, on pg. 27:
    You then quoted my post, to Ddyad, from pg. 21:
    DEFinning said: ↑

    I will give you, that the association made, was only through the coincidence of events, and cannot be verified to have been a cause and effect. And while you can criticize this of the J6 Committee members, and perhaps some other details, about the depictions in the press, I don't know how that gets any reasonable person to the point of thinking, "Oh, so that means it really wasn't an attack on the Capitol, or a riot, or even a violent protest; they had basically just been sightseers." Do you see that conclusion, at the end of this path?

    Which you answered in the page's very next post:
    My question, which your question, does not answer, is: WHAT, then, is your POINT?

    IOW, because you will, no doubt, need them: I already conceded that the connection-- while looking more than coincidental, and while even the coroner cited the stress of the attack as a contributing factor, in the death-- was not definitively the cause of Sicknick's death.

    And so what? Why do you make that point?
    In still other words-- you are making only a point about this one, isolated case of the press, and some member(s) of the Committee, being less than scrupulously accurate, in their language, and are making no point, whatsoever, regarding the overall Capitol attack?

    How about, making a point about the overall Committee investigation/hearings? If so, what is, that overall point, and do you really only have one example, to support it?

    Same question, about the
    news coverage, of January 6th, and of the Committee hearings/investigation.

    Do you,"get it now?"

    P.S.-- Going forward, I will expect you to keep track of your own side of our conversations.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
    WalterSobchak and Bowerbird like this.
  22. DEFinning

    DEFinning Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 25, 2020
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    I totally agree, with your ending statement, but I think the quotes from the FOX depositions, and emails, from the court filings by Dominion, amply show FOX News pushing a narrative, they all knew was false. They clearly state their reason: fear of losing viewers to Newsmax, leading to a decline in their stock price. Granted, this is only one side of the argument, but it is damning. In fact, FOX is not even denying this. Their defense, is basically that some 1964 law, allows them to purposely manipulate & censor information, as you put it, in order to mislead viewers. Have you not seen anything from these filings?
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
    WalterSobchak and Bowerbird like this.
  23. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Proud Boys J6 Sedition Trial Halted After Leaked Chat Logs Show FBI Agent Said Her Boss Ordered Her To "Destroy Evidence"
    'FBI agents questioned whether they could make out a valid "conspiracy and not make a fool of ourselves"...'

    'The feds’ political persecution of the Proud Boys took a wild turn after unintentionally leaked chat logs from FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller revealed she said she was ordered by her boss to “destroy” “338 items of evidence.”'

    Dirtbags Of The FBI

    'The leaked chats also suggest Miller failed to reveal relevant communications to the defense, potentially spied on privileged attorney-client communications and was asked by another agent to “edit out that I was present” during a meeting with a Confidential Human Source Informant.'

    'Concealing evidence. Doctoring evidence. Destroying evidence. Violating attorney-client privilege.'

    'corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Chris Wray' engaged in a seditious conspiracy against the January 6th defendants and the American people as a whole.'
    mngam likes this.
  24. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Oh! Zerohedge = Zerofacts

    Nearly every single source comes back as pseudoscience/conspiracy
  25. DEFinning

    DEFinning Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 25, 2020
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    I will give you that, though it at first looked fake to me, your story is at least real. Your source, according to Politico and CNN, got the story wrong. The female investigator on the Proud Boys case, was not ordered to destroy any evidence. She was putting together unclassified communications, related to this case, for the defense. Instead of the 25 rows of communications, she thought she was sending, somehow thousands of rows more, were hidden in the Excel spreadsheet, including many classified messages. The one about destroying evidence, was sent to the female agent, from another agent, who she claims was not part of the Proud Boys case. Nonetheless, one cannot help but be curious about an order to destroy several hundred pieces of evidence, regardless of whose case it is.



    Assistant U.S. Attorney Jocelyn Ballantine, who is supervising the case for the Justice Department, acknowledged the likely “spill” of classified information Thursday morning. She raised particular concerns about a message sent to Miller by another agent who works on covert activity — and who she said did not work on the Proud Boys case — describing a supervisor’s order to “destroy 338 items of evidence.”

    “That could impact a classified equity,” Ballantine said.

    Defense lawyers cried foul, though, noting that the government’s claims of “classified” material arrived just as the defense sounded the alarm about the content of some of the inadvertently disclosed messages. While Miller testified Wednesday she had produced about “25 rows” of messages, defense lawyers said there were thousands of rows of hidden messages that included contents they contended were directly relevant to their case.

    Some of the messages appeared to reveal that FBI agents accessed contacts between defendant Zachary Rehl and his attorney, which led Miller to tell a colleague she thought Rehl would take his case to trial. In another message, an FBI agent tells Miller, “You need to go into that CHS report you just put and edit out that I was present.” After defense attorneys began to press Miller about the attorney-client messages on Wednesday afternoon, prosecutors objected, and Kelly halted the trial to permit the parties to debate the matter.



    Miller said that after receiving a large excel spreadsheet of messages from the FBI, she filtered out messages unrelated to the case or ones she did not send. She said she submitted her filtered messages to the government, which were then turned over to defense teams as part of routine evidence sharing

    The spreadsheet provided to defense attorneys, however, included a "hidden" cell containing more than 1,000 messages sent from other FBI agents.

    Miller added that the messages are "on the secret side of our system" at the FBI but could not say whether specific messages were classified.

    "What the witness told us is that she filtered messages only sent from her," Ballantine said. "That means that no one has reviewed the messages sent from anyone else on the spreadsheet" to determine whether they contain classified information.

    FBI messages
    One of the messages revealed in court discussed communications between one of the Proud Boys now on trial and his attorney at the time, according to Smith. It's unclear how the FBI had access to the communications and whether the communications are protected by attorney-client privilege.

    "This one definitely indicates they want to go to trial," FBI agent T. Wang wrote, referring to the attorney-client correspondence.

    Other messages discussed different aspects of the Proud Boys' case, according to a court filing by Smith, which included screenshots of some of the messages.

    Several messages discussed whether FBI agents had enough evidence to charge members of the Proud Boys with conspiracy, asking if messages they got from Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio were enough to get "over the hurdle of the conspiracy charge."

    "So long (as) we can actually go after them with conspiracy and not make a fool of ourselves," one message reads, according to the filing.

    Other messages discussed taking the name of an agent, who was present for a meeting with an informant, out of a report as well as an FBI "boss" telling an agent to destroy "338 items of evidence." Ballantine said the discussion of destroying items was unrelated to the Proud Boys case.

    Defense attorneys have been allowed to hold onto the messages while the FBI reviews them, though prosecutors have suggested that they want to submit new spreadsheets with classified information removed and will ask that defense counsel delete the original documents.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023

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