The Confederacy: America's worst idea

Discussion in 'United States' started by magnum, Oct 19, 2010.

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  1. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    A different world yes, but they knew enough to call human beings as "slaves" so the whites were not stupid and they knew exactly what they were doing.

    Did the whites not know right from wrong? did they not know cruelty, barbarism, inhumanity? did they not see and hear the cries of the black people?

    And if by some strange aspect some whites were too stupid to know then there were Abolitionist back then who would have explained it all to anyone interested.

    It does not matter whether you feel guilt or not because the white people in America are guilty of the African slavery.

    And since we whites still today take the profits and privileges derived from our racist crimes of our ancestors through the African slavery and subsequent "Jim Crow laws" then for a white person to deny the guilt makes them more guilty.

    I say black people simply can not be racist against us whites simply because racism is a power position and us whites maintain our power over all others.

    That might change some day but not yet for 300 years or so.

    It is like a mouse can not be prejudice against the cat, even if the mouse hates the cat and perhaps even scratches the cat's nose - because it is always the fault of the cat because the cat controls the power position.

    They try to do what they can.

    And the NAACP is for "colored" people - meaning it is for the advancement of all people of any color and of every color.

    The civil war has been over for 150 years but we do not forget about that.

    It is odd how white folk want to forget about the slavery while wanting to cling to the history of the civil war.

    And the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776, was some 235 years ago but we white folks do not forget about that.

    If as you say we are today to treat other people with justice and honor then we have no right to forget about the barbaric African slavery done in the USA.

  2. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Isn't it odd that white people want to forget about Religious wars in Europe, why not remember about it and keep talking about it every now and then? If you have no even right to forget it then congratulations!

    You're going to feed a never ending hatred that paves the way to nothing more than to new violence, riots, revolutions and wars!
  3. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    I say most people do NOT forget the old religious wars, and surely let us hope and pray that our records of history never do forget such things.

    There is a famous quote that goes like this: "Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat it", and many of us really do want to stop repeating the never ending prejudices of us Caucasians.

    And surely everybody on the planet earth has repeatedly heard over and over again about the unforgettable "Holocaust" against the Jews, as the famous saying goes: "Let us never forget".

    That some white people claim they have a "right" (a right) to forget about the African slavery in the USA is a truly gutless claim.

    Only white people see the remembrance of slavery as a present day threat or as a claim of hatred and that is totally based on the unconscious (or conscious) white guilt. It is unresolved guilt which makes people afraid and defensive, and the way to resolve guilt is to repent thereof including making amends both personally and collectively.

    Some people might see me as being anti-white or me being coldly in disregard of other whites who cling to the old rebel South, but the reality is that we today need to pick and chose our heroes and legends based on their high character and on realistic virtues instead of clinging to the debased ideals of the old antebellum South.

    There is a white claim that some or even many of the rebel soldiers did not even know why they were fighting and knew little about the issues of slavery, but if that were true then in a four (4) year war then surely even a lowly rebel soldier could have asked their Captain as to - why were they shooting at the American Army? under the American flag? so ignorance by choice would not be a virtue.

    We surely must not pretend that the rebel leaders as like the General Lee did not know that the point of their rebellion was to enforce the slavery against the black race (the negro) as declared in the rebel Constitution, LINK, which means Lee was fighting for their racist agenda.

    The one they called as "Stonewall Jackson" was so stone-stupid that his own Men shot him down, and rightly so. It has been reported that Jackson treated his rebel army as if they were his slaves as Jackson demanded strict discipline or else he would whip or beat or torture and executed or whatever suited his whims. He marched his rebel army like pawns until finally his own Men shot him down. Of course there were claims that some how his "disciplined" army did not recognize their General - when the true circumstance was that they shot him three times and that dirty dog took 8 more days before dying.

    There really are true heroes of high character for white Americans to admire and idolize but NOT the ignorant southern cause and its immoral and degenerate leaders who fought to preserve the African slavery in the USA.

    Consider instead the truth of Abe Lincoln who came up out of frontier poverty into the heights of power and position, so that on his re-election where President Lincoln ran for a second term and the American people voted Lincoln into office again after they saw and they knew he was worthy of it. It is even reported that the Union soldiers (the U.S. Army) voted overwhelmingly 70% for Lincoln, link HERE, instead of voting for his challenger the General McClellan, because our American Army supported our great emancipator.

  4. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    I say most people do NOT forget the old religious wars, and surely let us hope and pray that our records of history never do forget such things.

    There is a famous quote that goes like this: "Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat it", and many of us really do want to stop repeating the never ending prejudices of us Caucasians.

    Yes, you’re right. However life says that teaches nothing!
    So this is not a question about history records, but rather human morals and virtue.If both are absent there’s no record of history to help prevent people from repeating mistakes!

    And surely everybody on the planet earth has repeatedly heard over and over again about the unforgettable "Holocaust" against the Jews, as the famous saying goes: "Let us never forget".

    What does it have to do with the war where free people of the South fought for their freedom independence, traditions, history and dignity?

    That some white people claim they have a "right" (a right) to forget about the African slavery in the USA is a truly gutless claim.

    The only right people have is to have rights!
    If somebody chose for brushing history away so be it!
    Otherwise it smacks of totalitarism!
  5. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Only white people see the remembrance of slavery as a present day threat or as a claim of hatred and that is totally based on the unconscious (or conscious) white guilt. It is unresolved guilt which makes people afraid and defensive, and the way to resolve guilt is to repent thereof including making amends both personally and collectively.

    What white people?
    White people in the South, white people in Russia, Ucraine, Poland or where else?

    And what do black people see?
    Do they see their own guilt or see only white people's faults?

    The entire Africa is free.
    So what?
    Wars, violence, tortures, atrocities.

    Are white men to blame for it?

    If they ‘re so good why don’t they settle in peace between black and black people today ?May be your objective is to make people of South to feel guilty ever to acquit the North for ruthless and cruel unleashing the war against the Confederation?
  6. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    There is a white claim that some or even many of the rebel soldiers did not even know why they were fighting and knew little about the issues of slavery, but if that were true then in a four (4) year war then surely even a lowly rebel soldier could have asked their Captain as to - why were they shooting at the American Army? under the American flag? so ignorance by choice would not be a virtue.

    Not too disparaging for soldiers who went to die to the front to protect the Confederacy read their homes without knowing why do they go there?
  7. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    There really are true heroes of high character for white Americans to admire and idolize but NOT the ignorant southern cause and its immoral and degenerate leaders who fought to preserve the African slavery in the USA.

    Real heroes are people that fight to the last ditch, share up their food and ammunition with other people, and protect other soldiers even under the deadly enemies’ fire.

    This is high character and nothing more at least if we talk about wars!
  8. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    The truth of Lincoln...

    Wasn' t he a person to support his home state's law, passed in 1853, forbidding blacks to move to Illinois. The Illinois state constitution, adopted in 1848, called for laws to "effectually prohibit free persons of color from immigrating to and settling in this state."


    Lincoln publicly referred to blacks by the most offensive racial slur. In one speech, Lincoln said he opposed the expansion of slavery into the territories because he didn't want the West "to become an asylum for slavery and n-----s.


    In 1854, Lincoln declared his "first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia; to their own native land." In 1860, Lincoln called for the "emancipation and deportation" of slaves. In his State of the Union addresses as president, he twice called for the deportation of blacks. In 1865, in the last days of his life, Lincoln said of blacks, "I believe it would be better to export them all to some fertile country with a good climate, which they could have to themselves."

    People in the North don't know how deeply involved the North was in slavery". Illinois had one of the worst black codes in America. People don't know that. . . . Black people were hunted like beasts of the field on the streets of Chicago, with Lincoln's support."

    So I see Lincoln objective to enter the war was to prevent the South from getting away but not abolition of slavery as propganda does it's best today to whitewash the start and reasons of the war.

    The idea to free black people later as a new kind of gun during the war!
    Let's send a message and ubdermine the might of our enemies in the South!

    From the strategical point of view a good idea, but from the moral point of view is a bit of hypocritical.
  9. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    It was your self (not I) that brought up religious persecution in Europe, so the Jewish Holocaust is a similar comparison with the African slavery in the USA.

    It was a reference to the white racist people here in the USA.

    As if you could not figure that one out for your self - duh.

    White racist people playing dumb will never receive their desired appreciations.

    In the US Civil War and concerning the African slavery in the USA which is what we are talking about - then of course it was the white people's fault.

    It is not just black people who see this as us honest white folk see it too.

    Since the whites did immorally and violently invade and occupy all of Africa through the white brute force and Africa is still today being negatively affected by the never ending white intrusions then the white crimes are still at fault and to be blamed.

    In example: say a white Man attacks a black woman, so he beats her down, rapes her, steals her money and her property, then the white Man walks away mocking the black Woman by saying she is laying broken in the gutter by her own choice since she is free now.

    The white people invaded Africa centuries ago and took the best and most healthy Africans as slaves, and murdered all who resisted, and divided the continent into areas for white exploitation of every resource, and the whites have never left.

    I do not believe we are saying that the black people are "good" or that they are better then anyone else - no.

    The saying is that the black race has been violently attacked, raped, pillaged, plundered, and more, done by white racism, by white bigotries and done by the unjust white brutalities.

    The black people might not be so "good" but the white people did do horribly wrong.

    The Southern rebels started their war as their rebellion, so the President of the USA ordered the US Army to defend our Union against the racist traitors.

    The South does not need to feel guilty as many of them do not, but the guilt is still real and the honorable thing to do is to admit such wrongs.

    Many people locked in jails and prisons worldwide do not feel guilty for their crimes, but they are still guilty.

    The white cowardice of denying the white guilt is a big factor in preventing our society from moving forward into a better new world.

  10. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    The greatness of Lincoln is like for every person in growing out of their upbringing and improving our own character.

    I myself too was born into our white racist world and I too grew up with the white-man mentality, so it was a blessed salvation for myself to come out of that still ongoing white ignorance.

    Lincoln did NOT start the civil war, and the Southern rebels started their war to preserve the African slavery.

    The rebellion was started to keep the slavery and not to stop it, then later President Lincoln made the ending of that rebellion to be an ending of the slavery too.

    President Lincoln might not have been able to end the slavery without the determined help given by the persistent racist whites who clung to their rebellion where Lincoln created the end of the war to include the end of slavery.

    The strange ironies of this history is why many of us see the hand of God involved.

    "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord .... "

  11. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Since the whites did immorally and violently invade and occupy all of Africa through the white brute force and Africa is still today being negatively affected by the never ending white intrusions then the white crimes are still at fault and to be blamed.

    The only negative military, social and economical factor in Africa is sun!
    A child born in Africa has no advantage against a child born in America or France or Canada because of continuos heat and sun that takes away all his power!

    As to assumption that white crimes are still to be blamed ther's no color distinction between crimes to be punished!

    In example: say a white Man attacks a black woman, so he beats her down, rapes her, steals her money and her property, then the white Man walks away mocking the black Woman by saying she is laying broken in the gutter by her own choice since she is free now.

    A strange example is this!

    The white people invaded Africa centuries ago and took the best and most healthy Africans as slaves, and murdered all who resisted, and divided the continent into areas for white exploitation of every resource, and the whites have never left.

    The white people inavaded a country and took the best and most of it's resources and murdered all local people who resisted, and divided the continent into areas for white exploitation of every resource, and the whites have never left. Today this country is called USA. Local people are injuns. So being completely franc why not to talk about it? Many states belonging with Mexica fell into American hands due to a war which was a pure violence !

    Why you say nothing about it?
    Rascism is not only when a white man rapes a black woman.
    Where everything happens vice versa it's called the same way- rascism!

    The saying is that the black race has been violently attacked, raped, pillaged, plundered, and more, done by white racism, by white bigotries and done by the unjust white brutalities.

    The black people might not be so "good" but the white people did do horribly wrong.

    Yes the men who pillage are nothing than a bunch of thugs.
    On the other hand many white nations, people, entire countries have been violently attacked, raped, pillaged, plundered, and more, done by white racism and not only rascism by white bigotries and done by the unjust white brutalities.

    So what?
    Keep talking about it, writing new books, shooting new movies?
    Are you really sure it will help?

    The Southern rebels started their war as their rebellion, so the President of the USA ordered the US Army to defend our Union against the racist traitors.

    The South does not need to feel guilty as many of them do not, but the guilt is still real and the honorable thing to do is to admit such wrongs.

    Many people locked in jails and prisons worldwide do not feel guilty for their crimes, but they are still guilty.

    The white cowardice of denying the white guilt is a big factor in preventing our society from moving forward into a better new world.

    I think British invaders tracking Washington and his army thought them to be rebels and traitors! I thinl Washington thought it just the other way about.
    However British forces didn't stop to see him as a traitor and rebel!

    So calling names is not a matter of fact as so often but a matter of liking!

    If you go on with keeping blaming people for the attrocities you'll put the interracial conflicts in USA on a continuos boil!
  12. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    I never ever say to discount the white crimes against the American Indians or against the Mexican Americans and I agree that these racist bigotries done by whites do need to be remembered and spoken and repented thereof.

    It is just that this thread and the US Civil War were fought to preserve the African slavery and later ended with ending the slavery.

    Other white racist crimes need to be on a separate thread topic.

    That is not accurate, and rape is a crime but it is not really a crime of racism.

    Of course in some cases whites have used rape as a weapon of their racism, but since the whites still hold the power position then it does not work vise versa as you claim. Some black person might be guilty of rape as a crime but it would not be an act of racism based on the female being white.

    As like told before in that the cat striking the mouse is aggression while the mouse striking the cat is not, so too racism can not be separated from the power position.

    It is a matter of faith that such does help and not harm, being faith in truth, justice, righteousness are always helpful.

    And it is also based on the faith that evil never helps and always does harm, as in lies, racism, cowardice will always do harm.

    When people like your self are afraid of honest information then the problem is within your own kind.

    I do believe that George Washington and all on his side knew that he himself and his side were indeed all traitors and rebels and they were proud of it.

    The US "Declaration of Independence" is chock-full of their reasons for their betrayal:

    "We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved;"
    Link =

    Many white people say that but it is utterly based on the white's self inflicted fear and not from any real threat.

    The reason the USA has continued to have racial problems ever after the civil war and onward after the "Jim Crow laws" and still today is because the white cling to the white ideals of superiority and the justification of white racism.

    If I do anything wrong then I do get blame for it, and rightly so, and it would be gutless of me to deny any rightful blame.

    The white people did the slavery and the "Jim Crow" and the never yet ending white racism against every other race with particular prejudice against the African race, so the whites who try to hide our rightful blame and fault are being gutless and worse.

    And the white denials only prolong and increase the white guilt, and it is not like anybody believes the denials.

    The white lies are not hiding the truth from anybody.

  13. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    To add a little more:

    We can look at Germany who were giving huge blame for the Holocaust and for supporting Hitler the Nazis and making World War and today Germany does not boil.

    Link = Germany After the Holocaust.

    And in South Africa they created the "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" link, so then the people and their society moved onward.

    Only the white mentality expects violent retribution because the white mentality projects our own violent barbarism onto other people even when they mean us no harm at all.

    This is one of those examples why racism is not a strength and not a virtue, as our white racist ideals only make us more weak and defensive and cruel.

  14. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    I'm late to the conversation, but would like to put up a few facts.

    The War Between the States was not fought over slavery. Only 4 Southern states mention slavery in their secession documents. What about the rest?

    This country was formed by a voluntary union of sovereign states. It was a legal right to secede if any chose to. The right for a people to secede was recently affirmed by US recognition of South Sudan, a nation formed from secession.

    "After so much struggle by the people of South Sudan, the United States of America welcomes the birth of a new nation. Today is a reminder that after the darkness of war, the light of a new dawn is possible. A proud flag flies over Juba and the map of the world has been redrawn. These symbols speak to the blood that has been spilled, the tears that have been shed, the ballots that have been cast, and the hopes that have been realized by so many millions of people. The eyes of the world are on the Republic of South Sudan. And we know that southern Sudanese have claimed their sovereignty, and shown that neither their dignity nor their dream of self-determination can be denied."

    Barak Obama July 9, 2011

    Lincoln was much a racist as anyone.

    His EP only freed slaves in rebel held territory. It did not free the slaves in Union held territory in the South or in border states.

    New Jersey did not ratify the 13th amendment until after several Southern states had already done so (January 23, 1866). New Jersey also had slavery at the beginning of the war.

    Lee freed all his slaves before the war began. Grant kept his (actually owned through his wife Julia) until 1865.

    A telling quote by Lincoln on the cause for war.

    "But what am I to do in the meantime with those men at Montgomery [meaning the Confederate constitutional convention]? Am I to let them go on... [a]nd open Charleston, etc., as ports of entry, with their ten-percent tariff. What, then, would become of my tariff?" ~ Lincoln to Colonel John B. Baldwin, deputized by the Virginian Commissioners to determine whether Lincoln would use force, April 4, 1861.

    Interesting to note that no other country fought a war to free its slaves. Also, of note , the entire US was a 'racist' country and it flies in the face of reason to think that such a country would spill its blood to free those it considered inferior.

    "I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races [applause]: that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." -- Reply by Abraham Lincoln to Stephen A. Douglas in the first joint debate, Ottowa, IL; 21 Aug 1858
  15. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    You are not just late, but you bring in the same tired dribble that has already been rebutted and debunked.

    The rebel war was started by the Southern traitors with the intent of saving and preserving the slavery forever.

    The beginning of that rebel war was to keep the slavery, and later our President Lincoln turned the end of that war into an end for the slavery.

    The US was a racist Country but we still had many decent people who over ruled the racist.

  16. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    I can see by your not directly answering anything I said that you don't really have an answer for anything. For someone with nothing to say, you sure talk a lot.

    The 'tired dribble' I use is well documented. Your blathering is just your own myopic view.

    By your post, it's obvious that you are one of the 'yes buts'. As in, YES, you are
    right BUT my ego won't let me agree with you.

    Before you bother to post again, why not come here with some factual data to support your ridiculous claims. I will be happy to reply to each and every one of them in a factual way. We can do this as long as you like. I've got time.
  17. Never Left

    Never Left Banned

    Mar 23, 2009
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    Sorry. White guilt is for losers. Thats just how I feel. Sounds like history ala Howard Zinn, which is obviously, incompetent history if it is at all history. We "white folks" built a free society and laid the ground work for the ever expanding possibilities of freedom and liberty for all. Other than felling guilty, you are doing nothing to advance the promise, only mouring that it has b=not happened fully yet. So, you are part of the problem and none of the solution. If you want to feel guilty, feel guilty about that.

    BTW, slavery has existed in Africa for thousands of years, the black oppressors of other blacks were greatful fo an outlet for their captured enemies that they sold into slavery all over the known world at the time, or they were allowed to starve to death in those horrible prisons. Either way, they were rid of them. Get a clue. History is repleat with monsterous deeds. And, BTW, I do not hear you snivel about the 6 million that Papa Joe Stalin murdered in the 20's and 30's with collectivization of agriculture, and lets not neglect the daily atrosities of Islam. Again, get a clue. To people like you, only America has ever committed an atrosity, that is utter leftist loser BS and that describes Howard Zinn's histoical commentary as well.
  18. Rexody

    Rexody Member

    May 31, 2011
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    This is not even an utter leftist loser BS.

    This is just a well hidden hate to America and it's real history!

    Such people happen to live in many countries.

    We're right, we're good, we' re're not right, you're not good, you're not nice because we want it this way!
    Never Left and (deleted member) like this.
  19. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    I say my own posting quoted above is the most accurate and gives the most pertinent info and from this the discussion is settled.

    It gives the realistic history and links to back up the info and it is irrefutable.

  20. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    All you did was post some election results, the Confederate Constitution and your own commentary.

    The CSA Constitution was signed in 1861. At that time, Lincoln was saying his purpose was to preserve the union, nothing more.

    "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union." (Letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862)


    "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." (1st Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861)

    Given the above WELL DOCUMENTED quotes, and the time frame of them, how can you assign a moral high ground to Lincoln? Morality isn't the point in this, anyway. It's about what is LEGAL, and we are supposed to be a nation of LAWS. Slavery was LEGAL at the time, as was secession. I showed the right to secession being affirmed by Obama in an earlier post, not to mention that the states entered the union voluntarily and could not be forced to remain if they chose to leave. This all points to an ILLEGAL war started by Lincoln, thus the term "War of Northern Aggression".

    Come back later when you have something that appeals to other than your own self-satisfied mind.
  21. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    You post that as if it is some secret information instead of common knowledge which it is.

    It would be like saying the USA fought Nazi Germany in self defense and NOT to stop the Jewish Holocaust - well duh - they declared war on us.

    The Civil War was started by the Southern rebels for their own purposes which was to preserve their slavery of the "negro" as stated in their racist rebel Constitution, and President Lincoln led the Union in self defense against the rebellion by traitors. It came later that President Lincoln turned the end of that war into ending the slavery and then he became the great emancipator of America.

    Simple history lesson here.

    Abraham Lincoln gets the moral high ground because he used his wits, skill, legality, and his position to turn an immoral rebellion into a huge moral victory.

    I sincerely see that as one of the most shallow ignorant claims which I have ever seen.

    That our President Obama's speech somehow gives justification or qualification to the old US Southern States rebellion of 150 years ago - is just absolutely absurd and ridiculous.

    It is fine with me that the never ending white racist still cry about the "Northern Aggression" because us loyal Americans are proud of rightfully whooping down the racist rebel scum, and rightly so.

    But the "War" belongs to the Southern rebels who started their rebellion.

    The rebels were quite proud of their rebellion when they first started it, but then later after getting their rightful whooping then they cried about the war, and rightly so.

    Our great General Sherman knew how to give the white-trash something to remember, and by God he was right.

  22. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    If ignorance was taxable, you, Sir, would would have a most heavy burden.

    You have not presented one factual thing...not one. Since you can't seem to come up with any, here's another one for you to 'thoroughly debunk'.

    "Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable,-- most sacred right--a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government, may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own, of so much of the territory as they inhabit. More than this, a majority of any portion of such people may revolutionize, putting down a minority, intermingled with, or near about them, who may oppose their movement. Such minority, was precisely the case, of the tories of our own revolution."

    Abraham Lincoln... In a speech before the House.... January 12, 1848
  23. JP Cusick

    JP Cusick New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    Again you present your posting as if you are giving some new revelation or new insight when it is not.

    If you think that you or States or people have a "right" to rebel or secede then that is fine, but the opposing side has an equal if not superior "right" to resist that rebellion and even to crush it out.

    When the USA rebelled from the British Empire then the British had their right to fight back.

    So when the Southern rebels in the USA rebelled then the Union Army had the right to resist that rebellion.

    As said by Lincoln and as told in all of world history that the "right" depends on having "the power" to make it happen.

    When the Southern rebels lost their war then they lost their "right" accordingly.

    Even today we all still have the right to rebel as that is the true meaning of the US Constitutional right given in the 2nd Amendment - that people have the right to bear arms against the injustices which might come from our gov.

    You seem to be saying that the Southern right to rebel and to secede some how excludes the Union's right to fight back and crush the rebellion.

    I say the Southern mentality was perverted by the slavery, because with the slaves the white people felt they could rape and torture and kill human beings without resistance, so when the Union Army fought back then the rebels were humbled in spirit and in mind along with beaten on the battle field.

  24. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    YOu can say a lot of things but the 14th amendment sets up slavery when it states that you have no say so in the debt.

    That is one of many things the south was fighting to prevent.

    Institutionalized slavery of the people of this country
  25. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Brevity isn't your strong suit, but all you're really saying is might makes right. What that amounts to is nothing more than barbarism. Whatever happened to us being a nation of laws?

    You have chosen to completely ignore all facts and just scapegoat the South, as if somehow that absolves your kind of any guilt. Let's forget that slavery began in America in New England in the 1600's. Let's forget that African slaves were brought here on ships flying the US flag. Let's forget that the Northern Army used blacks as cannon fodder. Let's forget the lynchings of blacks in New York during the riots of 1863. Let's just forget anything that doesn't conform to your eyes wide shut point of view.

    You might want to reflect on your 'might makes right' logic and see how that applies to your own life. Political prisoner? Bah!! I say you got everything you deserved. Your own personal rebellion failed, and rightly so. Be sure to thank The Great Abraham for it.

    Deo Vindice !!
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