The fix is in, con power now backs Perry, and Willard will soon wilt.

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by conBgone, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    It's dream over for flippin and floppin Willard Romney, tho he had a chance anyway

    It'll be a dejected flipper merely going thru the motions for another year, but the deciders are going for Perry. They know Willard isn't as hard core whacko con as they need. Too bad for them and the blissfully blind deciples that Perry will be shooting off his mouth and blowing off his feet no matter how much they try to keep him corralled.

    America is waking up, finally, and with the economy defying con obstruction by insisting on not completely dying but instead recovering yet again, we'll see Obama cruising to another victory lap.
  2. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    In trips to Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania — all states that he carried in 2008 — members of Congress were notably missing from the president’s side. Though none came out and said they were deliberately avoiding him, they didn’t have to: Dodging a presidential candidate who’s riding low in the polls is a time-honored political practice.

    The past three elections — the Sept. 13 House special elections in New York and Nevada and the Oct. 4 West Virginia gubernatorial special election — haven’t done much to inspire confidence about Obama’s ability to help the entire ticket: The president was unquestionably an anchor on the Democratic nominees in each race.

    For Obama, who has led a charmed political life since bursting onto the national stage in 2004 — he was in high demand on the campaign trail even before he won his Senate seat that year — it’s a harbinger of a humbling election year to come.

    In North Carolina, only Sen. Kay Hagan, who isn’t up for reelection until 2014, and veteran Rep. Mel Watt, who represents a majority black district, appeared with the president. The state’s six other Democratic House members took a pass, offering a variety of excuses.

    “[Obama] may end up being Walter Mondale of 1984,” said Raleigh-based Democratic strategist Brad Crone, recalling that the only elected official who risked being seen with the party’s nominee that year was the longtime agriculture commissioner.

    When Obama visited Pittsburgh, Pa., two weeks ago, the story was much the same — no members of Congress to be found. Though two of southwestern Pennsylvania’s three Democratic congressmen greeted the president on the airport tarmac, neither of them attended any of the public events Obama held, choosing instead to return to Washington.

    “Southwest Pennsylvania has become over time a difficult place for Democrats because of the perception they are left of center,” said T.J. Rooney, a former Pennsylvania Democratic Party chairman and state legislator.

    Some Democrats believe that attempts to keep a distance from the president can only backfire. Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell called it “political idiocy” for Democrats to purposefully avoid a president from their own party.

    You might want to spread the word a bit more...:)
  3. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Another uselss piece of gobblygook from the liberal contingent. And who is Willard? That Willard Scott who did the weather report? How's it feel to be sitting in fear that your most failed president of America will soon be departed? How's our economy doing at the moment and for the next and last year of your messiah's socialist reign? LOL! Get a clue pal. Oh yeah, how was our economy doing when obama and co controlled both houses of congress for nearly two years?
  4. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Funny thing is, he was more popular then, then he is now,,,and he LOST I am a bit confused by the optimism...
    I'm sure he is a very nice guy, just in the wrong happens. They said ''YOUR PERFECT!!!

    He believed it......
  5. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I hope you didn't waste a dime on that!

    Your ignorence is truly impressive. At least you spelled clue correctly, now go find your own.

    The economy is rebounding yet again under Obama, dispite the Herculean efforts of your guys to kill it off completely. We said goodbye to the most failed president, and his Dick of a VP a few years back, and we don't want a repeat in '12. Say goodnite, Gracie!

    You mean those two years of record numbers of con filibusters and total obstruction?

    Kiss your hopes for a con-taminated '12 future. With con power now taking out Willard in favor of wackjob Perry, it's a golden road for liberal America.
  6. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Wow, what parallel universe are you living in? Good grief, do you libs actually believe this shiite?
  7. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Facts are never a waste, you have only expressed an opinion...The man has a terrible approval, and he Lost Congress.....

    Some think he just misplaced it,,,nope, Lost!
  8. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Well, it's a long way from being over. And Republicans are going to fully support whoever our candidate ends us being. But it's pretty clear right now that the Obama gang wants to run against Romney; not Perry. And that gives Republicans a pretty good idea who we should get behind and why. I think Obama and his gang think beating Romney will be easier than beating Perry. I think their plans are to beat Romney over the head as a hypocrite about his healthcare claiming, and rightly so, that it was the prototype for ObamaCare. But they are afraid of Perry----afraid they cannot match up with him on creation of jobs, lower taxes, and cutting spending. They know he can beat them on all that---and Texas has one of the largest economies in the world.

    If what you claim was true, we'd see the liberal press and the Obama administration going after Romney....because they would WANT Perry to be their challenger. So, when the liberal media starts pushing Romney and giving him a break by not coming after him ....that tells me one thing: the liberals and Obama WANT to go up against Romney; not Perry. Besides, Romney has nothing new to offer. Perry has a great, new, long-overdue tax plan, plans to keep spending low, and proven ways in which to create jobs that he will use nationally. Citizens should realize by now that IF we don't do some drastic things pretty soon, we'll end up like Greece or worse. It's going to require some amount of sacrifice from ALL of us, but it has to happen before we can turn this economy around.

    We cannot just keep on spending and printing money.
  9. BTeamBomber

    BTeamBomber Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Nah, liberals are in a pretty good driving seat right now as far as the presidential election goes (Congress, not so sure). The GOP is clearly fractured, and if a Ron Paul or someone else decides to go independent for election, they'll pull more votes from the right than the left. Here are some things to think about right now.

    -If the election were today, it would be a push between Obama and any theoretical candidate, and that's while Obama holds his lowest polling numbers ever. Unfortunately for the right, the election ISN'T today.
    -Most economical downturns last no more than 3-4 quarters. That means that the last 2 quarters of slow growth will be a thing of the past come November of next year. If Obama is showing solid economical recovery and returns, then even the slightest bump will put him ahead of the GOP candidates, who can't even muster an advantage against him while he's at his lowest ratings.
    -Obama hasn't even really started campaigning AGAINST anyone yet. Right now, most on the right are concerned about their own candidates (who are subsequently ripping each others throats out at unprecedented levels). Most don't listen to Obama speeches or realistically pay attention to policies enacted. Once the real debates start next August, BO will be touting some major positive policies with Independents. Osama Bin Laden, Check. Ghadaffi, Check. Out of Iraq, Check. Gains in Afganistan, Check. Energy policies in place, Check. Healthcare passed, Check. DADT gone, Check. Education reform, possibly. Jobs bill either passed or rejected by the GOP, Check. Budget reduction through 2012, Check. These will all be positives next year that aren't getting talked about right now, because everyones talking about 9-9-9, occupy Wall Street and 20% flat taxes. When Obama's record is on the table as a big picture, unfortunately, the right doesn't have a chance.

    Its time to accept the fact that the GOP at best has (the antithesis but in voter strength) a John Kerry type (Romney/Hunstman), Jesse Jackson type (Cain), George W Bush type (Perry), Geraldine Ferraro type (Bachman), or Ralph Nader type (Paul) as their best chance against Obama (Reagan). Thats not going to cut it if the economy is on any kind of upswing and spending cuts are actually in place by this time next year, WITHOUT higher taxes on the lower classes.

    Its time for some perspective conservatives. I know you hate the man the want our country to burn to the ground simply so that you can be right about your flawed instincts, but he's not been nearly as bad as his predecessor, despite working in a MUCH more volatile environment.
  10. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Putting Obama in the same sentence with Reagan is laughable. Obama is no Reagan
  11. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Yep Obama is no Reagan... but Reagan didnt have a crashed economy and two wars to deal with did he. He did have that whole Iran-Contra Thing and he did train and arm the people who would become the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Reagan would be shunned by todays Ultra rightwing G.O.P anyway.. look at his tax record and his stance that the rich should pay their fair share... he would be laughed off the stage by all the Rush's and Orielly's and the idiot fanbase would follow the mantra.

    I cant help but imagine what Obama could have accomplished if he would have had the support of at least his own party. The only thing the Republicans didnt play obstruction politics on was Obama's war activities and guess what happened.... Obama did it better than any of them. He was at the helm when Bin Laden was killed... When a dictator came up that Big -Oil didnt like(Qaddafi).. he went in used all the options at his disposal and got rid of him without commiting a single U.S troop and spent a total of 1 billion odd dollars doing he given any credit for the masterful way he handled Libya?.. Hell no the punksin the G.O.P even find criticism there when all their efforts at mirror senarios failed so miserably. Bush spent about 100 billion to capture Saddam.. and 400 billion later.. we are still there and failed to kill Bin Laden another 300 billion dollars and a couple of thousand american lives later.

    I am no fan of Obama.. but I find the republican party is just as ..or more repulsive. How anybody can see what the republican party has been about throughout the past 30 years and especially during the past 3 years in which everything they have been doing.. and saying (literally) has been about making sure Obama fails at everything he does no matter what the cost to the country.

    They knew that after 8 years of Bush, if a Democrat came up (and a blackman too boot) and did a decent job.. that would be the end of Neo-con influence in politics... the only option for the selfserving was to make sure he failed no matter how much it hurt this country economically and culturally.

    This country is as divided and at war with itself since anytime before and after the civil war. One thing is for sure, if the status-quo Democrats or the Status-quo Republicans remain in power this country will solidify its descent and status as a third world banana-republic.
  12. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I know you hate the news, but I hope you enjoy the bitter truth. The small guy won't feel it much until after the election, but the big boys are getting that smile again.

    It's not nearly as bad as you wish, it's actually on the rise, plus there's more than a year to go and the con-didates are already cooked. That's hella Martha Stewart good thing.

    The excentric con core can't stand Romney! Plus he's a Mormon! He doesn't need a 3rd strike, he's out.
    Cain'ts a joke.
    Perry has the blind whore credentials the nutty core and his new team are looking for, but they know he'll self-destruction daily and are desperately searching for a new messiah. They know they've F'd themselves and can't find a new sucker to be the latest flavor.

    Perry?! They'd be happy to take on the entire con field at once! There is nothing to look at with these con choices, and we've just started!

    Name anything they propose/support that exists anywhere between merely crummy, and Pluto. To rally behind a single con prop is silly at best and an automatic loser from the start.

    Crimeny sakes, they both beat themselves and Obama hasn't even looked at these lame players yet. I say there will be someone that will enter the fray and give new hope for cons, it's the biggest opening in US political history.

    Willard has been all over the map on his own plan, he can't laser focus for more than a week on anything.

    OMG, with every probe the Perry legacy erupts with maggots. He's the most vulnerable of the bunch, and THAT'S saying something! Cronyism and bottom-barrel sellout reigns in the Perry admin.

    Romney ALWAYS has something new to offer, on repeated subjects. Flipiddy flopiddy.

    Perry is nothing but more for the richest. His plans don't wash unless you're a fat cat.

    How would the US markets and all business' currently react to economic radicalism? Terribly! With the Obama malaise there is no good fix, but to let it all force itself into spending and creating. We'll not get to Greece unless they continue violence against good ol' American protest by hurting citizens like in Oakland. Civil war is lurking.

    Sure we can.

    I like that as much as Lindt white chocolate truffels ...with a smoooooth filling.

    Yet another big point for Obama.
  13. birddog

    birddog New Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    I remember four years ago when McCain was thought to be out of it. Cain will not be the nominee, and neither will Romney. Therefore, Perry will slip in, and this time, His Fraudship Obama will lose!
  14. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Yes a bit, he got a small bump for being thrown out of Iraq..LOL We have seen this before and like before it will fade... , but remember this my friend his approval numbers have been inflated for the longest time. They have Associated Press for example that polls mostly Democrats,,,fair and balanced...LOL, and Gallup has been in the bag for ages, and most of the media as well. I would suggest he is no doubt five points Lower then he actually shows, and what he does show is not good at all.
    It's Independents that call the Presidency, they have for ages.

    21 days ago
    Poll: Romney holds advantage over Obama among independents
    Posted by
    CNN's Ashley Killough

    Washington (CNN) - A majority of independent voters said they would vote for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney or lean toward Romney in a hypothetical 2012 matchup against President Barack Obama, a new poll says.

    Fully 54% of independent voters surveyed by the Pew Research Center said they would support Romney, while fewer, 41%, said they would choose the president.

    That's 13 points,,,,,,,,13 points!!!!

    He wont win those independents back, according to the article it's a vote AGAINST Obama, not especially for Romney, that means they are fairly dug in....they want him OUT!
    Just like when Bush Lost, they were never going to vote for him....same thing with Obama. Also, Romney is their kind of Candidate, a moderate. Obama is NO MODERATE!

    Now I realize people are trying to avoid Looking at the independent numbers, they know they call all the races. However that's the reality, the man has no chance. When you can show us a HUGE shift, then I might agree. Thirteen points at this stage of the game is highly doubtful,,,,,,,HIGHLY!
  15. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    He got squat for Iraq, and had the Iraqis enforced the original no amnesty demands of BushCo pre-invasion, there would never have been a single US boot set foot there.

    We've seen the economy completely reverse from Bush's term for a 2nd time under Obama, it's about to explode, just the uncertainty caused by con obstruction is what stalls it.

    Even if he was at 30% it would be OK, he's got a whole friggin year to spotlight con hate/stupidity, and exec order this country back on track and back in favor.

    The masses are not happy with Obama, but they know the cons are the real problem. Only that stubborn 30% that will never give him his fair due are holding out.

    Looking at polls for yet another 6 months is silly. They don't reflect election day reality.

    Today's polls show Obama ahead of top runner Romney, and Romney will be falling as the heat rises.

    cons will not get the Hispanic vote, critical blow, and unless they sprout a Reagan they have nobody to prop up.
    Dems should be pretty stoked, and cons frantic.
  16. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Actually, considering all that is going on... I'd say Obama actually rivals Reagan (as a leader and as one who communicates to the majority of Americans).
  17. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Actually consider what isn't going on.
    The war on terrorism hasn't ended..If you kill a few rats without taking the food and hiding areas away the rats will return..ask any farmer.
    The job creation acts haven't created jobs..but paid for support for Obama.
    The nation is more divided..protest in the streets.
    The debt hasn't gone away..
    Getmo is still around..
    and health care and fuel cost are going through the roof.
    Food and clothing cost are higher and wages are not.
    Home values continue to stagnate.
    I think a better plan is needed..
    and stop following the current one.
  18. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Romney and Obama are at a virtual tie...

    And remember the other candidates are still around. As those candidates dwindle Romney will pick up,,,it always happens. I cant say what the future brings except all the economists say the economy will not get better before the election, I am not aware of one that says different. However the independents are the most accurate way of knowing how a candidate is doing, and the fact is Obama is losing them badly...
    As far as the Latino vote it will be better for the Repubs than last election, and same thing with the black vote,,the turnout will be smaller. Once again this is where the independents come in, and the only thing you are saying is that it will change,,but that's not a fact, is it?
    Rapunzel and (deleted member) like this.
  19. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    So, are these people suddenly running to aid Perry's campain doing so by chance or were they directed by GOP headquarters to push Perry?

    I'm not a Republicans but from what I've seen of the GOP, the Republican National Committee, in the past few years they are completely out of touch and have been nominating the wrong people for the wrong reasons.

    Palin, the young unknown strong-woman, for McCain's vice President?

    Michael Steele because they wanted a black, Obama clone face after the 2008 election?

    Surely even Republicans can agree that the choices are scary and their judgment is questionable? Well, I wonder what the Republican voters will say about that in a few months....
  20. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Dont woorry be happy.

    Cain wins in Alabama !
    50 %
    over Paul 45 %..Everyone else should just drop out.

    The true Republican guys are revealed.
    Iowa will be more of the same.

    Romney should be the 3rd party candidate and prove the idiots wrong.

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