something else i wanted to point out but did not have enough room to do so is decades ago,the CIA did control the mainstream media but yeah,they dont know,the zionist jews got more powerful than the CIA and they are the ones that control it now.The CIA doesnt care because they brought in nazis after world war two to work for them.they are an evil organization as well.they work hand in handtogether with the Israli mossad which I know you already knew.
yes you are right.I just learned that myself about a month ago or so and am new to that information so I did not want to mention that on the chance that you might be jewish and I might offend you and also because I would not be able to back that up since again,I am new to that fact.There are good jews out there.they are true jews.its the ZIONIST jews that are bad people.the american sheople just dont get that. I am impressed with your knowledge on this.Most females I talk to on the net are ignorant about 9/11 and the jews controlling the media and all.I have only spoke to a handful over the years that really understand all that like you do so this is a nice refreshing change for me. Yeah I would love to learn from you very much on this since i am new to that fact and trying to figure it out so it would be fun for me to learn from you.someone who is female for a change.that would be quite an honor for me.:smile::handshake:
I don't believe the official version of 9/11. Not even a little bit, thanks. Jews control our media, not the CIA. Perhaps I could teach you a thing or two. :)
Hello saw that you visited me again recently.again thank you.when you say nic,are you referring to my user name? speaking of that,I assume you know my user name is the truth? It may seem bizarre to think our government could do that.many american sheople have the ignorant thought that because it SOUNDS absurd,that automatically means it did not happen is their logic they they wont look at the evidence and facts when you present it to them. If your answer is no,then that tells me you dont know the TRUE facts of the case and thats okay because our CIA controlled media,only tells you what THEY want you to I right,that you dont know much about 9/111 other than what our CIA controlled media has spoonfed the american people? I would like to share the facts with you about the case if you dont mind? am I right that you dont know much about the case other that what the lamestream media has lied to everyone about?
Hello.I noticed you were a visitor to my webpage and just wanted to say thanks for visiting.I echo the thoughts of B.Larset.I also want to welcome you to the forum and also hope you enjoy your stay here.I see that you are friends with Larset and Jack Napier so I figure you must be a pretty cool okay gal who is awake and understands BOTH parties are corrupt?
Hello, not sure how I found your page I seen your ID on someone elses profile page I think. Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy it here Lisa.