Once I have the technology to do it, I'm going to claim the sun as my property. I could block earth's view to it without violating anyone's...
Looks like a state of the art road in Longshedvillage. How often do the two of you travel it by horse carriage to extract fees from your vassals?
You need to wrap you mind around the fact that land rent (capitalized as land value) IS the markets high bid for that quality of land, and as the...
You're able to charge more annually because the market rent has goes up, not because you are pass on the property tax.
Geofree will agree with you that the landowner greedily expects a free ride as the community makes land valuable for him. You failed to address,...
What a stupid statement. Inflow gets cut -> Sales value declines Land's current assessed value is based on its owner being able to keep most of...
I'm not surprised that you dodge my question and immediately try to shift attention to "house and yard". Owning land is inherently a monopoly, no...
1 landowner with an enormous amount of highly valuable land 10 landowners with the same total amount of highly valuable land as the one landowner...
Are you really incapable of understanding the difference in impact on other people between owning a product of labor like a car and owning an area...
Only in your delusional imagination, as urban land is worth more than farm land. Are you one of those clowns who does not know the difference...
A person who doesn't understand the difference between property that secures a person's right to the fruits of his labor and property that...
[ATTACH] Apparently this picture is just my imagination, since there is no feasible way to own a building without owning the land the building...
That has nothing to do with Geoism. Whatever it is that you are arguing against, it is not Geoism. Land is neither produced nor invented. How...
Oh, noes, your freeloading would come to an end. The system is not in sync with your greed? GOOD!
So, when a landowner gets publicly created land rent for contributing absolutely nothing to the economy and has no legal obligation to satisfy any...
Separate names with a comma.