Thank you I clicked in the link for rules when I first joined, but they did not open I read them this morning.
Hello Ben Thinkin and welcome to the forum. I am going to give you a link to the forum rules for a reference. This rule may be of some help in thread creation. (2) Creating threads: We will be taking a hard line with new threads, to keep the board from drowning in substanceless threads. The point of the forum is *discussion*; threads that don't promote discussion will likely be deleted. In particular, the following types of threads risk being deleted without notice: One-liner threads Threads containing just videos with little or no commentary (it's the video version of a one-liner) Threads that do nothing but promote the poster's blog or other outside site. Threads that lack elaboration, links or other content that might actually lead to discussion. Duplicate threads. We'll merge threads, within reason. But if there are already six threads on a topic, we'll probably just delete the seventh rather than go through the effort of merging it. If you want to avoid that, use the search function to check whether a thread already exists before starting a new one. Respectfully, Falena Site Advisor