bigfella's Recent Activity

  1. bigfella liked The Scotsman's post in the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    ...yeah but you have to admire his drive and creativity at being irrelevant...he works very hard at it!

    Jul 26, 2024 at 9:06 AM
  2. bigfella liked The Mello Guy's post in the thread Top Dems threatened to forcibly remove Biden from office unless he resigned, set him up to fail.

    Especially if he lost. He’s never lost anything and shown any sort of grace or acceptance.

    Jul 26, 2024 at 8:38 AM
  3. bigfella liked The Ant's post in the thread Crooks Was a Leftist: GAB Account Exposed.


    Jul 26, 2024 at 7:18 AM
  4. bigfella liked omni's post in the thread Crooks Was a Leftist: GAB Account Exposed.

    He didn't vote in the primary when Trump was running though. He voted in the 2022 primary when Trump was not on the ticket.

    Jul 26, 2024 at 3:18 AM
  5. bigfella liked Arkanis's post in the thread Crooks Was a Leftist: GAB Account Exposed.

    Records show Crooks was registered as a Republican voter in Pennsylvania....

    Jul 26, 2024 at 3:02 AM
  6. bigfella liked Alwayssa's post in the thread Crooks Was a Leftist: GAB Account Exposed.

    From your own healdline, it used the word "likely" which means it cannot be verified 100% as true, accurate and complete. A GAB account is for a social media app that...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 3:01 AM
  7. bigfella replied to the thread Harris v. Trump polling.

    He will try something, she will be able to respond in kind. He is a criminal and sexual predator. I am sort of hoping he just gives in to his instincts & goes after her race &...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 2:18 AM
  8. bigfella liked yardmeat's post in the thread Zillow Estimates Plummet 21% in Texas and Florida: Housing Markets in Freefall.

    In before a conservative on this forum who blamed Biden for high housing costs now blames him for low housing costs.

    Jul 26, 2024 at 12:43 AM
  9. bigfella replied to the thread J.D. Vance Has a Negative Favorable Rating.

    OUCH! It is going to be an interesting campaign.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 10:16 PM
  10. bigfella liked Pro_Line_FL's post in the thread J.D. Vance Has a Negative Favorable Rating.

    Yep. Sarah Palin Part-II in theatres near you.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 10:14 PM
  11. bigfella liked The Mello Guy's post in the thread J.D. Vance Has a Negative Favorable Rating.

    Strangely he named 2 people who do have kids. Kamala has step kids and Major Pete adopted kids. So he’s attacking step parents and adoption also.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 10:13 PM
  12. bigfella liked yardmeat's post in the thread J.D. Vance Has a Negative Favorable Rating.

    Very true. And the "DEI hire" and "slept her way to the top" **** will just keep sinking them deeper. Sidenote, though: "Hard R" would be a pretty dope name for a hip-hop artist.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 10:09 PM
  13. bigfella liked DaveBN's post in the thread J.D. Vance Has a Negative Favorable Rating.

    They just want to say the n-word. Hard R. This gives them a say way to satisfy the need.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 10:09 PM
  14. bigfella liked grapeape's post in the thread J.D. Vance Has a Negative Favorable Rating.

    I love the "DEI HIre" thats permeated the right. Please tell us all what Mike Pences qualifications were for VP when he was picked... You know she was a Senator from...

    Jul 25, 2024 at 10:09 PM
  15. bigfella liked yardmeat's post in the thread J.D. Vance Has a Negative Favorable Rating.

    He was only chosen for his ability to lick boot. And that will go for all of Trump's other picks.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 10:08 PM
  16. bigfella liked The Ant's post in the thread J.D. Vance Has a Negative Favorable Rating.

    Actually, there are things about him to admire… [ATTACH]

    IMG_1501.jpeg Jul 25, 2024 at 10:07 PM
  17. bigfella liked The Mello Guy's post in the thread J.D. Vance Has a Negative Favorable Rating.

    Nothing in your post remotely addresses the topic. Why do you think nobody likes JD Vance?

    Jul 25, 2024 at 10:07 PM
  18. bigfella replied to the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    Yep, and they just keep on pumping out the lies knowing that there is an audience who will NEVER fact check them and has ZERO historical memory. People who want to believe lies...

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:52 PM
  19. bigfella liked Monash's post in the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    The Scotsman said: .. it's a clickbait article to attract idiots Bigfella said: 'It appears to be working.' Monash says: Well at least in the case of one idiot it has.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:50 PM
  20. bigfella liked Monash's post in the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    Yep, I still remember the press conference one US General did in (Germany??) confirming he hadn't been killed or was it captured by the Russians in Ukraine.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:49 PM
  21. bigfella replied to the thread Harris, The first DEI delegation for presidential candates.

    No need. You people only ever use the term to refer to women, people of colour & LGBTI. The fact few of you have the courage to just stright out say what you are implying isn't...

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:49 PM
  22. bigfella liked USVet's post in the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    Russian propaganda always lies. Always.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 10:51 AM
  23. bigfella replied to the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    This is all very familiar to people who have followed Russia npropaganda efforts over the past few years. First it was claims of NATO & Israeli personnel trapped in Aleppo at...

    Jul 25, 2024 at 10:07 AM
  24. bigfella liked Monash's post in the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    So in other words I'm right and you've got nothing.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:36 AM
  25. bigfella liked Reasonablerob's post in the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    The "British PARTICULAR Air Service"? Sounds like someone should upgrade their AI bot?

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:36 AM
  26. bigfella liked Monash's post in the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    Well obviously if these claims are true the deaths can't be hidden if only because the families of the deceased foreign soldiers will (legally need) to be informed. Strangely...

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:36 AM
  27. bigfella liked Durandal's post in the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    Of course misogyny wouldn't be beneath you. Nothing is.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:35 AM
  28. bigfella replied to the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    It appears to be working.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:35 AM
  29. bigfella liked The Scotsman's post in the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    ...there isn't's a clickbait article to attract idiots

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:35 AM
  30. bigfella liked NMNeil's post in the thread Russian strike on Odessa kills many British and French troopers – Pedro Baños.

    "British Particular Air Service"?? There's the British Special Air Service (SAS), but never heard of the British Particular Air Service.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:35 AM
  31. bigfella liked Lee Atwater's post in the thread Harris, The first DEI delegation for presidential candates.

    You folks are playing the race card every time you make the absurd DEI claim about her.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:33 AM
  32. bigfella liked Pro_Line_FL's post in the thread Harris, The first DEI delegation for presidential candates.

    Yes, because they see non-whites as inferior races.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:33 AM
  33. bigfella liked WalterSobchak's post in the thread Harris, The first DEI delegation for presidential candates.

    Don't forget to throw in your DEI comment your collective fed to ya.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:06 AM
  34. bigfella replied to the thread Harris, The first DEI delegation for presidential candates.

    it is funny seeing GOP supporters claiming that anyone who isn't a white guy is a 'DEI' candidate while they consistently define 'merit' as white and male. The Republican party...

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:05 AM
  35. bigfella liked Lee Atwater's post in the thread Harris, The first DEI delegation for presidential candates.

    There's a lot of indignation going around conservative circles these days. A lot of resentment over the accusation the opposition to Harris heading up the Dem ticket is race or...

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:03 AM
  36. bigfella liked WalterSobchak's post in the thread Harris, The first DEI delegation for presidential candates.

    It's adorable to see all the rigtists repeat the same talking points fed to them from their mango hive. And to think they actually believe that they think for themselves. LOL

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:02 AM
  37. bigfella replied to the thread Harris v. Trump polling.

    She has to be careful in the debate. Women get marked on different criteria. Trump can shout & scream & lie and he will be seen as 'assertive'. She only has to raise her voice...

    Jul 25, 2024 at 2:55 AM
  38. bigfella replied to the thread RIP England.

    Well its nice to see you make one, qualified admission that you were wrong about one thing. Doesn't improve the quality of your posts. 'Admit'? Spare me. You don't 'admit'...

    Jul 25, 2024 at 2:44 AM
  39. bigfella liked Quantum Nerd's post in the thread Ohio GOP Senator Says 'Civil War' Needed If Trump Loses.

    It's too big to ask because a lot of MAGA actually agree with what this GOP State Senator has said, as we can tell from the applause after his statement.

    Jul 24, 2024 at 12:33 PM