Member, from Las Vegas, NV
- CHARnobyl was last seen:
- Jun 30, 2021
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- Location:
- Las Vegas, NV
- Occupation:
- Retired travel consultant
- Marital Status:
- Got divorced after 42 years of marriage (!!) Ex died two years I'm either a divorced widow or a widowed divorcee.
- Real Name:
- Charlotte
- Pets:
- We have two doggies -- 13-year-old Westie Mollie and 8-year-old Schnoodle Cupcake
- Family:
- One son -- we share a household since moving to Vegas
- Gender:
- Female
- Country flag:
- usa
- State/region flag:
- us wisconsin
1st generation daughter of Russian-Jewish working-class blue-collar immigrants. BA and MA from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Major-French; Minor-Italian. Worked way thru college.....have had several careers..... Wife. Mother. Advertising copywriter. Free-lance business writer. Travel agent. Owner--established my own travel agency. Sold agency, continued to work as independent contractor travel consultant. Now retired. Hometown--Milwaukee, WI. 1934-2005. Moved to Woodburn, OR 2005-2012. Moved now to Las Vegas, NV 2005-present.
Reading, art work, creative writing,puzzles, news/politics junkieInteract
What is the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care.
‘There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know’. -- Jonathan Swift
We has met the enemy and he is us. --- Pogo