It was too much, far too soon. But it needs to be done especially, if they're really going to steer us on a collision course with Russian and/or...
Turns out there's a part of Ventura County in Simi Valley where a nuclear reactor had a meltdown. The meltdown at the Santa Susana Field Lab was...
Homes should be owned in perpetuity.
...yep, the infamous, "Giant sucking sound," Ross Perot talked about in the 90's. Now much of the Midwest is an economic wasteland. I'm afraid...
I just wanted to enjoy my rolls and cranberries before Debbie Downer came in and stated the obvious.
there use to be a time in (not so long ago) when Americans participated in the primaries of both Parties. Unlike most countries that have multiple...
who cares what lesbians do to boobies & dudes do to bum bums?! oy vey its private
It is time for the Democratic Party to adopt moderate candidates on abortion back into the Party. I have seen many sincere Democrats get thrown...
Chelle's bum bum is amazing. I'd sleep on that for a pillow
lol that is too funny (minus the lame star wars crap) when are u gonna give up on star wars? i use to fall asleep during those movies and the new...
lol it is eff'n rude to do that to the oval office desk
when the Repubs destroy Social Security, Medicaid, and kill Food Stamps... that's when all hell will break lose. Till then, enjoy your hot dogs,...
Separate names with a comma.