She is wonderful and becoming smarter than me everyday. Thanks for asking. I have been studying really hard on the issues before me as well as applying myself more at work. Talk to you later.
Thank you Indy,,,hey,,your not going Pirate???, come on join the fun. I googled Dustin Hoffman Captain Hook I was going to use him,,great pictures. Then I saw the hook, I said Yup,,that it!!!,,,hahahahahaah. Hey it would be good if you coud get a picture of the crock that followed hook,,,,wooooooooooooo, Bet Disney has one!!
Indymom, It's the truth, Obama poses a serious threat to our liberties and freedoms by means of investigating the CIA who has sheltered us safe of radical Islamofascism dating back to 1996. It was Osama Bin Ladin and AQ that declared a religious jihad holy war against the U.S. and Israel in 1998. Point blank, the Obama administration is in bed "sleeping with the enemy"
IndyMom, I read where your children are active in sports. I'm huge fan of sports and played all major sports in elementary and high school. I played small college football for 2 years and played fast pitch softball in the 1980's/1990's. You are one of my favorite posters here at PF, keep up the great work. :thumbsup:
mom,,I am right there with you. I can not take many of them too long, they really go for the throat, constantly. Thats one of the reasons I do not like the libs on these sites,,,their mean, vulgar, and I find myself getting like that just to be heard!!! Hannity the same thing, how much can you take??, I do love ann though,,LOL Yes, most times I do agree with them, because they are right!! I really think Beck is on to something, I just told SPARKS that, we were told forget about guilt by association, but by now it's too darn obvious, you would have to be blind.
Reality show,,,hahahahaahah,,good one mom,,hahahaahh I am serious though, this is nuts. Do you watch Beck?..[I dont usually], but he's on to some interesting things....Oh,,thanks for the rep
Don't get frustrated. Some of them are truly blind. One called the OP a liar because he couldn't think for himself and do the work of finding the truth. Now the truth comes out and makes him look stupid.
I think you might fit in very well in the social group "The Conservative Movement". To read about it, click on "User CP", then click on "Social Groups".