Check this out! :clap:
Hey there Inky! Been missing your twisted sense of humor, dude. Good to see you still roaming somewhere and being the one and only Inkslinger. :)
Welcome Slinger and check your dashboard. ^ Why Invayne was banned, not because of a racist attitude.
I appreciate the rep point, comment and support! Welcome to PF...:handshake: Nice friends list, your avatar is um...interesting if not a wee bit frightening.....Not to me of course! **whistles, nonchalantly** No, not me! Oh! Might I encourage you to drop by over here and vote, perchance for ME? be a friend of Tennessee Rain are ye? Hmmmm. Makes you suspect from the start ya know....(and all friends of hers are obligated to provide me with cookies, mojitos and :weed: when she's not here. Just so you know!) Welcome to PF!
It's pretty much the same here as at PH with no insults and all that. Only, there aren't those incredibly annoying advertisements! Good luck staying out of trouble :p