Why would Canada support this? We arn't your (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)es anymore. The British will never ever rule the waves again get over yourself.
Ok here we gooooo. The First World War I would have to go with France, the Second World War I give it a split between Russia for defeating Germany...
Meh I agree to a degree, I see no reason why the West should waste it's time in little hell holes such as Libya. If they want to kill each other...
Hahahahaha that was simply hilarious!
Your a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing idiot and have shamed Canadians with your pointless and poorly executed thread, oh and please learn how to spell before you...
Used to yes, but then I met the perfect girl and she's all I need.
Your Wife.
(*)(*)(*)(*)nnnnn your sexy when your cleaning!
Hey sweetie pie how's it going? all set to hangout with your mommy??? :)
The idea of World Peace is at this time a fantasy, humans are a tribe species which by nature means that we will be in conflict with each other,...
Oh man that made my day! ‪Ric Mercer Talking with Americans‬‏ - YouTube Gotta love America
I cannot understand how Americans can be so stupid that they A) don't want taxes raised even though this would get them out of the current mess...
That's not alot of money, this isn't even a war you just want something to complain about.
Separate names with a comma.