New Member, from Utah, United States of America
- PARAMONOS was last seen:
- May 3, 2012
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- Location:
- Utah, United States of America
- Occupation:
- Writer
- Marital Status:
- -
- Real Name:
- -
- Pets:
- -
- Family:
- -
- Other:
- -
- Gender:
- Male
- Country flag:
- usa
- State/region flag:
- us utah
Endurance in learning. Consistency in thought. Power in action.
Politics, ethics, religion/theology, human rights, writing, academicsInteract
In the science world, so many things are not as they seem. That has proven far more likely than evolution ever has, to speak scientifically.
Endurance in learning.
Consistency in thought.
Power in action.