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Mar 8, 1992 (Age: 32)
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Active Member, 32

Raskolnikov was last seen:
Apr 28, 2017
    1. LibertarianFTW
    2. rstones199
      There will be controls I would think. THe human race does need to get the ball rolling on this thou.
    3. BleedingHeadKen
      Slightly lower than usual, but it fluctuates.
    4. speedingtime
      Ah, welcome back. I'm doing alright. I haven't been posting too much either lately to be honest, I've been a little out of it lately. I don't think the level of debate has significantly changed too much though.
    5. speedingtime
      Very belated thanks for the rep. :-D
    6. speedingtime
      Just read it. Interesting when you consider how much power they can have and how a failure in one company can potentially impact all the ones connected with it.
    7. Anikdote
      Ahh, glad to see you're still around. My job is much more demanding than the one I had in my glory days here, so my posting won't be as frequent, but hopefully I can compensate with quality =)
    8. Anikdote
      I had, for quite a long time. I'm still not pleased with the quality of the discourse around here... there are a few diamonds in the rough though.
    9. kilgram
      Hehehe. I read it :-D Thanks
    10. speedingtime
      Alright, cool.
    11. speedingtime
      Thanks for showing me this. I'm always interested in these kinds of studies. I posted my thoughts in the thread. Do you study both Economics and Sociology? I realize they're both related and part of the general social sciences.
    12. speedingtime
      I imagine you've then heard of "The Spirit Level Delusion" which is basically a book criticizing The Spirit Level? If so, what's your opinion of it? They have a blog here: http://spiritleveldelusion.blogspot.com/
    13. speedingtime
      Well, as you can probably guess I'm too young to vote, although typically I support the Democrats more (they're both controlled by corporations though, lesser of 2 evils). My political views are still somewhat developing though.
    14. speedingtime
      Sociology sounds interesting, maybe more so. If I ever get the chance, I'l try and read those books. Do you typically vote for the Labour party then?
    15. speedingtime
      I'm sort of interested in psychology and human behavior although I don't know a whole lot yet.
    16. speedingtime
      Thanks a lot for that. Interesting stuff. I think from it we can say that expectations based on things beyond one's control are bad in general, and that the labels and expectations perpetuated by society have a great affect on one's confidence and expectations of their selves. Perhaps also their ability to learn and develop (Based on the differences between round 1 and 2 between the different treatments). Maybe if we eliminate social inequalities based on history or things beyond personal control, economic inequalities will take care of themselves? It also kind of dampens the "liberals are keeping poor people down with welfare" story line a little bit. BTW, I assume you've read "The Spirit Level"? I haven't read it yet but I hear it's pretty interesting.
    17. BleedingHeadKen
      Nope. I'm sure it'll come up again.
    18. frodly
      Ya, you have made really good posts throughout that whole thread, as you usually do in most threads!!
    19. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      no posts? *sigh*
    20. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      I've always been planning to bail out of America, I'm just waiting for the most opportune moment. When the defense money dries up.
    21. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      The Will is both rational and irrational at the same time: it is the internal contradiction of any rational system.
    22. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      The Will is a cause and consequence of rationality.
    23. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      It's MY route.
    24. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      Did you see my post on the Exoteric vs. the Esoteric?
    25. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      I took a walk today, and when I stepped outside I stared up at the clouds and thought,"I own the sky and the earth and everything beautiful in it. It is mine forever, I own the home down the street, I own this brick in my hand, I own the passersby as much as I find them remarkable. I own Cauchy's Definition of the Integral, I own every torque converter ever built, I own The Return of the Hunters. I say 'Yes' to them, 'Amen', and they are MINE. Mine forever, a kingdom of infinite contentment. A man once said that there is too much beauty in the world for lonely men to bear, and I would reply that I have all the time in the world. Time enough at last. They are mine in a way far more personal than can ever be awarded by a gun or a title deed or a pair of scruffy paws, they are an extension of me. I am them, and they are me.

      I own the sky and the earth and everything beautiful in it."

      These are the ESOTERIC teachings. ;)
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    Mar 8, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:


    "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children”. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Sixth Ragnarok