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Apr 28, 2017
Jul 30, 2010
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Mar 8, 1992 (Age: 32)
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Active Member, 32

Raskolnikov was last seen:
Apr 28, 2017
    1. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      William Walton Symphony No. 1
    2. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      Most of my dreams are semi-lucid, at least. I remember once when I used that to dictate what items appeared on the shelves of a pawnshop.
    3. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      Do unconscious test subjects dream of conscious sheep?
    4. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      I think murder isn't actually immoral, but in most cases it is totally without benefit. At least, this is a provisional answer.
    5. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      Do you know how hard it is to be bitter while having an intellectual conversation? It might strike you as odd that I'm purposefully trying to engender negative emotions in myself, but most people do. You see, that's the only way anyone ever has a negative emotion. I just realize it.
    6. kilgram
      Nice. Good done. You centered in the topic, that is the prohibition. And it is what I wanted to discuss :-P
    7. Dissenter
      A lot of things really. I had a few years of personal hell, and had to believe in something to keep my sanity. I'm originally from London. My mum is Irish! I love Ireland. Great place.
    8. Dissenter
      I was raised a Catholic but never had much enthusiasm for it as a child. I rejected religion completely when i was 12 or 13. I got involved in Socialism when i was 16 and remained an Atheist for years.
    9. Dissenter
      I used to be an Atheist, so i won't hold that against you! Actually the book i'm reading at the moment might appeal to you. In Defence Of Atheism: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism and Islam by Michel Onfray. Have you read it?
    10. Dissenter
      I can't remember the thread! But you seem to share my views on some things.
    11. Dissenter
      Hi Raskolnikov, Thanks for accepting my request!
    12. Meeping1
      haha ya i remember you it was the same scenario. We disagreed then reconciled and I admitted I was being a bit of a d0uche and didn't really believe everything I was writing lol! What school do you go to in ireland?
    13. LibertarianFTW
      Yeah, sorry, I've been quite busy.
    14. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      Not those ones specifically.
    15. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      I'm not familiar with that expression, but I'm not joking.
    16. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      I used to be one.
    17. kilgram
      Yes. But we have a problem in Spain. The syndicalism is almost dead. The two main unions practice servilism of the power. They receive many subventions, so they now are like little kitties, instead of lions.

      And the syndicalism in Spain is very bad seen thanks to the main unions. So, in other words we have to go back two centuries ago and start from the beginning. Now I'm participating in an organization that in principles is similar to the First International. Not exactly the same, but can approach to that; and it is good.

      We are starting social moves, and for now we are concentrating every friday. Is the most that we can do for now. And for First of may and 15th we expect great demonstrations. Although I am not very confident with that. Something must be done against the advance of neoliberalism
    18. kilgram
      I am not affiliated to any party. And I won't.

      Yes, I am anarchist. If you ask me what kind. I would say that I am some kind of anarchocomunist, with my own ideas. Also I am anarchosindicalist, and I will affiliate to the anarchosindicate CNT(worker's union).

      Although usually I violate some of my own principles, more than nothing for strategy, like voting and participating in the system that I want abolished.
    19. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      You were gone a while.
    20. LibertarianFTW
      Happy Birthday :D
    21. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      Post something so rediculous that their stock partisan comeback handbook comes up with diddly-squat. Or give them a dose of extreme empathy.
    22. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      Do you ever just feel an unconditional love for the universe and everything in it?
    23. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      I'm thinking of reading Absalom! Absalom!.

      But as a Christmas present for myself I was thinking of getting the 1939 1st edition of Static and Dynamic Electricity, which is often described as a graduate text in classical electrodynamics for only the extreme masochist(I find that this label has often described my taste in textbooks!).
    24. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      It only gets good close to the end, after his confession. It's mostly a meditation on guilt and objective, logical 'ends/means' morality.
    25. Jack Ridley
      Jack Ridley
      We raped the Crabmens' churches and pillaged their women many eons ago, your singal must have been a primitive one travelling at the speed of light.
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  • About

    Mar 8, 1992 (Age: 32)
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    "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children”. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Sixth Ragnarok