Last Activity:
Sep 24, 2024
Jul 7, 2009
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reedak was last seen:
Sep 24, 2024
    1. Joe Six-pack
      Joe Six-pack
      No male member of the Chinese Government has gentiles.
    2. gundoc75
      I have read your post about lion learning from the mouse, while I find your view on race interesting, as well as your idea of fighting global racism, it's all rather droll nonsense, if you would like to prove me wrong i have a thread here where i am still looking, after 5 pages, for someone who can contradict me, thanks for your time.
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    Donald Trump's infamous Hitler-style rabble-rousing chants: "Lock her up! Lock her up!"

    "What happens when you're confronted with a politician (Trump) who is utterly without shame? You can reveal where he's lied, explain all the facts, and try as hard as you can to inoculate the public against his falsehoods. But by the time you've done that, he has already told 10 more lies." -- Paul Waldman