Roelath's Recent Activity

  1. Roelath replied to the thread How stupid are we? - We spend more and get less..

    We don't make friends or enemies. We make subjects to the Zionist World order. Either you're with them or against them.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 9:43 PM
  2. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    This is the complete opposite of reality. If anything Whites are excluded from the banding together and anytime it does occur it's classified as "Nazis" roaming around. When...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 1:18 PM
  3. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    Lady Maga [IMG] Amber Rose [IMG] Anyone looking at these two and thinking what a great addition is an absolute degenarate or an idiot.

    Jul 20, 2024 at 1:10 PM
  4. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    You've displayed zero argument. Just acknowledgement that you disagree. If they were declared "Westerners" they wouldn't be classified as 3rd worlders, latinos, etc. Europeans...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 1:09 PM
  5. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    As every race besides Whites has an in group bias for their own race. We have Indians taking over the IT market exclusively hiring Indians. We have Blacks exclusively helping...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 12:34 PM
  6. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    Indians play cricket like the British. Does that make them British? No. Africans play soccer does that make them European? No. I watch movies related to Asian history does that...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 12:27 PM
  7. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    Funny, so you're not conserving anything really. You're just a slowburn to Neo-Feudalism/Communism kind of guy. The Founders of this country were into racial purity. They...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 12:21 PM
  8. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    Jewish supremacists who view anyone not Jewish as cattle to be used in their goal of global conquest and control. Yeah, I know what Zionists are. The people who aren't Jewish...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 12:07 PM
  9. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    You prefer 2000-2012 Democratic party rather than 2024 Democratic party?

    Jul 20, 2024 at 12:06 PM
  10. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    "Western" culture of chainsawing people to death and putting a bullet in someone's skull for giving them the wrong look. While also peddling drugs, not speaking English,...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:59 AM
  11. Roelath liked ButterBalls's post in the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    They are the product of Spaniard and Aztec/Native America breeding..

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:57 AM
  12. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    You're in the same boat as them if you're okay with any immigration at this point. Latinos are a mixed breed of different races. An Englishman and an Italian share enough...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:55 AM
  13. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    The majority crossing the border are a mixed race of people who are 50% or more native tribes. They're not even comparable to Spainards. The classification of "Latino" to...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:40 AM
  14. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    Diversity a 120yrs ago where people from the same continent who shared borders, the same religion, similar cultures, etc. An Indian and South American mixed race isn't...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:31 AM
  15. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    It's a horror show at this point. Anyone who watched the RNC and didn't have mixed or terrible reactions is absolutely blind.

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:26 AM
  16. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    What part is nonsense? Are people in this country more unified and connected compared to the 1960s? If anything the USA looks like Yugoslavia ready to implode. I don't share...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:23 AM
  17. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    The past century since the Immigration Act changed who could come here it's nose dived. Diversity doesn't improve the country. If anything it has made people more...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:19 AM
  18. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    They are now. It's just mask off NeoCons finally showing their colors that they want to big tent with everyone for the MIC. They hate populism though because it disrupts their...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:17 AM
  19. Roelath replied to the thread After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?.

    What exactly is America if it's what the RNC displayed? How is truly different from a 2012 Democratic Convention? Are Conservatives just a decade away from their counterparts...

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:07 AM
  20. Roelath posted a new thread.

    After watching the RNC how can any Conservative vote for Trump?

    From porn stars, hindu chants, and the constant barrage of support for Israel how is anyone viewing this as a win? We've already heard about the stapling of green cards to...

    Forum: Political Opinions & Beliefs

    Jul 20, 2024 at 11:02 AM